[Fictional][F27/M40+][Gloryhole][FPOV][Blowjob] – First Experience at a Gloryhole!

(This story is completely fictional. I wrote it just for fun so the events and characters in this story are not real.)

The sun beamed through my curtains a few minutes before my alarm was set to go off. 8:57 on a decent looking Saturday. Work was behind me and was not allowed back into my mind until Sunday evening at the earliest and I needed to have this restriction as I promised to myself to make this weekend all about one thing. Sucking a stranger’s cock. Oral sex is my biggest kink and I had made myself quite the specialist if I do say so myself. Particularly my ex boyfriends experiencing the wonders of my tongue and throat as I honed my skills in all my sexually active years. However, due to recent pandemic restrictions and the dating pool of people in their late twenties simply not working out for me at this time, my mouth had been void of any meat that wasn’t store bought for quite some time and this was testing my sexual urges and at this point, it started to feel more like a necessity. Much like masturbating when you’ve been away for a long time and simply couldn’t find the time. Except with this, no matter how much I was masturbating, I still wanted to suck dick.

I had always teased the idea of visiting a gloryhole, but had never actually put anything into fruition. Whether it be shyness, anxiety, safety concerns. I just never pulled the trigger on the idea and just left it as a fantasy. Though no matter how much porn I watched or how much I tried to sexually relieve myself, all it left me with was a growing frustration to be the woman knelt down with nothing but a hole in a wall to look at. This was all soon to change because on Thursday that had just passed, I searched online for gloryholes in my area, the furthest I had ever gone with this idea. Funnily enough one of the nearest sex shops to me had a few booths that accommodated it and even had a few reviews. All of them were positive. The newest review was from about a year ago, so if they still were in operation was questionable, but I had seen the store being open every now and then when I travelled through the area so that was at least promising.

So waking onto this lovely Saturday morning was a promise to myself that I would finally do it. Do my best to put my worries aside and fulfil something on my sexual bucket list and hopefully settle my urges down. I achieved my usual morning routine and made sure not to rush myself, acting as if it was any other day and I was going out to do the shopping or something else. Nevertheless, the truth of the day still crept into my mind, filling it with nervousness and excitement. It was a duality of emotions and I tried my best to reach an equilibrium or at least lean more on the excited side. It took me most of the morning to get ready. My face was fresh with light makeup and my outfit was simple. T-shirt, jacket and leggings with a bag to carry my essentials. The bag contained additional essentials such as extra tissues, make-up and a pocket bullet vibrator. One last look in the mirror before heading out the door. My heart raced, my eyes spoke “Are we really doing this?” My hands put my hair into a ponytail and tightened it. I answered in my mind. “Yes I am.”

Arriving at the sex store was ominous. I lingered a few stores back before fully committing to entering but even from there, the sex store was dimly lit and it was hard to gauge on anything on the inside. I guess that was the intended design from the outside so they don’t get any problems from people passing by. If you were going in there, you knew what you were getting into so there was no need for them to plaster it everywhere. More deep breaths and heartbeats in my throat, before I fast paced myself to the door and opened it. I knew once I got inside, it would be easier as soon as I was surrounded by the aura of the store and could see what it actually offered. The outside light pierced through the door and I stepped inside, it was surprisingly clean and neat. The usual lingerie outfits, roleplay kits and novelty gifts filled the front, while the sex toys and more hardcore equipment could be seen towards the back. It was also empty, which is what I hoped except for a female clerk behind the counter reading a magazine. She raised and nodded her head towards me to acknowledge my entrance and I let the door close to lightly peruse the lingerie close by with the light grunge music playing to occupy the would-be silence without it. The lingerie wasn’t what I was there for, but it was good cover for my main goal. I flicked through some sets as my eyes lingered towards the back. I could see the rows of dildos and vibrators and all the packaged fleshlights, but no other door. A black curtain hung in the far corner of the room obscuring that part of the shop and just as my mind had worked out that was probably where the booths were, a voice snapped me back to reality.

