Simba Cannot Forgot – Chapter 1 [M19/F18] [Male Reluctant Sex] [Orgasmic Memory Wipe] [Casual Sex With Love Interest] [Slow Introduction]

[Originally posted [here](]

*This is the craziest thing I have ever seen!*

I thought to myself as I saw Hayase walk into the men’s showers, completely naked.

There were only four of us left in the changing room, the rest already having left. We had finished a really hard soccer practice and the four of us had remained on the side of the field, resting and chatting before heading for the showers and then back home for the weekend.

I was new to the school, having transferred recently, and I hadn’t made very many friends yet, so I thought it would be smart to hang out with some of the cool students in the soccer club.

I wasn’t actually all that into soccer, I had played some during the school year since my mother insisted I needed to play some sports for exercise and since I had played soccer as a kid, I just kept doing it. I was actually rather more into the “nerdy” stuff, like playing computer games and I always had a fascination for things like science and astronomy. I wanted to study hard so I could get good grades and perhaps get a job as an astronomer in the future.

However, today I was extremely happy that I had joined the soccer club, as the hottest girl in college had just walked naked into our showers.

My heart started pounding as I saw her fine strong thighs, well shaped from her practices in the tennis club, and the rest of her was just a gorgeous, her midriff flat and with hints of her muscles, playing under her skin as she walked, her breasts must have been B sizes, not small, but also not large, a perfect handful, her arms and shoulders were strong and well shaped, yet not excessively large and her pussy…

God I never thought I would see her pussy…

It was shaved and although I couldn’t see much while she was standing up, I could see the slight protrusion of her pink inner lips from between the soft and swollen outer lips of the mound.

“Hello boys, have you been practicing hard today?”

Hayase said brightly, beaming my favorite feature about her to us, her mischievous smile.

I still remember the first time I saw her, it was on my second day at school and I had heard her iconic rippling laughter down the corridor and looked around to see who the girl with such an amazing laughter was.

I am so glad that I did, because I got to see the most beautiful woman in the world. At least as far as I knew.

She was apparently half-Japanese, thus the beautiful name Hayase, and although the mix of caucasian and asian complexion almost always results in exotic, yet familiar, beauty, she was something out of a fairy tale.

Her hair and eyes were dark, almost black, her skin toned with a light brown color, either from genetics or tanning, I could never tell, and the shape of her cheek bones, jawline and her eyes created a perfect symmetry that becomes so striking and iconic that it was impossible to forget.

But her best feature was her smile. It beamed brightly and always had a hint of mischief in it, as if she was about to pull a prank on you. You never felt safe, yet she drew you in like a moth to a flame. I loved it. I loved her.

It didn’t take me long to realize it. The way my heart pounded when she was near. How my hands became sweaty and my eyes darted left and right, afraid to meet her eyes, scared of her seeing my feelings through them. I couldn’t help it, my heart jumped a beat every time I heard her laughter, even if I couldn’t see her.

And here she was now, in front of us, naked just like us.

A ruckus boomed out as all the boys in the showers started yelling excitedly and hollering at the naked girl in the room.

The captain of the soccer club, Ryan, was the first one to actually speak, smiling as he did: “What are you doing here Hayase? Did you go into the wrong changing room?”

She beamed back at him and said: “No Ryan, actually I saw how hard you all practiced today and I thought, such hard work should not go unrewarded!”

“And how are you going to reward us?” Asked Ryan, his smile growing even wider.

“You know how I will reward you… I will reward each of you, going clockwise, starting with you, new guy.”

She pointed at me and took a step towards me.

I couldn’t help but to think that this was really unusual. This was crazy, what was she doing? Hayase was known for being wild, that was one of her attractions, but I had never heard of her doing anything this crazy! As a matter of fact, I had never heard of her so much as kissing a guy at college.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn’t even noticed that she was already on her knees in front of me, so when she touched my half-erect penis, which apparently had been paying attention to the situation, I flinched from the unexpected touch.

My flinching seemed to have taken Hayase aback, who looked up at me with a surprised, but amused, expression.

“There is no need to be afraid, I won’t hurt you.”

She said with a mischievous smile forming on her lips as she took grasp of my cock again, grabbing it from the root, so my now hard cock and my balls hung out towards her in her grasp. It felt amazing and she hadn’t even done anything yet. To my embarrassment my cock twitched in her grasp.

“Have you never been touched by a girl before? I promise to be gentle with you.”

She said, her smile growing even wider still, before she took the head of my cock in her mouth.

*No I actually haven’t, I have never been with a girl before, I am still a virgin…*

I thought to myself, but I couldn’t possibly tell her that. She was joking of course, playing off of my nervousness, but it actually was true. Not only was this my first time getting a blowjob, but it was the first time a girl had touched me at all… And it was Hayase no less… Somehow this felt wrong, this was not how I had wanted to do it with her. I had fantasized about it and this certainly was nothing like it.

