The Contract: Motherly Lesson. (Femdom) (Flr) (F/F/m) (Milking)

Claire woke up and gasped at the delight filled agony of Sunday night’s love making. Her hand immediately went to her mom’s and below as she tried to sit up. Mike was instantly concerned. And subsided when Claire reassured him that she was fine. She kissed her slave and gestured to the chastity cage on the dresser. He fetched it, assembled it and stood in front of her so that she could verify that is was on properly. Satisfied she nodded and Mike locked the cage, giving her the key and chain. She was a little stiff but managed to get her ankle out from under the covers for Mike to put the key in place again.

She noted that Mike had not removed his nighty as she patted the bed beside her, inviting him to sit and have breakfast with her. She drank her coffee and had a piece of toast before speaking.

“You were magnificent last night my slave.”

“I have a fantastic owner Mistress.” He replied.

“Hang your clothes up instead of bathing me today.”

“Already done Mistress.”

Claire had no doubt he was telling the truth, he had probably ironed the wrinkles out too.

“Very good. Then you will bathe me as usual. How long do you think the dig will still take?”

“Four to five days Mistress. We will need more cement to make gabians, another two tons at least. Then we need to lay paving or cast a concrete skirt around the house to keep everything in place.”

“Not concrete. What about runoff from the roof? Will that cause damage?”

“Eventually, yes Mistress.”

Claire nodded, gutters could wait for a few weeks.

“I’ve started a prepaid account at Costa’s order the labour lunch, I’m going to the bank and and to see a land surveyor, there is an issue with the property boundaries. I’ll shop around for paving stones or bricks. According to the older titles there is an outbuilding called stables on the property, find it or at least where it was.”

“Yes Mistress.”

With instruction given for the day Claire had Mike draw her bath and tried to stand. She could but her labia were swollen and she felt as if she had to stand with her feet apart. It was a brand new experience for her, she didn’t mind at all. She selected her outfit and then put an outfit out for Mike as he waited on his knees beside the bath.

Something had happened on Sunday night, for both of them. Claire was aware of that. It was a good, no better than a good something. Despite being underneath Claire had felt in charge of their love making. She had been on top since the contract was signed because she felt it gave her a more dominant position, something in their mindset had changed.

“Slave? Do you prefer me ordering you when to cum?” Clairee asked as warm water soothed her muscles.

“Uhm, I feel it’s not my place to cum without permission Mistress.”

“Quite right.”

She let Mike was her between her legs and realised something with her on top she could not gauge when Mike was close to the point of no return. Mike on top meant he could do something to control his ejaculation. She considered this as her slave washed the rest of her. Before last night she had tried to control everything, last night though she had allowed her slave control within her parameters, and he had risen to it.

Mike was no codependant whimp, he was a strong and capable man, she would have a happier husband, more devoted slave, and a power at her disposal of she recognised that and three Frl literature out of the window. As a bonus she would have less stress too. As the training phase of the contract was coming to and end she was understanding that most of the training was happening to her, she had to learn to own Mike, he was already her property in his mind.

She came home just after lunch to find excellent progress on the dig, a lot more gabians made, the stables discovered and the weeds cut down. As she walked around the house with Mike reporting she saw what he could if he had a broad idea of what was required.
“Oh, I found the septic tank too Mistress.” He said as they looked across the river that ran along the bottom of the property.

“Fantastic! Where is it?”

“Right there. About ten centimetres under the ground. It’s very old Mistress, the pipe in ceramic.”

“Do we open it?”

“Rather not Mistress. Systems like sewerage work best if left alone until they break. The pipe comes out of the house just below ground level there.” Mike pointed.

“What does that tell you?”

“That there is a cellar Mistress, that the house was occupied and prosperous in the eighteen eighties, and that succeeding generations of plumbers respected the existing features. It might be wise to respect prexisting features here.”

“Any idea about incoming water yet?”

“No Mistress, although it will probably come in beside the kitchen door, that is the shortest line from the meter to the house.”

“Be careful then.”

Mike nodded. The truck arrived bringing more cement and Mike made arrangements for unloading it while Claire signed the delivery note. Mike put another man onto making gabians as soon as the truck was unloaded because the dig was now above head height gabian blocks had to be laid more frequently now as the risk of a serious or fatal accident increased. Mike himself cleared the undergrowth hiding the stables.

By Wednesday the stables were cleared of creeper and strangling fig. The doors were still in tact, just closed, locked by big brass mortice locks. The roof was still there too. Claire and her mother looked at the building incredulously when Mike disturbed their weekly tea to report.

