The Contract: Life sentenced. (Femdom) (Flr) (public display) (collar)

On Thursday evening Mike’s ex boss came to have dinner. Claire had invited her to discuss Mike’s future. Renata did not look forward to the evening. She was going to give bad news and The couple deserved a personal appearance. She had a look at the excavation around the house and bridge in astonishment at what Mike had done. In herself she was deeply upset that she would be losing his services. Mike and a few others had been people to build an empire with.

“Freddie ran away with all the money, even cleaned the petty cash out! I have to tell you that reopening is out of the question for now.” Renata said to the couple as they sat down to the meal Mike had cooked.

Her thought was to get the bad news out of the way and not build false expectations. If they chased her away, so be it. Renata was in no way prepared for what came next.

“Mike, find Fred and recover Renata’s money, even the petty cash. ” Claire ordered.

That it was an order was not in doubt to Renata. She had used that tone of voice many times.

“Do I bring Fred in Mistress? In what state would you like him if I bring him in?” Mike asked.

“I want to see him in prison not outside of one in any condition!” Renata said.

“Just the money then Mike.” Claire said.

“How are you going to do that? The cops can’t find him and two private detectives have drawn a blank.” Renata said.

“If I may use the Jeep? About two hours should do it.” Mike answered.

“You know where they keys are. Just don’t do anything that will get you sent to prison.” Claire said.

Without a word Mike excused himself and left. Renata replayed the short conversation in her mind. She had no real anticipation of getting the money.

“Did he call you mistress? Is that his nickname for you?”

“Self selected title, I’m going to have to punish him for that slip.” Claire replied.

“So the two of you are a bondage couple? With you in charge?” Renata asked.

She had known that Mike was devoted to Claire and that their relationship was unusual. She had not suspected this. Claire was nodding and serving what looked like a very nice mutton stew.

“I didn’t know that really happened.”

“Neither did I until it happened between us.” Claire replied smiling.

“I wanted to pitch an idea actually. That was why I called you.” Claire said after the gasp from Renata.

Renata then listened as Claire laid out the plan for the gallery and what role her property could play in it. She put two options forward, either that the gallery would buy her property for a partnership and a seat on the board or that the gallery simply paid her rent. Renting would stop several over projects because the gallery would not make any money if they had to pay additional rent for different ventures and erect the facilities.

Claire laid the plan out for half an hour as the two women are. Renata was asking about would be involved in the deal and on the board when Mike called. He wanted to know the case number from Renata. She dug it out of her purse and gave it to Mike. Mike thanked her and rang off. Renata thought he had probably bribed a policeman to show him the docket to begin his search.

Claire and Renata continued discussing the venture over coffee when Mike came in with a laptop. He dug in a pocket and put petty cash on the table in front of Renata. She looked at him surprised.

“The giveaway was the petty cash. Fred would not have bothered, Nolene would. They were at her flat in Kingsview.” Mike said.

“Why did you need the case number?”

“To tip the cops off. They’ll want to speak to you tomorrow. Nolene’s phone sent the tipoff, they’ll probably want you to positively identify both of them. Maybe ask a few more questions. The money is in the Caymans. The passwords and numbers are there on autofill, the idiot! On Nolene’s computer it seems they were getting ready to run to the bahamas and start a charter cruise business, those never work out well if you have no talent like hiding or blowing a whole port up because they filled your berth with another boat.” Mike said.

“They even tried to steal my retirement dream!” Renata was furious.

She calmed down quickly though. She saw that most of the money was there when she checked the laptop.

“Eight point five percent and a seat with Peter Reinhardt, Ingrid, you, and one more not decided yet? With what is on here I can go for that. Simply because I am curious about the other business vectors.”

Renata listened about the additional ventors and smiled, this could be very lucrative with few risks. She considered the distribution of portfolios, the strategic objectives, and the development plan.

“Deal! Claire just sideline the asshole in charge there at the moment.”

” Oh! Renata I completely forgot with Mike running off. Mike knows Miko Oolos, do you know about him?”

“This just looks better. Oolos? The Super Real painter?”

