Hailey’s New Dildo Seems Special

Another day of classes, another day of exhaustion. Between forty hours of work, and a full class schedule, Hailey was barely holding it together. Thankfully today she only had classes, but she had worked a closing shift leading up to those A.M classes. She needed a break, but she had to study for a mid term. It never ended.

“Hungry?” called her roommate from the kitchen. She had just gotten home.

“Starving, what’s on the menu? Steak? Sushi? Caviar?”

The handsome, and amused, face of her roommate poked out from the kitchen. “Better. Rice and Beans!” oh that’s right, they were poor too.

“Can we really afford such decadence?”

“I thought we should spoil ourselves, and not go to sleep hungry tonight.”

Her roommate was a treat. Always kind, and always picking up the slack when things got hard. She didn’t know how he managed it, staying fit, keeping up his grades, and doing the occasional bit of cooking. She felt like a puppet held up by taught strings of caffeine at the best of times. If you’re wondering, yes she’s considered it, but as much as she likes him it wouldn’t be fair to just dump all her problems on him any more than she already did. The timing just wasn’t right, and it might make things weird if he didn’t feel the same. They had a good thing going.

She put the thought of her roommate, and his stupid sexy body out of her mind. She had grades to study for, and after his courteously prepared meal, she went to her room to study. She tried to focus, but her mind kept drifting back to her roommate. Having spent a lot of time around each other, she had caught him shirtless a time or two. It could just be her overtired mind, but she was sure he could give Michael Angelo’s David an inferiority complex.

Having drifted away once again from her studies, she decided to take care of the issue. To her increasing annoyance however, nothing would do. No matter how she touched herself, fingered herself, or fucked herself with her dildo, she couldn’t satisfy her craving.

Maybe studying wasn’t something that would happen tonight. She did what she often did when she couldn’t scratch that itch, window shop for a new dildo. She liked to dream that one day she could afford one of those high end ‘better than the real thing’ toys, but by then she’d probably be able to afford the time for an actual boyfriend. Still, the fantasy remained.

Her online browsing brought her to an interesting thread about a new site selling ‘the most realistic experience’ that reviewer had ever had. Intrigued, she went to browse.

The first thing she noticed were the names. Usually toys had eye catching names like “The Tommy”, “Bad Monster”, or “Mustang”. This site named their toys things like “Manager”, “Cute Co-Worker”, and “Economics professor”. They were eye catching in their own way she supposed. The second thing she noticed was the price tag. They were practically giving them away. One of these toys was well within her budget, so she allowed herself the privilege.

She settled on one named “College Crush”. Shipping was cheap and fast, arriving on her doorstep only two days later.

“Package for you” said her roommate, pointing to the box on the counter when she got home.

She wasted no time opening it once she got to her room. The design was immaculate, not overly girthy, and with a cute foreskin at the tip. The texture was silky smooth, and when she squeezed it, found it to be pliable and rigid at the same time. She had more studying to do, but she would focus better if her mind wasn’t where it shouldn’t be. It was time for a test run.

After giving it a healthy dollop of lube, she lied down and began playing with herself. She noticed immediately with pleasant surprise that it was warm, but it could have just been a trick of the mind. What was definitely real though, was the silky smoothness of it as it filled her, spreading her open with just the slightest bit of stimulating friction.

She continued to play with herself, gently at first, appreciating the warmth and silken texture of her new magical toy. She swore she could even feel the skin of it peeling back as she eased it in and out of herself.

She lost herself in the sensations, and her mind began to play more tricks on her. She started to feel that it was not just warm, but hot, pulsing, throbbing even. The rougher she played with herself, the more it seemed the toy was throbbing and growing inside her. When she felt her body begin to send the overwhelming waves of pleasure that signaled the immense release of oncoming dopamine she stood up. She wanted to ride this fantastic, warm, pulsing lovestick.

