They say relationships eventually ‘lose the spark’, but…

The first time with someone is special because… well, because it’s the first time. Because it’s novel, because it’s new, because you’ve got those butterflies that you get when you’re about to do something worthwhile. Like the first time you open a new book or hear the first few notes of a new piece of music, the excitement is in not knowing quite what to expect. It’s a milestone, as well as an experience. I’ll never forget the first time I felt you inside me, or the first time you held me after as we panted and grinned together like idiots.

The next few times still carry some of that same special quality, and all as at the same time you’re slowly figuring each other out, getting more comfortable expressing what you want, having the enjoyment of getting better at it. There’s still that little bit of tentativeness, but that’s nice too, because it means you both care about getting it right.

And once the tentativeness is gone and the naked caress of you next to me has started to become familiar… then the door opens to a whole new repertoire of novelties to explore. So many positions to try, so many acts, so many ways to make each other gasp and tremble. You find so many more things that you love to do together. Sex can be so many things. Tender, adventurous, comforting, thrilling, or simply *fun*… you can be rough, when someone knows and trusts you enough to know that it’s not from a lack of care, or gentle, when they know that it’s not from a lack of passion.

And then there’s love. Love where we don’t mind being vulnerable around each other. Love where I have no need to feel shy, or as if I’m less than enough, where everything feels a little better just because you’re there. Where even a stolen few lustful minutes in the middle of a busy day or our most ordinary and familiar session at night is special, just because it’s with you. When you whisper my name like only you can, when I feel the brush of your lips, when the rush fills my body and I shudder blissfully in your arms. It could never stop being exciting. Whether new or familiar, rough or gentle, playful or sincere… it’s us. And that’s more exciting than anything else.


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