Focused CEO part 3 [Misogyny][Rough]

Disclaimer: There is no misogyny in this part either and it may take a few more parts for the plot to lead into it. The tag is only present as a warning in case someone who opposes misogyny to ever be a part of this story comes across it. Misogyny will only be explored as a kink, not as a belief/way of life.


As Marie leaves the room, I get to writing the resignation letter as I know it will be challenging to do so in the office with the other employees around, my hands shiver at first knowing how much I love this job, how difficult it is for a fresher to get a job, and not to mention, all the memories I have already built with Marie in the company premises. I take a few deep breaths to steady myself then quickly write up the resignation letter, the letter probably did not showcase the best of my writing skills, but understandably so.

Once I finished writing the letter, I see that it’s been quite a bit of time but Marie hasn’t returned yet, I quickly put on my pants and head down, unable to find my shirt in a rush since I want to go and check up on Marie. As I get down to the last flights of the staircase, I can already see my woman as the house is made so open, her back towards me, I see that she is wearing my shirt under the apron, with no pants on. I slowly walk up to her, not wanting to make any sound, and wrap one arm around her belly while my other hand feels the back of her thigh and my chin rests over her shoulder, she jumps and shivers in surprise before quickly settling into my arms and letting her weight back on to me

“Did I take too long?” she asks

“Yeah, you are taking very long” I say and laugh softly, “what are you making“

“Well the banana bread is in the oven, and I am making some potato rosti with beef sausage and eggs in case you want something savory” she replies

I can feel my mouth water as soon as I hear her describe everything that she is making, “wow, so much? We are having a feast”

“Well, I was feeling guilty for earlier-” she starts to say but I move my hand from her belly up to her lips and place a finger on her lips

“You don’t have to be” I say and suck on her neck slowly

“Okay” she says simply as her breath gets a little heavier

I return my hand to her belly and slowly move the other hand up under the shirt to feel her ass, I also now know that she doesn’t have any panties under either. My hand gently grabs the underside of her ass and massages it, “should I help you cook?” I ask teasingly

She gasps as she feels my hand but shakes her head, “that will make the cooking harder”

I press my body onto hers, but let go of her ass and wrap both arms around her belly, “you are the chef, your kitchen, your rules” I say and laugh

She glances down at herself before steadying herself and getting back to cooking, “thank you” she mumbles still a bit flustered, “I like this so much” she says as I can hear her voice shake a little

“Like what?” I ask confused and tilt my head to the side to see her face better, she isn’t crying, but her eyes are surely watery

“Starting my mornings with you, being playful and loving together, I thought I will lose it all” she says as she breaks into tears

I turn down the stove and turn her towards me, hugging her firmly, and caressing her back, “I told you just yesterday that I will stay with you, I will” I say assuring her

She hugs me back and grabs onto me tightly as she cries more. The situation was sad for both of us, probably more unfair to me than her, but it felt good anyways, earlier she chose the company over me, and now just being able to witness how much she does want me as her boyfriend makes me feel better, I’d also like to think that if I had not chosen to leave the company, she would regret it and come back to me, but I don’t want to find out about that, you are in my arms, and I know you like me as I like you, and that’s all that matters at this moment.

“The sausages are gonna burn, let me take them off the flame.” I say as I undo my arms from around her

“No, no, let your girlfriend cook this for you. Please go have a seat at the table.” she says turning back towards the stove and serving the sausages

“I prefer staying right here with my girlfriend.” I say and I get close to her again and lean to a side to I can see her face then gently wipe the leftover tears off her face.

The oven bell rings soon after and she smiles, “everything is ready” she says excitedly and takes the banana bread out of the oven, “what would you like to start with?”

“Savory first please.” I say finally heading over and getting seated at the table

She quickly serves the savory food first onto plates and brings them to the table then heads back to the kitchen and gets the dish of banana bread to the table before she gets seated beside me.

“Thank you for all this, you really did not have to overdo it so much.” I say grabbing Marie’s hand and kissing the back of it gently

“I still think I did, and even if not, I wanted to. Now taste it and tell me how it is” she says

I taste the food and say, “it is delicious, you are a great cook, you are cooking for me every day” I say jokingly and laugh

“If that’s what you want.” she says lovingly.

We finish eating in a bit.