“Are you alright darling?” Said a strong female voice from across the room. “Need help with anything?”

The female clerk, slightly older than me and far cooler looking than myself. A punk style with piercings and a shaved side to her head. A style I admired and secretly adored, though not one I could bring myself to try.

“Ohh yeah, I’m just look…” I stopped myself finishing that robotic response because if I did, I know I would just buy some useless lingerie and leave. I bit my lip and looked at the door I came in from. Still no one else. I needed to ask now. I quickly paced over to the counter and leaned over it to get closer to the clerk. Her eyes lit up as this caught her attention and she lent forward towards me. “Is it true about the… Gloryholes? Like, are they here?” My voice shook a little as I spoke.

“Yeah we have them.” She spoke in a quieter tone than before, respecting I was trying to be stealthy with this. She pointed towards the black curtain I eyed up before. “They’re behind the curtain over there. I don’t think anyone else is in there right now so you might be waiting for a bit but you’re free to wait for as long as you want.”

“Thank you.” I smiled about to start walking towards the curtain before anyone else entered, though the clerk’s continued words stopped me.

“There’s bathrooms back there as well if you need them and if you need assistance with anything, there’s a button in the bottom right corner of the booths so press that if you need help.”

I thanked her again and she returned to her slouched magazine reading while I darted behind the black curtain. It was dimmer than the store and it took a second or two for my eyes to adjust. When they did, I saw 4 dark green doors. 2 were on my left and 2 on the right which meant there were 2 gloryholes that could be in use at once. Each door had the usual ‘Open’ or ‘Occupied’ dial under the handle so you knew whether or not the door was locked and if someone was inside. Straight ahead of me was an opening with a toilet symbol above it to signal where the bathrooms were. I took a few moments to take in the limited view, it wasn’t dirty but not as clean as the store front either. The main thing that caught my eye was the writings on the walls and doors.

‘Blowjob heaven!’

‘Sticky floor means happy times!’

‘Roses are red, cum is white, come here day or night, it’s always a delight!’

Those were some that I remember. Some of them were simple words like ‘Whore’ or ‘Slut’ while others were imaginative and almost playing with the atmosphere of this backroom. After my light reading, I settled myself into the left side booth. I chose what would have been the second door approaching it and closed the door behind me, making sure to lock the door and set the outside dial to ‘Occupied’ so if anyone did enter, they knew I was in there and waiting. The booth itself was fairly spacious, enough room to move about and kneel before the imposing hole I would soon be facing. The walls raised all the way from the floor to the ceiling to ensure no one could peek above or below. It felt a little claustrophobic, but the safety was worth it. There were a few wooden stools to choose from, though they all wore some light staining to some sort of fluid that had soaked into them before being able to be cleaned. I noticed the doorbell-like button in the bottom right, proving the clerk was right, assuming it would send an alarm to the front desk if pressed. I took a few moments to compose myself. I had done the hardest part of actually getting into a gloryhole booth, I was here now and all I had to do was wait. I’d be lying if I couldn’t help but crack a large grin as I stared at the gloryhole. The only break in the wall to the opposing side. I calmly knelt down onto the hard floor, there were cushions and mats you could use, though they were more so stained and I did not want to impose that on myself just yet. The hole had more fashioned writing around it as had the walls and doors.

‘Remember to swallow!’

‘Learn to deepthroat here’


Lots of encouraging and degrading terms circled the hole accompanied by arrows and well drawn penis’ and breasts. The world I was in outside the store felt miles away from where I was currently even though it was only 2 doors away. As I settled, I began to realise I might be here for a while. I did not know how popular this place was and it was possible no one would enter my opposite booth. I pulled up the cleanest of the stools and tapped away at my phone to pass the time, thankfully the mobile signal was still good and I was able to browse both social media and porn to both keep myself entertained and sexually fuelled while I waited. Making sure that most of the porn I indulge in was blowjob and gloryhole specific. At times, I wished I had brought my own pen or marker so I could add my own writings on the walls.