“Can you pick the locks?” Claire asked.

“I can pick locks Mistress, but not those. They are rusted inside.”

“Kick the doors down then?” Claire’s mother suggested.

“They open outwards Your Grace.” Mike said. “Rather than a destructive option I would like to take the hinges apart.”

Claire nodded. Before the two women had finished tea Mike brought a piece of news paper to them. 9th June, 1918 was readable in one corner. They rushed to the room to go and see relics of the Spanish flu. The room was a treasure trove of antiques, an old carbide lamp rested alongside a set canteen of fine cutlery, a gramophone lurked in a corner, other indistinct shapes hid in the shadows. Claire’s mother immediately called her office and postpone appointments to the following week. She was in an antiques hunter’s heaven.

The Land cruiser arrived at lunchtime. Mike was stripping the lock and getting it to work while fashioning a key for it. He had no clue something was happening at the gate. He still had no idea when the Jeep arrived, the second of five doors was now occupying his attention. He only realised that things had changed when Claire called him for supper and his Suzuki was gone. The contents of his Suzuki was neatly packed beside an upgraded Land Cruiser Pickup truck. behind the Land Cruiser was a shiny, brand new Jeep Patriot.

“I did not want to see that Suzuki parked in front of my house again, the property value dropped each time you stopped there.”

“Are they good?” Claire asked.

“The best Mistress.” Mike answered not taking his eyes from the truck. “One hundred thousand Muslim Fundamentalists are not wrong about that.”

“Which should go to the mountains?”

“Difficult to answer Mistress, the truck will carry more and more easily. The Jeep will be more comfortable. Either would be better than the Suzuki was.”

The three had supper together, Claire asking Mike about what would be needed for the trip. Mostly food, it seemed, firewood too, extra fuel because Mike did not know the fuel consumption of either of the vehicles in the conditions they would be operating in. Claire was once again lost when she asked him where in the mountains they would be going.

Between Pilgrim’s Rest and Orighstad was about as much as was understandable. Mike did not work on Google maps waypoints, route numbers, or even distances. He worked in hours and minutes. The older lady was intrigued at his route discription because Mike also mixed left and right in his dyslexia. Then he drew unclear distinctions between dirt roads too.

Claire’s period started on Thursday. She cried for an hour at breakfast because of it. She chased Mike out of the bathroom too. When his mother in law arrived Mike whispered a warning to her. She smiled at Mike and patted his arm.

“It’s alright my boy. Just get those doors open and keep on doing as you have been. This is Rebecca, she will be helping me, just show her where.” The older lady replied.

After showing Rebecca what the work was he left her unpack as best she could while he dealt with the remaining doors. In the third stable he found a lot of green slate roof tiles. He looked at the house, the roof was too big for this quantity of slate, he did a quick calculation of surface area the went to measure the dig. There were too few tiles for that too, disappointed he got to work on the second to last door.

“How are you doing?” Claire asked quietly behind Mike.

He stopped trying to knock the pin out of the hinge and kissed her gently.

“I’m fine Mistress.”

“I understand if you want to put the contract on a pause…”

“Mistress, I’ve seen you in your periods. I know you get embarrassed, I know you have a short temper at this time. Before I could run away to the mountains. Now I’ve chosen to stay.”

“You’ll still…”

Mike nodded.

“I’m not going to the mountains at this time… Next week.”

Mike nodded.

“Do not forget about lunch then slave.” Claire was deeply relieved by Mike,

” Yes Mistress.”

Mike watched her go back to the house, it was going to be a difficult weekend. He turned to the door again and got the hinges loose. He stopped working on the doors at lunch, the team of diggers had got rounded a top corner. At a depth of almost four Meters and a water pipe in the area he wanted to be sure about the progress remaining safe.

As estimated the digging finished late on Friday afternoon, Mike had plumbing fittings that were the right size and he changed the route of the incoming water pipe in half an hour. Then he had everybody lay gabian blocks. By the end of the day there was half a day of work left for the gabians to be done. Mike calculated that he would have two blocks more than needed.

Claire was bitchy all evening and cried herself to sleep without telling Mike why. There was nothing for it but to accept the situation. He held her and went to sleep. Claire’s mood was still bad on Saturday morning and he did his best but she was still not telling him anything. When the laborers arrived he was quick to get the gabians in place. Claire’s mother arrived just before lunch and had a long chat with her daughter as Mike finished the project. The two women stood on the bridge and admired the work once the laborers were gone. There were more pictures and social media posts then Claire told Mike to take a shower and come to the living room.

