Bound for the Lost City – Part 2


Abbey McNamara moaned loudly as she arched her back, gripping the silk bed sheets and flexing her leg muscles tightly. Her companion’s tongue danced between her thighs with delicate, well practised movements, teasing her just the right amount as she brushed against her clit.

“Ohhh, fuck…” She moaned loudly, closing her eyes and bringing one hand to her right breast, squeezing it over her bikini top. Her other hand reached down to the woman’s black curly hair, her fingers coiling around the locks and pushing in, although the woman resisted.

“Not so fast, I want to make you beg for it.” She purred in her thick mediterranean accent, her olive skin contrasting sharply with Abbey’s pale legs. Abbey’s face turned to an annoyed scowl, although there was still an undertone of pleasure plastered across it.

“Ugh… Fuck you…” She protested with genuine annoyance, but without doing anything about it. Abbey’s moans got louder as she continued to massage her own body, the ecstasy slowly building inside her. This woman definitely knew what she was doing. The swaying of the ocean beneath them added another dimension to the sensation, and in the luxurious bedroom cabin it was one of the only signs that they were at sea. As the two women continued their game of faux-domination, neither of them noticed the brunette head appearing briefly in the round window on one side of the room, before ducking back down in shock. The young woman had high cheekbones, petite features and wide brown eyes, though neither of the two inside the cabin saw her.


“Shit, that was close.” Rebecca whispered to herself, crouching down under the window in the small hallway. The yacht was huge and so far she hadn’t had much trouble evading the crew, Abbey seemed to keep her detail pretty light, but there she was almost running straight into the heiress herself. She was about to slink off when she quickly realised that staying where she was might prove to be quite the opportunity. Abbey’s thugs weren’t likely to bother her here, and she could listen for when the women were done, maybe getting a chance to sneak in after and look around the room. She got comfortable against the wall, her wet hair draped around her shoulders over the black wetsuit that hugged her figure tightly from the neck down to her waist. She had a small frame but a much bigger bust, making the material strain a little around her chest as she stretched her back. The moaning in the room behind her got steadily louder, then suddenly more frustrated, and Rebecca realised she might be waiting a while.

Both her and Abbey had decided that the Mediterranean was the best place to start looking for clues to the lost city, which was particularly frustrating since she was sure her blonde rival had only picked that area because it was her favourite hunting ground for artefacts to add to her collection, while she had picked it after carefully examining all the possible leads. The delta source came from Greece so it made a lot of sense that Greece was the best place to start searching. The document hinted at some kind of shipwreck containing tablets from the lost city itself, a wreck that was an old legend even in antiquity. She knew from the start that she would be completely outgunned in terms of resources, which is what motivated this little reconnaissance mission. They had both been there for a week and she had to know where Abbey was looking, because her team hadn’t found much of anything so far. She figured that if she could steal some intel it would be easy enough to get ahead using her obviously superior intellect, especially since Abbey didn’t seem to be in any great rush… Another loud moan echoed around her and suddenly Rebecca felt a strange twinge of pleasure in her stomach. It wasn’t exactly the most convenient time for it but it was undeniably hot hearing that English brat being denied her pleasure over and over again. Had she paid that woman to boss her around like that? Who knew she had such a submissive side to her… As she sat there against the wall, waiting with what was quickly becoming a twisted curiosity, she couldn’t stop her hand wandering down between her own legs, and over the black bikini bottoms she had on starting to rub herself softly. It felt too good to stop, and only a minute or two later she slipped her fingers under the waistband, finding her clit and tracing tiny circles around it, breathing deeply, trying not to make any noise.

