Small Town Girl 21+ [F26/M21] [Story telling] [Busty] [Growing Pains]

“Teresa!” my mom shouted at me as my younger brother was giving her hell.

“I am leaving, I will be back later!” I yelled as I ran out the door.

Slamming the door to the trailer behind me.

“Where the fuck are you going?” one of my elder brothers asked.

“What the fuck do you care?” I yelled back.

I hated all of them, hate being the most accessible word I could muster.

I hated my life in this shitty small town; I hated that all of us lived in a shitty trailer in a shitty trailer park. I hated everything.

My mom, well, I shouldn’t call her a mom because she never acted like one. She was the woman that gave birth to all of us. That was the best way of describing my mother. I knew about seven boys and five girls; I heard there were more, but they either took off, died doing something stupid, or were in jail.

I wanted to graduate high school, something none of us had done. I wanted to get as far away from here as possible.

“Hi Teresa,” Ms. Sanders said without looking up from whatever book she was reading.

“Hi,” I said as I went to my spot inside the library.

I was the only person that came here. None of these fucking people knew how to read a fucking stop sign, let alone read an entire book. They wouldn’t know anything about the outside world if it weren’t on television or Fox news.

I loved it here. It was quiet and peaceful. No one was around here but the books and Ms. Sanders, an old lady with almost purple-gray hair that, sat behind her desk reading adult books. That’s what she told me anyway, books I wasn’t old enough to read.

I had just turned eighteen, and if it weren’t for my brothers, I would have probably graduated with the rest of my class, but they played a prank on the principal, and because I was a Baxter as well, they punished me as well.

“A few months,” I said as I opened my books and studied for the final test.

My town was a speed bump, that’s all. One of those exits that no one came down unless you were a trucker. The only thing around here was a truck stop with a gas station and a shitty diner.

I worked at the diner, so I knew how bad the food was, I wouldn’t eat there no matter how hungry I got, and there were days when I was extremely hungry.

Mom didn’t work, all she did was sit around the trailer waiting for her next fix, and we all knew how she paid for it.

When I was young, I tried to ask her who my dad was, and she always told me it was none of my business.

Now that I knew how the world worked. It could be anybody, from the truckers that came into town to fill up and eat crappy food and other things to the men that hung out at the bar after working at the only warehouse in town. Anyone of them could be the sperm donor that produced me.

“Teresa, table four!” Mary said as she caught me staring at the entrance ramp outside the diner.

“Sure,” I said as I walked over to my table. “What do you want!” I said as I looked down at two truckers sitting down.

This was my life. I headed back home late at night. The lights inside the trailer were on, and beer bottles were on the steps.

“Fuck that,” I said as I turned around and returned to the library.

I knew the beer bottles meant my brothers had some friends over, and I didn’t want any part of whatever scheme they were plotting.

Everyone knew if something was stolen, broken, or of any sort, a Baxter was behind it. None of us knew our fathers, so we all took our mom’s last name Baxter.

I crept to the window and propped it open. Ms. Sanders never set the alarm for this window. Every other window and door were alarmed, she had caught me sleeping inside one morning, and since then, she always left it open.

Rain, sleet, or snow, she kept it open so that I could get inside.

I grabbed the covers and blankets she kept under her desk and smiled as she had left me some leftovers. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes. My favorite, I warmed it up in the microwave and settled in for the night.

~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Are you ready?” Ms. Sanders asked as she looked at me a few months later.

I was taking the final exam. If I passed, I would graduate and be rid of this place.

I nodded as she walked me inside.

I looked back at her, and she waved at me.

She was more of a mother to me than my flesh and blood. Her husband, Dennis, was a trucker, and he was the closest thing to a father.

They lived in a small house barely big enough for the two of them and their dogs, or I knew they would have taken me in, but they fed, clothed, and supported me in everything.

The hours went by, and I felt like I was getting every answer wrong. Others had taken the test, walked up, and put it on the table, and all I could think of was everything was wrong.

“Times up,” the teacher said as he walked down the rows and picked up our test papers.

That was it. I was going to be another failure, another stupid Baxter child.

“It’s okay,” Gretchen said as I walked out.

I always called her Ms. Sanders, but everyone called her Gretchen.

She hugged me, and I started crying. I didn’t want to be another stupid Baxter. I wanted to get away from here and never come back.

“It’s okay,” Gretchen repeated as she stroked my hair as we stood outside the gymnasium.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

“Well, you going to open it or not?” Dennis said.

I met them at the one decent place to eat around here.

It was the test results, and Dennis had cut his trip short to be there when I opened it. I looked at Gretchen, and she smiled at me.

I took a deep breath and opened the letter.

‘No way!’ I thought as I reread it.

“Well?” Dennis asked.

“I passed,” I said as I didn’t believe it.

They both stared at each other.