Around 45 minutes past, I had just started to stretch my legs in my booth and had set the waiting limit to 1 hour before giving up and trying again another day before I heard some movement outside. At first I thought it might have just been the clerk before I heard a male-ish grunt to clear his throat outside. My body froze up and my previously calmed heart raced into action once more. I heard him pace a little more outside before the door closed and locked on the other side. This was it. I don’t know why, but I chose to remain silent and barely moved, simply expecting his cock to pop through the other side. I guess it wasn’t the craziest thing to expect but he chose to speak instead.

“Hey, umm.. Lad or lady?” He spoke in a deep tone. He sounded a fair bit older than me. Maybe 10-15 years.

“Lady.” I simply responded, now placing my phone down on the stool and approaching the hole.

“Ohh hey there! I guess it wouldn’t have really mattered either way. I just wondered if you were still in there. Couldn’t hear a thing.” He said with a hearty chuckle.

I lightly laughed back. “Ohh sorry, I was on my phone.”

“All good! Are you ready to start or need a few minutes?”

He seemed way too polite and sensible for a place like this, though I couldn’t have asked for a nicer introduction. “Yeah sure. I’m ready when you are.”

I heard a confirming sound followed by some light unbuckling and shifting around on his part. Although I was ridiculously nervous at this point, I couldn’t help but keep smiling as I lowered myself down to the gloryhole trying not to peek too much through the hole as anonymity was a big part of this and I wanted to respect it. Just as I felt he was ready to start, I remembered something I wanted to try from a video I saw and felt it would be a good warm up before the main event.

“Hey wait, before we start. Do you mind quickly putting your hand through the hole?” I asked him with an attempted alluring voice.

He agreed and soon his hand appeared through the hole. Thick and strong with lightly calloused fingers. This was definitely a dad arm. I promptly removed my T-shirt and bra, throwing them across the booth, before shifting towards the hole a final time. I laid a soft kiss on the back of his hand and placed it on my chest for him to explore. His hand squeezed and groped at my breasts one at a time, making sure to get as much flesh as he could in each grab while gently stroking at my skin underneath my breasts and in my cleavage. I giggled playfully, feeling his firm grip take over my chest. It was nice to be touched in such a way after so long and it had worked in firing me up.

“My, you are a sweetheart aren’t you?” He softly spoke as I removed his hand, offering a final kiss to the tip of his finger and placing it back through the hole.

The next thing that swiftly emerged from the hole was his cock. Probably just under 7 inches, thick and with a main vein coiling around the side. My eyes crossed as they visioned it. I bit my lip and my mouth began to salivate.

“When I am about to cum. I’ll knock on the wall like this.” The deep voice spoke followed by 3 clear knocks above me.

“Okay.” I replied planting the first, soft kiss onto his frenulum causing a quick twitch of his cock and a small giggle from me.

Silence set between us and I finally had what I wanted. I was knelt on a hard floor in a gloryhole booth with a thick, hard cock poking through towards me. The room temperature air lingered around my naked torso and I was so fucking horny. I was drowning in hormones, my urges were going wild and you’d have to hold me back yourself to stop me from putting his cock in my mouth. I started with soft kisses up and down his shaft, long licks in between to warm things up and to tease his senses. I mixed in some delicate moans to my kisses and licks, hoping he could hear them. All of this before one final lick from the base all the way up to the tip where I then clamped down my lips.

The skin-like taste now mixing with the slight saltiness of his precum on my tongue only deepened my gooner-like tendencies. If pupils could go eye shaped, I am sure mine would have done at this time. I bobbed softly up and down his mushroom tip, feeling the curvature of his glans around my tongue, making sure to lick and flick to learn every sweet spot he had. His moans filled his side of the booth and I matched them with my own to try and add some tender vibrations to what he was experiencing. My hands changed their place multiple times. Sometimes on the wall, sometimes on my breasts and others on my thighs. I rarely touched his cock while I sucked, I let my mouth do the work.