Sitting on her new toy, grinding against it, she could really feel the nuance in its craft. The toy was rigid, yet soft, and did her mind deceive her still or was this toy just as excited to be ridden as she was to ride? When the waves of pleasure had finally condensed into a single tsunami she felt her toy become that much more rigid, and seemed to, for a few pulses, throb that much more strongly. She felt something release inside her, and a new warmer sensation dripped down the walls of her cunt.

With herculean effort she stifled what would have been the loudest moan of her life. Then, somewhere in her apartment she heard the unmistakable voice of her roommate, only he was moaning. Thinking that he might be hurt, she pulled on some shorts and raced outside.

On the floor, in the hallway leading to the living room was the panting, sweating mess that was her roommate. He turned quickly, looking flushed and ashamed, like a kid caught doing something wrong.

“Sorry, something came over me, and I…” he didn’t finish. Although he was fully clothed, he acted like he was just lying there exposed.

Hailey let her roommate get away with claiming to have fallen and hurt his knee. But already a wonderous notion sprouted in her mind. The theory, if proven true, would be somewhat cruel but she had to know. The method would be risky, and there was every chance she might get caught. Her roommate had a class that could be overseen from the top most level of the school library. Conveniently, he liked to sit near the window, making for easy observation.

The next available day she put on her favorite skirt, and between classes, slipped unseen into the library. College students were decidedly not morning people, so the library was mostly empty. Attempting to go unnoticed however, she avoided everyone she could, and even managed to pass the librarian at the entrance while her back was turned. It was exciting, she felt like a voyeur, or an exhibitionist, but she wasn’t. This was a private show, and she wasn’t really the one on display.

She waited patiently for her roommates class to start, and for him to sit down. He showed up to class, and took his usual window seat. He was wearing a tank top and small gym shorts. The sun was falling on his strong toned shoulders. She bit her lip, and pulled out her magical toy from inside her backpack, wrapped snuggly in a sweater to avoid causing her roommate any undo harm. Well, anymore than she was technically already doing.

She started stroking her new toy, pulling back it’s silky smooth skin. No immediate change in her roommate, but she felt her magic toy stiffen in response to her touch. It was never ‘soft’ per se, but it did grow noticeably stiffer in her hand. A feature she could really get used to. While stroking her toy she noticed it grew slicker around the head. There was no visible precum, or juices of any kind, but it did begin to satisfy her theory. She busied herself stroking the length of her magic toy, and almost forgot about her ‘test subject’ because she was so fixated on the growing girth and heat of her toy.

When she remembered to look down at her roommate, and observe his reaction, she could see him shifting around in his seat. His shoulders too were glistening with sweat beneath the ray of sun pouring through the window. She bit her lip, stroking her toy faster, and watched as her roommate squirmed in his classroom below. He was trying to hide his arousal, she was sure. He was shifting his weight, trying to ignore the ghostly tender caress of her hands. She was having too much fun now, and her toy was beginning to twitch with delight as well, which meant her roommate was truly in hidden rapture.

She couldn’t help herself, she popped his cock into her mouth, pulling back the foreskin so she could swirl her tongue around the engorged head. She could taste the delicious saltiness of his body’s precum, she loved this thing. Below, her roommate kept trying, and failing to keep his cool. His erection in class was undeniable now, and he didn’t want to get up. In the state he was in his massive erection would be clearly visible beneath his tiny gym shorts. Better, he thought, to keep it hidden under his desk. Her roommate eventually settled on bringng his backpack up to his lap to hide his swollen manhood.

Hailey was having so much fun, but she was also starting to feel bad. She had her theory confirmed from basically the very start. She decided to stop her cruel experiment, but in her delight had failed to noticed the librarian approaching. Now that she was paying attention she could tell that someone was just about to turn the corner and catch her with a dildo in her hand. Her backpack was too far away, and she didn’t want to risk stuffing it in there willy nilly without wrapping it in her sweater on the off chance that it might also cause her roommate immense pain.

