I Had a Friend Arrange a Glory Hole for Me [26F]

Let me just begin with no, this was not a commercial building, so I’m not going to give you the address or tell you where it is.

This began with a conversation with someone I’ve been talking to off and on for a while. They’re one of the people who have lately been more encouraging of me embracing my slutty side more and more over the past couple of months. We’ve met up a couple of times before in the past, but timing can be a bitch. Last week we were talking and came up with the idea for a gloryhole party.

Usually every Sunday, he and his friends get together for drinks, poker, and football. In a closet in his bedroom, he set up a gloryhole for me to be in for the duration of the party. It was one of those portable ones, that was solid with an actual hole in it, rather than the weird cheap DIY bedsheet with a hole cut into it. I could trust him and his friends to be clean and not disease ridden dudes. All of them were military, former and active, with a couple of them married, which turned me on quite a bit I’ve got to admit.

I was a little nervous and on the fence about it. For me it was a big step, and I felt incredibly anxious. A million thoughts ran through my head, and more than once I almost decided to pull the plug and say I couldn’t do it. But deep down, I wanted to do it, to cross something off my bucket list that I’ve wanted to do for the longest time. Clearly since I’m writing this, I went through with it.

I got there a little early, and me and the host, the guy I’ve been talking to who set it up, chilled and relaxed for a bit. He showed me the closet that he had all set up, a comfy little chair, space heater if I wanted it, little cooler of drinks. Private bathroom nearby. It was actually nice and seeing it, while nerve wracking, was incredibly arousing. We hung out a bit. A couple of drinks to loosen me up. I didn’t get all dressed up and sluttified as some might expect. Instead of complicated and intricate, I went for simple and comfortable in a pair of sweats and a shirt.

When it came time, I got settled and comfortable in my little gloryhole and waited. Waiting was the hardest part, but those first twenty minutes or so were exciting and frightening, not knowing what to expect. My friend the host would bring in guys as they arrived and showed them the gloryhole. Most of them laughed it off and couldn’t believe it. Some called bullshit on it until I stuck my hand through the hole and waved at them.

And then came more waiting. I’m not sure how long I waited in there. I guess they were drinking and relaxing and quietly seeing who was going to be the first one in. But I had a few toys to keep me occupied and satisfied. I had gotten down to my red Calvin’s when the first guy came into the room.

There wasn’t anything said. No hello. No hey how are you doing. He just came into the room, unzipped, and put his cock and balls through the hole. I’ll admit that I wasn’t sure what to do at first. You watch porn and they just jump right on it but for me I was a bit nervous about it. The whole thing was not unlike looking off a diving board when you’re about to jump in. That nervous anticipation that’s about to burst before diving in.

I went slow at first. A gentle teasing. I cupped his balls and rolled them in the palm of my hand, feeling how heavy they felt. That alone was enough to make this girl with a breeding kink practically wet herself in excitement. I slowly began to stroke him before I took the leap and started sucking his cock.

As soon as my mouth wrapped around his cock head, he gave a deep groan that just sent me into a frenzy. He didn’t last very long but it was a perfect way to start it off. Nothing was said when he left. Just zipped back up and went back into the living room. I could hear laughing and joking and that only made me even more wetter, of that was at all possible.

I stayed in there for a couple of hours, masturbating each and every time someone came to dump a load in my mouth. Some of them came back multiple times to give me a little bit more. I swallowed most of it, the rest catching on my shirt before I took that off and just let it accumulate on my breasts. More than once I was tempted to pull my panties down and fuck them, but I don’t think I was ready for all that. Plus the closet was kinda small anyways. I think all in all I sucked the five of them for a total of twelve times.

I didn’t see any of their faces, except for the guy that set it up, and that was incredibly arousing. Just the thought of it is making me wet while I write this confession to share with everyone.

After they all left, late into the evening, I got a shower and changed into some clean clothes after brushing my teeth pretty good. They were seeet enough to get me an Uber home along with some food and drinks.

This morning I got messages from the host saying how they were all raving about me and how good I was at it. We’re talking about setting up a similar thing again, except this time I’ll be hooded and blindfolded, and tied face down to the bed for breeding.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10ca21e/i_had_a_friend_arrange_a_glory_hole_for_me_26f


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