“Do you need to go home to change?” she asks

“No, I brought my clothes with me since I knew I would be coming right over after work” I say.

Marie smiles at me, happy that I am staying over for a little longer.

“Let’s head up and get ready now” I tell her as I carry the plates over to the kitchen counter while she gets the dish.

“Can we finish what you were gonna do earlier?” she asks with a small mischievous smile

I look at her confused, unsure of what she is referring to.

Marie thinks for a second before turning her back to me and bending forward slightly knowing her ass will be revealed from under the shirt.

I get closer to her and spank her ass playfully, “let’s head to the shower” I say and lead the way as I head up to the bathroom in her room

As she follows after me into the bathroom, I grab her by her shoulders and pin her to the wall then start kissing her, starting with her neck, her hands feeling my torso, and clearly tending to go lower already. I move my face away from her neck so we both can look at each other properly.

“Were you this turned on ever since I felt your ass earlier?” I ask

She nods, just staring hungrily into my eyes

“That must have been tiring, working like that” I say teasing her, my hand moving to her boobs and squeezing one of them

“Not like I have not been a mess around you since our first date night” she says, getting more comfortable and vocal about sexual things

“Is that the reason-” I start asking, but she cuts me off
“Yes, not just sexually, but every time I see you, I want it all, for you to hold me, be cute to me, flirt with me, tease me, kiss me, and this, everything. I just can’t see you as my employee anymore even when I should” she says

“You are telling me, you have thought about me coming over and fucking you while we are in the office?” I ask, I realize quickly after that I might be pushing it too far, but I was probably just too turned on, holding her breast in my hand as the words just seemed to leave my mouth instinctively

Marie squirms hearing what I say and goes red instantly, “yes” she replies

“That seemed to turn you on even more” I say both in surprise and enjoyment

“Touch my pussy, or fuck me, do something to me please” She pleads, her thighs rubbing together as her whole body shifts around from the movement of her feet to accommodate her thighs so rough

“How about-” I start speaking but stop myself, my head again clearly not in control of my words as I was about to push this even further. I move my free hand down to her pussy and spread open her legs, quickly pulling one aside enough to give my hand enough space to finger her as I immediately just shove my fingers into her with a hard thrust, hoping she will be able to take it given how wet she is.

She lets out a little scream, followed by a groan of still feeling some pain before her voice turns to moans as I keep fingering her, she puts her head first against the wall behind her, then moves it to rest her forehead on my shoulder soon after, “h-have you-… h-have you” she tries to ask, but her body clearly not wanting to focus on anything but the stimulation in her pussy right now

“Have I ever wanted to fuck you in the office?” I ask, trying to guess what she is trying to say

She simply nods her head

“No” I reply truthfully, “I couldn’t take my eyes off you, I wanted to hold you and kiss you, but my mind never went further. But I am sure I won’t be able to think of much else whenever I see you today”

“I am sorry” she says with guilt in her voice

“It turns me on that you thought of it, so you have nothing to apologize for” I say

One of her hands quickly moves down to my pants and feels my dick from over them as it is fully erect. “You like me being naughty?” she asks between moans, her body now stabilized enough to let her form full sentences

“Yeah, I do. Well, the exclusivity of it turns me on in equal parts as the thoughts or acts themselves, the fact that you are anything but naughty in front of anyone else but me, your clothes not even showing your body’s shape fully, but with me, you are, like this” I say

“I didn’t think I would be like this, but you just came in and consumed my mind” she says, her words seemingly not naughty, but her hands undo my pants while she speaks, once my pants have dropped, she feels my dick, holding it and feeling it from underneath, my fingers, moving even faster in her, just as an instinctive response to my dick’s excitement

“Please, in me” she says a second later

Those words made me pull my fingers out of her and flip her around immediately, at that moment my head just concentrated on getting my dick into her and thrusting, I grab her ass with my hands and lift it up while simultaneously spreading it open, making her get on her tip toes as I push my dick into her with a primal need to feel her around me.

We both groan in pleasure together the second my dick enters her, my thrusts immediately fast, “fuck” she says as her tits and the side of her face are pressed against the wall because of the thrusts, and her feet not being planted

“Should we move to the bed?” I ask

“N-no no, just ke-keep keep going” she says followed by a long groan of pleasure as she has an orgasm.