“Mike asked him to make a piece for you because he felt bad about causing you trouble. Mike, bring her the picture.” Claire said.

“A real Oolos?”

Mike brought out the first pane of stained glass he was satisfied with. Engraved on the frame was a personal message to Renata. Renata stared at the portraits of her in awe. She read the message with a tear coming to her eye.

“If Mike can prevail on Oolos… We’d better jack that gallery up.” Renata had also seen Mike’s signature before.

“How did Oolos get that third picture?” Renata asked as after regaining her composure.

“Uhm that is going to drive Peter insane when he sees it.” Mike said.

“Why?” Claire asked.

“It only exists if you want it to. It’s the product of the picture on each side, if you focus is right.” Mike answered.

Renata started laughing, she had a legal degree too.

“Oolos is a real bastard!” She said. “If the picture only exists conditionally it cannot be true in the legal sense because it does not exist materially. But that it does exist in perception and is thus true is also a fact. That is going to tie the legal profession in knots for decades!”

Claire looked at Mike. Her look said: I know you did that on purpose. Mike looked back, his look said: Yes and I’m going to enjoy the screams.

“Make more coffee Mike.” Claire said aloud.

“Yes Mistress.” he replied gently.

“Do you spank him and things like that?” Renata asked.

“I discipline him yes. He’s not a masochist, he is highly disciplined though and expects repercussions both good and bad. He is not power hungry and incredibly secure within himself. He knows he sucks at many things and has no problem letting me handle them. From the start he encouraged me into this position, he is delighted with our situation.”

“Do you enjoy it?”

“Enormously. It’s not easy, I spend a lot of time thinking about what is best for us and a lot of work goes into what we have. I have the authority, I don’t need to have a major fight to get something done, that moat is a good example. I say what I want achieved and the only debate is how it will be achieved. I don’t micro manage him, he’s intelligent and can operate within direction. Now that I am his owner to all intents and purposes I would not have it any other way.” Claire said as she reflected on the question.

“I must find a man like him. I wouldn’t mind a setup like you have. I suppose I have to ditch Fred first.”

“I could suggest Wingnut.” Mike said as he put the coffee down.

“Neville Schult?” Renata asked. “How is it that you are the only person who calls him Wingnut and keeps his fingers?”

“We were squad leaders in the same army unit. He knows I fight dirty.” Mike replied.

Claire had no trouble knowing who wingnut applied to. She’d met him at a Christmas party and had no illusion about why Mike called him Wingnut.

“Are you looking out for an old army buddy?” Claire asked.

“He once tried to kill Fred to have a shot at you Renata. He was damn close too. That bag of concrete… He thinks you are the sun. He has similar ideas to me in terms of personal relationships.”

“How do you know that?” Renata asked genuinely interested.

“Uhm… I’ve seen his posts looking for a lady.” Mike answered.

Claire didn’t believe that Mike had seen Neville Schult’s personal advertisements. She remembered Sarge’s absolutely shameless conversation skills, more probable to her mind was that they had visited the same whorehouse.

“How do you suggest I do it? Should I call him and tell him to be my subservient husband?” Renata asked sarcastically.

“There are worse ways to start. However he has to get his blue card, just drop drop him a hint… Well it’s Wingnut, you might need to beat the idea that you’re interested into him. He’s a bit slow on romantic overtures.”

“It’s nice that you’re looking out for him.”

Mike shook his head.

“I’m looking out for two people. Both of whom I like.” Mike said quietly.

“Oh dear! I had better leave before I start crying.” Renata said.

Mike had to be at the farm the next morning to pick up his blue card, Renata called early and asked Claire if Mike could man the office while she was at the police. Quietly she asked Claire to tell Neville to wait around. Claire sent Mike immediately with a word to prepare Wingnut. Renata called ten minutes after Mike left asking about how to get started. It turned into a long conversation as Claire gave pointers about what had worked for her in dealing with Mike. She also suggested the better resources she had found.

“I’ll give some admise from my mother, he’s had years to prepare and might rush you. Don’t let him. Speak to my mom too, she knows more about this than I knew.” Claire finished.

