Lifestyle Club Fun

New to the city and wanted to try out a lifestyle club. Had been to one previously with an ex lover but never had been a single male , and in a new city . Going as a single guy can be tricky because you have no one to socialize with naturally so you must come in and be funny and friendly on your own , which can be taken as being too forward by some women and their lovers .

Attended the club once or twice and picked up the nuances. There are your regulars who regularly play and the husbands seem to be the “leaders” of the group. If you chat them up and they approve of you then they will “let” or bless off with you chatting up their wives . The first few nights , I went basically consisted of drinking with the “regulars” flirting and hugging with their wives and then us watching new couples have sex from time to time .

The regulars were older and while still good looking , none of the new couples really approached them for more than conversation. Most time when a young attractive couple came , they “played” with each other only and put on a show or they brought a friend couple .

Me being in the in crowd of regulars gave me a social crowd to not be a creep but also didn’t really move me forward to being any closer to fun. But drinks and laughs and watching some hot chicks have sex is always fun.

Night 3 or 4 visiting the club , we’ve spent the night talking and laughing. I’m chugging tequila straight from the bottle as we go upstairs to watch couples fuck. There’s a hot little punk rock couple who are going full tilt on a bed with out their curtains pulled around them. Standing there with the regulars some began to kiss their wives or have them play in their pants . I felt my chub growing as the slinger frame and long legged vixen climbed off the her boyfriend and her purple hair dropped over his cock as she gave him a deep throat blowjob . Exposing her tight round ass to us now. I’m now becoming fully erect and my suit pants are tenting like the circus.

I look to my left and a newbie couple is getting pretty worked up. Hubby is about 6 foot tall and a ginger and is towering over his small 5 foot six brunette wife. She has humble breast in a crop top but a nice thick set of legs and round ass in some jeans. While kissing her he plops one of her tits out and starts sucking on it. I’m watching , maybe a tad bit too intently , with my cock pointing at them like a navigation arrow ….

The wife is watching the punk rock couple intently …. the show stopper is now on-top of his wife digging into her so hard she is falling off the bed some and tits are bouncing every where. The wife didn’t even notice when the husband looked up from nibbling on her breast and we made eye contact. He looked up at me and gave me the “what’s up “ nod with his chin pointing upward. His eyes opened a little wider in an exaggerated fashion. I had a flashback to my college basketball days … I knew an alley ooop when i saw one one coming . My only job is to dunk.

I approached her and let my dick grace her leg as i gently grabbed her hand. She was entranced by the rock star sex and although we stood there holding hands she didn’t notice me … realizing that maybe I was being too gentle i firmly grabbed her other breast and pulled it out and began to massage her nipple. Her trance broken she looked up at me startled … her eyes darting from my smiling face to her husbands . Her double take comical almost like a scene out from Scooby Doo. Her husband broke the comedy comedy by returning to sucking on her left breast and i slowly went down on her right nipple.

Her right right felt hand felt around my crotch , finding 8 inches of glory while her eyes still found themselves mesmerized by swinger Bon jovi and wife ….

she whispered in my ear… “I want you to fuck me like that “…

….some of the best sex I have ever had ensued .
