Holly’s Tales – Part 8


She looks behind me at Mister Donovan and nods. I feel his hand on my neck as he pushes me forward towards the cross. There is more to the sinister looking X cross than I realized. At the top of each side is a wire cable on a pulley with a thick metal ring. Above where the X intersects appears to be a small padded bar. There are adjustable footsteps with leather straps on each base of the X, and I see they have been moved up quite a bit for someone short.

*For me…*

The thought of them preparing this torture device for me causes me to shiver a moment. My breathing picks up again in anticipation of what is coming. He ushers me up onto the steps and I oblige. I realize that my feet actually rest inside part of the X’s legs, allowing my legs to lay flush against the wood. I am facing the X, and my chest pushes up against the wood in the middle where the beams cross. I feel him pull the leather straps against the back of my calves tightly, securing my legs. Once my legs are secured he hooks each hand restraint to the metal rings at the top of the X. Suddenly, my hands and arms are yanked up as the cables are pulled taught. My entire body is pulled tight against the wood and I can barely wiggle. I can feel my heels barely on the step. My forehead rests against the padded leather bar between the top parts of the X. I’m not going anywhere.

She walks in front of me and around me checking on my restraints. She pulls on my arms. She leans down and gives my left ankle a pull. I feel her pat my ass. The pain from the rose inlaid paddle isn’t nearly as bad anymore. She walks back around and stands in front of me. Her hands reach up and gently cup my face. She holds me for a moment, her gaze suddenly tender and caring. She brushes my hair back with her hands and smiles. Her voice sweetens and she breaks her character for a moment.

“Sarah, I want you to listen to me carefully, understand?”

*Sarah? Listen to her…*

“Yes ma’am.”

“I’m not going to injure you.”


The confused look on my face must be obvious. She gives a small chuckle and responds, “I’m going to hurt you, but I am not going to injure you. I am not angry with you.”

Her touch is soothing, her voice reassuring. I believe her. My breathing is slowing and I feel my body relaxing in my restraints.

“What’s about to happen is going to happen because you want it to, and to be frank so do I. Remember though, I’m not Greg. Remove that from your mind. I want you to enjoy this, as I think you will.”

*“Greg”? She knows…how does she know so much?*

“When I hit you,” she says looking directly in my eyes, “open your mind up to the pain. Focus on it. Make the pain your entire world. Feel the sting and how it moves throughout your body and turns to warmth and comfort.”

I remember the searing sting of the whippy cane, and that the initial pain had dissipated into a warm burn across my skin. My desire for more suddenly surprises me.

“Now, repeat to me your safe word.”

“Volleyball.” I don’t hesitate to reply. Her words envelope my thoughts and I feel soothing warmth spread from my head down to my toes. She looks at me softly for a moment, both her hands now around my cheeks again. My focus is entirely on her now. Our eyes are locked. Without another word, she leans in and says, “Good-bye, Sarah…” and then kisses me.

I am surprised for a moment, but I close my eyes and feel her lips on mine. A sudden wave of pleasure envelopes my body and my nipples stiffen. She doesn’t force her tongue, but I feel it gently on my lips and I open my mouth. Our tongues touch for just a moment before she gently closes her lips on mine and holds it there, before pulling away. I’ve kissed girls before, but never a woman.She has me wrapped around her fingers. Before I can open my eyes again, the blind fold goes back on.

Her fingers are on my nipples, gently rubbing them between her thumbs and index fingers. My excitement grows and I can feel my clitoris respond. She lightly squeezes.

“Ooh” I barely moan.

“Open your mouth, Holly” I hear her say. I open.

A hard, rubbery bit a few inches long is placed between my teeth, and I can feel a strap on the back of my head cinch it in place. The strap pulls the bit against the corners of my lips. With my teeth around the bit, my mouth is forced open now. My tongue explores it, trying to find a good resting spot. I can’t speak and I can already feel the rubber getting slick and wet from my saliva.

From hidden speakers the massive building is suddenly filled with music. Rhythmic pulsing of trance inducing beats and tones are filling my ears. There are no lyrics; club music. The music is loud but not deafening. I can still hear her talking to me, but from behind me now.

“What an absolutely beautiful ass and pussy you have there, Holly. Those red roses are still so pretty. What a shame I’m going to ruin the art work now.”

Her hand is on my back, her palm rubbing my body up and down. Her hand moves up to my left shoulder, and I feel her other hand on my right. She holds my arms in her hands and slides up to my wrists. Her breasts press against my back and her pelvis thrusts into my ass. I feel her lips on my neck as she grinds into me. The pulse of the music is barely keeping up with my own.

*Oh god…yes…please…please…*

I try to moan through the bit, but “uuuuuhhhhh…” is all I can manage. Her hands move down my arms and around my body, rubbing my nipples as she caresses down to my warming mound. She stops her caress just before where I so desperately want her to continue, and slides her hands back around to my ass. My arousal is visible with every heave of my chest as my breathing deepens. With the music pumping, I can feel her hot breath on my ear.

