Hooking up with the hot punk high school girl from the grocery store (M22/F18) (Age gap) (slow build)

It was the mid 1990s and I was living with some friends from college after we graduated. We lived right outside a major city, but our close in suburb had the feel of the city and you could walk to everything you needed, including a small grocery store. I ended up walking into that grocery store almost every day and I noticed a very attractive girl working one of the cash registers. My housemates and I all thought she was hot and would always try to go to her checkout lane.

She was a thin, long-legged, punk/goth girl with her hair died bright red and cool makeup on her very pretty face. She had a lip ring and a tiny stud in her nose. She sometimes would small talk, but usually in a very bored tone. One day, I walked up to the register with one of my housemates and she smiled broadly and said, “I love that band.” I was wearing a black concert tshirt from a punk band that I really liked. There was a long line, so we only chatted briefly.

As we walked back to my house, my housemate said, “The hot chick liked your shirt.”

“Yes, I was startled when she talked to me like that.”

The next time I went to the grocery store and got in her line, she just said the name of a band and briefly grinned at me, then continued checking me out. I responded with the name of a song and she said, “yeessss,” and had a big smile. So that began a game with us. The next time I came in, I said the name of a band as I loaded groceries on the conveyor belt. She said the name of a song, their best song. This became a regular thing for us, occasionally arguing over which song was best. One day, one of my housemates witnessed our little game and on the walk back to our house, he said, “You should ask her out.”

“I don’t know…I would never be able to go into that store again if she said no.”

“Who cares?”

I thought about it whenever I went in and then one day, an opportunity came up. The band from my tshirt was playing a local venue that week. I went to the grocery store and it was pretty empty. I walked up to the hot girl’s lane with some milk. She said, “Hi,” in a friendly tone and smiled at me.

I said, “Hey, that band is coming to town this week.”

She said, “No way! That’s awesome!”

I was looking down to avoid eye contact, “Um…yes, I am planning to go…so, I was wondering if you would maybe want to go with me?”, looking up at her nervously.

She looked very surprised and then said, “Sure, give me your number so we can talk.” As I wrote down my number, she said, “My name is Liz by the way, what is yours?”


I gave her my number and was half expecting her not to call, but she called me that night when she got off work. My asshole roommate answered the phone and loudly said, “Hey, Sam, it’s the hot chick you like from the supermarket on the phone for you.”

She was still laughing when I got on the phone. I said, “I hate him.”

She laughed and said, “I don’t.”

We arranged to meet at the supermarket because she was working the afternoon of the show. She looked hot, wearing some low waisted, black jeans tucked into tall, black boots, wearing a very sexy dark red top that left her midriff bare and had spaghetti straps. It was really more like lingerie than a top and I could see her black bra straps. She wore a black leather jacket over it. With her low waisted jeans and bare midriff, I could see her pelvic bones and her pale, flat stomach just above the waist of her jeans. She was looking very sexy tonight.

We took a train downtown together and we kept smiling at each other nervously as we sat next to each other on the train. We got to the show and this venue was all ages, so they were carding at the door and then stamping your hand if you were over 21. I gave the bouncer my ID and he stamped my hand. I was taken aback when she got stamped as underage.

When we got inside, she said, “It’s okay, if you want to get a drink for yourself.”

As we stood at the bar, I somewhat nervously said, “So…um, how old are you anyway?”

She looked nervous and looked away from me. “I have to tell you something Sam…I am in high school…”

I spit my beer out in shock and she laughed nervously, looking at me with big blue eyes. “Ooookkkaaay, then. Did you know how old I was when I asked you out?”

“Yes, I have sold you beer before.”

“So that means you’re at least 18, right?”

“Yes, I am 18.”

I was staring at her, thinking.

Liz pulled her driver’s license out of her pocket and handed it to me, “I’m really 18.”

“Alright, well, this is still pretty weird.”

She said, “Whatever, let’s just have a good time. It doesn’t bother me and…apparently you think I’m hot…” giggling.

“I hate my roommate.”

“I don’t,” and she gave me a cute smile.

“Well, this opening band is good, let’s get closer to the stage.”

It was loud, of course, so we couldn’t talk without putting our mouths right up to each others ears. I loved the feeling when her lips incidentally touched my ear as she said right into my ear, “You’re right this band is good.”

In between bands, we decided to ditch our jackets at the coat check. She looked insanely hot in her little top and I could see a lot of guys checking her out. I went up to the crowded bar to get another beer and she slipped in front of me to not get lost in the crowd. She grabbed my hands, wrapping my arms around her bare midsection, “I’m a little cold now…I think they turned on the air conditioning.”

