My wife’s zoom call

Zoom mtg

My wife likes to feel she is doing her part for the community. She joined a women’s civic club and in no time at all was in charge of meetings. Prior to shut down we had hosted a meeting with a cookout so I knew all the ladies in the club quite well. They ranged in ages from mid thirties to 70. My wife and I are 30 and since we’re active (I own a local gym), we’re in good shape. I like to think women find me attractive and I can be known to be a flirt so these women all seem happy to see me, talk to me when they see me around town. I have even spoke at a meeting about my military experience. I am 5’9″ about 180 lbs and just so you know I have about 7″ hanging which stretches when I get engorged to about 8.5″ and fairly thick. Anyhow, back to the story.

During the lockdown my wife got the ladies to start using zoom meetings. She has her laptop on the desk in our master bedroom. I have always liked to be ‘seen’ by a woman but the opportunity rarely occurs in normal life. I knew my wife had a meeting scheduled as I saw it on the calendar. I had been filling my head with sexy ideas lately so I was horny as hell. The wife was always busy lately so I was frustrated. I decided to get some fun on my own, at her expense. I scheduled for her new recliner to be delivered so she would have to guide movers during her meeting. Before her meeting I dissapeared ( was no uncommon for me to go to my basement to work on a project so she would assume that’s where I was). I actually went in our master bath and took a shower. I had the door closed so she probably didn’t give it a thought. I was listening thru the door. I knew there were 9 other ladies on the zoom meeting. About 15 minutes into the call I heard the doorbell. I knew my wife would try and text me but my phone conveniently was on her desk. When she saw this she told the ladies she’d be back and left the room. MY QUE…
I threw a towel on my head and while rubbing my scalp I walked out into the bedroom fully nude. I had ensured I was fully engorged but not erect. My wife uses headphones on her call so I can claim ignorance to any sounds from the computer. I turned and faced the laptop from about 8 ft away and stood rubbing my hair. I know that at this point I was in full view. There was no doubt all 9 ladies would have me on full screen since my wife was the meeting coordinator. I walked towards the laptop until I was standing in front of the desk so my crotch was about a foot from the screen and even closer when I reached over to retrieve my cellphone. I stood there with my penis fully filling their screen while I scrolled thru my phone. While standing there it was extremely difficult to not get an erection. I felt myself getting harder. By now they were seeing me at half mast but fully growing by the minute! I know it was only about 8-10 minutes before my wife came in the room and screamed! She yelled “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? DON’T YOU KNOW ALL THOSE GIRLS CAN SEE EVERYTHING?” I played dumb…. what girls? She pointed at the screen. I said “OMG, ladies I am So Sorry!” But once again since my wife uses headphones… I was still standing in view and not covering up.

My wife ran over, shoved me off screen and sat down to profusely apologize! She pulled her headphones out so we were on speaker. All the ladies were laughing historically! My wife asked “weren’t you upset? what should I do?”… Agnes (70 yr old) spoke up and said, maybe we should have calls like this every week! As I said before, these women all knew me quite well. Now they knew me even more! I was now sporting one of my largest erections EVER! My wife said something like ” you better put that away before you put my eye out!” And that just made one of the girls say “I want to see!” They all agreed they wanted to see! I didn’t give my wife a warning as I walked into view behind her showing my almost 10″ erection in profile! They all started to gasp and or laugh. I stood there and let them look while my wife just blushed from embarrassment. I heard comments that they wished they had something like that at home, or Wow what do you think that feels like?! I stood there beaming! I said I haven’t posed since my bodybuilding days. Here ladies, a sample of back in the day. I proceeded to give muscle poses and I’m sure if they knew how they were taking sceen shots. I think I am going to be quite popular with the ladies in town now as none of these girls can keep a secret.

Janet (mid-thirties mother of 2) said “I vote we have a cook out at your house and he can serve us ladies as the host!” (even though she’s pretty and voluptuous her husband doesn’t pay her attention) She got a Unanimous agreement. My wife started to object but I spoke up and said “Only if you girls promise to keep it our secret. Only females at the meeting that can ‘appreciate’ the male body.” Agnes spoke up and said , well my daughter will have to drive me but since she’s divorced I’m sure she’ll enjoy the show! I said “the more the merrier!”

They all thanked me profusely for the entertainment, it livened up their day! I probably had more fun than they did but I wasn’t telling….
