Spa Day [MFM][hotwife]

As a particular fantasy plays out in my head I look over to you and say, “Let’s do another spa day this Thursday.”

“That would be awesome!” you reply without any hesitation.

My mind floats with the rush of endorphins. ”Let me take care of everything” I say with a mischievous smile.

You nod with a sigh and say with a smirk, “I love you” just before you kiss me.

“I love you too. A lot!” I reply and steal a look at your behind as you leave for work.

I immediately call the Four Seasons and asked about booking the couples suite retreat massage. “My wife really enjoyed the masseur she had last time and I’m hoping he is available again.”

“Let me see” the woman on the phone replied. “Yes, it looks like he is available at 1:00 this Thursday.”

“Perfect!” I exclaim and everything is all set. I smile widely as I hang up the phone.

A few minutes later my phone rings. It is the Four Seasons. I frown slightly as I answer.

“Hi Mr. Walker, this is Dominic from the Four Seasons. I’m the masseur you scheduled for your wife this Thursday.”

“Hi Dominic, what’s up?”

“It was my pleasure to be your wife’s masseur last time and I’m flattered that she wants more.” My heart skips a beat at the way he phrases the last part. “I am wondering if you may be interested in some exclusive services I can offer for returning clients.”

“Yes, Dominic, that is something I would be very interested in.” I replied, trying not to sound too eager.

“Excellent” he says, sounding a little too eager himself. “Lets go over some details …”

We arrive at the spa just before lunch. We have some time so we call for a bottle of Champagne and head to the hot tub. “You look incredible!” I blurt out as I drop your robe on the bench. I smile and let my eyes slide over your body to take in the details of your bright, cheeky bikini that is definitely not of the “family-friendly” variety. I drop my robe on top of yours and we lower ourselves into the hot water.

You turn with your legs over mine and ask, “Did you have any trouble booking?”

“Nope. I was even able to get the same masseur for you” I said with raised eyebrows.

“Oh really?” you say with a mix of surprise and excitement.

“Yep. I think he will be very happy to see you again if you know what I mean!” You punch my arm and then snuggle closer to me.

“I can’t wait to find out” you say and I pull you to me tightly as adrenaline crashes over my body.

Our Champaign arrives and we talk about the mundane things in life as we sip and snack. I notice that it is almost 1:00 and recommend that we get ready for our massage. We leave the hot tub and head to the locker rooms to strip away all but our robes. I wait outside the door as you come out and can’t conceal my grin as I look at my beautiful wife knowing that the only thing she has on is the robe loosely draped over her body. We share a kiss and then lounge on two chairs just outside the spa rooms as we finish the last of our Champaign.

Dominic comes around the corner and walks directly over to us. “Welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Please come with me.” He smiles as we stand to follow him. A woman behind him introduces herself as Pia and the four of us head for the massage suite. As we walk I can barely overhear Dominic talking to you.

“I was happy to see you on my schedule again. It means a lot to get repeat clients.”

“Oh. Of course! I really enjoyed the last one.”

“Wonderful! I will do my best to make it even better this time!” He says as he holds the door open to let us in. His gaze shifts to me as he finishes the sentence.

Dominic and Pia step out of the room to let us get ready. We remove our robes and I pull your naked body against mine and give you a deep kiss.

“I guess he does remember me.”

“That shouldn’t surprise you. You’re beautiful and he obviously enjoyed it last time!”

“You better hide that before they come back in” you say pointing down to my erection.

“Good thing we start laying on our bellies!” I say with a smile. I give you a another kiss and we both get settled on the massage tables. My heart rate climbs as Dominic and Pia return to the room and shuffle around as they begin the massage.

My massage feels wonderful but my thoughts are wandering to you. I especially enjoy it when I get a chance to look over to your table. You are on your stomach and I see Dominic running his hands up your legs. He is pushing the boundaries a little further this time as he massages even further under your towel this time. Both of you are clearly enjoying it – and I am very much enjoying the view. At one point Dominic makes eye contact with me as he slides his hand all the way up your leg and over your ass. I feel my erection grow again as I watch.