I loved the feeling of the soft skin of her flat stomach. When I got my beer, she turned around to face me, leaning against the bar. We were still really close together and she wrapped her arms loosely around my waist, so I put one hand on her bare hip, as I sipped my beer in my other hand. I was still freaking out that she was in high school, but she was cool and she was very attractive. She smiled up at me and we chatted about some bands.

I said, “I am surprised I never saw you at a show.”

“I know, I think we have gone to a lot of the same shows, but you probably would not have noticed me.”

“I feel like I would have…” and she blushed a little. She leaned in and moved her face up to give me a soft kiss on the lips.

I was looking at her and whispered, “Liz…I don’t know…you’re really cool and beautiful…but…” She kissed me again and smiled at me. “….You’re in high school…I just graduated college…”

“You’re 22. You’re only 4 years older than me and I am only in high school for another 4 months.”

We had a great time at the show and then took the train home. We ended up kissing for a lot of the ride home. It was really late on a weeknight. I said, “Can I walk you home? It’s pretty late.”

“yes, thanks.”

“I guess you have school tomorrow?”

“Yep,” and she giggled. I just shook my head.

I walked her up to a very small, but cute house, just a few blocks from my rental house.

“My mom is still up. Come in and meet her.”

“Uh…I don’t know…this is…”

“She knows I went out with you and I told her you were older. She’s cool. It’s just the two of us.”

I came inside and her mom was waiting up for her, sitting on the couch. She was hot too and she looked young. Must have had Liz pretty young. Liz hugged her mom and then said, “Mom, this is Sam, Sam, this is Jessica.”

“Um, hi Jessica…” I said with a sheepish look.

“Hi Sam,” and she gave me a funny grin.

Jessica said, “Alright, well it’s late and Liz has school tomorrow. Liz tells me you recently graduated college? I’m guessing you have a job?”

“Yes, and I do have a job. I have to get up early tomorrow too.”

Liz walked me outside and gave me a hug and a kiss goodbye. I walked home and could not stop thinking about Liz. I really liked her and she was gorgeous, but…high school?

I actually avoided the supermarket for a few days, because I felt a little weird. When I went in one night, I saw her and she smiled at me right away. I came up to her counter and said hello. The store was really empty, so she had time to talk.

“Hi Sam, how’s it going?”

“I’m good. How about you?”

“Good. I had a really great time at the show.”

“Me too. That was a lot of fun.”

“What are you doing this weekend?”

Before I thought, I just said, “My housemates and I are having a party. Have some friends from college coming down to spend the weekend. Pretty big party.”

“Oh…that sounds fun…” She was looking down and I could tell she was waiting for an invitation.

She was so hot and she looked bummed that I had not invited her. Against all better judgement, I said, “Do you want to come?”

Liz beamed at that and said, “Yes.”

“Is your mom going to be okay with that?”

“Yes. She’s kind of a free spirit. She took me to get my first tattoo, if that gives you an idea.”

“I have never seen that you have a tattoo. Where is it?”

“No, you would not have seen it yet…” and she was a little red in the face…”it’s somewhere sort of private.” I started imagining where she might have a tattoo.

Liz came to my party on Friday night. There were a bunch of girls and guys from college in town, planning to sleep on couches, chairs, and the floor. There were a few of these girls that I had been FWB with in college, so that added an extra bit of awkwardness to introducing Liz. In fact, I’d hooked up with one of them just a few weeks ago. Liz got there early, when it was really just the out of town people at the house. We were hanging out in the living room, drinking beers. There was only one chair open, so I sat down and she plopped herself in my lap. I saw a couple of the girls whisper to each other and grin.

One of the girls offered her a beer and Liz said without thinking, “No thanks. I promised my mom I wouldn’t drink alcohol until I graduated high school.” It was like the record stopped. A couple of people giggled, some girls were standing there with mouths wide open. I could feel my face turning red.

One of my housemates broke the silence, “The hot supermarket chick is in high school?” I had not told my roommates yet.

Liz nervously added, “I’m 18.”

The party slowly returned to normal conversation and more people showed up. At one point I saw a former FWB, talking to a new arrival and gesturing at Liz and me. Then they were giggling. She was making sure everyone knew Liz was in high school. Liz and I were standing talking to some people about bands. One of the girls came up and said, “Liz, when is your curfew?” in a mocking tone.

Liz said, “I don’t have one. My mom figures I need to get used to college life. Do you have any recommendations for keeping off the freshman fifteen pounds?” and Liz looked up and down the girl’s body. The girl looked shocked and walked away. Another girl I was friends with laughed and high fived Liz. “That was a good burn. She’s a bitch. She deserved that Liz.”

Liz went to the bathroom and my FWB came up to me. “So, you’re dating that girl?”

“Sort of…we’ve only been on one date, but I like her.”

“Well, I had been thinking we would fool around tonight…” and she was giving me a suggestive look.

