The Contract Adam’s bed (Femdom) (Flr) (golden shower) (outdoors)

“Do you have any idea of how much money is standing around here?”

“Thirty one paintings at eighty thousand Euros each, about two million Euros Mistress, for the completed ones. Another sixteen need to be finished. Then the sketches, practice pieces, and a few sculptures…”

Claire glared at Mike. He was Miko Oolos, the reclusive genius painter who was know for extreme detail and devastating statement in his work. This made everything more complicated. She was going to need a lot of advise. This amount of money could not just be left here either. Where she would find safe storage was beyond her.

“We need to move them.” Claire said.

“The truck cannot carry all of them safely Mistress.”

“We’ll take several trips then or get a helicopter.”

“Every additional person who handles them will increase the security risk Mistress.”

“Then we’ll have to take several trips then. Why do you paint here?”

“It’s quiet, nobody comes here. In the past I’ve looked to buying the farms in the valley to keep this place private Mistress.

“What changed?”

“I met you Mistress.”

Claire could not stay angry with Mike after that response.

“Sit here. I’ll unload the truck, the most urgent stuff at least.” Claire said and moved two paces.

“You say private slave? How private is this place?”

“There are no hiking parties right now, it’s the wrong time of year, this farm is ten kilometres from east to west and seven kilometres from north to south Mistress.”

Claire took a moment to gulp at the size of the property.

“Home rules then slave, except for shoes, wear sandals.”

Mike had packed so that the backpacks were high and right behind the cab Claire’s pack had been behind her, Mike’s was on his side. It took him two minutes to get the sandals out. He was naked a minute later helping to set up.

He had a small water turbine generator in his cabin that he brought out and dropped into the stream. The flow rate was enough to generate power and provide some home comforts. He plugged the refrigerator in first then took the gas stove inside. Claire brought the backpacks and sleeping bags inside and took a good look around the cabin.

It was built in front of a cave, the front, outside the cave were sleeping quarters, and kitchen. And a space that was both studio and living room. In the cave was the toilet, a longdrop than fell to an underground stream and came out of the ground more than a kilometre away as another waterfall. Claire was impressed that it was not just a hole in the floor but a real toilet, although it flushed with a bucket. Other parts of the cave were a storage area for completed pieces, Mike’s paints and brushes, and weapons. Claire wondered if the weapons were legal. The last part of the cave was storage for anything else except food. Mike had explained that he stored no food to avoid pests coming in and bringing snakes with them.

She went outside and took the food inside and helped Mike set a carport up, not for the truck but as additional space under roof. As daylight faded she told Mike to do some painting and made supper. They made a small fire outside and watched the stars as they ate. They stayed at the fire, having sherry, chatting and roasting marshmallows until Claire ordered bed time.

To his surprise Mike found out that the evening ritual of a massage was not suspended, just modified. The yoga had come along and he lay in the studio on it while Claire massaged him. She was lying on top of him when she did something that surprised her. She hypnotised Mike.

“Just close your eyes, and breath. I’m here, you are mine I will not leave you. Just breathe.” Claire kept her voice soft.

She did not move until he was under. It took less than a minute. Still on to of Mike she asked him if he was aware of what happened.

“You hypnotised me…” He said dreamily.

“Do you object to being hypnotised by me?” Claire asked.


“Good.Do you know who I am?”

“Claire… Mistress.”

That gave Claire a surprise. He considered her to be in charge even under hypnosis.

“Very good. I have no intention of changing you, I have no intention of changing what you want. This is my promise. Do you accept this?”


“Do you want to be my slave?”


“Use my title then.” Claire added strength to her voice.

“Yes Mistress Claire.”

“Very well, I am very happy with you so far slave Mike. Are you happy?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“I will give you one thing in your mind because I am delighted by you and love you. What would you like?”

“Protection Mistress.” He answered after awhile.

“What do you need protection from?” Claire asked completely surprised.

“Not me, others Mistress. I lose control of anger, …” He didn’t finish the sentence.