“Ohhh fuck, please let me cum!” Abbey begged loudly in a low moan. The noises sent sparks of pleasure through Rebecca’s body as she played with herself, not stopping to reflect on what she was doing, too caught up in the act. She could tell the scene inside was slowly reaching a climax, and as she slipped two fingers inside herself, she couldn’t help but turn towards the window and think about looking through again. She got onto her knees and reached one hand up to the sill, the other working away below. One peek, that would be it, what were the odds of them seeing her? She waited until Abbey’s moans got faster and louder still, then as she felt herself reaching a climax she pulled up and looked through. She saw Abbey’s pale, flawlessly smooth and slender body writhing on the silk sheets, her bikini top now pulled aside to reveal her small perky tits, one of them gripped tightly in her pink nails. The olive skinned woman was naked too, playing with herself as she buried her face between Abbey’s legs. The image sent Rebecca into rapture, and she almost forgot to duck back down again as orgasm rocked her body, making her moan out loud despite her best effort to keep quiet. She was sure the two women would have heard her had it not been for the noises they were making themselves. She let her body drop to the floor as the pleasure overwhelmed her, her leg twitching and her back arching up. When the waves finally subsided and she was lying still she realised that the moaning from inside had stopped, and she quickly sat herself up, ready to run if she had to. Coming to her senses, she realised how stupid she was to take a risk like that just for a few moments of fun. She scolded herself in her head as she continued to listen, and sure enough Abbey spoke not too long after.

“You can sleep in one of the guest rooms tonight, I’ll drop you off in town tomorrow.” Abbey announced, the passion of their earlier interaction gone.

“Oh, you’re sick of me already?” The other woman replied, but not with any semblance of actual hurt feelings.

“Not in the slightest, but I have work to do. The ship’s sonar found something today that we need to investigate quickly. I’m pretty sure that American bookworm is following us, so we have to act fast.”

“Ah yes, back to your little treasure hunt. What an exciting life you lead.” The woman answered, after which Rebecca could hear rustling and the sound of feet hitting the bedroom floor.

“Would you like to… Show me to my room?” She asked with an unmistakably seductive tone. There were a few seconds of silence before Abbey responded.

“Well, I suppose I am paying for the whole night.” Came the answer, and soon there were two sets of footsteps making their way to the cabin door. Rebecca got ready to duck into a nearby room if they came her way, but they went in the opposite direction and she couldn’t suppress a wicked grin. This was exactly the opportunity she was hoping for, slipping around the corner and into the bedroom. She had spotted a desk against one of the walls before and made a beeline straight to it. She didn’t even need to search the drawers, there were several charts strewn across the top, clearly marked with locations Abbey was searching, and most importantly one spot marked with a big red cross. It had to be where her sonar had found something. Rebecca was pretty sure she could remember the rough coordinates, but she grabbed the papers and folded them up anyway, she would be long gone before anyone realised they were missing. She pulled the zip down at the front of her wetsuit from the collar to her chest, stuffing them inside where they might have a chance of surviving the dive back. She was about to zip herself back up when she turned around and a sick idea crossed her mind. There on the bed, hidden amongst the messy silk bed sheets were the two pieces of Abbey’s bikini that she was wearing just moments ago. What would be the harm in relieving little-miss moneybags of them? Even if they did look expensive, she probably wouldn’t even notice them disappearing. Against her better judgement, she swiped the bikini bottoms and tucked them in next to the papers, before pulling the zip back up and dashing out of the room. It was time to leave now, before she pushed her luck any further…


There was a small splash as Rebecca dived off the back of the huge yacht, moonlight shining off the surface of the sea in the warm night. The shore was barely visible, letting her orient herself slightly in the darkness, luckily it wasn’t too far to her dingy. With only a clear set of goggles in the way of equipment she had to come up for air every thirty seconds or so, but she had always been a strong swimmer. She felt like a secret agent as she dove under the water and quickly put some distance between her and the yacht, it was so unlike anything she had done before, she was certainly sure that Abbey wouldn’t be expecting it. Little did she know however that she was being watched from afar at that very moment, from the deck of a small fishing boat whose silhouette was almost invisible against the dark horizon. A tall, beefy gentleman held a pair of binoculars to his eyes, easily tracing Rebecca’s path as she emerged from the water periodically.

“Going for a little midnight swim are we?” He murmured to himself in a deep, gruff voice.