Thinking quickly she slipped aside her underwear beneath her skirt, and ‘hid’ her magic toy inside her. She had been growing increasingly wet, and her own yearning slit eagerly took in her roommates girthy length. She stifled a yelp as the librarian rounded the corner.

“Is there anything the matter?” said the librarian, she was an older eagle nosed women.

Hailey must have looked a sight, she could feel the heat in her cheeks darkening her face. Inside her, her roommates cock was beginning to grow, swelling to fill her as her body gripped his. “I’m fine.” she said, almost in a high pitched yelp. She desperately wanted to bite into her hand to help stifle the moan she wanted to release, but didn’t want to look anymore suspicious. “I’m fine, really. It’s just life is so stressful right now.” technically true.

“Do you want me to get you some water?” said the librarian, sincerely worried for her.

“No, I think I just would like to be alone if you don’t mind.” she managed to say.

The librarian nodded, and as soon as she turned away Hailey closed her eyes and mouthed “thank you god”. She was thankful for both the leaving librarian, and for the throbbing cock spreading her open right now. In for a penny, in for a pound she thought. She didn’t feel great about it, not in that way, but she promised herself this would be the last time she did this to her roommate.

She pulled a chair up to the window, and sat reversed on it, riding her magic toy like her life depended on it. Her poor roommate was a mess below. He was biting his hand, closing his eyes, and sweating. There was no way his classmates didn’t notice his odd behavior. She would have felt worse watching the sorry sight, but the truth was it only made her ride her toy harder. She brought her hips up and down on the seat, imagining herself sitting on her roommates hips, riding him like the stud he was. When she felt her toy grow tense with pleasure inside her, she started to vigorously come down on it, driving it deeper inside her. If she was going to be doing this to her roommate, she at least wanted to make it good for him. She felt her body mount its wave of overwhelming pleasure. She came when she felt the warm creamy goodness of her walls gripping his swollen cock as it pumped her full of his cum. She felt herself filled to the brim with a rich warm wholeness, she felt so complete. Between hazy, half open eyes she saw her roommate panting, limp, with his head pulled back in ecstasy. It had been good for him too, but not nearly as much as it had been for her.

The following weeks, she tried to make it up to her roommate by picking up more chores on top of her growing list of responsibilities as the semester went on. She even saved up some cash to buy him something extra nice for his birthday. None of which could ever make up for taking advantage of him, but she did her best.

They were sitting in the living room some days later, watching a movie, not really paying attention.

“Class has been… less than stellar.” said her poor roommate. “I mean the class is easy it’s just, after that day everyone in there gives me weird looks.”

“I’m so sorry that happened” she really was. “Our bodies do freaky stuff all the time. It’s okay, give it some time and it’s going to be a fun story you tell.”

he sighed. “Doubtful.”

“It will.”

he paused for a second, looking glum when suddenly his face lit up with realization. “Oh, a package came in for you today.”


The next morning, college professor of economics, Dr. Ferron, felt a pleasant warmth wrap around him while he presented in class.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10mbyy8/haileys_new_dildo_seems_special


  1. Some people may call me crazy, but I’m very much a believer in energy. I used to be able to touch people with my mind, including sexually, even without being in person. It was really fun and one of my favorite things to do 🤣😅

  2. This is by far the most intriguing erotic story I have ever read. It also has a great balance of sexual vs non-sexual content, and the sort of humor that I love. I can’t say enough good things about it.

  3. This is so well written/crafted!

    I’m conflicted though. It’s a fun, hot story but it’s non-consensual. It’s about a serial rapist. She starts off conflicted once she understands the power, but that doesn’t stop her from “magically” forcing herself upon her roommate and then a professor.


  4. God damn what a story! To be sat and suddenly feel someone touching mini me and getting carried away.

    Wonder what happens when he gets the penetrable version… 🫠

  5. Definitely need more to this story. Another suggestion would be the roommate finds a “college crush” pocket pussy and tables are turned?

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