Claire didn’t need him to. She knew he could be incredibly violent when angered. He wanted her to have some protection from that, her and others. She got off Mike to think, he didn’t like that one bit. She nearly lost him but spoke in time.

“I’m still here my slave. I am not leaving you. I ‘m at your head.” Claire went to stand where she said as she spoke.

This was unscripted hypnosis, it could be dangerous and required fast thinking by the hypnotist.

“Open your eyes slave and you will see my feet. Open your eyes slave, obey me!”
She knew Mike had opened his eyes because his muscles relaxed as he recognised her feet.
“You have the ability to move. Kiss every one of my toes.”

Mike moved and kissed each toe.

“Good, now kneel and look at me.”

Mike obeyed.

“Did you like drinking my pee slave?”

“No Mistress.”

“Why did you drink my pee?” She had to find out.

“Mistress needed to.”

Claire stood looking down at him. The answer was true but told her nothing she didn’t know. She had to ask the question differently.

“If I pee on you you now would you like it?”

“No Mistress.” She felt she was getting somewhere.

“What would you feel if I pee on you now?”

“Love Mistress.”

Claire nearly screamed at him. She knew he loved her. She asked the right question.

“Do you need me to pee on you again slave?”

“No mistress. You need to pee on me, every morning.”

“Why do you say that slave?”

“Because it was important to you mistress. It showed you that I am your slave willingly. It let you feel your authority.”

Answers that comprehensive are rare under hypnosis, Claire knew it, only highly intelligent subjects answer in complete sentences, stringing three idea together in a single answer meant a deep investment into the question by the subject. Mike had nailed her with his answer too. That angered her.

It was time to end the session, anger is not good for positive hypnosis. She put him deeper into trance then put a hypnotic cue in his mind to put him under more easily in future. As she brought him out she ordered him to know he been hypnotised by her but not to remember what had happened. He was only to understand that his mistress was proud of him and loved him beyond all else. She promised him that his request would be granted in time. Then she woke him up.

“Do you know what just happened?” Claire asked as Mike’s eyes snapped open.

“Yes Mistress, you hypnotised me.”

Claire nodded. Then she stepped close to him and hugged his head to her belly. He moved his nose slightly under her hands. Claire smiled as she heard him sniff.

“That is the smell you made yourself a slave for and to. Am I right slave?”

“Yes Mistress.”
He stroked her legs as they held the position. After a few minutes Claire lifted her skirt and had him bring her to orgasm. At the end she stroked his cheek and called for nighties. Mike got them out and dressed Claire before pulling his own on. Then they went to sleep in two sleeping bags bought because they could zip together and make a double.

The next four days were just brilliantly sensual. Claire went with Mike as he showed her this mountain that was a secret kingdom. They walked around the cabin and across the high grassland naked on Thursday. In the morning Mike showed Claire an ancient ruin. A circle of stacked stones with strange internal walls and smaller circles within the outer circle.

“This is the most northern ruin of this type I know about. The most famous is Adam’s Calender near Waterfall Boven. I call this Adam’s bed.” Mike said.

Why he called it that was clear, a large flat Rock the size of king size bed was in one small circle. It dominated the structure as a feature. Claire lay down on it and had Mike bring her to several orgasms with his mouth and hands, the cage was the only thing Mike had on besides his sandals. Claire was wearing binoculars she had found in the cave with her sandals.

They wandered around and looked down on a wide marshy wetland that was the source of the stream that ran past the cabin. There were small antelope milling around, mating, drinking water and skittering away at suspect ripples. Birds waded and fed in the shallow water and among the Reed’s. Claire lifted the binoculars and looked, it was a riot of life living in her viewport.

“There must be a predator there.” Mike said.

“What predator? Where?” Claire asked.

“Probably a caracul or a lynx Mistress. They’re big enough to bring those antelope down. If I’m very lucky it will be a leopard. I would say that whatever it is will be stalking from the trees.”

“What if it’s a leopard?”

“Then I close the window tonight and get a shotgun ready Mistress. Leopards are not picky about where they hunt or who they eat.”