“Really? I’ll call her when I’m done here. The cops have arranged the lineup. Apparently he just came from hospital.”

Sunday family lunch was both awkward and entertaining to Claire. Gerhardt had been demoted at home and at work. It was clear that things had changed as soon as Claire arrived. Her mother asked if Mike could go and lock the gallery. Claire agreed that was in order, the keys were immediately put into Mike’s hands. Then Claire got the news in bits.
“Mike, Renata told me you got her money back. Well done, but really! Gluing his hand to her breast? And her hand to his wedding tackle?” Claire’s mother asked.

Scandalized delight all over her features said that she heartily approved but needed to be shocked officially.

“The clothing on the sidewalk was probably a bit much Ma.”

Mike’s mother in law cackled and instantly promoted Mike to dealing with the braai.

“Renata also told me that her farm foreman is also very interesting.”

Claire answered that one.

“Hmm they seem to be quite similar to Mike and I in temperaments.”

Claire saw that her mother knew exactly what that answer meant. Renata had called on Saturday edging around that but clearly looking for guidance. Now she understood more about what the lunch on Monday would have as at least one subject. She knew that the gallery was also on the topic. In fact that was why Gerhardt had been demoted to Director of Art from curator. She was eager to get into the gallery books.

“Oh, that is nice to know, she will be at the gallery at opening time. Could Mike give her the keys tomorrow?”

“Yes I should think so. I would like Mike to look at the facilities tomorrow. We’ll need good estimates to budget.” Claire answered.

“Gerhardt get Mike a beer.” Claire’s mother ordered.

“We don’t keep beer.”

“Then go and get him some, I believe he prefers Windhoek Lager.” The older lady said as if speaking to a child.

Gerhardt looked sour at the prospect of having to go and find beer.

“Thank you Ma. But I think a little wine would be better for now. Reisling if possible.”

“Excellent choice! There you go Gerhardt. A glass of Reisling for Mike and you know I like Shiraz. Claire?”

“I’ll have Reisling too please.”

Claire knew that Mike had chosen reisling because she liked it. She also knew that Mike had declined the beer because he hated being an inconvenience. That her mother had offered told her a great deal about Mike’s promotion in the family setup.

While Gerhardt was getting the glasses filled Claire’s mother spoke about the gallery.

“Your idea of Mike as director of art is not acceptable. Mike is an operations man. Head of facilities or something like that is much better suited to his abilities. He needs a flexible role and have the mobility to keep everything running to direction.”

“Yes I think that might be better. I want him to take that girl in Sabie on as his apprentice though. She has talent and Mike could be an excellent teacher I think, we need to teach an organisational culture as much as how to do art. It’s also a proof of our development strategy because Mike will not teach art as much as he teaches courage, and character that make a career.” Claire responded.

“I want to see her work before we commit.”

“Peter is seeing Malcolm and the girl on Tuesday in Sabie, I’m going to be there, Renata asked to be there too to speak to Peter.”

“Count me in, I’m signing the checks, I want to get some idea of how badly Gerhardt has screwed up.”

Gerhardt returned as Mike lit the fire.

“Mike do you know of any halfway decent facilities to test medium and light platforms? It would help if they are well enough protected to host product launches, spectacular enough for brochure photographs and descreet enough to host sales negotiations.” Claire’s mother asked.

“Locally ma? No, the practice areas controlled by the DoD are a joke. I could suggest the farms around my cabin. It works out to an area of about fifty eight by thirty seven kilometres. What you would get for that is a track exclusively for Llarson and its affiliates. From there you could create the facilities needed. The access is not easy, yet it’s not prohibitively hard either. The terrain is varied, and flexible providing a number of challenges in a condensed area. All the farms in question are abandoned. I offered fifteen thousand per hectare two years ago, most were interested but wanted twenty five. Negotiations broke down when I met Claire because my future path was in a different direction.” Mike responded.

“Those farms are spectacular!” Claire said.

“Hmmm, I’ll call Frikkie. He will be doing project and site security for me.”

“I need to go and lock the gallery ma.” Mike said.

“Yes you do. Off you go dear. Thank you. Do you know what Frikkie drinks?”