It did not take long before my mouth was becoming awash with his precum. The mixture of my saliva and his juices not only made for a slippery surface on his skin, but it also fuelled me to do more and better work on him. All those times I watched porn wishing I was the woman getting the cumshot, I was finally getting a taste of the salty sweetness I longed for. All of this excitement and enjoyment caused me to pant from light exhaustion, it seemed I was forgetting to take breaths in between and I retreated my mouth for the time being, though making sure to gently stroke him with the slick wetness we had created.

The strange man I was pleasuring let out various groans that satisfied me. I was clearly doing a good job even with my hands while I caught my breath. Spit casually dribbled down my chin onto my deeply expanding chest. After the few recuperating seconds and before returning back to my place, my eye spied one of the writings on the wall next to the hole, which caused some inspiration.

‘Don’t use your lips, use your throat.’

My lips and tongue had been doing most of the work and since my hand had spread most of the silky spit across his shaft, it was only right my throat got a chance to prove itself. I realigned myself and hastily returned his cock to the warmth of my mouth. My head thrusted with intent this time, inching the tip closer and closer to the brim of my throat. The man’s moans powered me through and with each push of my neck, I soon felt my nose bump the wall and his cock expanded my throat. My tongue lashed where it could as I held it in place. Guttural groans echoed from the other side before I had to get air again.

I repeated this multiple times, each time easier than the last. Spit and dribble forming a puddle below me as my throat became accustomed to his size and my tongue wagged at his glans each time it could. I was back in sucking form. I dazed off into my own little lewd world with nothing but dick on my mind, sucking and throating in tandem till I heard multiple, fast paced knocks at the wall above me.

It was then I heard the man moan intensely and his cock began to twitch in my mouth. I still had enough warning to pull it out if I didn’t want him to finish in my mouth. But I did. I wanted his foreign spunk to fill my mouth. I wanted his salty shots to attack my taste buds. I wanted his sticky goo to slide down my throat and be with me for the rest of the day. I thrusted my head back and forth urging him to give me what I wanted and he did. One closing lick was enough for him to spew his load, shots laid across my tongue and onto my inner cheeks. My eyes closed to enjoy the moment as we shared a moment of orgasmic conclusion.

“My word… You are wonderful.” The deep voice said in between deep breaths as he slowly retracted his cock from my mouth and back through the hole.

I took those few moments to bask in the taste that had just entered my mouth. Far stronger than the pre-cum, though that wasn’t a bad thing. I swallowed with a smile on my face, my tongue reaching around to collect the remaining residue while the man buckled back up.

I wasn’t sure how long I lingered in this post-orgasmic state, though I was brought out of it by the same deep voice questioning me still from the other side.

“Hey, this might sound a bit weird. But, do you frequent here often?”

The question threw me off a little and I wasn’t sure if I should give an honest answer or not, yet I did give him a truthful one. “Umm… Not really, I just sort of started.”

“Ahh..” He replied before a few moments of rustling and his hand reappearing through the whole brandishing a small piece of paper. “This is a number for an old phone I have. I’ll keep it on and if you are coming back here. Give it a text or something. I’d love to do this again and if not, then at least, thank you.”

I took the piece of paper out of instinct more than interest at first and I heard him unlock his door and leave. The paper did indeed contain a phone number and I loosely placed it in my bag before resting up against the wall. I was still breathing somewhat heavily, my heart was racing, my chest was wet and sticky and my mouth had a strong aftertaste of cum. I couldn’t help but wear a smile on my face and my eyes could only focus on one piece of writing on the wall opposite me.


(Hope you enjoyed my story! I left it open ended so I may write a part two to this. Any feedback or criticism is welcome in the comments)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10njvnb/fictionalf27m40gloryholefpovblowjob_first


  1. Wow, what a great read! Your writing is wonderful and it’s so easy to live her experiences through your words!

  2. This was so goodddd. The only problem I have with it is that part 2 is not out yet!

  3. Hmmmm are gloryholes still a thing??

    I’ve always wondered how it’d be like to be in ummmm said glory hole …… even once?? Reading this did make it feel as if I was able to experience one so thank you.

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