Mermaid Cove

He arrived in the fishing town of Shoreten in the early morning. The salty air of the sea was refreshing after trudging through the swampy roads that led him there. The ground here was firmer, and didn’t threaten to swallow his boots, which were much more expensive than they appeared. Expert craft was something that didn’t need to be ostentatious, it only had to be good. His brown leather jacket, and warm clothes were similarly deceptive in their modest appearance.

He was a wealthy, world trekking pleasure seeker, and this quiet unassuming town sat near a most intriguing pleasure. The neighboring towns and villages had spoken of Shoreten, and the men they had lost to it. It wasn’t, however, a sinister or mysterious occurrence that took these men. It was mermaids. Men would come near and far seeking these maidens of the sea. Those that returned spoke of a sexual pleasure unlike any they had experienced before.

The wealthy traveler found a room at an inn near the shore. He bought the only room with a balcony on the third floor. While paying for his room, he inquired to the inn keep about the cave, and the men that go there.

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you what you don’t already know” said the inn keep, not really looking at him. The inn keep put the glass he was wiping clean on a shelf behind him. “Some come back, a lot of them don’t” he said, looking at him now.

“Have you ever been tempted to go?” asked The Traveler

“When I was a younger, yes. But they teach us about the danger early on here in Shoreten. So I never went.” He gave The Traveler a look of mild regret. “Can’t go now, as I have a wife and kids. Vows of marriage aside, I could never risk leaving them without a father.”

“I plan to come back.” said The Traveler, and turned to settle in his room.

He was no fool however, and knew that preparation was key with any venture, pleasure seeking or otherwise. He would wait a night or two, and see how the other men seeking the mermaids would fair. Perhaps learning some vital information from them to survive his encounter. After settling himself down in his room, he decided to enjoy a bit of pipe weed on the balcony. He let his mind wander, staring across the shore to the mouth of the cave and its alluring promise. When his pipe weed had begun to finish he looked to the sea, and was going to bid its promised women farewell, when he spotted something.

There, just visible on a rock far out from shore, was a mermaid. At a distance she could barely be made out, and The Traveler strained his eyes to see her. She had hair the color of waves, and skin in shades of green. Her ample breasts were exposed, and indeed, in place of legs she had a long, presumably scaled, tail. The traveler couldn’t explain it, but he was sure she was looking at him.

The next day brought the next pleasure seekers, and The Traveler sat in the bar to see them out. When they didn’t return the next day, and the same became true for the pleasure seekers the day after, The Traveler decided he had waited long enough. He gathered his things, and on the morning of the third day, he set off for the mouth of the cave.

The cave smelt unsurprisingly of salt. It was dark at the entrance, but not blindingly, and its initial tunnel was easy to navigate. At the end of the cave, was a bright pool of sea water. At the edge of the pool was the mermaid he had spotted on his first day. She was brushing her hair with a driftwood comb.

“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come.” said the mermaid, not turning to see his approach. Her words echoed lightly from the cave walls. She turned to him now, “Approach.” she said in a bubbly candor.

Her eyes were hypnotic emeralds set on a face that looked every bit the maiden her name implied. She was youthful, though not young. She exuded a worldly energy, that made him feel like a child, or did he feel like prey? He wasn’t sure.

He did as she asked. She pushed her body into the shimmer pool, only letting her humanoid half peer out of the water, hanging arms on the pools edge. She was watched his approach, smiling at him as if he were the most fascinating thing she had ever seen. When he neared the pools edge she spoke again.

“Your trousers, remove them.” she laughed at his dumbfounded expression. “Unless you’re planning on sitting at the edge with wet clothes and ‘socks’.” she emphasized the ‘socks’. the idea of wearing extra clothes on your already ‘clothed’ feet was strange to her. “I’ve heard your kind do not like the feeling of wet ‘socks’.”

Once again he did as she asked, sitting beside her at the pools edge. “Have you not met others like me before? The other men that went into this cave?”

“Never, those were my sisters mates.” She said matter-of-factly. “I have never known a man. I am a maiden, as you are.”

He almost snorted. He had conquered many women and enjoyed harems the world wide, he was no ‘maiden’. “You have got something wrong, I am no ‘maiden’.”

“I am sure you have fucked before, two-tailer, but you have never made love.” she said, walking her fingers up his thigh. She seemed most fascinated by his legs, ‘kicking’ with her fingers the thicker hairs of his thigh. She walked her fingers to his upper thigh before flattening her hand to squeeze it, letting out a sound of delight. “What might I call you two-tailer?” she said, caressing the base of his length, and playing with the hair that grew around it. Her eyes widened when his body reacted to her sensual caress. “So hairy, and my oh my it does grow! My sisters told me it would, but I thought they were playing tricks.”

