Snow Bunny Slut [F/M, 18+, consensual, public, fiction]

The powder sprayed this way and that as I maneuvered. The tree trunks began crowding in tighter as I went, but it was exhilarating. Light from the overcast sky filtered shyly through the thick pines – enough to light my way, but maintaining a bit of mystery for what was ahead.

I was no Olympic skier, but I could hold my own on the slopes. What I most loved, though, was fresh powder in the trees like this. It may be a little hazardous, but goddamn, is it fun!

It was exactly at that point, as if to underscore the hazards, that he came flying in out of control. A wild scream of “Oh shit!” gave me just enough warning to brace for the impact.

Out of all the forest space on the mountain, some dumbass had run directly into me.

Spitting out a face full of snow, I rolled slowly over. The side of my thigh throbbed angrily where it had greeted a narrow ponderosa.

“Ugh…fuck me,” I heard from over my shoulder. The guy who had run me down was eating just as much powder as I, and had apparently come to rest with a shoulder against a tree. “Uuughhh…”

I rose gingerly, my ski boots sinking into the fresh powder. Fortunately my skis had wound up sticking out of the snow rather than coasting aimlessly down the mountain. I stumbled toward my assailant. “You alive over there?”

He started as though he’d forgotten I was there. “I…um…ow.” He was struggling in vain to push himself out of the loose powder with one undamaged arm. “I guess I hit you, didn’t I?”

“That y’did, genius.” It came out a bit harsher than I intended. The guy was in a puffy jacket that looked too short for skiing. And I think his beanie was cotton. Genius, indeed.

“Sorry about that.” This time he got his knees under him and righted himself. The morning’s sparkling crystals coated his face and matted his beard. It was actually pretty comical, and I giggled in spite of myself.

“Well, you look like Santa Claus, so you got that going for you,” I snickered. “Except Santa would probably wear a better coat.” Even as he wiped his face I could see all the snow that had gotten stuffed down the neck of his cheap jacket when he took a dive. He’d be feeling it soon for sure. Dude was definitely some city-slicker here for vacation.

With most of the snow off his face, I could now see he was a good-looking city-slicker, so he had that going for him too. I chuckled again at my own lame sense of humor.

“Sorry,” he said again, “are you ok?”

“I took a good spill there, but I’ll probably make it.”

“Yeah, didn’t mean to do that. I got a bit too fast and couldn’t stop.” He was trying not to show how much his shoulder hurt. It was cute, if a bit silly.

“Well, I should hope you didn’t mean to. Did you mean to stuff your shirt with snow too?”

He looked down and said, “Shit, I guess I got that pretty good. I’ll be alright.”

“If that’s a cotton undershirt, I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” He clearly had no idea how to dress for cold.


“Cotton, man. You don’t wear cotton in the cold. And I think one of your skis took off for a scenic tour. It’s gonna be a while before you warm up.” I was already reaching to unzip his jacket. “Here, get all that snow out first.”

City-boy followed my lead. He opened up the jacket and lifted the two under-layers one by one to shake them out.

…which gave me my first look at his body. Let’s just say it was the type that would not leave you satisfied with only a ‘first look.’

I found myself wiping snow off the smooth-but-notable abs and lean-but-defined pecs long after all the snow disappeared. It seemed it was my turn to lose confidence. “I…I mean, you should probably just take the cotton undershirt off entirely,” I stammered, trying to regain control of the situation.

“You think so?”

I recovered a bit of composure by glancing away from his smooth skin. “It’s very wet, so it will only make you colder.”

“Guess it’s a good thing it isn’t windy out here,” he said, peeling his jacket slowly off.

I tried not to lick my lips as he went. The coat gave way to a simple sweater and then the thin undershirt. The growing welt on his shoulder helped break my trance – he might…just might…not be moving slow just to show off.

Goosebumps stood out all along his features. Strange…I don’t recall being turned on by goosebumps before.