But as Hayase started sucking me properly, all thoughts were wiped from my mind. This… Felt… Fucking… Good… I could never have imagined that it could have felt this good. The way she used her tongue, her lips and even her teeth to tease, suck and lick my cock felt so good. Too good.

It cannot have been more than two minutes or so before I felt the familiar pressure building. I was about to cum and there was nothing I could do about it. I knew that I would cum in a few seconds.

She could tell, presumably feeling the twitching and swelling of my cock in her mouth, and her eyes squinted in a satisfied and mischievous way, making me realize that it was the expression of her eyes that I loved so much, more than anything else about her face when she smiled.

What an odd realization to have seconds before you come from your first casual blowjob by a girl who is oblivious to one’s inexperience and love for her.

A second or two before I came, she took my cock out of her mouth and jerked it until I shot long heavy ropes of cum all over her face, as she kept her eyes closed.

“Wow you must have been holding that in for a while, that was a lot.”

She said with a giggle as she stood up and placed her hands on my chest. Again her touch electrified me, sending my heart racing.

“Move over… Uh…”

Fuck, she didn’t even know my name.

“Simba.” I said, expecting the usual reaction.

“Simba? Are you serious? You don’t seem like the king of the pride exactly!”

She said with a teasing smile, her eyes still closed with my cum sprayed all over her face.

What can I say, to my great embarrassment my parents were really great fans of a certain movie. I was used to the reaction at this point, although it always stung.

A droplet of cum ran down Hayase’s chin, over her smiling upper lip and into her mouth. She licked it up subconsciously and I could see a tiny twitch of her face as she tasted the salty cum and realized what it was.

“Anyway, move over Simba, I need to wash off before I move on to the next guy.”

The “next guy” was Josh, who let out an excited “hell yeah!”, while holding his already erect cock in his hand, ready to go.

I felt disgusted. My first time with Hayase, my first time with a girl at all, had happened so fast, so suddenly I had not had time to process it, to feel anything but the physical pleasure and it had been in the gym showers in front of three other guys… As soon as the physical pleasure had ended, I was filled with a sense of disappointment, emotional dissatisfaction if you will, and all I wanted to do was leave before she moved on to the next guy, discarding me like a used condom, no longer of any value.

Once all the attention was on her and Josh, I made my way out of the shower and quickly dried myself and got dressed.

I tried to ignore the sounds of Hayase and the other guys, the moaning of Josh and the excited cheering of the other guys.

I felt violated, yet I couldn’t get the satisfied and mischievous expression on her face out of my head. I wanted more of that, but alone with her and under very different circumstances. The touch of her tongue on the head of my cock…. Fuck that had felt so good… Yet, the sting of the causal nature of it tainted the memory. It meant nothing. Even to me, really… It just felt good. Like the rush of a candy, soon forget once it had been chewed and swallowed…


The next day felt awkward. I didn’t want to go, I didn’t want to listen to the other guys brag. I didn’t want to have to pretend that I was cool with it and banter and laugh about it with the others. I felt like my image of Hayase, the one I kept with me at night as I fantasized about us, had been shattered irreparably. None of the rumors about her had indicated that she was this casual about sex. There certainly were rumors about other girls, but never about Hayase.

However, as the day went past, none of the guys talked about Hayase. At first I thought it was meant to be our secret, but later when I tried to bring it up with Ryan, he looked at me like I was making things up.

“Hayase in the showers with us? Dude that must be a dream that you have mixed up with reality! Maybe you have been working too hard recently. Do you sleep properly at night?”

He said to me in genuine concern.

“Probably!” I said laughing, trying to brush it off. “Maybe I will go to bed earlier today.”

When I talked to the others, bringing the matter up rather more vaguely by simply mentioning that what happened in the showers was crazy, they reacted with the same oblivious ignorance. At first I thought they were messing with me, but they seemed genuine to not remember. Or was I imagining it? Was it a dream that I couldn’t separate from reality? Was I going crazy?

I stalked the corridors looking at my feet, feeling anxious and scared, not understanding what was happening to me, when I almost bumped into someone.

“Hey watch it, Sim… Whoever you are!”

She had almost said my name, but changed to “whoever” mid sentence, as if… as if she wasn’t supposed to know it.

I looked up at her with shock in my eyes. She remembered my name! What had happened was real! But why was she pretending to not know it?

My eyes must have revealed more than I had intended, for her eyes widened with realization. Realization that I remembered?

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty lecture room in the corridor.

“That look in your eyes, you remember don’t you? Tell me what you remember.”

I looked at her stunned. Then I said:

“Of course I remember, how could I ever forget? You were in the boys changing room and… did things… In the shower with us!”

“What things?” She said seriously and with no hint of humoring or mischief in her voice or expression. I felt embarrassed at having to detail it.

“You know… You…” I lowered my voice to whisper, feeling the embarrassment color my face read. “You sucked my d- dick…”

“Fuck!” She said, raising her hands to the top of her head in exasperation. “You are not supposed to remember!”


I thought to myself. How was I supposed to forget? On the other hand, the other guys had, so why hadn’t I?

**to be continued…**



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