“I passed,” I said as I reread it for the fifth time.

They both nodded and stood up.

“Got something for you,” Dennis said as we got into the cab of his giant truck.

We went down to the truck stop.

“Open,” Gretchen said as I opened my eyes. We were standing in front of a new car.

It was a small green hatchback. It wasn’t brand new, but as the saying goes, it might not be new, but it’s new to me. And this was new to me. None of us Baxters ever owned a car, well, a vehicle we earned anyway. My brothers and sisters always stole or, as they would say, ‘burrowed’ a vehicle for their needs.

“I can’t,” I said as I looked back at them.

They were barely hanging on, and I knew they were financially in the hole.

“Listen,” Dennis said as he pulled me towards the car and away from Gretchen. “She has cancer, it’s terminal, and when she goes, I am taking that rig, and those dogs and getting as far away as I can,” he said as he stared at me. “We packed clothes and food in it, and you will find a letter on the dash, it’s from her, don’t read it until you get away.”

“Now?” I asked.

“What’s stopping you?” Dennis asked.

I nodded. I hugged Dennis as hard as I could. It felt like my ribs were going to break as hard as he hugged me. I ran toward Gretchen, and she hugged me tighter than he did.

“You go, and you make something of your life, you hear me?” Gretchen said as she wiped the tears from my face. “You never come back here, ever!”

I nodded. Slowly I got in the car and sped off. I looked back one more time before I got on the highway.

I had never left that town or stepped outside the city limits.

I wiped my eyes again and looked at the letter.

I parked on the side of the road and took it out.

“Holy shit!” I said.

Gretchen had gotten me into a community college. Full everything. Inside the envelope, there was more money than I had ever seen.

“Guys,” I said, shaking my head, knowing they had emptied their bank accounts.

I wanted to turn around and give it all back, but I knew they wouldn’t let me.

“Okay,” I nodded and took a deep breath. “Let’s do this,” I said, staring into the rear-view mirror.

Looking at my ginger hair, freckled face, and green eyes. I was a Baxter child, alright. All of us had one thing in common ginger hair, everything else might be different, but mom’s genes were strong in that department.

I pulled off the side of the road and started my new adventure.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The years were not good for me at first. I found an apartment near the college and a job waiting tables at a college diner.

The worst was my roommate, I couldn’t afford to pay the rent on my apartment by myself, so I went in with someone else. She was nothing like me.

While I wanted to go to bed early, she stayed up all night, playing video games and talking loudly to her play friends.

I liked to study. She wanted to make it big by playing and streaming video games of all sorts.

The library was not my sanctuary as it was back home, but at least it was quiet. I found some common study pals, and after the first two years, I was able to leave on a full grant to a much larger college in another state.

As the saying goes, from the fryer to the fire. I was in dorms now, not the dorms I saw in those college movies. This one was like a small apartment, with living space in the middle and bedrooms on either side. The showers were across the hall, but a schedule was posted, so it was alright.

What was terrible was my dorm mate. I would take my old one back in a heartbeat. Raquel was an online slut, as she called herself. She constantly posted scantily clad pictures of herself on the internet and social pages. She also had random guys coming in and out of the dorm.

There wasn’t a night that went by that I didn’t hear the rhythmic bashing of the bed hitting the wall and her wailing like a banshee. Sometimes Raquel would come out of her room with the guys all over her, always two or three at a time.

She was only going to college because her dad wanted her to go. I wondered if he knew what she was doing with his hard-earned money.

The only good thing was I was at the top of my class despite the pitfalls. Soon I would be graduating and out the door.

I made it through college without losing my virginity, even though many guys had tried to take it. They tried to pull me away from my books and into their beds or to parties, but I always declined.

They saw the pale white skin, and the ginger hair and heard the thick country accent and thought I would jump and down on their dicks. That wasn’t me. I had a goal in mind, and I was going for it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After college, it was like life realized it wouldn’t beat me down. So instead, it opened its arms and let me inside.

I found a great job as an intern at a prestigious law firm in Chicago. Seeing the skyscrapers and the city was an exciting experience as I had never seen anything like it.

It took me a while to find my way to get around the city, but eventually, I mastered it.

Even though I just took papers here and there, filed them away, and got people their coffee or lunch orders. I liked it. It was much better than waiting tables.

I got my break and worked on a case with one of the lawyers.

That was the stepping stone for me. Soon I made good friends, and they helped me get my own cases.

“It’s a great view,” I said as Cathy, and I walked our new condo in the sky.

She was my best friend, and we did everything together.

I looked down at the city below. It was nothing like my home. Seeing the busy city far below my feet was different from looking out my trailer window and seeing nothing but other trailers.

“So, are we buying it?” Cathy asked.

“Yes,” I smiled.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

Now that I had a great job and a beautiful place to live with a good friend I could trust. I had to move on to the next stage of my plan. Getting married and starting a family.