“Whisky ma, J&B jet if possible.”

“Thank you. Go and lock the gallery. Gerhardt can go and buy more meat.”

Gerhard was standing five paces away and was being ignored completely. From the way she said Frikkie Claire gathered that she was looking at not only demoting Gerhardt at home but firing him. They heard Mike drive away and Claire’s mother turned on Gerhardt with a ferocity that was astonishing to see.

“Get out of my house. Go and get some more steaks, chops and sausage. While you’re out look for a place to stay. On second thought don’t bother with buying anything just find a place to stay.”


“Five million! That is what you cost me in the last year. Mike made me fifteen with simple advice! It’s his plan that is going to earn twenty five next year out of YOUR gallery. Make no mistake, from tomorrow you will work for Him. Get out, or you’ll find yourself dealing with your replacement in ways you cannot handle.”

“You can’t expect him to know anything! He was a stupid infrantryman from the army. Claire had to organise a trade for him.”

“My entire business is built by infantrymen idiot! I can kick a manager out from under any bush, an artisan who is any good takes years to find. A creative artisan like Mike is incredibly rare and I hang onto those more anything else. I can replace you, indeed I have at the gallery. Do not make me replace you as my husband.”

Claire sucked a breath at how much Gerhardt had lost in a year. She knew that the gallery was going to cost a great deal more to fix. Quietly she hoped her mother was right. She watched Gerhardt flee, the realised that she had Mike’s number ready to dial. Chillingly she realised that she would have used Mike’s much desired safe guard as a weapon against her father in law.

“I’ve wanted to do that for such a long time! Let’s get things set up for Mike to brief Frikkie. Oh and call the butchery please. And the bottle store. Beer for Mike and whisky.”

By the time Mike got back from the gallery Sarge had arrived and was sipping a whisky with deep appreciation. Mike glanced at the table and smiled. Claire had set her mother’s laptop and a projector up to project onto an old fashioned film screen.

“You took your fucking time boytjie. Don’t go all officer because you organised Wingnut a gap.” Sarge said.

“Frikkie, Mike was locking the gallery.” Claire’s mother said.

“Yes Ma’am but I’ll take bet he could have been quicker, what was it boytjie? Chatting or checking?”

“Gerhardt has kiddie porn on his computer. Watch him Sarge he’s going to drop my mother in the shit.”

“I’ll watch him outside, I have no eyes inside.”

“Mike you were talking about farms?” Claire’s mother asked.

Mike brought up Google Maps and found the area. He used a kebab stick as a pointer while he briefed. He showed the farms of interest, pointed to four peaks looking over the Orighstad road and showed how those four points could control seventy kilometres of road, half the distance between the two towns. He pointed out that secondary access routes were limited and at natural choke points. He described conditions, normally and as he had last seen them. He showed where the old farmstead was and noted that it was a good tactical head quarters because it was a solid, sound structure, it had ancillary accomodation facilities, good storage, and a helicopter capable cleared area.

“Ok. It looks good for our purposes Ma’am. Do I deploy men for a Recce?”

“Yes Frikkie, I think we should. I want an idea of what to offer for the land and what kind of work will be needed. Your guys have been kicking their heels, put them through their paces and evaluate. Tell me what I’m going to need in terms of fencing, and security equipment. I’ll send someone to evaluate structures of interest. Not you Mike.”

Claire nearly laughed at the disappointment on both of the men’s faces. The two were clearly in familiar territory in this regard.

“Hazards boytjie?”

“Leopards, there might be commercial and funding advantage in verifying some aspects in that hazard. I have sighted three females, one has shown her cubs, that means a probable four leopards, possibly as many as ten.”

“Fuck! Ten leopards! Ok. What else?”

“A herd of feral cattle, a herd of buffaloes, waterbuck, baboons, naturally in that area. Snakes ranging from harmless to extremely venomous, including pythons. Terrain hazards are there the wetland here, the sheer drops here and here, the trees here are poisonous so do not use them to make fires. Places to take care in… This place is a fresh water source, this place is also sacred to Claire and I, do not allow your guys to cause kak there, I will eat them alive.”