Claire found the predator, she drew a breath as she saw the caracul miss his kill when the duiker jumped away at the last second. It seemed the caracul looked her in the eye at the distance and spat in disgust.

She let the binoculars hang around her neck and they wandered on. Mike showed here where he came up here with the Suzuki. He paced the route out and pronounced an estimation that the Toyota would be too wide and too long to come this way. Claire was vaguely disappointed, there was too much to explore without a vehicle in any short time. She realised that Mike would be looking for a route that the Toyota could navigate though.

They were back at the cabin by lunch time. They swam after lunch, Claire having more orgasms as she had Mike bring her off on the ledge overlooking the valley while she lay on her stomach and tanned.

“Our children are going to love this…” Claire said pensively as she stared out.

“I really hope so.” Mike said settling down beside her.

“Mike? Do you prefer your name or slave?” Claire asked out of curiosity.

“My name, absolutely, Mistress.”

“You don’t need to be convinced that you are my slave… I need convincing that I own you.”

“I can help you Mistress, if I knew how.”

She kissed Mike and considered that he did know and told her how, he just didn’t remember. She used the cue to put him in a trance again to test. It worked. She took him back to memories of his mother, a person he never talked about. He spoke of a car running her over as she fled his father in a drunken fury. He had been holding her hand, running away with her when a car ran her over but missed him, snatching his mother out of his hand. Claire shuddered at what that must have been like to experience. His entire fury was at his father though. He didn’t blame himself at all. She had some understanding of his request now, it was not only his ability to be violent he needed protection from.

She brought him out, having him bury the memories again. The shadows were stretching to put the rock ledge in shade and the temperature was dropping fast. She ordered him to get back to the cabin and start making supper. Claire herself looked at the valley going dark, thinking, then went to see what Mike would put together.

Friday was spent in the clouds. Rain season in the Lowveld started that night, the mountains were the first to feel it. Claire got her coffee in pitch dark, one lantern burned in the kitchen area. Claire heard the rain falling and knew the thrilling cold shower under the waterfall was out of the question.

“I’ve moved the truck closer to the cabin Mistress. The water has risen, we’re here until the rain stops.”

“Good thinking on the truck, slave. How long will it rain?”

Mike shrugged.

“Do art then until we can move around. Now I’m going back to sleep it’s night afterall.”

“It’s about six Mistress, it’s just the clouds that are dense.”

“Then I am sleeping late today.”

Claire resurfaced two hours later, it was somewhat lighter. The cabin was warm, a small fire was burning in a niche against the cliff, the smoke going up a natural chimney, the rock wall spread and radiated the heat to be a soft warmth that flowed through the cabin. Mike himself was at the window staring out. A blank canvas on an easel at his side. Claire thought of taking a photo, and decided against it because Mike was naked. There was a pot of coffee on low heat on the stove. Claire noticed the little turbine at the door. A lead ran from outside to the refrigerator.

She kissed Mike on the cheek and asked if the truck would start after running the refrigerator. Mike told her that the truck had a double battery. With a twelve volt take off that only drew from one battery. The battery to start the truck would not be drawn from. Satisfied Claire looked at a huge chest that had appeared.

She opened it as Mike continued to stare into the gloom. It held papers, she started reading by suspended flashlight. What it was was the documentation for Mike’s shares, contracts from work he had done, the title for the farm, tax returns from other countries, copyright documents about paintings, and more. It was going to take years to go through everything, it had been generated over decades.

Claire focussed on the title first. The previous owner’s name dropped her jaw: Jacques Van Greuning. The transfer stated that the condition of the transaction was damages restitution pursuant to a judgement and court order. Both judgement and the court order were attached. Claire looked and found the same redacted judgement. It was pretty easy to conclude that Jacque Van Greuning had been the defendant. She looked up to ask Mike a question and saw that he had started on the canvas and was working decisively and that all of his focus was on one thing now.

She made more coffee and put more wood on the fire. Once the coffee was ready she took Mike a cup. He had completed his sketch, he smiled thanks and let Claire look.

