If you go down to the woods today

Late one night you ask to be driven to our familiar spot, these same woods where youve walked/jogged many a time in the morning and evening suns. Never this late, in total darkness.

Following strict instructions of what path to take for a run, double checking for safety. You give me the pre arranged code word set weeks ago and start off on your jog. Both nervous and excited in equal measure.

You plug in your headphones and start running into the woods following the path you know. There is literally nobody else about, not even dog walkers.
It’s so dark in there that you may actually be starting to get genuinely freaked out and worried in case you cant be found. Wearing what you usually would for a run… just jogging clothes, leggings, t shirt, jacket and a headband.

Further into denser woodland you go. stopping dead in your tracks when you hear a noise and sense someone’s close by. Taking an earphones out to investigate, your heart is racing as there’s a part of you that isnt even sure if its who you expect or not. You start walking instead of running, looking around waiting for a familiar face to appear but you see noone. Its making your adrenalin surge and instincts kicks in.

Suddenly, a hand grabs you from behind and shoves you forwards face up against a tree. The shock and surprise genuinely takes your breath away. You cant see a thing, only feel the cold bark against your face as then suddenly the sensation of breath on your neck as a whisper tells you not to scream and to stay very still so you wont get hurt. Telling you to put my hands up on the tree and move your legs apart.

Standing facing the tree leaning against it legs open. Pulling the headband down into an improvised blindfold over your eyes… not that you can see much anyway in the dark. When suddenly you feel the sensations and sounds of ripped clothing as a hole in the back of your leggings is torn from under you and hands begin rubbing and exploring you without hesitation.

You hear the unmistakable sound of a zip being pulled down and the motions that follow as soft moans begin at the nape of your neck.

You then hear the instruction to step back and bend over some, hands shifting down the tree you were just pinned up against which you do without making a sound. You feel the rip of fabric as the access hole is torn even bigger so your completely exposed. Hands move down your back and press firmly into your hips, unable to move you feel the heat of breath on your exposed self and have moments to process before feeling the firm press of a disciplined tongue press on each hole then lick back and forth between them. The movement and pressure of tongue agaisnt you feels so good but you do your best to keep dead still and not say a word like youve been told.

After licking for a while, you feel your legs swept from under you as you fall face first into the dirt on the ground and are set upon like a predator takes their prey, precise, purposeful, commanding.

Pressing against you with the tip, heat radiating, you feel the thickness as it slowly fills you. Adjusting and lowering your back, arching your ass up, you take me in. You try to hold your composure as soft moans escape as whimpers. Hands perched on your ass, speading you. Alternating between tongue and hard member. A taste of whats to come.

Dominating you from behind, giving you exactly what youve been craving, really rough, frantic sex, alternating pace, moving seamlessly from hole to hole, pulling your hair up sometimes and then shoving your face back down into the ground. You forget yourself and begin begging for what your body wants and desires, your wishes ignored, you are not in control here. Whenever you protest A wrap of a hand round your throat and tightening of grip on your hips and ass so that you stop and fall back into being overcome by pleasure.

You feel the pace quicken, your own orgasm building before reaching its peak as you can do nothing, arms held behind your back, the methodical pumping of throbbing shaft into your wanting self. Releasing one hand to allow you to stimulate your clit, the combination of filling you and your own hands that know your body so driving you to climax there on the ground. A mess of sweat and dirt you can only gasp for air as you feel the sensation of release inside you, hot and welcome. It satisfies you greatly. You speak the arranged words with heavy breath to mark the end of the scene.

Picking you up from the dirt after a minute, brushing you down. Reaching off to one side behind a nearby tree and placing your favourite walking cost over your shoulders. A great sense of fullfillment and a box ticked off your list. You wonder how long to leave it until you next fancy a trip to the woods.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10nmtlk/if_you_go_down_to_the_woods_today