“Explain the funding and commercial advantages please Mike.” Claire asked.

“My farm is a breeding center for duikers, klipspringers, caracul, and lynx. My farm borders this game reserve. I supply fifty duikers per year for an income of half a million. The kilpspringers, maybe twenty, for a quarter million, lynx and caracul fetch at least a twenty thousand each. At no effort to me. All I do is to allow the game capture teams from the game reserve onto my property once a year. With verified presence of leopards the entire area can easily be classed as a private game reserve with the tax break that come with that, additionally by not allowing hunting but focusing on breeding programs there would be an income sufficient to carry the operating costs of the facility making it a zero cost facility. The government will also subside fencing for hazardous game and provide assistance to re-establish roads. Since it all gets to be amalgamated into a single property the road would be a perimeter road for patrols. By adding the population on those farms to the breeding program I have there we can create a low investment income source that might relieve financial stress of maintaining the facility. That is fallout though and a strategic consideration for the protracted term not now.”

The three watching the briefing were silent.

“Ok emergency exfiltration. How do I get my boys out of there in a hurry?”

“My farm here, on foot there is a route up here, well covered overhead with good firing positions all the way up. By vehicle the route is to this point, the hikers cabin, it has space for a helicopter, a good defensive location too, if that is not feasible the route is up this spur if on foot. If it’s vehicles, here then uphill here. Beyond this point vehicles will have trouble. There are supplied bothies here, here, here, here.”

“How often is the cabin serviced?”

Claire was fascinated to see how the questions came and the answers were given. Not a single detail was dismissed or considered minor. There were no insults, it was merely a transfer of a copious amount of information. She and her mother went to the kitchen and discussed the business of Mike’s farm and how to bring his farm and the abandoned farms into a single strategy. The more those farms were looked at the by the two women the more they saw a bargain.

“Off the top of his head he brought this plan out!” Claire’s mother said.

“It never occured to me that Mike had actually made his farm pay for itself…” Claire said in awe.

The braai eventually happened in the evening. Claire’s mother remarked on how sober the two men remained until the briefing was done and Sarge had called his team to action. The briefing had even included how to get food and fuel to the men. And a good deal of the telephone work had been arranging for adequate and discreet delivery.

They were sitting around the fire after supper looking at the stars. To be honest the ladies had more alcohol in their blood streams than the men.

“Frikkie, if I were single would you be interested in starting something with me? Claire’s mom asked.

To Claire it was obvious that her mother was testing the water. Sarge, answered as Sarge habitually did.

“As long as we start honestly ma’am. I don’t need the money, I took this job to start something. I want no farting around. Put my dick in a cage like your daughter did with boytjie and own me. It’s that or nothing.”

“My husband was in a cage.”

“Bullshit, he gave you the cage and a key, what happened to the other one if he gave you two keys he had a copy already. Asshole is fucking you around, how often did you see him fiddle with the cage? Ask your daughter how much Mike fiddled.”

“I had to beat it out of Mike to not fiddle.” Claire said. “He still fiddles…”

There was silence for a few minutes.

“Claire take Mike home.”

On Monday Mike unlocked the gallery on time with Renata, Wingnut standing right beside her. He waited in the foyer as people came in late.

“Send the ex curator to me when you see him Mike.” Renata said sticking her head out of the admin section door.

“Sure Renata can I ask if Wingnut could check the fire suppression?”

“Sure, I’ll send him. Keep him busy would you?”

Gerhardt came in forty five minutes late, Mike had already found out that he usually came late. He was clearly unhappy to see the person responsible for his drop in the foyer. He tried a smarmy remark that managed absolutely nothing.

“The new curator would like to see you in the curator’s office now.” Mike said calmly.

“The fire suppression is fucked. The security is a joke, half the cameras don’t work and in the control room there are no working radios. The electrics are out in the stacks, whatever those are. The toilets stink, the roof leaks and that destroyed the carpet upstairs. This place is a dump Boet.”

“Thanks, send me the pictures; you’re a plumber, work up a quote to fix the water, waterproof the roof.” Mike said.