“You use acrylics only?”

“Yes Mistress. I learned to paint by watching and using what Van Greuning threw away. He refused to used acrylics, I can’t see why. They last centuries longer than oils, have more variety in colour, intensity, and texture. The downside is that you have to work fast. Some acrylics will dry in minutes.”

“And they’re cheaper. Where do you get your paints?”

“Peter gets them for me. He keeps forty percent of the income from the paintings, ten percent is his as my lawyer and agent. The rest goes onto materials. I send him a message of what I need and he gets it then has it couriered to Pilgrim’s.”

“So that was what you picked up in Pilgrim’s?”

“That was something different I wanted to see Mistress. Glass stains. I dont’t have glass here though.”

Claire remembered that there had been small glass panes in the Suzuki. Her mother had thrown them away. The older woman was going to be horrified at what she did. What he could do with glass was interesting to speculate.

“What are you doing in this piece?”

“Malcolm Andrews painted The Old School, it was a beautiful piece of an old country school house. He is very good at drawing you in and inviting you to question. I am not, I’m trying to understand how he does it Mistress.”

There was envy in Mike’s voice at what Andrews could do. It surprised Claire that the great Miko Oolos looked up to somebody.

“What brought that on?”

“The girl in the coffee shop. I told her to use somebody else’s technique but to be herself. I want to show her how it’s done.”

Another feature of Oolos Claire knew was that he gave pieces away sometimes. She wonder what that girl would do if a real Oolos suddenly landed on her lap.

“How do you know he still paints and doesn’t teach exclusively?” Claire asked.

“He is in my gallery Mistress.”

Claire closed her eyes in shock. Another dead loss gallery in the family.

“Where is your gallery?”

“In the trommel, the one marked Capt. De Klerk. In the cave back there Mistress.”

Mike went to the cave and pulled the army footlocker out then opened it. Inside were Christmas cards and postcards in no particular order. With Claire holding the flashlight Mike rummaged around and brought out five cards. Claire took the cards to better light as Mike returned to his piece and started working incredibly fast.

The pictures were actually good. Claire went to stand at the door, rain was pouring down, she could hear that the waterfall was bigger now, but not see it. And she knew it was a mere twenty Meters away. In these conditions walking could be deadly very quickly as walking became falling down a cliff. She thought about Mike collecting art through postcards and Christmas cards, she wonder what the originals were. Above all she saw how pathetically short sighted Gerhardt was.

Claire toyed with the idea of taking the gallery over and closing her business. Simply being the Oolos exhibit gallery would be a major shot in the arm. Andrews on the books too could be the foundation of something good. Then the girl had shown talent with the sketch Mike had looked at, a long term asset. She wondered about sign writers showing their ability, and tattoo artists too for that matter. She knew a tattoo artist, they had been at school together.
When she turned around Mike was putting touches to a nearly complete Oolos. It was different though, the singular Oolos subject was there, the extreme detail too, but it asked questions instead of hammering an idea into you. The light was fading and Mike was putting varnish over the piece. Claire was stunned at how Mike used shades of varnish to give his work atmosphere and depth. She cooked supper as Mike essentially painted a second piece on top of the Old Farmstead he had put down in paint.
Calmly Mike put the brushes into cleaning jars and sat back. He then switched the flashlight that had been lighting his work off. Then he came to Claire and hugged her from behind as she stirred a pot. She leaned back into the embrace, an instant smile on her face. Then she felt a kiss under her ear.

“Carefull slave. I’ll make you eat me here and now, then supper will be ruined. And then I’ll beat you.” She said.

“Yes Mistress.” He answered in a whisper. “I’ll be careful to not ruin my supper.”

