Tw: rape, rape fantasy

I could tell that it was early morning, by the silence coming from outside my window. I quickly grabbed my phone from my nightstand to see if I had received any messages, but when I tried to open my phone, a black screen stared back at me. That was strange, I thought to myself, I was certain that I had plugged my phone into the charger before I had gone to bed last night. I peered over my bed, where my charger always stayed plugged in, and let out a gasp, it was gone.  

I frantically looked around my room to see if anything else looked out of place. Living by yourself, as a girl, you always seemed to be on edge. I slowly moved to the end of my bed, adjusting to the darkness that was engulfing my room. As quietly as I could, I tiptoed towards my bedroom door, and placed my head against the wooden doorframe. I could hear a faint noise coming from the living room, but I couldn’t remember if I had left the TV on last night, or if it was something else. I had to go out there, regardless of how scared I was feeling. I reached out for the door handle, moving it ever so slightly. Once the door was slightly cracked, I squinted around to see if I was just imaging things or being too paranoid. I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding in, nothing appeared to look different. I then opened the door wider, stepping out into the dark room. Right as I began to walk towards the kitchen, a hand was placed over my mouth from behind me. I could feel my heart start to race, my eyes popped, as I tried to flip around to see who was grabbing hold of me. Whoever it was, had a strong grip on my body, I couldn’t even flinch, without his arm squeezing tighter around my neck. I breathed in and out through my nose, I could feel the anxiety taking over my body. His breath was hot and heavy, I started to feel my body go limp, as he squeezed my neck tighter. All of a sudden I felt my body falling forward, as he shoved me into the couch. I squeezed my eyes shut, I knew there was no use in screaming as that usually made things worse. All of a sudden, I heard him jostling something behind me, my mind raced wondering what he was going to do to me, until I felt cold metal handcuffs being tightened around my wrists. He swiftly unbuttoned his pants, and pulled my silk pajama bottoms to my knees. Without hesitation, I start to feel him thrusting his hard cock into me. My face started to burn with embarrassment, as I let out of moan from the desire I was beginning to feel. I peered up quickly, only to see a faint shape of a tall figure as he continued to dominated my body. As he started to increase the strength and pace, I could hear my moans fill up the room. My body began to shake, and I let out one final moan as I feel my cum drip over his hard cock. I quickly turn around to see who this guy is, and surprisingly it is a familiar face.. I breathlessly say, “that was my favorite fantasy babe” he looks down at me and lets out a soft laugh, swooping me up in one quick motion, leading me back towards the bedroom.


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