“Not windy, but it is still chilly, for sure.” He tossed the undershirt on the ground and moved, again, very slowly, to don the sweater again. That one was probably wool, but I wasn’t paying attention to the clothing anymore.

I slipped my gloves off. “Want me to, um, make sure you’re dry?”

The sparkle in his eye told me he was picking up what I was laying down. “Sure, but your jacket’s pretty snowy too.”

Somehow my fingers figured out my zipper. The bulky board jacket slid smoothly off my arms so that I could nervously embrace him. My palms rubbed along his back, finding similar lean-but-defined muscles there too. I pressed my own wool mid-layer against his belly and realized for the first time just how much taller he was.

He pulled my beanie from my head and let my hair spill down to my shoulders. The natural reaction was to lay my head against his chest. I was breathing his body in and found it hard to resist flicking my tongue out for a taste.

The muscles were not bulky. It was the body of a runner or swimmer who didn’t mind a trip to the gym here and there. Add to that the smooth skin and delectable musk, I was quickly losing my remaining inhibitions.

“Mmm, that does feel warmer,” he said, stroking my hair and holding me close.

As if an involuntary reaction, I cooed and continued my hands’ exploration. I felt like I’d entered an autopilot mode, becoming more like an observer than the controller of my actions.

“I’m…” my voice stammered, “I mean…you might…um…some snow might have gotten down…um…down your pants too…”

The hand at the small of my back pulled me in tighter at that, if only for a moment. Then he released me, saying, “Well, you may be right.”

My hands shuddered as I struggled with his buckle and zipper. It wasn’t the cold that made my task difficult – I felt quite warm throughout, actually. The snow pants gave way to long johns and a growing mound.

Again, without any conscious bidding, I felt myself fall to my knees. My fingers probed his waistband while his pulled whisps of hair from my face. Fabric gave way and all my attention centered on the gorgeous rod that sprung out into the frigid air. Its bulbous head pulsed lightly before my face. Understated veins traced their way along its shaft until they disappeared amid closely-cropped fuzz. The two balls below tensed and relaxed, as if unsure whether to obey the temperature of the air or of the moment.

The beautiful cock slid slowly between my lips, gliding across my tongue, and pressing toward my tonsils.

My brain reeled at my current reality. This guy I’ve never met had bowled into me mere minutes ago, and now here I was with his cock down my throat. I didn’t even know his name. I was no prude, but this was certainly a whole different level than my past escapades.

I came up for air and swirled my tongue before sliding slowly back down on him. It felt so natural to be doing this.

With fingers threaded through my hair, he let out a long sigh. “Fuck, this is definitely the right way to warm up.”

I giggled a little and increased my pace. His hand pushed me – gently but insistently – into each stroke. I tugged at his scrotum and squeezed at his ass. There was nothing I wanted more than the taste and sensation of his cock in my throat.

Unless, perhaps…

My lips regretfully released him to say, “Y’know, I hit my leg pretty good over there. It might need to be inspected too.”

He growled slightly and pulled me upright. My only regret as he dropped to his own knees was that it placed his beautiful rod outside my reach.

My pants slid down with remarkable speed and the momentary blast of cold air on my naked hole was quickly replaced by hot fingers. They dipped between my lips, gathering the lubrication my body had been preparing ever since he unzipped his jacket. Two strong fingers then stroked directly across my button, eliciting an involuntary squeal from my other lips.

“I love that you’re shaved, girl,” he said softly. “Your little pussy looks delicious.”

My hips responded for me by thrusting forward. He didn’t hesitate, lashing his tongue out to strike my chilly clit and gripping my ass cheek to pull me against his face. I squealed my delight to the forest.

He quickly decided he didn’t have enough access, especially with my ankles bound together with scrunched-up snowpants. “Hang on,” he said, then tossed me bodily up into the air. He cartwheeled me upside down to slot his face between my thighs. Fortuitously, it also placed his cock before me again, and I quickly enveloped it in spite of my headrush.