Rebecca guessed she was probably about halfway back to her dingy when she heard the boat engine. It wasn’t coming from the direction of the yacht, and it wasn’t nearly loud enough to be Abbey coming after her anyway, it was probably just a random passer-by. It was cleaner if she wasn’t spotted by anyone, so she started swimming away from the shore to try and get out of the way of the dark shape she could see approaching in the distance. The odds of her being spotted in the darkness were slim but she tried to get some distance from its heading anyway, just to be safe. As she swam away however, the noise seemed to follow her, and looking back she could see the dark shape tacking towards her. She was convinced it had to just be bad luck, but she couldn’t outswim it, so she kept as low as she could in the water and stayed still, before diving down as it started to get close. It was a little frightening holding her breath underwater in the dark sea, but the full moon was bright enough that she wasn’t completely disoriented. She watched with surprise as the dark outline of the boat passed by a little ways to the side, surprisingly close to her. She wondered if maybe it had spotted her after all, and with the air still left in her lungs she once again tried to put as much distance as she could between her and it, swimming back towards the shore. She went as far as she possibly could until she absolutely needed to take a breath, finally surfacing and quickly looking around, sweeping her hair from the front of the goggles. She spotted it in a moment, but her stomach sank as she realised it had already turned around and was now coming back towards her. This was beyond a coincidence now, it had to have seen her. It was possible that a passer-by had spotted her by chance and thought she might need help, but it was equally likely to be one of Abbey’s goons, after all Abbey herself had started to realise that she was being followed. Not taking any chances, she took a deep breath and immediately dived under again, aiming to swim right underneath the pursuing vessel and get as far from it as she could. With her muscles showing their first signs of fatigue, she watched again as the dark shape passed, this time right above her head, and it didn’t seem to be slowing down. Just as she thought she might have eluded it, she was suddenly knocked hard by something and pulled in the opposite direction, completely dizzying her. It took her a few seconds to realise that she had swum into a net of thick rope that was now pulling her along with it, her body throbbing with pain from the force of the impact. She instantly started to panic, the net dragging her through the darkness, her body tumbling over itself as she tried to get her bearings.

Above the surface, the two men on the fishing boat felt a slight jolt as something hit the net below, and they looked at each other with satisfaction.

“I think we got her that time.” One of them said.

“Full speed ahead then.” The other replied, pushing the throttle all the way forward.

Before she could even figure out which way she was facing, the net suddenly pulled against her harder, and Rebecca felt herself being pressed against the rough rope. She realised the boat had to be pulling the net, and panic set in further as she started to run out of breath. Her only chance was to try and outswim the net and escape, pulling herself forward and kicking her legs hard with one final burst of energy. For a moment it seemed like she might be getting ahead, but then the boat slowly gained speed and she felt the rope sliding up her bare legs as her feet slipped through the gaps. She realised what was going to happen right before it did, the rope catching up to her and pulling against her crotch, before her whole body was flattened against it once again. She was out of energy, and almost out of air as the net neared the shore. Her vision started to blur in the dark water, and soon she couldn’t keep her mouth open, the sea water filling her throat as she passed out.


Rebecca made quite a prize, hanging from the hook above her in the somewhat revealing swimsuit, the goggles long gone and her hair plastered to her face, covered in sand from when the men hauled her onto the beach from the water. She was breathing, having coughed up the water from her lungs earlier, but she hung limply with her bare toes a few inches off the ground, her head hanging down.

“Hold on a second, if this isn’t McNamara then who the hell is it? We saw her diving off the yacht.” The taller of the two men, Leon, said with the exacerbated tone of someone who thought they had finished their work. Both of them had dark olive skin, but he was more handsome, with a well sculpted body.

“That’s a great question, but there’s no reason we can’t satisfy all our curiosities at once.” Yan replied, stepping up to the helpless woman and finding the zip at her collar. Leon said nothing, letting him pull it down slowly, her cleavage rapidly expanding as the fabric eased up on her chest. Before he could reveal anything he noticed the papers she had stuffed inside earlier, wet but still legible.

“Well lookie here then, is it possible we’ve caught ourselves a spy?” Yan sang out, taking the papers from their spot nestled in her bosom and waving them around. Leon quickly came forward and snatched them out of his hands, looking them over with a careful eye while Yan waited for his evaluation.

“These maps must be related to that lost city… Maybe she is a spy.” He murmured, before looking back at her and noticing something else, his eyes widening.