Gerhardt was going through to the admin section in a huff. Mike’s task for the day was to ascertain the state of the gallery facilities, he’d seen enough. As Wingnut’s pictures came through he was walking into the offices. Renata was screaming at Gerhardt in the curator’s office. Clearly the books were a mess. Mike quietly asked the staff to go to the foyer and wait there. They nodded and went to wait quietly. Gerhardt came out of the office in a rush carrying his computer. He took an empty office and returned for more of his things. Mike waited across from the table of Renata without a word until Gerhardt came in a fourth time.

“What of yours is still in here?” Mike asked.

“The files…”

“Stay here. What else?”

” Uhm.”

“Don’t come back. If you need something ask me.”

Gerhardt fled.

“The building is a death trap, fire prevention has not been maintained in four years, security has no communications, fire escape doors are broken or blocked. Electrics from what I’ve seen is redundant and unsafe. If the inspectors walk in we face criminal charges.” Mike reported.

“What absolutely has to move?”

“The stacks, that is the old art this place has. It’s the master samples of the merchandise. The printer, it’s old but valuable.”

“Send everybody to the farm and evaluate each from there?”

“Ok. Should I make the calls?”

“No, I’ll make them. Give me five minutes please. Get the people into the foyer in the mean time please.”

“Already there. I’ll make sure nobody goes far.” Mike answered.

“Mike, about Neville, don’t call him Wingnut where others can hear please. And thanks…”

“No problem.” Mike said with a smile.

The decision was instant; the gallery would close for refurbishment immediately. Those with leave available could go, the rest would relocate to Renata’s farm. Of the ten staff one three had no leave available, two of those were cleaners, the third was Gerhardt. Renata considered and sent everybody home, she agreed to find other work for the cleaners and Gerhardt needed to move the exhibition and stacks to the farm before he could go on unpaid leave.

“I’m going home, I can look through the books there just as well as here. Get tenders for refurbishment as urgent would you? Have the tenders sent to me.” Renata said.

“Can I use Wingn- Neville as a plumber and general second in charge?” Mike asked.

“Hmmm, no. I need him. Look at him for future work on the farm though, proviisionally.”

Mike nodded and made calls as Renata and Neville collected what they needed and left. Gerhardt proved to be incapable of hiring a truck and some people to load and unload it. In sheer fury Mike called a removals company. Within two hours Mike had three trucks moving the stacks to stores on the farm as wells as the office furniture. By lunch time contractors were swirling through the building. Measurement were being taken, pictures were being taken, artisan were speaking to Mike about specifications.

Claire fretted, everything depended on Mike. The conference call about the state of the gallery had been shocking. It meant that Mike was suddenly in for a busy day instead of the quiet half day she had planned to ease him back into work. The future of the gallery idea largely depended on what the work would cost and there was a lot more to be done than anticipated.

She did research into Mike’s idea of a private game reserve for her mother. Sent messages to Peter about the meeting in Sabie including her mother and Renata with the news that Mike had gifted a stained glass piece that needed authenticity documentation. All of this she did with a eye to the sports bag in the corner of her office.

It was late afternoon when her phone rang. She was on her way out of the door with the bag before the call lasting ten seconds ended.

By three in the afternoon the contractors were finished taking measurements and taking notes. The removals company had moved half the stacks and informed Mike that they would return in the morning to finish the job as they were leaving with the last truck of the day. Mike nodded and called Gerhardt at the temporary stores to tell him. He locked the gallery for the night putting a sign in the door that they were closed for refurbishment.
He got into the truck and drove around for a while aimlessly. He found himself at the fetish club, in their parking lot, considering what had happened since he took Claire there on a date for the first time. Smiling, he got out and locked the truck. He wandered in to see Renata and Neville having a quiet drink, they did not see him, he felt no need to disturb them either, Neville was just dead happy to be wearing a leather collar being held on a leash by his Mistress. There were a few submissives looking for masters and mistresses, most of them were wannabes. None asked Mike if he wished to do anything. He was not dressed for the part. On a Monday the rules were a little relaxed.

