Being Neighborly Part 7[MF]

Seeing Emily on her knees in front of me, was a thing of beauty. Her face was flush from activity and stray hair lay matted to her forehead while the rest was a mess from my hand running through it and grasping it. Both of us there in my room, gathering our breaths trying to get them under control. I had never felt the type of euphoria I was feeling in that moment except maybe when I had finally gotten rid of my V card, except now it was emanating from every pore of my body, but still a niggling feeling crept in the back of my brain.

A feeling that while she knelt there with a radiant smile looking up at me that she had not reached her climax. That I had not reciprocated the relief that she had bestowed unto me. I did have to stop right as I was about to erupt so that I could keep my promise to her. Maybe I had cut it short for her as well. Or maybe I had given her what she wanted, what she needed. There was only one to make sure that she had reached her orgasm.

I extended my hand out to her shoulder and run it down her arm. I could feel the thin sheen of sweat spreading as I did, until I bent down low enough to grab her hand. I took it in mind and pulled up and the rest of her body followed along. Her head only reached just below my chin, so I had to bend forward to grab a kiss. Her lips soft as they pressed against mine and as if she knew what my next moves were, they opened with mine. Our tongues met and danced together for a short while but I cut it short not wanting to get distracted at the task at hand.

My lips journeyed down her chin and neck and took a turn at the base of her neck as I gently spun her so that her back was against my chest. I brushed her hair to the side leaving stray stands in place as it stuck to her skin. My lips pressed against slick silky skin, each time taking in a slightly salty taste of her sweat. My hand firmly pushed her shoulder down and forward so that her ass press against my still wet cock. I began to lower myself as I pecked my lips on each node of her spine down to her tailbone. I slowly moved down one knee to the next. My hands pressed up the bottom of her cheeks, squishing them both in each hand. I opened my mouth and sunk my teeth into one fleshy cheek and a short little squeal spurt out of her mouth.

I positioned my thumbs just to the side of each of her pussy lips and spread it open to reveal a bright pink moist meal. I leaned forward, my tongue reaching out to take my very first taste of her. I slowly slid it down taking in her rich salty gooey essence. I felt the tip of my nose graze the skin between her pussy and asshole but I pushed my head forward some more and pressed my tongue as far as it would go. I felt her legs tighten under my palms as I moved further down.

My nose had submerged itself between pink lips as my tongue ventured lower to find her clit. And when it found its target I heard Emily let out a shuddering moan. My tongue worked circles around her clit, varying pressures with each circuit.

Emily began giving out suggestions of where my tongue should go next. I followed along as she called out up, down, harder, faster, slower, right, left. She would pause in between at times and I kept up with whatever her last direction had been. The pauses became longer between instructions as her moans and calls for God became increasing louder. Her legs would tremble slightly at first then with each passing moment grew more violent and uncontrollable.

Then she gave her last instruction and my tongue was flicking back and forth at a furious pace. Her moans had merged into one long continuous moan until her body was trembling and she let out one long and loud “FUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK!”

It seemed to go on forever until her voice tapered off into nothing and abruptly her collapsed under. I felt her cheeks slide past my face and the absence of something to hold threw me off balance. I fell forward and landed on top of her. I was able to soften the fall a bit, with my hands catching the mattress on the sides of her. I laid there for a bit feeling her body expand and contract under me, fast at first but eventually slowing to a normal rhythm.

I spun off of her and plopped onto the ground next to her and leaned back against my bed. We both stay where we were for a few minutes or an hour, I don’t know it was hard to say at this point. Finally she moved, leaning back so that she was sitting on her feet. She brushed her messy hair out of her face and she turned to me and smiled. She leaned over and patted my inner thigh as a gesture to open my legs. I obliged, and she moved to nestle her body between them. She lay her head back into me and my arms wrapped around her.

“You know, I’m really glad you kept your promise now. I haven’t cum this hard in…well, ever.” She said as she nuzzled her face into the base of my neck.

I closed my eyes focusing on the feel of her body sinking into mine, the smell of sweat and lust filling the room, the sound of her soft slow breathing perfectly attuned to mine. This was what true bliss felt like. Then it was over. Emily rose up from her spot and walked about the room picking up clothing.

“Where are you going?” I said sounding a little more like a lost kid than I cared to admit.

“It’s late and I want to take a quick swim before I need to work on some things.” She said without turning back and focused on tying up strings to her bikini. “And I need to recuperate enough energy for later tonight.”

“Oh? What do you have tonight?”

“Boy Thomas, you’re kinda slow in the head, aren’t you?” She said walking back to me and knelt in front of me extending a hand to my cheek. “Thomas, now that I know what you have to offer, I’m going to need more of it. Now why don’t you get some board shorts on, join me for a swim. Then I want you to hydrate and rest until I come back here tonight.”



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