Summer Camp At The Lake – The Creature Within (F19/Creature) (Tenticle) (NSFW) (Commission)

This is a small extract from a commission I am currently working on for a redditor. He wanted each chapter to switch POV between the main protagonist and the Creature. I’m thinking of setting up somewhere to post my commissions and originals so I may use reddit to post extracts and do the full works somewhere like Patreon or something idk. Feel free to message me if you would be interested in something like that or if you would like to talk about a commission.


The scent of Ashley’s sex hung thick in the room. The creatures long probing tentacle had compressed to slide under the door and now slowly snaked their way in the direction that the scent was strongest. A thick film of sticky liquid left in its wake.

As it got closer it began to quiver with excitement. This scent was stronger than anything it had encountered before. This could finally be the host it longed for. A host that could carry its young to completion and provide the nutrients they needed.

It snaked its way silently across the wooden floor of the cabin following the delicious scent of Ashley’s still moist pussy. It ignored the other 5 beds in the room, none of those smelled of fertility like this one did.

Sliding up the wooden leg of the bed it snaked its way under the covers. Shuddering in anticipation it quickly found Ashley’s warm flesh. It savored the warmth of her leg for a second, rubbing her calf softly with its bulbous head.

This would be its host.

The creature began to split smaller tendrils off of its main tentacle. The smaller tendrils worked their way up the legs of its host. Circling around her soft white thighs carefully restraining her inch by inch. Other tendrils worked their way up over her hips. Slowly they too began to wrap around her body carefully, trying not to disturb her from her sleep.

It’s main tenticle now moved hungrily towards the source of the scent. It shook with excitement as it became overpowered by its hosts pheromones. At that moment one of its smaller tendrils had found one of Ashley’s large firm breasts. The main tenticle stiffened with a sudden arousal, then launched a small spray of liquid out of its end, coating its hosts genitals in its own viscous liquid.

The discovery of her large breasts had sent the creature over the edge. It was final proof that this host would be capable of sustaining its young.

With a sudden urgency the creature split its main tenticle in 2. One surged up towards Ashley’s mouth forcing its way in. She had but a moment to consider screaming before the tentacle plunged down her throat, gagging her from the inside.

The tendrils that were now wrapped around the majority of her body tightened, digging into her soft skin. Her strugles reulted in nothing more than a few small twitches now that the creature had her. The creatures main tenticle now dripped and oozed with precum as it moved to be within an inch of her heat.

The creature manipulated her legs with its tendrils until they were spread wide. The main tenticle moved forward sliding its head along her slit. It savoured the feeling of warmth as it glided along her slippery sex. The taste of her fertile genitals caused a renewed vibration in the creature as its excitement hit a crescendo.

As it moved down once more it found her opening. It pressed its bulbous head against it. There was little resistance now as it began to slide in. It wriggled as it pushed forward, now desperate to bring itself to orgasm and impregnate its host.



  1. My only note is that about halfway through, you begin misspelling “tentacle” as “tenticle”. Otherwise, this is well-written and a good excerpt to act as a teaser!

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