Budget Meeting At Work

“Budget Meeting At Work” by u/emptywords975

She was still fast asleep when my alarm went off. Her slender body was only half covered by the sheet, my morning wood was pulsing, and I had to resist the urge to slide my hand between her legs and wake her up with my cock. But it was a Monday morning, and I had work to do. So, I did the responsible thing and covered her with the blanket so she wouldn’t get cold, then quietly stole away to the bathroom to shower and shave.

We hadn’t intended to hook up on a Sunday night, but it just sort of happened. I’d been seeing her off and on for a couple of weeks, and last night we were texting, so I asked her if she wanted to grab some dinner. One thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, I was naked on my bed with her straddling my face, moaning as I stretched my tongue as far inside her pussy as I possibly could. I could still taste her cum on my lips as I stared brushing my teeth.

It was an amazing night. She was amazing. As I waited for the shower to warm up, all I wanted to do was climb back into bed with her and fuck her again. But I had to stay focused. Today was a big day. A huge day. And I couldn’t afford any distractions. I had a budget meeting at work. And by ‘at work’ I mean in the spare bedroom of my apartment where I would make a presentation to my boss on Zoom. We still hadn’t returned to the office from the COVID quarantine. Some people liked working from home, but I hate Zoom meetings, which made my anxiety about this presentation even worse. The boss would be deciding the budget that week, and my section was requesting a 3.6% increase over last year, which may not sound like much, but it came out to be a lot of money, and my boss was stingy with his budget. And guess who drew the short straw to present our request to him? That’s right. Yours truly.

After I finished cleaning up and returned to the bedroom to get dressed, she was still sleeping soundly. But she’d kicked off half the covers again and had crawled over to my side of the bed, as if searching for me. Her bare shoulders, the swell of her hips, her perfect ass … they were calling to me. I walked over to the bed. My cock went hard in an instant. I wanted her again. But I resisted. I pecked a kiss on her back and headed to my closet.

Once I got my cock to calm down, I got dressed in one of my good suits. It’s navy blue and I always wear it for big occasions at work. I figured asking my boss for a budget increase that he was most likely going to refuse counted as a big occasion.

I headed to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast and she finally ambled out of the bedroom. She was wearing my t-shirt from last night.

And nothing else.

Again, my cock began to pulse.

“Well, hey there handsome,” she said, eyeing my suit.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” I responded. I wanted to flirt with her, call her cute names and tell her how nice her ‘outfit’ was. But I couldn’t let myself. If I did that, I wouldn’t be able to resist slipping my hands inside that shirt, grabbing her ass, squeezing her tits … and then I’d be fucking her on the kitchen counter in my clean suit, which would be hot as hell, but I just couldn’t afford the delay. I only had a few minutes to eat breakfast and get logged in on my computer. My goddamn boss always scheduled these meetings early in the morning.

“I made some breakfast,” I told her. “Please help yourself.”

She sat down at the kitchen table, curling one leg beneath the other. God, those legs. Her eyes roamed my body, and she bit her lip.

“I was kinda hoping to have something else for breakfast,” she mused.

Goddamnit. I swallowed. Hard. I was lightheaded the blood was rushing to my groin so fast.

“I’m so sorry,” I stammered. Her eyes wandered down to my crotch, and I knew my erection was visible through my pants. “I have a big meeting at work this morning, otherwise …”

“Oh, so you’ve got to go?”

“No. It’s on Zoom. I’ll be home all day. You can shower and you’re welcome to whatever you want. Do you have to go to work?”

“No.” She flashed me a roguish smirk. “I’m off today, otherwise I wouldn’t have spent the night last night, silly.”

I did indeed feel silly. And horny.

I checked my watch. “Shit, I gotta get logged in. I’m so sorry. I feel so rude.”

“It’s fine,” she said, waving me off. “You can make it up to me later.”

I liked the sound of that. “I’ll do whatever it takes,” I said.

“I’ll hold you to that.”

I turned to make my way to my home office, but I stopped short. “Can I kiss you?” I asked, and God, I didn’t think my cock could get any harder, but it did.

She raised a dubious eyebrow. “You tongue fucked my pussy for twenty minutes last night. I think we’re passed you asking for permission to kiss me.”

I grinned and leaned in to peck her on the lips. We lingered there for a long moment, and God, pulling away from her took a mountain of willpower. But a minute later, I was in the guest bedroom at my desk, logging on to my work laptop.

I have one of those stand-up desks and like I said before, I hate zoom meetings. So I always raise the desk up as high as it will go because the camera gets a better angle, making me look more professional, and if I’m standing during the meeting, I can focus a lot better. Especially if I’m presenting.