Claire felt kisses all over her shoulders, neck, and then running down her back. Mike’s breath and a flickering beat of his tongue at the base of her back destroyed any thought of stirring a pot, her own pot was boiling. Somehow the pot moved off the burner and now Mike was kissing her ass. Every touch of his lips sent burning sparks of delight through her. Then he licked the skin between her anus and vagina. She was completely surprised, then he blew on his saliva. The trill of the sensation instantly sent her into a loudly liberating orgasm. Mike’s strong hand at her back stopped her falling, pushing her instead so that she sent an arm out to brace against the wall. Then she felt his kissed at the small of her back again, another hand was under her pubic bone holding her from collapsing while grinding her clitoris between the palm and her pubic bone. The hand at her back moved and stroked the side of her breast, that did it again.

“Key!” She ordered.

Then she was on the bed desperately unlocking the cage. The steel cage went flying and clattered somewhere, Claire didn’t care, she was intent on the rapidly rising member and what it promised. She reached up and was suddenly upset that there was nothing to pull her man on top of her there. It didn’t last long because he was already letting his weight onto her and she could feel the tip at her lips. Then she was on her back being filled by Mike.
“Hard, fast.” She whispered her breath was nearly knocked out of her with the first thrust.
He thrust in hard, fast, short strokes. This could not last long, it didn’t need to Claire want to feel her man cumming. She wanted to be fucked. She felt Mike hold back a little to control when he ejaculated. She was not going to have that.

“Fuck me and cum!” She shouted and then laughed from the depths of her being as the obeying thrust hammered to his full depth.

In seconds Claire was in another orgasm as she felt the tickle deep inside her that said Mike was cumming. The tickle just kept on going as Mike pushed two more thrusts. She could still feel semen from him as he started to go flaccid. Mike rolled off Claire breathing heavily.

“You’re getting better. I didn’t know it was possible!” Claire panted.

“You too Mistress.”

On Saturday morning the rain lifted, Mike woke Claire with coffee and breakfast as usual. Claire Kissed Mike and had him find the cage. She was starting to dislike that cage because off what it had done to his scrotum when she milked him and because it was difficult to get off if he was getting an erection she wanted. She looked at it in her hand and looked at him.

“You need it don’t you?”

“Yes I do Mistress.”

“Put it on. As soon as we get back I’m looking into other designs though. I don’t like it.”

Claire went for a walk outside while Mike cleaned the cabin and fashioned a line to hang the sleeping bags from. The stream was much stronger than it had been, where the two streams join was no longer a calm pool but a swirling mass of churning water. There was no chance that the Toyota would cross that. The little canyon was full too. She returned to find that Mike had put the turbine in the stream again and started the truck to charge the battery.

“We can’t get off this mountain.” She said as they coffee.

“Not today Mistress. By tomorrow the water will have eased. Its the route in the valley that will be the issue. It will be flooded. We’ll have to take the other route.”

“Is there another pace to have a bath?”

“After the rain Mistress? At Adam’s Bed the water pools in the rocks around just north of it.” Mike smiled slyyly as he spoke. ” We might just have to contend with some wildlife.”

Claire found out what had meant. She realised as they approached the ruin, two monitor lizards were having a fight. They stopped at the ruin, two humans had not broken the fight up, just relocated it to the grasses. She looked to where Mike pointed at a bare rock slab about two hundred meters further, the duikers were milling around there.

“They are normally in thick undergrowth but they tend to get stuck in mud and with the noise they look for a place where they can see predators.” Mike said.

As they watched a ram mounted a ewe and did his bit to make duikers slightly less rare. Claire stood in indecision, Mike had brought a shotgun along, obviously where there were antelope a predator would also be. She remembered the caracul, the animal had been beautiful and utterly ruthless, she did not want to be mistaken for a clumsy baboon. Claire also needed to pee.

“Lie down slave on your back. I want to see your face.” She said suddenly.

Mike complied. Claire stood astride him, her feet either side of his chest, her toes at his armpits. She looked down, squashed years of learned behaviour and let go. A trickle of urine fell on Mike drenching his hair face and chest. As she wet her slave she felt the rush again, she was intensely aware of the commitment of the man literally at her feet, she was intensely aware of her power too. With that she was aware that her’s was not power without accountability. She had a duty to direct.