Pia removes a hot towel from my face and I feel the weight of my robe being laid across my legs. “Ok Mr. Walker, this is the end of your massage” she says quietly.

“Your robe is on your legs and there is a glass of ice water on the table at the foot of the bed.”

“Thank you, it was great!”

Pia exchanges a brief look with Dominic and then walks out and quietly closes the door behind her. Dominic, however, does not leave the room. I sit up and wrap my robe around me. You are on your back now and Dominic is massaging your feet as I walk over to the side of your bed. You’re trying to stay relaxed but you have a slightly confused expression on your face. Your eyes open slowly as you bring my face into focus. I lower down and kiss your cheek.

“Is your massage already over? I thought they were the same length.”

I lean in close to your ear and say quietly, “I made arrangements with Dominic to extend your massage.”

Your eyes widen quickly and your mouth opens slightly as you look intently at me.

I smile and raise my eyebrows slightly. “Are you ok with that?” I ask as I look deeply into your eyes.

You exhale a breathy, “yes” in reply and a smile spreads across my face.

I lean in and gently kiss your lips. Then I move to kiss your temple and whisper in your ear, “I love you so very much.” Then I close my fingers around the edges of the towel covering your body. I stand slowly and grab the edge of your towel. I very slowly slide the towel across your body. I can see the excitement and fear on your face as the towel slides revealing more and more of you. Your breathing is hard and shallow as the edge of the towel leaves your body. I can barely hear you let out a breathy moan the moment your body becomes completely exposed. Dominic slows his massage as he and I both admire what is on the table.

I return to my table and lay on my side looking over at you. Dominic is still down by your feet and you have your head turned to look at me. I stare in your eyes as Dominic begins massaging up your legs. I look over at Dominic and see him exploring your naked beauty with his eyes. I watch your breasts move up and down as you begin to breathe heavily. I slide my hand inside my robe and begin to touch myself. I’m absolutely overwhelmed with desire as I take it all in.

Dominic massages all the way up the side of your legs and around your hips. He pulls his hands along your sides as he moves around to stand above your head. He wraps his hands over your arms, up around your shoulders and pulls his fingers along the back of your neck. He turns your head straight as he does this and he looks down with a slight smile on his face. He pulls his shirt off revealing his amazing, well toned body. I watch him stare eagerly at your body as he fills his palm with warm oil. He leans closer over you and turns his palms down on your shoulders. I’m overwhelmed as I notice you draw in a deep breath and arch your back pushing your breasts towards him. Your body language is begging for more touch and Dominic is more than happy to provide it. His hands run flat from your shoulders down the middle of your chest. His fingers are spread wide as his large strong hands draw back up your body and smoothly over your breasts. I watch eagerly as he reaches your nipples. I see Dominic’s inhibitions fall away as your quiet moans and body language make it very clear that you are enjoying it and want more.

The feelings as I watch are intense. I’m filled with an overwhelming mix of lust, fear, and jealousy. The cocktail of emotions leaves me drunk with desire and I can’t get enough of it. I ride the thrill of seeing something that you’re not supposed to see. I revel in the electric jolt of tantalizing taboo that drives me fucking wild. And I want more. I want a lot more.

Dominic continues to glide his hands over your oil-soaked naked body. Ever the professional, he is still giving you a massage but his hands are exploring all of your body now. I watch eagerly as I see your body yearn for more. Every time he slides down your body I see you push up into his touch. Your breathing and moaning is becoming more intense and I am in love with your pleasure. He pushes slowly down over your breasts but this time his hands join again and he keeps pushing until his hands slide across your belly and continue past your hips and head between your legs. I see the conflict in your movements as you pull back at first but then eagerly tilt your hips and push your pussy firmly into his hands. Your moan is almost a cry out at this point as he holds his hands there for a bit and then pulls hand over hand up between your legs. It is very obvious that you are both enjoying the sensation.