“I am only a traveler, nothing more.” He took pleasure in the mermaids expression. Her gentle handling of his body felt good, but he took greater pleasure in the anticipation of deflowering a woman who barely knew what a man was.

“A strange name that, Only-A-Traveler, and a mouthful. I will call you ***my mate***, is that fine?” the unrestricted carnal delight she took in calling him her mate elicited an electric response in his body.

“It is most fine” he said, as the mermaid gripped him, fascinated by his foreskin as it peeled back when she stroked him. “And what might I call you?”

“Shirela, if it pleases my mate.” she spoke without looking at him, her emerald eyes fixated on his turgid length as she played with it. She stroked him gently, slowly pulling back the skin before coming back up. “Does this feel good?” she asked. “My sisters said this wonderful rigid organ of yours is the seat of pleasure for your kind.”

“I assure you it does” he said, caressing her forearm in return.

“Oh and it cries! have I done something wrong?” she looked up with a worried expression, still gripping him.

He looked down, and saw that his precum was beginning to leak out. “That’s normal” he said, before adding “and where do your kind find pleasure?”. He was genuinely curious, wondering what her kind did to procreate without the usual kind of genitalia, and their related erogenous zones. His academic mind couldn’t ponder long however, his mind was being wiped clean of any worries with every stroke of her hand.

“We find pleasure in many things.” she said, still looking at him. “But in our bodies…” her mouth came down to kiss his sensitive tip, smothering her lips with the precum she drew out of him. She kissed him once more before saying “We are nourished by the sea, our mouths are used only in procreation, unlike yours.”. She put her lips on the side of the base then, and let her tongue run up to the head, where she took his head in a few more times, drawing out more precum with her hands. “That your kind have a whole organ dedicated to pleasure is…” she started to blush “arousing.”

She stroked his length more vigorously, looking up at him before taking his head once more, this time bringing her mouth to the base. She mewled with his full length inside her, sending stimulating vibrations up his body. Her tongue swirled around him inside her mouth, and played with the exit of his head’s tip when she came up.

He caressed the arm that she had resting on his thigh, where she was still squeezing. However she was not simply contented to play with his length. She caressed his inner thigh, parting his legs so that they were spread out while sitting there at the pools edge. He had never felt so vulnerable in his life. Her free exploring hand found and cupped his manhood’s sack. She ran a thumb along the skin of his sack, appreciating the hairs and light weight of the balls inside.

“What a lovely strange pouch.” she said. She took a break from pleasuring his length to examine the pouch beneath it. She examine it with her lips, giving the hanging jewel on one side a tender tender kiss and a gentle suck. She noted with delight the affect it had on him. “My mate has so many sensitive areas! You men are really such sensual creatures! That the universe would give such an erotic creature two tails, but not gills is cruel.”

She wrapped her mouth around him once again, this time with increased sensual purpose. She bobbed her head up and down on him while gently squeezing and caressing his pouch. She drew out more and more of his precum, slurping every last drop until she felt his body become rigid. She pulled herself further out of the water, and wrapped her arms around his waist, attempting to force more of him down her throat. Her attempt succeeded and he felt himself being swallowed into her as he released himself down her throat. Waves of warm pleasure radiated out to his body as a poorly held back moan escaped his lips. He felt his body release more and more into her mouth, and the mermaid enthusiastically swallowed, letting not a drop go to waste.

“My mate has gifted me much of his seed.” she said. “You will father many children.” she sprang out of the water top of him. “My mate has also been aloof.” She pressed her large bust onto his body. “You are a wealthy man, not just some simple traveler. And your name is not Just-A-Traveler.”

“I never claimed it was. Only that it was what you may call me” he struggled to say under her weight.

“My mate also thinks he is clever.” She lifted some of her weight from his body and lifted his shirt off him. She lay on her side admiring his upper body before wrapping her arms around him to hold him tightly. She traced his erect nipples “When I took your seed, I also took a part of you. I peered into your soul.” She put her mouth on his nipple, suckling on him, mewling as she did so. “I know you do not produce milk two-tailer, and yet you have these little erogenous buttons.” She kissed his nipple again, nibbling at the tip. “My mate does this feel good? Yes? I knew it. This too is just another organ that exists solely to elicit pleasure in men. What a sensually built creature you are.”

