HateLove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Fuck My Enemy

“This isn’t going to work.” said Lara

“I’m sorry, it’s only going to be for a few days. Scout’s honor.” her friend saluted her.

“But why! Why? We almost literally drew a line down the middle of the room today.”

“Ugh Lara, you and Todd are just going to have to deal with it. Everyone else has been trying to hook up with each other okay? That’s the truth. It’s just how it worked out, you guys were the odd ones out.”

“Fine, I’ll deal, but I’m not going to be happy about it. I hope that dick is worth it.”

Her friend waggled her eyebrows and smiled. She definitely thought the dick was going to be worth, it.

Lara sulked back to her room. It was going to be a long weekend, but she wasn’t really going to have to spend too much time in the hotel, thank god. When she entered her room though, it was difficult not to think about the asshat she was rooming with. Down the middle of the room, they had laid out their things in a straight line. He was the first to do it, Lara just retaliated in kind, and now the room was literally split down the middle. Their stuff went almost all the way to the bathroom, which both of them were going to have to find a way to share amicably, somehow.

The reason the bathroom is where peace was being made was two-fold, for the four days they were going to be staying at this convention, both her and Todd were going to be participating in the cosplay contests. Second, number one’s and two’s. The first contest was later today, so she wanted to get started, but of course Todd was already hogging the bathroom.

She decided to start working on the costume part of her cosplay. You’re probably wondering why they hate each other so much. It was really more of a vibe. Todd was a nerd like everyone in their friend group, but he was also a huge gym rat, and he thought that made him so much cooler! Newsflash jackass nerds have been getting fit for years now, you’re not special. He was also never in a solid relationship, something about ‘trying to find the right one’, like he wasn’t sleeping with everything that had a pair of tits and two legs. Whatever.

In the bathroom Todd was getting the last bit of his costume ready. He had the ingenious idea of going as a genderbent Leeloo from *The Fifth Element*, the skimpy costume when she’s barely out of the pod. He looked into the mirror, and flexed. He looked damn good, he wanted to bet he’d be the best looking guy in that damn convention. Shit, some of the costume was coming off.

Todd spent probably too long trying to adjust a costume that was barely holding together. He had cheaped out a bit, and it was basically just a bunch of white tape like material. Flexing earlier had basically pulled the material apart. Fine, he just had to resist the urge to flex his god tier muscles and he would be fine. He opened the bathroom door to be greeted by Lara in her Nier cosplay, she going as 2B, the version without the skirt. She was basically in a frilly black top, with a skimpy half leotard barely covering her lower body. The stockings hugging her thighs were nice, and he hated to admit it, but she had a figure. Despite how much he didn’t like her, his body betrayed him, and he felt the tape around his crotch rip slightly, crap.

When Lara approached the bathroom door she was greeted by the sight of Todd in a skimpy barely held together costume. She wasn’t even sure what cosplay it was supposed to be, it was just a bunch white tape wrapped around his body. His stupid, sculpted, hairy…. no! She kept her eyes up, but her peripheral vision tried to catch a glimpse of the bulging tape around his crotch.

***As if!***

***As if!***

They both snorted, yeah right.

“Nice cosplay Todd where’d you get it the hardware store?”

“Thanks Two-Basic, did you buy yours off etsy?”

***”Ugh, you’re insufferable!”***

***”Ugh, you’re insufferable!”***

***”I’m leaving!”***

***”I’m leaving!”***

Lara stormed out, she would finish prepping somewhere less insufferable. Todd followed soon after, he wasn’t going to be stewing in this room just because of some girl he didn’t like.

The cosplay contest was little better in terms of their hate for each other. Both received a round of applause, Todd’s had an audible “ooooh~!” coming from the men appreciators in the crowd, she rolled her eyes. Lara’s costume elicited more general excitement, which pissed Todd off, you’ve seen one 2B you’ve seen them all. They both glared at each other.

The contest entrees were shown off the stage and back into the crowd. While the judges thought about their choices for the contest, the crowd was going to enjoy a concert previewing a popular DJ’s new electric nerdcore music. The music wasn’t really either of their taste but they figured why not enjoy the energy of the crowd, it would be better than waiting on the sidelines and possibly seeing their ‘frienemy’.

Todd let the crowd take him where it would, when things were this rowdy there wasn’t any fighting the tug and pull of the crowd. The force of the crowd had him bump into another 2B cosplay, or at least he thought it was another 2B. Lara turned around to see Todd looking sorry, but upon realizing it was her he’d ran into, his face turned sour. Neither of them wanted to deal with the other any more than they already had to and tried to leave, but try as they might the force of the crowd kept pushing them together.

They struggled for a while, but the crowd was going crazy for this DJ’s shitty music. Eventually they settled on just trying to ignore each other, but that was hard when the excited movements of the crowd were crashing their bodies together. Todd especially was in a bad way, his body was once again betraying him. However much he couldn’t stand Lara, the fact that his body was being rammed into her voluptuous form was beginning to elicit the usual responses. He felt the shoddy tape work costume begin to tear under the pressure of his growing erection.

Lara wasn’t fairing much better. The crowd kept pushing her against Todd, and her ass kept falling on his hips. That loser was starting to get hard from all the jostling, and the worst part was it was actually kind of hot. Every time they slammed into each other, her basically bare ass could feel the growing length barely held back by his shitty tape costume. Why was it so big! Why on this god forsaken earth did a loser like Todd receive such a massive dick.

The crowd continued to jostle them, forcing them onto each other. The tape holding holding Todd’s dignity was making a valiant effort, but it just wasn’t going to hold. The crowd pushed him into Lara once again, only this time the tape ripped, and his manhood slipped in between Lara’s legs.