He bought a beer and sat thinking. Once the beer was finished he went to explore the little mall. He found the store where Claire bought her restraints and consumables. Surprisingly they only stocked high end products. He bought two toys because they were interesting and moved on. He walked past a tattoo studio, looked at designs in the window and shook his head at how bad some of them were. He sat down in the little food court within sight of the tattoo store. He was thinking about telling Claire that tattoos were pointless. He was curious about what a tattoo really cost and went to the quiet store. Only the woman at the counter was there.

“Uhm I was wondering, my mistress and owner might want to mark me…” He said partly to make it clear that it was not his idea.

“Oh so you’re the slave!” The woman answered.”I’ve been waiting for you. Go to the cubicle at the end and strip everything off. Your owner Claire sent instructions.”

Mike went down the passage and to the cubicle indicated. There was no tattoo machine, instead this looked like a mini surgery. One more comfortable than most surgeries. He stripped naked and waited. The lady from the counter carrying a stainless steel tray and told him tomlie down on the slab. It looked like something between a physio bed, dentist chair and orthopedics operating table. He got onto it and waited. His ankles and wrists were secured and then she went to work.

Mike felt the cooling as she swabbed his ear with alcohol. Then there was a quick prick then he felt her working. Then she left his ear and he felt the weight on his earlobe.

“You will always be aware and remember that you want to be owned by me. This has happened because chose this course.” Claire’s voice echoed in Mike’s mind.

“I will determine how you look to the world.” Was her next message as the process repeated on his other ear.

The woman was not finished. She was sterilising one nipple. Mike felt the cold as the alcohol evaporated then she pierced it and put a cap over his nipple.
“You are a man. I will never permit you to be anything other than a man.” Claire’s voice was in his memory again.

“I will not betray, abandon, or leave you.” Was the message as his next nipple was covered.

Then he got a navel piercing. There was a strange, new sensation of weight on his navel and he heard Claire again.

“I love you, regardless of how you look, I love you Slave Mike.”

Then the chastity cage was removed and Mike tried to struggle. Then was no point the restraints were good. The woman set about giving him a Prince Albert piercing. This took time as she inserted a plastic urethral sound first. Then she did it. Mike felt the prick and the progress of the needle through his penis.

“I will decide your children. Or I can castrate you with a word, either will be my decision. Please me in all you do.”

The last piercing went though the skin of Mike’s scrotum. He felt his penis being secured to his scrotum. He felt the straps securing him release and continued to lie still.

“I own you. You are my property.” Drowned out anything else in his mind.

“We’re done slave. Get up and stand facing the door. Your owner will need to approve the work.” She said.

She left without another word as Mike stood up. He stared at his reflection in the mirror on the door as he waited. The earrings were very feminine he turned his head watching them swing and feeling the pull on his earlobes. His nipples were covered, a red crystal shone in the middle of each cap. His navel had a similar but larger crystal in the hollow. His old chastity cage was gone, in its place a new stainless steel tube was attached to his penis by the piercing. It was secured by a small chain hanging from his scrotum to the lock. The cage felt very different, it was lighter and his genitals felt cooler. He was actually happy with the result although the earrings would take getting used to.

He was looking for his clothes, remembering that he had hung them on the hook, they were gone. He was just worrying about that when Claire came in. She was dressed in her leather catsuit with her favorites stilleto boots. She walked up to Mike and checked the piercing then pointed to the floor. Mike kneeled and kissed her feet. Satisfied she opened the bag she was carrying and took Mike’s outfit out. A leather kilt, boots with socks to match the kilt. No underwear, no shirt either.

He put them on at her order then kneeled again. She took out a leather collar with a lead and put it on him. Then they left without a word to the lady behind the counter. It was a short walk to the fetish club. Claire took a seat across from her mother and Renata, wingnut was sitting on the floor beside Renata. There were drinks for the three Dommes, none for the two men. This was not unusual in lifestyle arrangements, it meant that the submissive stayed sober and looked after his dominant and gave the dominant a chance to unwind.

“Well slave Mike? Do you have anything to say?”

“I’ve sentenced my life to my owner Mistress Claire Claire.” He said feeling jubilant that this was not hidden anymore.
