Teenage wonder.

I figured I’d write it out while the memory is fresh in my mind, this was between me and my now SO, then childhood friend. (There’s no sex in this story, just a whole lot of awkward teenage energy in text form)

I’m not really a writer, I just do it as a hobby. This is going to be a very “casually written” story.

So, anywho, here I go.

I was 14, this happened 2-3 days before my 15th birthday, she was 14 too, being born 9 days after me. We figured we’d have a “dual birthday party” at her house, celebrating both of ours over a 2 week period. It was just us in the house at the time, and I don’t remember why, but her mother wasn’t there, and her father was at work.

I was sitting on the couch, watching the TV which was on the outer wall, with her doing something on a laptop behind me, sat at the circular table with several tall stool style chairs around it.

“Would you care if I took my shirt off?” She asked. I mumbled a “yes” like reply, and thought nothing of it, other than the fact that I’d get to see her in nothing but a sports bra, shorts, and socks. She was a tomboy, short hair, boyish mannerisms, etc. You know the look, just imagine that in your mind’s eye.

Well, she took her shirt off, and like a awkward teenager, I didn’t want to make it look like I was looking, so I didn’t for a few minutes. During this time, I had to piss like a racehorse, but I waited till a commercial break to get up and go.

I got up, making a conscious effort not to look at her, as I was trying to be a gentlemen, and went to the bathroom. When I came back, I caught a look of her in my peripheral vision. She was hunched in the chair playing one of those flash games on the browser of the laptop she was using, and I noted curiously that her muscular swimmer’s back was completely bare as she faced the left wall relative to the couch.

I decided my eyes were playing tricks on me, and sat back on the couch without a stagger in my step.

I sat back down, and kept looking at the TV, but kept replaying what I saw in my head. So, I didn’t watch the TV, but kept looking at it.

Instead, I moved over to the left side of the couch, and used the TV like a mirror.

You see, this was a long 4 cushion couch, with the very left side having that L shaped kickout for your feet to lay across, and the rest of the couch was just 3 cushions off to the right. If I sat on that long L shaped one, I could use the TV to look at whoever was sitting at the table.

I picked up the remote (by that I mean sat on it, then pulled it out of my ass), and opened the guide.

If you’ve ever used a Dish cable box, you know when you open the guide, and there’s the list of TV shows on the left, with the “info” tab on the right, and that big grey box with nothing in it below that?

Well, that was my mirror. And, as you can probably guess, she was topless.

Boy howdy, let me tell you partner. Titties have never looked as good as they did on that day, staring at them in the reflection of a shitty projector TV, just ***barely*** visible.

After about 5 seconds of being awestruck, I figured it’d be pretty suspicious if I just sat there staring at the same TV show’s info tab for an eon. So, I started clicking through the TV shows.

This went on for a while, long enough for me to reach the pay-per-view TV shows in the depths of the guide, and the expensive TV shows they didn’t have the subscription for. I just started scrolling up.

Well, eventually, she looked at the TV.

And like a dumbass, I made eye contact with her through the reflection. And my heart about fell out my rear.

To my complete surprise, she started laughing her ass off like it was the funniest thing she’d ever seen. Granted, in hindsight, my “I fucked up” face was probably really funny.

***anywho***, I don’t remember much after that, and she ended up on the couch next to me, and said (not verbatim) something to the effect of “you can stare, I don’t care” and that was kinda that. She’s made it her life’s mission to have her titties out damn near constantly since then, and, well. I’m sure you can imagine the red-faced memories I have of our childhood together.

Well, that’s really it, that’s the story of me seeing my childhood friend’s boobs for the first time. I hope you had a laugh at least.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10d8cw8/teenage_wonder