Time is hard to gauge when you’re upside-down with a tongue in your vagina and a cock in your mouth. All I knew was that it felt glorious! I savored the gentle ribbed texture of his shaft almost as much as the wet assault on my clitoris. And his grunts and labored groans were music to my ears.

“Oh, fuckin’ hell girl,” he said, letting cold air back against my soaked pussy. He looked down at me, rod still between my lips, and locked eyes. “I’m gonna pound you good.”

That was music to my ears. He flipped me upright and dropped me to my feet. Restrained as I was, I stumbled and dropped into the powder, laughing like an idiot. The cold barely registered on my skin, though, so hotly was it radiating. My nameless lover helped me up like a gentleman then pushed me toward the nearest tree like a brute.

I needed no extra prodding. I bent, leaning a shoulder against the tree trunk and thrusting my bare snatch toward him. He gripped my ass cheeks roughly, spreading them to inspect his cock’s new guest home. I drank in the touch of cold air that hit my nerves when my labia parted.

“You have such a perfect fuckin’ hole, girl. I hope you’re ready for it!”

I realized distantly that I was already whimpering and moaning my desire. “Yes, baby. Give it to me!”

I felt a hand run into my hair and grip it tightly. Then he slid himself into my body slowly, deliberately. My inner folds parted to accept him, inch by inch, until the press of his skin against my ass told me I had his entirety.

But following that peaceful penetration, he quickly accelerated to fulfil his promise. Pressing down on my back but yanking back on my hair, he proceeded to pound himself into me with relentless force. The pain on my scalp only served to enhance sensations from the delicious friction in my pussy and the slap of heavy balls upon my clit.

I hadn’t exactly been stealthy before, but I positively screamed my pleasure now. I have no doubt that innocent skiers all over the mountain learned quite unequivocally that some lucky girl was getting her brains fucked out in the forest.

That was fine. I didn’t care. All I wanted was the ecstasy. And he delivered.

He seemed fine with it too. Though not as loud as my cries, he piped up every once in a while to egg me on; “You take my cock so well!” “I found such a good little whore!” “God, your fucking hole is so wet!” It only drove me crazier.

My orgasm, when it hit, didn’t build the way they usually do. I’d been riding a high wave since he entered me, and that wave hit the shoreline almost without warning. I howled into the thin air and spasmed around him. Had he not been holding me up from both ends, I would have crumpled to the ground.

For his part, this mystery man did not slow the pace. He continued to pump that thick sausage into my body. The relentless assault meant I didn’t fully recover from my orgasm, instead moaning raggedly and letting my eyes roll back.

A tug at my hair brought me closer to a standing position. He didn’t whisper in my ear but he didn’t yell it either.

“Do you like being a filthy snow-bunny slut?” His grip prevented me from nodding.

“Do you like my cock filling you up?” I just continued moaning, mouth agape.

“I’m going to cum soon and you know what you’re gonna do?” Tremors ran through my body, getting enhanced by the restraints on my movement.

“You’re gonna get back on your knees like the slut you are and swallow everything. Then you’re gonna clean every drop of your pussy off my cock. Understood?”

He did not wait for a response. Instead, the powerful grip on my scalp practically lifted me off his rod and thrust it into my moaning mouth. He fucked my face for only a few moments before howling his climax.

Liquid flooded my mouth. Some of it dripped out since I was breathing too heavily to gulp the way I wanted to. And truly, I wanted to. In that moment, my sex-drunk brain could think of nothing more delicious than his seed.

Every spurt came with an attendant ragged groan and the occasional “Fuck…” or “You good little slut.” I proceeded to suck and lick his whole length clean, tasting what I knew must be my own lubrication the whole way around.

At length, he slumped against the tree trunk with a heavy huff. “You’re right, that’s definitely the way to warm up.” His exhausted grin was adorable in that moment.

I rubbed absently between my legs. “Yeah. Maybe I should start rescuing city boys from hypothermia more often.”



  1. Wrote this while drinking a bit too much wine. The tone and characters shifted over the course of it, I think, but I’m not sure if it’s bad enough to throw people off.

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