“A deviant spy.” He added, stepping up to her and pulling out the bikini bottom from a strap that was sticking out of the top.

“Those are McNamara’s, I saw her in them earlier!” Yan announced excitedly, snatching the garment and examining it.

“So what? She’s an even bigger pervert than you are? The boss wants Abbey, not her panties. At least we know where she’s going now.” Leon derided him, holding up the map with the cross on it.

“I wouldn’t say a *bigger* pervert, but there is something hot about it…” Yan mumbled, starting to unbuckle his trousers. Leon sighed, but even he couldn’t resist the sight of Rebecca’s slim body hanging in place, her breasts almost bursting out of the top.

“I’ll get a gag, we don’t want anyone hearing her when she wakes up.” He said, going to leave the room. After stripping down himself, Yan stroked his member slowly as he took great delight in pulling the wetsuit zipper down inch by inch. There were no more maps stashed away inside, but he enjoyed the sight of the two treasures he revealed much more. Her breasts were immaculate, barely sagging despite their size, her two small nipples pointing straight ahead, slightly erect from the exposure.

“Jesus Christ we hit the jackpot.” Yan murmured in awe at the sight of her near naked body, only the black bikini bottom giving her any modesty. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he sat himself down on the metal bench that was just behind her. The room was designed for working with large fish, and using a controller that hung from the ceiling Yan shifted the hook over his lap, Rebecca’s limp legs drifting between his. He then lowered her down slowly, the motor whirring as her round ass in the bikini approached his hard member, pointing straight up towards it. He grabbed her legs and sat them either side of his thighs so she was almost in a kneeling position as he nestled her rear into his crotch, his cock now sitting against the small of her back. Shifting his hips around, he tucked his manhood into the fabric of the bottoms, then with great pleasure he reached forward and gripped both of her breasts, moaning in pleasure. They were like two big bags of sand in his fingers as he massaged them roughly, squeezing as tight as he wanted. After a minute of that exercise he couldn’t hold back any longer, pulling her bottoms down and tucking his throbbing member between her legs before pressing it up against her tight pussy. It didn’t want to open for him but he forced his way in regardless, groaning in pleasure as each new inch he sunk inside her sent ripples of pleasure through his body. Eventually she took all of his cock inside her, and for a moment he just laid back against the bench, enjoying the feeling of it With the unconscious girl hanging in place, he slowly started to grind his hips against her, using her pussy to massage his member like she was a sex toy, watching as her tits swayed gently from side to side, the curves visible from behind her small frame.

“Fuck YES!” He yelled, taking all the time in the world as he pleasured himself at her expense. After a few minutes her eyes began to flutter open, and she let out a low, gurgled moan.

“Leon!” Yan called out, his voice echoing through the dark, nearly empty room. Rebecca started to stir more as Leon returned, holding one strap of a bright red ball gag.

“Forgive me for actually doing something useful, you know, figuring out where McNamara is heading tomorrow.” He muttered, grabbing Rebecca’s hair and pulling her head back. Her consciousness slowly returning, she looked at him through half closed eyes which slowly took on an expression of alarm. Just as she was about to scream, he shoved the red ball between her teeth and quickly buckled it around her head. With Yan still buried deep inside her, she started to shriek into the gag, bucking her body wildly as the strength returned to her muscles. Yan gripped her legs tightly while Leon slapped her hard across the face, somewhat abating her struggles. She started to hyperventilate, her eyes darting around as she desperately took in her surroundings, realising what was happening to her. Yan called out to Leon, holding up Abbey’s bikini bottoms and handing them to him, figuring he would know what to do. He took them and without missing a beat pulled them over the poor girl’s head, hooking the waistband around her nose and blindfolding her. As she was plunged into darkness she started to panic again and it took another slap to calm her down, her fingers desperately feeling around for what was keeping her bound in place, finding the thick ropes attached to the hook.

“Lights out sweetheart. Let me know when you’re done.” Leon snarled, adding the last part reluctantly, before turning his back to them.