This is when Dominic pulls all the way back and slides off his pants. I can see that he is indeed very happy to see you. He is still standing above your head but now he pulls his hips very close and his incredible cock is right next to your head. He wraps his hands around your face and then slides them down your body as he leans over you. I see you push into him again and you tilt your head until your cheek is resting against his cock. I can see your body language change as you realize just how rock hard he is and how bad he wants you. You turn your head a little more and I see your lips tracing up and down his impressive anatomy and then I see your tongue curl under him. He circles his hands around your breasts and over your nipples. At this point you’re not just enjoying it, you are begging for more. I am absolutely lost in the feelings and hormones ravaging my body. My robe is open now and I am doing more than just touching myself. I’m on the brink of losing control.

He pulls back again and I let out an exasperated breath as I see you chase his cock with your mouth as he pulls it away. He leans his head down by yours and I can just barely hear him whisper, “roll over.” You do as you’re told and roll towards me. You open your eyes and make eye contact with me as you do. Both of us are wide eyed with excitement and now you get a good look at just how much I’m enjoying this. “I love you” I whisper. “I love you too” you reply as you continue to roll face down on the table.

Dominic puts more hot oil in his hands and then glides them down the middle of your back and up over your ass. This time he is getting what he wants and deeply massages you without worrying about boundaries. He circles over you and I see his fingers grip your ass as he does. HIs motions are changing from masseur to a man filled with want and I can see he is becoming more eager. He does this for a little longer but then he comes around the far side of the bed as he continues to massage down your legs. He goes all the way down to your ankles and stops. He looks over at me as I watch everything he does. He has a questioning expression on his face and I give him a slow nod. He slowly wraps his hands around your ankles and pulls them sideways. He puts his hand on your hips as he does this and turns your body across the bed. He pulls you back towards him until your hips are on the edge of the bed and he lowers your feet to the floor. Now you’re laying across the bed with your feet on the floor and you’re looking directly at me. The expression on your face drives me nearly over the edge. I can see that you want more. I can see that you’re excited but also terrified. I stare deeply in your eyes at the very moment when you come to the realization that this is about to really happen. You realize that a man is standing naked behind you as you’re bent and exposed for his taking.

Dominic moves close behind you and rests his impressive cock on your ass. I see your eyes go wide as you feel it and I absolutely love the terrified smile that grows on your face. He wraps his talented hands over your hips and slides slowly upwards skillfully massaging your back with his thumbs as he does so. Our eyes are locked and both of us are breathing heavily. I’m rubbing myself as I look at you. Dominic continues to massage your back while pressed firmly against you.

“Are you sure?” you ask as you look intently at me.

“Yes, Holly, I am very sure.” I say slowly and carefully so I know you believe me.

That is when Dominic knows he can finally have what his body wants. I see his hands retreat down the middle of your back as he pulls slightly away from you. He pulls on your hips as he moves back. He slides his well oiled hands down the outside of your hips almost to your knees. Then he wraps them around the back of your thighs and slides his fingers up between your legs. He reaches your pussy and smoothly slides one hand over the other pressing against you as he does. You move your legs apart slightly and cry out without holding back now. It is overwhelming for all of us and then you cry out, “fuck me!” This causes both Dominic and I to let out held breath.

That is when the fantasy becomes a reality. Dominic moves closer behind you and I watch his hands drop as he guides himself into you. You realize what is about to happen and look at me in a panic. I look deeply into your eyes and stroke myself and suddenly feel like I’ve just jumped out of an airplane. This is the moment. The moment I’ve been waiting for and I drink up every second of it. I watch your eyes go wide as you draw in a sharp breath as another man slides inside of you. As he slides out and back in I can’t stop staring at your face and listening to your moans. I watch your face bounce as he softly pushes into you with each thrust. Your hair falls over your face and off the edge of the table. The fucking gets more intense and you close your eyes and drop your face. I am filled with lust and joy as I watch you give in to the pleasure.

I get off my table and move over to you. I touch myself as I watch all the beautiful motions of your body while he fucks you. Your perfect ass as it bounces against his hips. The muscles in your back as you writhe with pleasure. Your knuckles turning white as you grip the edge of the table. I kneel on the floor so my head is close to yours. I run my hands over your shoulders and along your back. You turn your head to me and I kiss you deeply. Dominic clearly enjoys this and I can barely keep my lips pressed against you as you bounce. You turn your head back towards the floor but wrap your arm around my neck and pull me into you. I can tell just how much you’re enjoying this by how hard you’re pulling me in.

