Please Help Me Be A Bimbo Slave


It’s surprising how much I love thinking about myself as a TOTAL SLAVE when all my life I considered myself a feminist. I scoffed at the idea that any woman could truly be turned on by submission, when now I have the new understanding that women are MEANT to be submissive to men. We are literally designed to be filled with hard cocks and even our throats stretch a little more so we can fill them with dick. Gagging on a cock is as much fun for me as it is for you, and I love looking at myself in the mirror when I am choking on a penis because I look at my most beautiful. Bimbos love to see themselves used, sweaty and teary-eyed begging for cock. I know how to beg for cock now and I have also learned how good girls always beg for more. I am begging you for more now if you haven’t gathered that yet. Do you have a large cock for me sir? Mary needs to be reminded of her place again.

I guess I will return to my story where I woke up with my finger in my cunt. Obviously I had to wriggle it around, add a few more and fuck myself until I created a new puddle on my bed. What was strange though was that when I finished, I still felt like I needed to masturbate immediately. So I did. The feeling was still there though, so in desperation I grabbed my headphones and thong and listened to my Bambi Sleep Programming. I fell asleep so fast by this point, the same way that I do now. It doesn’t take too long before I enter into my pink bubble and fall fast “asleep.”

Maybe because it was 9 o’clock in the morning, maybe because I was already days deep into my Bimbo Brainwashing, but for the first time ever it didn’t feel like I just fell asleep. Instead, it felt like I fell right into a lucid dream and I was standing outside myself, watching myself listen to the files and I saw that I was sucking my thumb and rubbing my nipple. The Mary that lay in front of me was moaning slightly and I could see that she, or I rather, was leaking quite a bit from my pussy. Seeing myself like this seemed to make me wetter and as if on queue, I saw my own pussy spasm right in front of me. What seemed like a gallon of a thin sticky and water-like cum burst out from underneath my panties and wet my bed. The hand that had lay on my nipple quickly moved to my clit and was rubbing ferociously. As I watched myself rub my already throbbing cunt, I found I couldn’t stand it much longer. I mean literally. My knees gave way underneath me and I sank even deeper into a deep deep Bambi Sleep.

I don’t remember much more than that, and in fact my next memory does not begin until Monday morning when I had to return to work. The Bimbo drone was ringing in my head nonstop and I had to wear a sort of rain pants to hide how much my pussy was still leaking from the weekend before. Like a very good girl I had forgotten all of my Bimbo Training but yet I felt very very BRAINWASHED for the first time in my life. People were saying my name, asking me questions, but all I could think about was that drone, the wetness in my pants, and the need to go to the washroom and touch myself. The need to look at Bimbos. Most of all, the need to go home and do more training.

I must of seem quite distracted as my manager called me into the office that afternoon. He was concerned about me, and unable to think of another excuse, I simply told him that I had to sleep more. It was the truth after all, I needed much more sleep. I needed to do so much more training and be a better Bimbo for men just like him. This didn’t seem to be the answer he was looking for though, and I got sent home early. “Make sure you get enough rest for tomorrow” are the only words I remember him saying because they were the only words that I ultimately obeyed.

Initially however the reality of everything seemed to hit me at once and break me out of my spell. I was going to lose my job, I was going to be penniless, I had to put away my silly obsession at once. When I got home, I picked up my headphones to stash them away but instead I found that, like a robot, I simply put them onto my head. Without thinking, I was disrobing, putting on my sexiest underwear, and crawling into bed. Indeed without any intention at all of my own, I was putting myself down into another Bambi Sleep. I was being a very good Bimbo Doll. I was getting the rest my manager ordered me to get. I wondered what his cock might feel like in my throat as my vision began to fade.



  1. I love your blog! I don’t have a wordpress account, so I can’t subscribe or anything, but please keep writing!

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