“I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist!” Yan called after him, still thrusting his hips into the girl. She started to kick her legs out and the position became too hard to hold her in, so he rolled out from underneath her and took some more rope from nearby. Soon she was hanging over the empty floor, balancing delicately on the toes of one of her feet, the other one tethered tightly around the ankle by a long length of rope. Yan only had to loop it around the hook where her wrists were still bound and pull hard to hoist her right leg into the air, making her scream into the gag until her right foot was up near her wrists. The position quickly became excruciating, not to mention how exposed it left her as she twirled helplessly on her toes, still blindfolded, tears starting to roll down from under the bikini. Not wanting to lose any more momentum, Yan stepped up and held her waist tight as he manoeuvred his cock into her once again, forcing his way past any resistance until he was once again fucking her hard. He buried his face in her tits as he pleasured himself, grabbing the soft skin and sucking hard on her nipples like some kind of desperate animal trying to get as much satisfaction as it could. Rebecca hadn’t even seen the face of the man assaulting her, but she had seen the other one. Who were these people? Did one of them say something about Abbey earlier? Would Abbey’s goons really do something like this to her? Her mind was in overdrive as she tried to endure the abuse, the man’s cock pounding into her over and over, feeling like he was going to split her in two. Her sexual experience was limited to say the least, and she had certainly never been railed like this before, she felt like she was close to passing out again. Time seemed to blur as the only sound in the room was the rhythmic slapping of his body against hers, and the disgusting grunting sounds he made while he used her. She yelled into the gag as he bit down hard on her left breast, no doubt leaving a set of teeth marks. She was just an object to him, that much was clear. Eventually he couldn’t stop himself from speeding up, and after half a minute of jackhammering her like a machine he buried himself as deep as he could and released his load inside her. She had never felt so violated before in her life as his horrible seed dripped out of her pussy. As he pulled out he gave her a hard slap across her round breasts, bringing fresh tears to her eyes.

“Holy shit am I glad we ran into you.” He panted, stepping back from her dangling body. To her immense frustration he didn’t change her position before leaving the room, and it wasn’t long before her muscles were screaming in pain. However that ended up being the least of her concerns, it was a long night and neither one of the men were done with her yet. She spent the next several hours being passed between them, hanging in a strappado position as Leon railed her from behind, then tied down to a bench as Yan used her again. By the end of the night they couldn’t be bothered taking turns anymore, and she found herself choking down one of their cocks with a pistol pointed at her head while the other one was buried deep in her pussy. It was clearly a long time since either of them had been with a woman, and they were taking out all their pent up frustrations on her. When the sun rose the next morning, she was lying battered and naked on the deck of the fishing boat, still ballgagged but this time with Abbey’s bikini stuffed in her mouth as well. Her bare body was covered in bruises and bound from head to toe, the tough rope digging into every crevasse and cinching every curve. Why the men had brought her back out to sea was anyone’s guess, but she had to escape before they could torment her any more, or do worse. She kept struggling, working at the ropes bit by bit, praying to any power that would listen to show her mercy.


“How close are we?” The pretty blonde heiress demanded of her captain, standing with her arms crossed, wearing a pristine white dress that probably cost more than the man’s house.

“Maybe half an hour, but there’s a small problem. Someone else is there.” The captain reported, holding a pair of binoculars.

“So what? We’ll just tell them to leave.” She shot back sternly.

“Actually I think we should keep a distance, it’s an unmarked fishing boat. Pirates are not unheard of in these parts, we can easily outrun them but I wouldn’t want to get too close just in case.” He explained. Abbey just rolled her eyes.

“Bishop, are you scared of pirates?” She barked, turning slightly to her bodyguard, a man in a black suit, easily twice her size.

“No ma’am.” He said flatly, his expression hidden behind his sunglasses.

“Well there you go, full speed ahead captain.” She ordered. The captain muttered something under his breath as the blonde woman and the tank of a man left the room.

“And what about that filthy whore? Has she admitted anything about those missing maps yet?” Abbey continued to her bodyguard as they walked back towards her rooms.

“I’ve had the men working her for six hours now, she swears she didn’t touch any maps.” Bishop answered.

“Well they didn’t just vanish from under my nose by themselves did they? Give it till the end of the day, the men deserve a reward for all their hard work anyway.”

“Yes ma’am.” Bishop answered again with a very slight smile.