Lara was pushed into Todd, and this time his shoddy had broken. His cock slid between her legs, and was now sliding against the outside of her pussy. Only a thin cloth was separating their aroused extremities now. What she hated most was how much she could feel the heat from his dick, she hated how much she actually liked it. She was soaking wet down there, and by now she was practically grinding on his body as much as being shoved into him. No! no, she wasn’t going to let this losers dick do this to her! Try as she might though, her body was enjoying the sensation, and… and the friction was starting to tear the skimpy leotard of her costume. Damn this etsy trash.

For his part Todd was just happy no one had noticed his exposed dick, although he wasn’t sure how that was going to work out after the concert was over. He was desperately trying to ignore the feeling of Lara’s ass on his hips, and her dripping wet pussy sliding over the length of it. She really was soaking wet, he could feel it through the thin cloth of her costume. Why hadn’t she said anything yet? Why hadn’t he? maybe they were both in shock. The friction of her basically riding his dick felt great though, and as much as he hated the idea of Lara of all people making him cum he figured it might not be so bad. If he came then maybe he could stuff himself back into his skimpy costume, somehow. Yeah, it was a plan, a logically sound plan. He definitely wasn’t enjoying the feeling of this basic, too high on her own supply girl. No way. Although, was it him or was the cloth starting to tear?

The cloth was starting to tear, Lara was beginning to panic. She wanted to scream, but she wasn’t sure if it was because she felt violated, or because of how much she wanted him inside of her right now. She tried to convince herself it was because she was being violated, meanwhile the crowd was barely the reason they were crashing into each other now. She was grinding against this sucker, harder and harder, the sturdy thickness of Todd’s dick was impressive, she felt like she was grinding on a pole. She almost forgot that she was supposed to be feeling violated by this asshole and his massive dick when the cloth finally gave way.

The cloth tore, and immediately he felt the full wetness of her slit sliding up and down his length. At the same time the DJ dropped the beat, and sent crowd wild. The force of the crowd in that moment pushed them together, and the massive girth of Todd’s dick “slipped” inside of Lara.

The cloth had torn away, and any pretense that She wasn’t totally riding this idiot’s dick was gone. Her slit was slopping wet, grinding on his rigid length, she wanted him inside her, but she wasn’t going to be the one to admit to it. Then the DJ dropped the beat, and one last forceful push from the crowd was enough for them to finally come together. Fuck it was good. His massive cock was shoved all the way to the base, and god it was so good. The walls of her pussy were spread open, and gripping his cock in return. The force of the crowd was just pretense now, she was well and truly riding this motherfucker.

Todd was all the way in, Lara’s body had taken his full length without barely any protest. The force of the crowd was hardly a factor now, he was holding her by her wide hips, bringing their bodies together. He was sure someone had to have noticed by now, but was too focused on Lara to care. He grunted as he thrust into her, he hated her, wanted to hate her, but the powerful silken grip of her body made that hard to believe for him right now. He moaned.

Lara’s body ate his up, she might have been laughing it was so good. This fucking loser was coming in and out of her, filling her up, the feeling of wholeness was heaven. She actually screamed this time, but the swell of loud electric music covered it up. It was ridiculous, how had no one noticed by now. She didn’t care, not anymore. The only thing that mattered right now was getting Todd to go as deep as he could go.

Todd was holding on to her hips, and he could feel his body tensing up. He was about to release the biggest load of his entire life, and it was going to be inside that bitch Lara. The brat with the wide hips, fat ass, and huge tits. He hated her.

Lara felt the mounting wave of her own body’s pleasure. She was definitely laughing now, screaming in delight. This fucking asshole, with his big dick, muscles, and ‘I’m so perfect’ attitude was about to learn what a real woman felt like. She could feel him swelling inside her, ready to burst his load. This was probably the greatest thing he’s ever felt, her pussy gripping his swollen desperate cock. Loser, loser, loser, she kept telling herself. She was trying not to think about how every time his full length was inside her it made her body almost go limp with amorous electricity.

They came at the same time. Todd moaning, partly from the sheer force of the amount of cum he released. Lara moaned too, trying to deny how good it felt to have Todd’s fat, hot load covering the walls of her insides.

The fact that they came didn’t stop them though, and they kept at, there in the middle of the crowd. They hadn’t noticed that the judges had come out again, and the music had stopped. The crowd around them started to notice, and when the judges announced the winners of the contest, the spotlight searched for them. There in the middle of a crowd, Lara and Todd were spotlighted, fucking like animals.

The next day, Lara was talking with her friend again. The hookups she and Lara’s other friends had tried to plan didn’t turn out well.

“Yeah, it’s a bummer he wasn’t really feeling it. Then Mac actually ended up hooking up with some other girl at an after party in one of the other hotels and… Lara are you even listening?”

“Yeah totally.” she wasn’t.

“Anyways, wanna hear something wild?”


“Apparently at the cosplay contest yesterday two of the contestants were going at it like fucking animals in the middle of a crowded room!”

“Wow sounds crazy.” she blushed.

“Didn’t you and Todd see it? I thought that contest was what you guys were doing for the first day.”

“We were sure we didn’t win, so we left early, yeah, we didn’t see anything.”


“Yeah, Wild.”


Later that day, a new couple tried to explore the power of hate fucking each other just out of sight of the other convention goers.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10o09pb/hatelove_or_how_i_learned_to_stop_worrying_and

1 comment

  1. Enemies to Lovers is one of my favourite tropes but it’s almost never done outside of like, teen movies or something.

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