Excerpt from Double Date: Going Gay for His Straight Crush [MMFM] [Straight to Gay] [BDSM]


Apologies for the long hiatus. Besides the holidays and work, I was also working on a 12,000 word story that’s now released online. I want to make sure the fine folks at /r/Erotica are some of the first to read it if they so wish. As such, I’m going to include as much as I can, 10%, of the story below.

This is only the beginning of the story, and doesn’t yet include the erotic elements that come in full force later. I was hoping I’d be able to include more of the smut, but sadly I’ve confirmed that this is all I can put out.


Now that I’ve completed this story, and it’s out, I’ll be returning to work on A Bully Caged.

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy!



Matthew never was one for making decisions, choosing to go with the flow instead of making waves. He’s single, lonely, and less than imposing. Only when he gathered enough courage to ask out his crush did his life change. The only problem? She wants it to be a double date… and she has a boyfriend… and she thinks Matthew is gay.

To be honest, there’s lots of problems.

Full of bondage, bisexuality, cuckoldry, and straight-to-gay themes, this 12,000 story tells the tale of Matthew’s first double date.


Matthew’s tie was crooked. He kept pushing and pulling and fighting against the knot, but still, it refused to sit nicely against his shirt. There was no indication that it was too tight or too loose, and so, looking down through his wire glasses in disappointment, he assumed that he had simply tied it incorrectly. As his eyes trailed from his tie to his shirt and trousers, he saw they both bore deep wrinkles that he had only worsened when he tried his hand at ironing. His shined shoes and bright red boxer briefs were the only pristine pieces of his outfit, and the shoes only remained clean because of how little he put them on. He rarely wore formal clothes, and it showed.

Even in the mirror, Matthew’s outfit looked sloppy at best. Admittedly, he was usually disappointed in his reflection anyway. He was five-foot-ten with a slim build, but his hips were wider than he’d like, and with his shirt tucked in, they looked even more so. His face, with pillowy lips and dark eyelashes, was not that of an action movie star; he lacked the gruff demeanor and grit they embodied. He was much too soft and thin, he thought. In fact, he had recently shaved the modest amount of facial hair he had, making his face even less manly than it would be already. His glasses were too big, and the top of them was brushed by his puffy, thick hair. He was not used to these clothes, and he was not used to scrutinizing his own appearance.

He put his hand on his forehead and huffed. His anxiety was palpable.

Most of Matthew’s life was marked by athleisure and grease-stained chef pants, the clothing of a twenty-six year old cook without much of a life. However, he had been fully unaware of how unprepared he was for anything besides cooking and playing video games, his job and his lone hobby.

Matthew had tried and failed to monetize his love for gaming before—streaming was lucrative to many. He had played game after game on camera, garnering a tiny following. Every stream, he would have maybe two viewers, and often, the question would be posed: *”why are you dressed in pajamas at 3 p.m.?”

Matthew would scoff, but he’d ignore the comment. He didn’t like rude viewers, but he liked conflict even less. His sweats were *not* pajamas, regardless of whether he wore them to bed or not.

Only now, when he had his first date in almost two years, did he see and fully understand his wardrobe’s inadequacies.

*The date.* Matthew felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He had never been on a serious date that led to more than a goodnight kiss, and now that he was closer to thirty than twenty, he felt like his inexperience and virginity weighed heavily on his social performance.

Nervousness was not a feeling Matthew was very familiar with. He generally refused to take risks, and the path of least resistance was the one he most liked to take. When he finished high school, he was recommended a community college, and so he went. When he graduated from his community college, he was told he should apply to a restaurant, and so he did. When he worked at the restaurant for a year, he was asked to be a shift lead, and so he said yes. However, it didn’t matter that he was a lead in the kitchen. Most of Matthew’s time was spent giving in to employees below him.

Even the games he played were single player, all without the slightest of consequences to any in-game choice.

Almost all of his decisions could be boiled down to tepid agreement with whatever someone else had told or asked him to do. Only now, as he looked in the mirror, he finally saw a person who was taking a chance.

Four days ago, Matthew had been struck with bravery. He hadn’t known if it was the position of the moon, something in the water, or some less mystical explanation, but he finally had placed down his prep knife, and he had decided to talk to Clara. Clara, the relatively new and witchy waitress, was beautiful with dark red hair, big kind eyes, and a small amount of freckles splattered across her nose. She had bridge and septum piercings with a tongue piercing to boot, and tattoos covering her arms and neck. Matthew had been captivated by her since he saw her, but besides a “good morning” or “have a good night,” he hardly spoke to her at all.

He had approached her as she swept the coffee and bar area, and she smiled at him when he waved. He waved back. Coffee would be a good enough excuse, he figured, so he walked up to the machine and began to pour himself a mug. “So,” he had said, “got any big plans for the weekend?

Clara laughed. “Dude, it is Monday morning. I don’t even have dinner planned, let alone Friday night.”

Matthew smiled. She was funny, although he was embarrassed for having asked her about next weekend when the last one has just finished. “Well,” he said, “I heard about this cool bar that I’ve been meaning to go to, and I wanted to see—well, I wanted to see if you’d go.”

Her eyes lit up. “That would be great! I’ve been meaning to see more of the city. Give me your hand.”

Matthew was confused, but he extended his palm to her. Was she going to read his palm? She pulled out a sharpie from her apron pocket and wrote her number with a crystal ball next to it. Her hands were warm and dainty, each with a tattoo on the knuckle. Matthew walked away, pulled out his phone and searched up “cool bars near me.”

They had texted a bit through the week, detailing the time and location—she would pick him up at 8:00 p.m. to go to a bar called Rabbit Hole. He had been mentally preparing himself all week, and then, the night before, she texted:

*”Hey, Matthew! :) My best friend is coming into town, and he needs something to do. He’s really really nice. Do you mind if we turn this into a double date? Don’t worry, I’ve taken care of the other match already.”*

Matthew’s heart leapt. A *date!* Not just a hangout, it was going to be a whole, bonafide date. He excitedly texted back a simple

*”Of course. :)”*

The unexpected element, however, had renewed his nerves, and now, back in his bedroom as he got ready, he regretted letting her bring her best friend. What if he was protective? What if it meant he wouldn’t get to talk to Clara at all? They probably had a lot to catch up on, after all.

He took off his glasses and a microfiber cloth, polishing the lens. Perhaps, he thought, it wasn’t too late to cancel. He could stay inside and maybe try to get more than one viewer on stream. He had been meaning to play the new JRPG that just released—

The doorbell rang. It *was* too late.

Matthew swallowed and calmed himself. It was going to be okay. He just had to be himself, and hold conversation. He made sure his living room was in order once more, he put on his coat, and he opened the door to see three people. There was Clara, with a thick winter coat covering her tattoos, and then there were two men to her right, both nearly a foot taller than Matthew. Matthew was confused at first, but then he realized that one of these men must be Clara’s friend, and the other was his date. He bit his cheek for assuming. Why would her friend have to be straight?

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10iili9/excerpt_from_double_date_going_gay_for_his


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