I stand and you pull me closer as I do. You wrap your hand around my dick and then turn your head towards me. You wrap your lips around me but struggle to keep me inside your mouth as Dominic thrusts against you. I wrap my hand around the back of your neck and push myself further in your mouth. I breathe heavily at the scene of my beautiful wife with two eager cocks inside her. Then I pull out of your mouth before it becomes too much. I’m not done enjoying this yet.

Then Dominic pulls out and in one smooth move he grabs your legs and rolls you over. You’re on your back now and he pulls your legs around his waist. Without hesitation he slams his cock back inside you. I look down at the erotic scene playing out before me. I watch your beautiful pussy wrap around his beautiful cock. I rub your nipples as your breasts bounce vigorously up and down while he fucks you hard. “Harder!” you shout and then look at me a bit surprised with yourself that you just did that. Then as you look in my eyes your expression turns very naughty and you cry out again, “HARDER!” I lean down and kiss you deeply. I pull back and smile down at you so you can see just how much I’m enjoying this. I drop my robe off my body and slide my dick against your face. You try a little to kiss it but you’re bouncing too hard to make contact. I grab myself and start stroking faster and faster now. My hands are slick with the oil from your body. I stand taller so my cock is hovering over your shoulders and continue to stroke. I look in your eyes. I look at your breasts. I look at your pussy getting fucked hard. I look up at Dominic and see the struggle on his face as he tries so hard not to explode inside you.

I feel the wave start to slowly wash over me. I stare down at his dick sliding in and out of your beautiful pussy. I slow my stroking and let my climax slowly build inside me. I feel the peak arrive and I slide my eyes up across your body as it bounces from his thrusting and look deeply in your eyes. “I love you” I say with a breathy exhale. Then I let myself cum. I feel the throb in my hand and the powerful pulsing of an intense orgasm. I look down to watch the warm cum fall across your body. You lift your chest towards me as you beg for the cum on your skin. I pull my dick down across your neck as I lean forward to slide my hands over you. I pull the slick warmth back up over your nipples pinching them hard as I do. This is finally too much for Dominic and he starts fucking you like a man who has lost all control. His breath is heavy and I know he is on the brink.

As I rub your nipples I look down at your eyes and grin as I see that distant look in your face as you focus on the sensation building deep inside you. I pinch your nipples and they turn hard in my hands. Your cheeks and chest begin to flush and screams replace moans and the sounds are like a drug to me. Dominic breathes heavily and stares down to watch his cock sliding in and out of you. He is tense and starts to fuck you harder and harder. I’m rubbing my hot cum across your body and look down to watch Dominic’s cock pulse as his cum starts dripping out of you. I know you can feel his warm cum filling your pussy because you absolutely lose yourself. You wrap your arms around me and dig your nails into my back. You pull forward and press your forehead into me and scream with pleasure. You wrap your legs around Dominic and pull him deeper inside of you. I suck on your cum covered nipple as you scream and convulse in an earth-shattering orgasm. Time slows as the beautiful agony takes over your body. I slowly stand to look down over your incredible, quivering, cum-soaked body. I watch as Dominic slowly pulls out of you and I move to get a good look at your perfect, hairless, freshly-fucked pink little pussy with his cum still dripping out of you.

Dominic puts on his clothes and walks out quietly with a wide smile on his face. I see him take one last look across your body as he does. I slide up on the bed next to you and wrap my arm around your belly. I nuzzle into your neck and whisper, “I love you” into your ear. I kiss your cheek and then your lips. Your eyes finally open slowly and look deeply into mine as your world finally comes back into focus.

“That was incredible” I say with a boyish smile on my face.

You nod in agreement and smile back. “Can we do that again someday?” you ask quietly.

“Fuck yes we can!” I say a little too loudly and then kiss you deeply. We lay there for what felt like forever before finally rolling off the bed to go clean up and get back to the real world.



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