So I got logged into Zoom and I was bouncing from foot to foot, anxious already. I heard the shower come on down the hall, so I closed the door to block the sound, leaving it open just a crack. My boss and collogues all logged in and the meeting got going. Each speaker had ten minutes to do their presentation, and I had been practicing mine every night for a week. I’d gotten it down to nine minute and fifteen seconds. I was hoping it would impress the boss, because I was certain most of my colleagues would go over time. I was third in the queue, so I sipped my coffee while listening to the first presenter drone on about their budget. He tried and failed to lighten the mood with a couple bad jokes and made his case for a budget increase with ill-timed appeals to emotion. My boss seemed to enjoy the first two presenters about as much as I did, because he’d already yawned half a dozen times by the time it was my turn.

Checking my watch, I clicked the unmute button with my mouse and got started. I opened with the typical lines you use at a meeting like this. “Good morning, sir. Good morning, everyone. I’m so-and-so from marketing. Blah, blah, blah.” By the time I was finished presenting my first slide, I could tell I was talking too fast. I shouldn’t have drunk that coffee before presenting. Caffeine made me anxious. And horny. And it didn’t help that a beautiful woman was currently naked in my shower just down the hall. Fuck, I could just imagine the water running down her back, over her ass, down her long, slender legs …

Shit. I had to focus. I took a deep breath and forced myself to slow my pace. The boss nodded as a did a line-by-line comparison of our budget last year with our needs for this year. I took that as a good sign.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the door open just a bit. I risked a glance over to my left, and she peeked her head in through the door, smiling. She was finished in the shower apparently, and her hair was wrapped up in a towel. When she realized she wasn’t in view of the camera, she swung open the door and stepped into my home office.

That’s when I nearly had a heart attack. The room was spinning. All my blood was rushing to my groin.

She was wearing that towel on her head … and nothing else. She just stood there, smiling, totally silent. She was perfectly, gloriously naked, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

“You still with us, son?”

I jerked back to reality at the sound of my boss’s voice, and I realized I’d been staring away from the camera with my mouth open for about twenty seconds.

I cleared my throat. “Yes, sir,” I croaked. “Sorry about that, sir. Just lost my train of thought.”

“Well, better find it again quick. Clock’s ticking,” he said in a kids these days sort of tone.

With a glance at my watch, I jumped back into my presentation. I started talking fast again and tried to make up for lost time. I felt like I was getting back on track, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw her drop to her knees. She licked her lips as she crawled across the floor like a cat, well beneath the view of my camera. I started to stammer and stutter as she made her way under my desk. I felt her hands crawling up my thighs, her fingers reaching for my belt.

I couldn’t stop her—not without interrupting my presentation again. And if I’m being honest … I didn’t want to.

“We’ve taken on seven additional projects this year alone …” I was saying.

She unclasped my belt, unzipped my pants, pulled down my underwear …

My cock was throbbing as it sprang free. I felt her hot breath on my balls. The tip of her tongue burned a trail of pleasure all the way up my shaft to my bulging tip. And then she took me into her mouth.

I shuttered. I felt my knees trembling, and every ounce of blood drained from my brain and rushed down to my groin.

“You alright son?” my boss exclaimed. “Are you standing up? Don’t lock your knees while you’re talking, or you’ll pass out!”

I shook myself and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

“Right. Sorry, sir,” I apologized. “You’re right, I just locked my knees for a second.” I glanced at my watch. I was about a minute behind. I picked up where I’d left off. There were just a few slides left until the end, so I tried to get back into my rhythm. But I was feeling a tiny bit distracted …

Meanwhile, beneath my desk, she was having no problem finding a rhythm of her own. She had one hand around my shaft, pumping her fist and twisting with every stroke. Her other hand gently caressed my balls as she moved her head backward and forward, slowly gaining speed. With each thrust of her mouth, she tipped her head back, letting my cock slide deeper down her throat each time.

It was a good thing I’d practiced this presentation so much last week, because at that point, I was running on pure muscle memory. I don’t know what the fuck was coming out of my mouth, but it must have been good because my boss was nodding and stroking his chin like he was actually listening. But my cock was getting harder, her lips were squeezing tighter, and my brain was about to turn to absolute mush. I started to trip over my words, so I did the only thing I could think of.

I grabbed her by the back of the head and thrust my cock as far down her throat as it would go … and I held her there. Her nose was smashed up against my stomach, and she probably couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t need long. I just needed to hold her still so I could focus long enough to finish my last slide …

“And in conclusion, sir, we uh … we …” I had to fight to keep my eyes from rolling into the back of my head. Even as I held her there, she was flexing her lips around my cock, slowly gripping my shaft tighter and tighter with her mouth.

“We are requesting a three-point sex—I mean six percent budget increase this year, sir!” I blurted out the words like my life depended on it. Then I grabbed the mouse, clicked the mute button, and pulled my cock out of her incredible mouth.