This was hard to pass up. This FWB was fun in bed, we just did not click romantically. “Sorry, but I can’t.”

Liz came up then and said, “Can we talk?”

I took her to my bedroom and we sat on my bed. Liz said, “So, did you date that girl? She seemed very familiar with you.”

“No, but I have had sex with her.”

Liz looked a little surprised. I said, “Look, I’ve had sex with a few girls at this party. I have not dated any of these girls though, just friends.”


“It happens in college. A lot of people hook up. But, I never do that if I am in a relationship.”

“So, are you in a relationship?”

“I don’t know. I enjoyed our date. I want to see you more. Do you want to be my gf?”

She said, “Yes, I like you.”

“Isn’t it weird that I’m 22?”

“I don’t care, if you can get over it.”

“Alright, but I’m not taking you to Prom or anything. I’d feel like an idiot.”

“Do I look like I give a fuck about Prom?” and she kissed me. We ended up laying down making out in my bed. Eventually the door burst open with one of my drunk roommates. “Sorry dude, we were thinking about jamming a little.”

Liz said, “You’re in a band?”

“Sort of…we are not that good, but it’s fun.”

We played in our basement until our neighbor came by to ask us to stop. We had a deal with the couple next door – they did not mind us playing that much, but they would just walk in to tell us when they were sick of it. Sometimes the husband would stay and have a beer for a song or two before we stopped. We mostly just did cover tunes, which made the crowd happy.

Eventually, the night wound down and people started looking for places to sleep. I said to Liz, “Do you want me to walk you home?”

“Can I just stay here with you?”

“Is your mom okay with that?”

“Yes, I told her I was spending the night.”

“I can’t believe she is okay with that.”

“She trusts me and she figures this is what it will be like for me next year anyway.”

Liz went to use the bathroom and said, “Can I use your toothbrush?”

“Sure, I mean we’ve kissed anyway.”

“Do you have like a big tshirt, I could sleep in?”

I found one of my bigger tshirts and gave it to her. After we both used the bathroom, she came into my room in my big tshirt, with her nice, thin legs bare. I was wearing a tshirt and boxer shorts. We climbed into my bed and started making out. I was still feeling weird about the age difference, really not so much the age, but the fact she was in high school. So, I was keeping my hands very chastely around her midsection. She ran her hand down my back and squeezed my ass, giggling.

We were snuggled up face to face, kissing each other and she threw one leg over top of me. As we kissed, I was getting an erection and it was basically pressed into her crotch. I felt her move her crotch on my boner a little. She said, “You seem nervous, it’s okay, this is not my first time. I mean I am technically a virgin, but not totally,” and she giggled. She grabbed my hand and moved it down to her ass.

“You’re a virgin? This is a little…”

“I’ve done everything, but that…and you’re not doing that tonight, so don’t worry about it.”

We were kissing and my hand wandered up under the back of the tshirt feeling her ass over top of her underwear. I felt her hand wander down into my boxers, tugging at my boner slowly. I said, “So, where is your tattoo?”

She laughed nervously and said, “Turn on the light.” I turned on a small reading light by bed. She moved the covers out of the way and lifted up the tshirt above her belly button, as she laid on her back. “It’s just a small flower right here,” and there was a small flower, just barely outside the small triangle of fabric of her black string bikini panties. I could not help but touch the flower with my fingers feeling the soft skin of her pelvis. “I wanted a tattoo, but my mom would not let me get one someplace visible yet, so I got it there.”

I was till caressing the tattoo area and staring at her flat stomach and crotch. I moved my finger, just under the fabric of her panties and back out. She was blushing and looking at me. I moved my fingers farther under the fabric and felt her small strip of soft bush. I pulled my hand out slid it up into the shirt. She had removed her bra to sleep and I could feel her nice tits. They felt small, but firm, really in good proportion to her thin body. My hand went slowly back down her soft abdomen and into her underwear, now going lower and gently rubbing her labia with my fingers. Then, I slowly slid my middle finger partway in her wet slit, rubbing her clit a little. Her chest was rising and falling and she looked at me as I moved my finger all the way into her vagina, making a hooking motion with it and then rubbing her clit with it.

Her hand plunged back into my boxers, tugging on my now very hard dick. I stopped touching her and pulled off my boxers, my boner springing up. She stroked it, as I fingered her. We rolled to kiss each other, as we touched each other and were both making some noises. I finally shot a load all over my tshirt. I carefully took off the shirt, cleaning the cum off my dick and her hand. Then, she was on her back, and I fingered her and rubbed her clit until she orgasmed. “Oh…shit, Sam…” Then we kissed. She was breathing hard and said, “um…that was better than my last boyfriend…giggle.” I put my underwear back on and we snuggled up together, sleeping with her pressed into me.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10p5sg7/hooking_up_with_the_hot_punk_high_school_girl


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