Holly’s Tales – Part 9


The music stops and I can hear only the soft whirring of some distant fans in the massive room. Mister Donovan assists her in taking me down from the cross. I don’t move as my legs are cleaned and dried. She caringly washes my soaking slit and gently pats me dry. My legs are undone first, freeing them from the cross. The cables are relaxed and my arms brought down. He holds me under my arms while she removes the rings from the latches on the restraints and separates me from the device. He gently lowers me into a chair that I had not noticed behind me and wraps me in a large plush blanket that had been laid across it. My entire body feels weak as I slump into the luxurious comfort.

I close my eyes and relax. The sting of the welts and pains of the bruises on my back and legs is mitigated by the long, soft fur of the blanket that protects me. I feel her open palm on the side of my face, and lean into it. I remember her touch at the gym while I heaved into the waste basket.

*I’m yours…*

“Open your mouth.” She says. I do so.

I feel the smooth plastic of a juice box on my lips. I suck. It’s deliciously cold orange juice.


I open my eyes as I get caught up in the moment and start trying to suck it all at once, the sweet juice filling a well I didn’t know had been emptied. She tries to pull it back but the straw simply pulls out of the box.

*No wait! I’m so thirsty…*

“Ok, whoa whoa whoa there future porn star…” she laughs. I feel drops of orange juice drop down my chin. She takes the straw from my mouth and slides it back in the box, wipes my chin, and lets me finish it. The tell tale sounds of a straw running out of liquid mean I’m done and she tosses the empty box into a nearby trash can.

“Thank you, Mistress Kim.” I manage to mumble.

My thoughts are still cloudy and detached and jumbled around in my head. The warmth that still resonates from between my legs mixes with the swirling elements of sting and throb on my back and legs and causes me to slump down in the chair. She walks behind me, kisses me on the top of the head, puts my blindfold back on and begins pushing me.

“I’m taking you to bed, Holly.” She explains, “It’s been a long day for you.”


I realize I’m in a wheel chair. I am being pushed further into the large building. She pushes me along and then I feel a few turns as she navigates whatever else is in the enormous dungeon. The whir of the large overhead fans disappears entirely as we stop, and then I hear a door close behind me. The quiet is soon broken by the sound of gently falling rain. I feel the blindfold removed from my head, even though I had closed my eyes behind it. My eyes open to a darkened room, the distinct lights of a couple of electronic devices the only illumination. The sound of falling rain is emitting from the direction of one of those lights.

*A sound machine?*

“Holly, sweetie, I’m going to help you stand up and we’re going to walk one step forward to a bed, ok?” Her voice is tender; motherly.

“Yes Mistress Kim.” I reply immediately. My eyes are coming into better focus and I can start to make out some of my surroundings from the small digital lights around the room. I am facing the side of a large bed in front of me, with a small nightstand to my right. The sound machine sits on it. There is a lamp along with it, currently dark. She is to my left, helping me up. Her strong hand grips mine, and she uses her other hand to support me under my elbow. As the cooler air hits my skin I feel pins and needles light up my backside and I wince.

*Ow…fuck…my whole back…My legs feel like I’m going to collapse. I have no energy…*

I take a step to the bed with her assistance and almost collapse forward into it. The smell of lavender is suddenly heavy in my head. The soft sheets almost feel like silk. I slide between the sheets and the stinging of my beatings gently subsides. My small frame is nothing for the down pillow top I am laying on. I have never laid on anything like it. I sink into it, and my head finds a soft cloud to lie upon. My eyes close immediately and my thoughts swirl.

*I don’t believe this. Who is she? I fucking CAME!!!! I had a FUCKING ORGASM from that…I don’t want you to leave me now…or ever…*

I reach for and find her hand and hold it. For a moment, I feel her lips on my hand as she squeezes it before she lets go. The sound of the rain is gentle and caressing, a stark contrast from the club music that seemed an eternity ago. I can hear some shuffling, and then I feel her sliding under the covers with me.

“Turn over, little spoon.” She whispers in my ear. I turn to my right.

Her naked, muscular form dwarfs me as she slides up behind me. I wince painfully a couple of times as she positions herself as the dominant spoon. Her bare skin is on mine, pressing against the wounds she so lovingly just gave me. I tense from the pain as I feel her breasts against my neck, and her chin on top of my head. My body melts into hers. I feel her legs up under mine, her pelvis pushed up against my beaten ass. The fire of my marks smolders, but the flame of a loving desire has been stoked deep within. A gentle hand is now on my hip, slowly caressing me up my stomach, to my breasts. Her arm shelters me under the covers as she draws me closer, my nipple barely touching the palm of her hand that is now cupping my breast. I feel the brush of her lips on my head for just a moment, and then I feel her body relax.

“Holly?” She asks.

“Yes ma’am?”

“You know you still owe me a drop of blood.”

I reach up and put my hand around her hand that is cupping my breast. I squeeze it lightly and hold her hand close, my nipple pressing hard against her palm.

*Yes ma’am…as many as you want…*

I succumb to the deepest and most comforting sleep of my life.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/104jt4q/hollys_tales_part_9