I hold her hips more firmly with both hands to give her more stability while she orgasms. Just as her orgasm has settled, she looks back at me and places one hand on her ass while the other stays firmly on the wall, “you feel so good” she says

“You are being my naughty girl?” I ask, putting together the facts that she’s being naughtier than usual and just confirmed from me that I like it.

“Yes, I want to make you feel as much pleasure as I can through all means” she says

I immediately start thrusting harder into her, but ask her, “do you like being naughty for me?” Wanting to make sure she isn’t doing it just for me

“I do, my mind is not as vanilla as you’d imagine” she says

I smirk hearing those words and spank her, “I’ll try all the naughty things that go through mine then and you can stop me when it’s too much then”

“Yeah” she says without a second of hesitation

I stop thrusting but keep my dick in her, I grab her by her hair and turn her so she’s facing the mirror and her hands are on the sides of the wash basin before continuing to fuck her, “look at yourself getting fucked”

Her eyes keep darting between looking at me behind her, thrusting off into her, and her body that’s moving back and forth with the same motion while my hand still holds onto her hair.

“What do you see?” I ask her as I spank her with my other hand again

“My-my very sexy, handsome boyfriend and a very happy me” she says and her eyes dart at my reflection in the window trying to see my expression

I spank her again, getting close to my release as I let out a groan, “you just got me close to cumming with that answer” I say looking back into her eyes through her reflection

“I’m also going to cum, you fuck me so good” she says

Watching her dirty side come out like this still feels so new and sudden that her words almost push me over the edge, I barely manage to hold in but seeing the expression of pleasure on my face when I heard her words must have made her excited too as she was still looking at my face through the mirror, she moans out loud and starts cumming, this time I manage to thrust a few times into her while she does before pulling out and letting my cum spray all over her back and ass. She looks back at herself, smiling as she sees the cum on herself then slowly stands up straight

“Should I go get the shower ready?” She asks

I take a quick breath before I tell her, “I’ll go it, get seated on the counter meanwhile, your legs are still wobbly” I say

“Thank you” she says, not really in a state to argue with that, and leans her side against the wall instead as she’ll get the cum on the counter if she sits on it.

Once the shower is ready, she comes in and we quickly clean up before heading out and getting dressed, rushing through it all since we’re already running late. We head to the office and I get to work with my team as there already were people waiting to speak to Marie as soon as we reached the office.

A couple of hours later, once I see that her office is free, I head into her office with my resignation letter in my hand, my hands still shaky and my heart pounding hard just recollecting all the anxiety that comes with being unemployed, but as I look at Marie clearly when I get close enough to her office, it assures me of what I want to choose from the choice between this job and her.

I knock on her door and then head in, her face drops as she sees me, “is it time?” She asks with the guilt coming back to her

“It is, it will get harder for me if it’s not now” I say

She nods and takes my letter of recommendation out of her desk drawer, we both place both envelopes on the tables and just slide them toward each other, not having the heart to do it hand to hand. I grab the letter of recommendation and place it in my coat pocket and she places the resignation letter in the desk drawer.

She stands up and I head over, “I’ll miss you” she says as we hug, “me too” I reply then head back to my desk

A few minutes later, I head back into her office and she looks at me confused as I walk straight up to her side of her table, “can you stand up for me babe?” I ask, wanting to say it that way so she isn’t too alarmed or scared.

She looks around and sees that most of the other employees have gone downstairs out for the lunch break, just to make sure no one sees it as weird since I was in her office just a few minutes ago. She stands up and looks at me confused.

I hug her again and she hugs me back, I move my hand slowly down her back so she warms up to it and knows exactly what’s happening before I grab and feel her ass, making sure no one is behind her to see me do it. “Good girl” I whisper into her ear

She lets out a little whimper before whispering back, “no, you know what that has done”

“I was counting on it” I whisper as I step back away from her

She sits in her chair and looks down at her pants to check them immediately, there are no spots on her pants, but she still was cautious as she’s used to being very professional in the office.

“Did I go too far?” I ask her

She looks up at me and shakes her head, “I was just scared so I had to check, but, I do enjoy it, thank you” she says with a smile while blushing brightly

“See you after work then” I say smiling at her

“See you” she replies before I leave her office

To be continued…