Cathy knew all about my life and tried to prepare me for married life, as she had been divorced for two years.

Now that I was about to turn thirty and had never had sex or done anything sexual before, she thought it would be prudent if I weren’t so green, as she put it politely.

Another saying is that practice makes perfect.

The first thing I did was go under the knife. I went from an A to a D. I had always hated my small chest and decided to go for an upgrade.

The improvement got a lot of attention around the office, especially from my bosses, but I wanted to move up because of my skills, not my chest.

I found a young intern named Daniel quite appealing as he reminded me of myself when I was twenty-one. I laid it out for him. I would help him with his career if he helped me with my endeavor. It was a deal that both of us found appealing.

The first time was horrible. It was only Daniel’s second time, and to say it lasted a short time, would be an understatement. The times after that got better.

I had to say Daniel mastered oral sex a lot faster than I did, not that he was extensive or lengthy, but I couldn’t get the hang of something that shape inside of my mouth.

So, there were bumps and bruises along the way. I gave up mastering blow jobs and settled on my other gift, big tits. I easily got him off by putting his dick between them, which satisfied my perfection issues.

Other things enticed me, like being on top. I easily got Daniel to blow his load, as he called it when I was on top, and he liked anal sex.

The first time he put his dick in my ass, I screamed so loud I thought the people on the bottom floor of my high-rise building could hear me.

It was something I got used to after a few more attempts, it wasn’t something I enjoyed, but it was also something I wouldn’t bat an eye at for the right man, namely my husband.

Daniel and I parted ways, and I set my sights on my next project.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

“Seriously, this place is a dump!” Gretchen said as she walked out of the diner.

“There is no signal, why couldn’t we fly to Florida?” Dennis said.

I held my youngest, Vanessa, as my other two complained as they walked toward me.

“Mom? Did you hear me?” Gretchen shouted.

She was my oldest. My clone, as I called her, because she looked exactly like I did when I was eleven.

“It’s a dump,” I said as I looked back at her.

“Can we go?” Dennis asked.

“Your mom needs to use the bathroom,” Taylor said as he took Vanessa from me as he had finished pumping the gas.

I walked into the diner.

“Wow,” I said.

Nothing had changed in thirty years. I could still see where some of the high school kids used a knife to carve their names into the wooden panels.

“Well, some things have changed,” I said as I looked at the attempt to modernize the bathrooms.

I walked back out after using the facilities.

“Sorry about the out of order signs in there,” an old man said. “Damn kids are always breaking things or stealing things from around here.”

“No problem,” I said.

“Damn Baxters!” an old lady said from behind him.

I stopped at the door.

“Sorry?” I said with my hand on the handle of the door.

“Baxters,” the lady said. “Their parents were bad, and now their kids are worse than they were,” she said, shaking her head.

‘I have nephews and nieces,’ I thought as I held onto the door.

I knew mom had passed away years ago while I was still in college but hearing I might have more family made me stop.

“You never come back here, ever!” Gretchen’s voice rang loudly in my head.

“Thank you,” I nodded as I pulled open the door and went out into the snow-covered parking lot.

“Teresa!” the lady shouted as I got halfway to my large SUV.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around as she looked at me. Then she looked at my expensive SUV, three kids, and a handsome muscular husband staring at me.

“No,” the lady said, shaking her head as she lit a cigarette. “You’re not a Baxter, I thought you were one of them,” she smiled. “Teresa Baxter was not like the others, she was headstrong, and she got out of here, far away. I bet she made something of herself and never looked back. Not once,” Mary said.

I recognized her the moment she came from behind the counter.

“Didn’t she?” Mary asked.

I nodded slowly and silently as I stared back at her.

“I knew it,” Mary nodded. “I told you, you idiot!” Mary yelled at her husband as she flicked her cigarette to the floor and went back inside. “She’s not one of those dumb Baxter children!”

“What was that about?” Taylor asked.

“Mistaken identity,” I smiled as I took Vanessa. “She thought I was someone else.”

I looked once more down the long road away from the diner. Three miles down that road and left at the old library, another half a mile, there would be the trailer park where I was born and probably where my brothers and sisters still lived. Four miles from this spot.

“You, okay?” Taylor asked as he saw me staring.

“Thought I saw a deer,” I said, placing Vanessa in her car seat as her blue eyes stared back at me with her cute smile.

“A deer!” Dennis said, perking up. He loved taking pictures of animals.

“No,” I said as I got in the passenger seat and put on my seat belt. I looked down the road. “There is nothing down there, nothing at all.”

“Next time we fly,” Gretchen said. Folding her arms as she stared at me from the back seat. “I hate these small towns!”

“Sure dear,” I said as Taylor pulled out and headed back onto the highway. “Whatever you want.”

***Author’s Note: This story, as well as many others of my stories, are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](
