That Night With my BFFs Brother… P1 (slow burner) (feedback welcome)

“Ash, you need to learn to take your own advice.” Liv wriggled her eyebrows at me as she changed the channel on the TV. Her brown doe-like eyes gazed at me with a challenge and I stifled a groan. I knew that look well. As well I should, as I was the one who had taught it to her.

“What advice is that?” I said as I casually picked up the bowl of popcorn from the coffee table and sat back. I took a couple of kernels and popped them into my mouth, enjoying the buttery sweetness as I waited for her to say the words I was dreading to hear.
“You need to have a one-night stand with Ryan.” She grinned at me and I groaned. “Don’t groan at me, Ash.” She grabbed some popcorn and sat back on the new leather couch we’d recently bought.

“Careful how you’re eating,” I said in a proper voice. “We don’t want butter on the new couch.” I laughed as she made a face at me. “Also, I’m not going to have a one-night stand with your brother.” I looked at the TV screen as my heart raced. I’m not going to lie, I’ve thought about sleeping (and when I say sleeping, I mean anything but sleeping) with  Ryan for years. But he’s never seen me as anything more than his little sister’s best friend. And even then I don’t think he really paid much attention to me.  Well, technically that’s not really true. There was one night that he saw me as more than ‘silly little Ash’. There was one night that he saw me as a woman, but I’m not going to talk about that.”

“I didn’t think I would have a one-night stand either but I did and look at me now.” Liv muted the TV and looked at me. I watched as she fluffed her long brown hair and twirled a loose wave around her finger. “Who would have thought James and I would be–”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it,” I said, cutting her off. I really wasn’t in the mood to hear about how wonderful her relationship was with James, her boyfriend. James was handsome, sexy, rich and supposedly really good in bed—and with his tongue. I’d been hearing about James for the last few months and I just didn’t get how one man could be so perfect.

“I was so happy for Liv; she is my best friend in the world, after all, but if I’m honest, I’m a bit envious as well. I want a guy who will sweep me off of my feet and fall head-over-heels in love with me. I want a guy who will look at me like I’m the only woman on earth. Right now, I get the guys who look at me like I’m a discounted piece of steak or like I’m some sort of free entertainment.”

“Am I being annoying?” Liv frowned as she gazed at me, her brown eyes crinkling in concern that she was acting like that friend who we all love to hate. That friend who finds her man, falls in love and can’t stop going on and on about it. I didn’t mind her going on about it, normally. I just didn’t want her to talk about her love life in the same breath with Ryan’s name. Not when he was someone I’d been craving for years.”


1 comment

  1. “No, Liv.” I smiled widely, though my insides were grumbling that yes, she was being annoying.
    No one wanted to hear about their best friend’s perfect lover every day. Though I suppose I’m being unfair, since James is really quite far from perfect. I smiled to myself wickedly as I thought about their relationship.

    “What are you smiling about?” Liv’s eyes narrowed and she moved closer to me. “Is there something you’re not telling me, Ash?”

    “Maybe.” I grinned and started laughing as she sat there staring at me with a perplexed expression. I started to feel guilty when Liv’s face started to look worried. I knew then that she was starting to feel bad and most probably overthinking everything.

    “I’m just joking, Liv.” I leaned forward to squeeze her arm. “I’m happy for you and James, you deserved to find love.” “I know.” She smiled and then sighed. “But I want you to find love as well. I want you to be as happy as I am.”
    “I’ll meet someone soon. I mean, we can even go out tomorrow night if you’re down. I might meet a nice guy.”

    “James says he doesn’t want me to go to any nightclubs with you anymore.”
    She bit her lower lip and I stared at her.
    “I know that you aren’t allowing him to dictate what you do and don’t do right?” I frowned.
    How dare he ban her from going to nightclubs with me, like I was some sort of bad influence?

    “Of course not.” She giggled. “We just can’t announce it to him.” “You’re not going to lie to him, are you?” I made a face.
    If she lied and he found out, he would hate me.
    “No, of course not. I’m just not going to volunteer where we’re going.”

    “Really?” I looked at her face carefully and then I saw the glint in her eyes. “You’re such a liar, Liv. You’re going to totally tell James and then you’re going to have him tell Ryan and it’s going to be all World War III up in the club and we’re going to be banned for life.”

    “Just call him, Ash.” She groaned. “Please.”
    “No.” I shook my head and stood up. “I’m going to get some ice cream. Do you want anything?”
    “No.” She jumped up as well. “Why won’t you call him? You’re just being silly.
    Explain to him that you didn’t want to kiss Scott.”

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