Embarrassed pee girl

The two of us, both in our 40s, have had a low-key sexual vibe going on at work, so I (M) ask her (F) to go hiking on Saturday. It’s supposed to be in the 90s in the Sonoran desert. Luckily the humidity will be low, and there will be copses of trees here and there for shade.

We both take about as much water as we can comfortably carry, and as we set out I challenge her to hold her pee as long as I do.

She agrees, but wants to step into the bush, so to speak, and relieve herself to start with a clean slate. “Cover me,” she says with a wink.

I resist the temptation to watch, standing guard instead. I hear her piddling on the dry leaves, then letting go like she hasn’t pissed in a month. I start to get hard as I picture the pee gushing out of her (presumably) pretty little pussy. Once I hear her zip her shorts, I tell her it’s my turn. She gives me an evil grin as I turn around and pull out my half-erect dick, hoping she was peeking. I had to concentrate for 15 seconds before my flow started. When I was done I shook my dick a few extra times, then zipped up, and we were on our way.

About two hours later we stopped in a small swatch of trees. She had to go already and I wished I’d said that whoever wins gets to watch the other pee. I told her she could surely wait another half hour, after which we were planning to head back. Don’t ask me how this happened exactly, but as I was sitting, she walked behind me and started massaging my shoulders. It felt like heaven just for her to touch me, never mind the fact that she was clearly signaling a willingness to explore further.

“Your turn,” I said. She sat down and I sat directly behind her, one leg on each side of her. I put my hands underneath her loose t-shirt and massaged her shoulders over her sports bra, knowing it was concealing the hardening nipples on her little boobs.

“That is sooo good,” she said in a whisper. “I need to piss like a racehorse” she added playfully. I took the risk. “I need to watch you,” I said in a guttural tone that I didn’t intend. She was silent. “I’ll go first this time.” With a smirk in her voice she replied, “then you’ll lose the challenge.” After a few more seconds she spoke softly. “Can I hold it for you?”

What happened next is between her and me, but I will tell you that when it was her turn, her embarrassment was so endearing to me. I hugged her until she was ready to let go.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10bn85r/embarrassed_pee_girl

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