He had a sense that something was about to happen and was quick about getting himself cleaned up. He came into the living room to see two buckets on the floor, a jug. Claire was on the couch, arms folded. Her mother was standing.

“Sit on the table slave.” The older lady instructed.

Once Mike was seated Claire told him to obey the older lady. And was quiet again.

“Claire is unavailable for you to spend yourself in. She is adamant though that you should have release once a week for your own health.”

Mike wondered if his mother in law was going to order him to service her instead.

“Thus you need to be milked of your semen. The question is while restrained or not”

Mike had heard of the practice, he would have thought unlocking him with a few minutes alone in the toilet would have done the trick just as well with less fuss. He still found it a little unbelievable that his mother in law was going to do this.

“I am going to milk you, and teach my daughter how to do it for future use.”

” Get on the table on all fours slave.” Claire ordered.

“Always start with an enema. He might not poo everything out and then you just have a mess.”

Mike felt a cold gelbon his rectum and instinctively clenched. A cane appeared out of nowhere and his mother in law gave him six stripes very quickly. Mike sensed Claire stand up be beside her mother. Then he felt something pressing against his rectum.

“There, do you see the sphincter opening? This is the most risky phase, there, just push in gently. Good”

Mike felt something pass the outer sphincter and then there was pressure on his inner sphincter.He felt the need to push it all out.

“His body will fight the pressure initially, just keep the pressure up.”

Suddenly Mike felt the intrusion go deeper into him and then keep on pushing deeper. There was a satisfied sigh from Claire’s mother. And an explanation of how far the pipe should go in. Mike was surprised that it had not hurt, it was just uncomfortable like the urge to go to the toilet. Then he heard water pouring into the pipe down a funnel, soon he felt his bowel filling with liquid.

“How much do I pour in?” Claire asked.

“It varies, usually about two liters. Pour until the air bubbles stop. Do you see?” Her mother said.

Mike felt the weight in his intestine increase. Two liters in a bowel was a lot of liquid, he thought. In the end it took two and a half liters, Mike was groaning by the time his mother in law was satisfied.

“Now, remove the funnel, close the end with your thumb. Put the end in the bucket and open the end.”

Mike heard the liquid pouring into the bucket and felt the relief in his bowels.

“Do you see what came out?”

Mike felt the pipe being drawn from his anus, he was relieved that was over. He was wrong.

“Now you do it dear, on your own.”

In even deeper disbelief he felt the whole process repeated. He could tell that it was Claire, less practiced and a little less patient. He felt a mild erection struggle against the cage this time and then the liquid came again. Once again he started to feel the discomfort build to the verge of pain. Then the release as the liquid drained into the bucket again. Then the pipe withdrew again.

“Well done dear, three times is considered best, do it again.” Mike heard.

Once again he felt the cold lubricant, and then the whole process repeated. He actually felt hungry when the pipe was withdrawn. His mother in law was not finished. He scovered quickly as more lubricant was applied to his rectum. He felt pressure again and suddenly he was being penetrated again. He felt the penetration bend and turn, in shock he realised that his mother in law had her finger up his ass! Suddenly the mild erection became a fighting and raging hard-on.

“There it is. Put your finger in dear, can you feel the tip of my finger?”
“Yes.” Claire answered.
“That is the prostate gland, just stroke around and over it.”

Mike groaned as the chastity cage pulled on his scrotum. The pressure and stimulation was relentless, he could feel the two fingers moving inside him and the building pressure to cum. Then one finger withdrew, it made little difference. He started shaking as the pressure on his prostate continued, the pain of the chastity cage keeping his erection down increased, and the pressure to ejaculate increased enormously.

“Keep it up dear he’s close.” Mike heard distantly.

His hips were rocking, his forearms trembled, his back arched, and he was nearly screaming at the pains and effort of control. Suddenly he heard sweet words from Claire.

” You may cum slave.”

He let all effort of control go. He felt a dribble run out of his penis and then his arms buckled. He lay face down on the table trying to gather thought and breathing heavily.

“There, your slave has been milked. It gets to be quicker, and more productive as he gets used to cumming that way.” Claire’s mother said.

“You can milk him with a catheter, although it takes some skill, you might look at a chastity that has a catheter built in then it won’t be so messy.” She carried on.

“Next time he will hold a glass or something.” Claire replied.

“Whatever works for you dear.”

“I’m hungry, let’s make supper.” Claire said.

She poked Mike with a finger to get attention.

“Clean up then join us for supper slave.” She said and went to the kitchen.
