Scientific Report on Human Breeding Activity: Introduction, Specimen (A) Overview


The two subjects for this report are (A), the male specimen, and (B), the female specimen. First, there will be a physical overview of the specimens and their behaviour. Next, we will go through some of their initial contacts before detailed descriptions of their interactions as a mated couple. Finally, we will draw conclusions from their observed behaviour, what it tells us about how they will act in the future and predicted interactions with other specimens they may interact with.


A strapping young male, 24 years of age and in excellent physical condition. His skin is white and the eyes are a murky blue-green colour. He has neck length blonde hair with a slight wave to it and a light stubble on his chin neck. The jawline of this specimen is exceptional and is expected to have considerable effects on attracting mates. The muscle tone is thick and strong, each muscle is well defined and there is a low body fat percentage. Weighing in at 90kg and measuring 5ft11 he strikes an imposing figure from the front with large deltoids and quadriceps. From the back his latissimus dorsi and trapezius are immediately noticeable along with the gluteal muscles which stick out at the top of the legs.

The sex organs are optimal for performance. The penis is 3.5 inches when unaroused and 5.2 inches when fully aroused and engorged. The testicles are quite large but do not seem out of proportion with the penis.

Blood work indicates high levels of natural testosterone in this specimen and other tests reveal a high VO2 max and low blood pressure.

Initial psych evaluations indicate a rampant sex drive and a strong attraction to the female sex along with heightened interest in male partners, which has not yet been fully established.