He felt weak in her arms. She cradled him and began to stroke his still rigid length once more. “I thought…” he began weakly, whimpering from her sensual caress, he was much more sensitive now. “…that you were mad.”

“No my mate, not mad.” she said kissing his chest, licking his neck. She whispered into his ear, her hot, lust filled breath falling on him. “I just wish to know you deeply, carnally.” she nibbled on his ear. “How can I make my mate cum if I do not know him?”

he had no words to describe the rapture his body was experiencing. He was made to be vulnerable in her embrace, and broken further by her tender touches, and lustful lips. He was made weak, but he did not feel she was taking advantage of him. Instead he felt nurtured, invigorated by her animal desire for his body.

she returned to suckling on his body, enjoying the salty taste of his skin. She stroked him still, and when again his precum began to be drawn she spread it across his increasingly sensitive head with her thumb. “My sisters told me this delicious rigid organ produced your seed. They did not tell me that it produced too a sweet nectar. At first I thought it was to do with your seed, but after taking you into me I know now that it is once again another of your oddities that exist solely for my and your pleasure.” She began to stroke him faster, and faster, squeezing him, and playing with the opening in his head. “My mate will tell me when his seed will be ready to come forth yes?”

“He will” moaned The Traveler.

“Good” she cooed.

She returned to stimulating his sensitive nipples, waiting for his body to go rigid once more. She could feel his heartbeat throbbing desperately in his cock. She squeezed him again, savoring the hot pliable length while tracing the opening of his head.

“I’m… I’m cumming…” whimpered The Traveler. He started to pant, his body readying itself to release once again.

The mermaid quickly spun her body, letting him go He was unable to hold himself while in the throes of physical pleasure, and fell to the ground. The end of her tail waggled excitedly, the thin membrane of her fin lightly flapping in his face. The mermaid embraced him at the hips, and wrapped her eager mouth around him. The sudden warmth of her wet mouth and the feeling of being drawn deeply down her throat sent him over the edge. He released into her again, his aching cock throbbing with delight as it yielded more and more of his seed, and the mermaid drank it down with pleasure. She moaned as she drained him dry, licking his glistening length, and her lips, when she was done.

“My mate is especially strong, I was sure that he was. Any other man would have died after being drawn from a second time.”

He felt the weight of her soft supple breasts fall on his cock.

“Would my mate like to be drawn from a third time?” she asked. “I am not sure that you would survive.” she spoke while massaging her ample bosom into his cock.

“I could always return, when I am stronger.” he managed to say despite his desire to lie down and enjoy the feeling of her supple breasts on his body.

“It could not be done. After drawing all I can I must soon lay my eggs and then… I will never know the touch of another man.”

He understood. “Drain me then, take all you can from me. I’ve come this far, and I want to go further. I am your mate, and you are mine.” It was funny, he thought. He had never been determined to do anything but wander, and here he was ‘settling down’ by the sea.

She turned around, and brought him closer to the edge of the pool, returning herself to the water “I know you now. You’ve been running all your life. This is why you were so aloof when we met, and why you choose to continue now.”

He only nodded.

In response she pressed his length in between her breasts, gently stroking him. The silky friction of her weighty breasts was heavenly, and when his head appeared from between her cleavage she kissed him. She mewled, savoring the last drops of his delicious nectar, the sweetest thing she would ever have.

His body had become overly sensitive now. Somehow his encounter with the mermaid had transformed his whole body into one sensitive being. His skin felt warm, and he could not conceive of anything beyond the cave. The only thing that existed was the mermaid, and her tender milking of what? his cum? His soul? He wasn’t sure he cared.

He came much more easily this time. There was no tension in his body, save the tension in his turgid length as he released one final time. The mermaid felt his cock begin to grow hot between her breasts, and she brought her mouth down on him once more. She treasured the taste, the heat, the feeling of his heartbeat pulsing through this powerful sensual organ. She wrapped her arms around him once more and drank deeply of his seed, as well as his soul.

The final wisps of his life began to leave The Traveler, and the mermaid sprang out from the pool to be by his side. “My Mate, go softly. You have given me everything.”

“Shirela…” he said, brushing aside her hair. “…my mate.”

She lowered her head and planted a kiss on his lips to send him off. When the final wisps of life had left him, she dragged his body to the depths below.


On the edge of Shoreten, another pleasure seeker enters town.



  1. Wow that was awesome. One of the best things I’ve ever read here. Did you write it?

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