Owned Part Two

(Read part one [here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ydd18u/owned_mf_ds_2040/))

It had been a week since that night. That night where you knelt, served, submitted. You had spent a month in that house, held in voluntary slavery, all leading up to that moment.

When you woke the next morning you felt different. Changed. As you looked in the mirror at your ruined make up you questioned yourself. Had you really turned into a… you couldn’t complete the thought. You stripped off the dirty lingerie you had slept in and washed your body clean. And left.

The days had crept by, first in novelty at being home, then the familiar boredom of normal life. You caught up with friends (telling them you had been travelling), set about chores and went to bars. The occasional guy had hit on you but you knew they wouldn’t be able to satisfy you now.

At night, alone with your thoughts, you remembered how you had felt that night. How he had stood behind you, how you had melted at his words, the taste of him, the quivering of your thighs as you masturbated afterwards. Your cheeks burned with shame.

But… every night the memory came back. Every night you came a little closer to picking up the phone, until

“I want to come back”

“Are… you sure? It seemed you had made a decision.”

“I just… I felt like-”

“It’s okay. I understand. Maybe you should come over.”

You sat across the table from him, just like you had at dinner that night.

“I just wonder, how do you know you won’t feel this way again?”

“I’m ready, sir. I just needed some time to think it over.”

He gazed across at you, scanning, searching, then seemed to soften.

“You’ve been a bad girl… I don’t know if I can trust you.”

Your heart began to beat a little faster.

“I know sir, but… I have an idea. You could punish me.”

You stood, trembling slightly, in the centre of his bedroom. The full length mirror framed you, and the bed behind. Your body was stripped bare, save for your collar, restored to its rightful place. Your hair pulled back in a tight bun. Everything was as it should be.

You fidgeted a little, restlessly tugging at the straps which bound your forearms together, crossed behind the small of your back. You stared at yourself and felt satisfied, right until the moment the scene disappeared behind a thick blindfold.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“Yes, sir” you lied, driven on by lust. Adrenaline began to pulse through you. The seconds seemed to stretch, ancicipation growing, never sure when the moment would arrive.

A jolt of pain burst from the base of your spine, spreading up your back. You held in a gasp. You had never felt like this before. Just as you gathered your thoughts another came, and drove them away. The pain filled your mind. The cycle repeated, each lash of the whip wiped your mind clean, each break between your thoughts burst through, thoughts of lust alone.

You felt him close, felt his breath by your ear.

“Want to stop?”
“No, sir.”

Soon you realised he had been going easy on you. You felt tears form, drip and soak into your blindfold. Soon you could hold back no longer, letting out long moans with each strike.

He held you close, speaking directly into your ear again

“Why did you leave?”

“I felt… ashamed”

You felt his hand sliding between your thighs.

“You don’t need to feel ashamed, kitten. This is part of you. You need to be taken care of, and that’s okay.”

“Daddy,” you said, in a half-whisper “make me your whore.”

You felt him take you in his arms and carry you to the bed. As you fell forwards you felt the blindfold slip away, and caught sight of yourself in the mirror once again. Your hair in disarray, your makeup ruined, bent over with your chest buried in the sheets and your ass in the air, burning pink where it had been whipped. You saw one hand slipping around your waist, felt him sliding inside you, and caught sight of your face, flushing as his other hand crept around your throat. Your mouth open, breathing heavily.

“Yes daddy, please! Please daddy!” you squealed

“You’re going to cum for me like a good little slut” he answered

“Just for you daddy” you screamed, free from shame. The pleasure of your orgasm mixed with the pleasure of telling the world, screaming it.

“Now, you know what to do.”

You rolled over, thighs still shaking and took him into your mouth, thrusting your head down on him as he filled your throat with cum.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/106kmop/owned_part_two