She sat back onto the floor, gasping and smiling up at me. I couldn’t bring myself to look down at her. Not yet.

One the screen, my boss steepled his fingers and leaned forward.

“That …” he began slowly, “has got to be one of the best budget request presentations I’ve ever heard. Obviously, you were nervous, but you know your stuff. I don’t know if I can get you the full three point six, but I’ll do my best. Nice job.”

“Um. Thank you, sir,” I stammered, dumbfounded.

“Alright, who’s next?” he demanded.

With that, I turned off the microphone and the camera. I gazed down at her, trying to look serious. “What the fuck was that about?”

She giggled in response. “It was nice, right?”

“Yeah—I mean … I told you I had a big meeting this morning!”

“Sounds like it went pretty well to me,” she shrugged.

“You could have gotten me in major trouble.”

Her big doe eyes opened wide and she stuck out her bottom lip, pouting. “Awe, are you mad at me?”

I raked my finger through my hair, trying to be upset. But she was naked, and beautiful, and down on her knees in front of me. How the fuck could I be mad?

“Of course, I’m not mad at you,” I mumbled.

“Oh,” she shrugged again. “Well, if you were mad … I guess you’d just have to punish me, wouldn’t you?”

That got my attention.

“Yes,” I said, looming over her, “I suppose I would.”

“Am I in trouble?” she asked, sticking out her bottom lip again.

I nodded. “Yes. Big trouble. That pretty little mouth of yours could have gotten me fired.”

She sidled up to me then, rising up on her knees and pressing her hands to my thighs. “Are you going to punish my pretty little mouth?” And then her lips parted, she stuck out her tongue, and my cock went as rigid as ever.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson,” I said. I pulled the towel off her head, and her damp hair tumbled down her back. I grabbed a fistful, and she gasped. I pulled her close—more forcefully than I intended, but she didn’t seem to mind—and slapped her across the face with my cock.

She gasped again. “I’m sorry I was bad,” she whimpered.

“Not yet you’re not.” And I slapped her across the other cheek as well. Then I grabbed her by the chin with my free hand and tilted her head back. I leaned in close and whispered, “Open wide.”

She obeyed.

And then I was in her throat. I made it all the way down in a single thrust, her nose pressing against my stomach, my balls slapping her chin. I pulled out. She took a breath. And I thrust in again. God her mouth was glorious! I went as deep as I could, again and again. She didn’t seem to mind. In fact, I think she loved it. She didn’t gag, didn’t choke. She just reached between her thighs and started rubbing her pussy as I fucked her face, slowly increasing my pace.

I was gripping the sides of her head with my hands now. I kept going, harder and faster. I prayed to God she wouldn’t ask me to stop, because it just felt so damn good. I thrust as hard as I would have if I was fucking her pussy. Each time my hips came forward, I could feel the tip of my cock hitting the back of her throat. But she never protested. She never held up her hands to make me stop. She never pushed me away. In fact, she leaned into it. So I went as hard as I wanted—as hard as I could. I punished her mouth. I punished her throat. I fucked her face like she was a fleshlight. All the worry, the anxiety, the nervous energy I’d stored up thinking about my presentation … it all melted away as she let me use her incredible mouth to fulfill my needs.

And then I felt my balls rise. There was tension in my shaft. Electricity crawled up my spine. It was time.

She could tell as well. Even as I continued to fuck her throat, she wrapped her arms around the back of my thighs and squeezed my ass.

I groaned. I thrust faster, faster, faster …

She met my rhythm, pushing her mouth down onto me as I threw my hips forward. I could feel her throat tighten and relax, tighten and relax.

Gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck … !

And finally … glorious release. I dug my fingers into her hair, threw back my head and groaned loudly as I came hard than I ever had before. Inside her mouth, my cock bulked and pulsed. I came, and came, and came, and came. I filled her throat with cum. I don’t know how she didn’t choke, because I must have fed her a gallon, but she just kneeled there and took it, gulping it down, moaning with each pulse.

When it was over, I nearly collapsed. Luckily my office chair was right behind me, and I lurched into it, panting for breath, the room spinning all around me.

I felt soft hands rubbing my knees. I looked down and she was licking her lips clean. She smiled up at me—GodDAMN that smile.

“I think I learned my lesson,” she mused.

I chuckled. “You sure? We could schedule a regular tutoring session if you need to learn more.”

“No.” She shook her head and then crawled into my lap and kissed me. “But I do need to see your calendar.”

My brow crinkled. “What for?” I asked.

“So I know when your next work meeting is,” she said as if it was obvious. “I’d like to be here for that.”

The end.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10h69gz/budget_meeting_at_work