“Oh Holly,” she whispers seductively, “I told you, no sex tonight.”

*No! Please…I want…*


I yelp and flinch, my restraints barely allowing me any movement. A white blinding light appears in my eyes despite the blindfold, and I can feel the long searing streak of fire across my right butt cheek, but then I can almost see it’s shape in the darkness of my mind.

*That fucking cane!*

The pain is white hot…



Fire slowing turning to warmth…

Spreading out…



My left cheek. I wince but I don’t cry out. The searing pain spreads quickly, and I feel the warmth in my clitoris as well for a moment.



“Ah!” I squeal, but the pain from the two new smacks on my right leg spread quickly and the sting becomes warmth and the warmth becomes pleasure and the pleasure becomes a moan…




My left leg explodes in pain. My eyes are closed behind the blindfold, but I still see the long white streaks behind my wincing lids. I can *see* the shape of the cane, but its long skinny white glow quickly dissipates into an ever expanding group of stars, changing from white to yellow to red to blue to purple as they disappear.


The cane hits across both cheeks quickly but lightly, increasing force, my face contorting and my teeth grinding on the bit. I tense my ass cheeks.


“NnnnnnnnNNGHGGGGGHHHGH!!!!” I groan through my gag.

The fire in my ass is scorching and I try to dance away but I can’t move. I moan into my bit as the heat settles into warmth and my head slumps against the soft restraint. My hands let go of the metal bars in my restraints that I was so desperately gripping. My body was entirely tense and I release completely, my wrists and shoulders bearing the weight of my body against the cables holding me fast. I breathe heavy and can feel drops of spit flying out and down onto my chin. I’m drooling. My saliva starts to move down my chin.

*Oh god…oh god…*

“Remember to relax, listen to the music and focus on the pain. Relax.” Her hand is gentle on my head as she speaks. Her voice is soothing.

I suddenly arch my back in pain and moan through the bit as sharp talons grip my ass cheeks. Her nails feel like they’re tipped with metal as they rake across the fresh welts across my stinging backside.



She laughs behind me.

The drool is building and I can already feel it on my neck under my chin. I bite and chew and lick the bit, but that just makes the situation worse. I focus on the beat of the music and try to relax.

***whack whack whack whack THWACK!***

The first streak of light is quickly replaced by another and another and the heat builds until the final stroke and I moan from the searing pain that quickly turns to a warm tingling pleasure between my legs and melding colors in my mind.



I wince as the cane lights up the inside of my right thigh but the proximity to my aroused pussy turns pain into pleasure as the prickly heat turns to a tingling warmth, echoed by the swell in my clitoris. The cane strikes aren’t as hard but come quicker against the sensitive area between my legs.

***thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack***

She moves the cane to the inside of my left thigh now.

***thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack THWACK!!***


I yelp, arch my back, and wince in pain as the last strike explodes in a stinging, searing line on my soft skin below. The beat of the music stays with me subconsciously and I focus on the spreading heat between my legs and how the shape of the stars holds the pattern of the cane but then spreads out in the blackness of my vision. The pain dissolves and the lights fade into swirling colors. The pleasure growing between my legs is mounting. I momentarily feel something wet both on my breasts and something wet sliding down the inside of my left thigh. I’m drooling even worse now as my head slumps against the padded bar again.

“Oh Holly,” she says. I hear the amazement in her voice. “You’re dripping.” I feel a finger lightly stroke my lips below, gently nestling up between them, almost touching my clit. She makes me feel how wet I am. She moves in and I can feel her warm breath on my ear. I can suddenly hear light sucking sounds with her mouth.

“Mmmmmm,” she growls lowly, “oh Holly what a treat…you taste amazing.”

A vision of her going down on me floods my head. The warmth and tingle between my legs tells me how much I want her. Her tongue on my clit, her teeth grabbing my lips, her tongue exploring deep…

I can feel her on my left side now and I feel her hand on the top of my head, stroking my hair. Her fingers begin to gather my hair together, until she has a ball of it in her fist. She controls my head; I have no ability…or desire…to stop her. My hair is yanked back and my head lifted. Behind the blackness of my blindfold I can feel the lines of drool from my breasts to my chin.

*I don’t care…*

A sharp nail traces a painful line down my spine to the valley below. The nail becomes a finger as her hand grips my ass so that her middle finger is now between my spread cheeks.


Her finger slowly glides down until I feel the tip of it resting on my asshole. I gasp, sucking in air. She moves her finger further, and I can feel it slide between my lips as she rediscovers my secret. I am, literally, dripping juices. I feel her fingers exploring me, gently gliding up and down.

*My clit…please touch me…*

A wet moan escapes my pried open mouth. The hard beat of the music matches my racing heart. My request is never fulfilled; her fingers, slick with my wetness, massage and explore but never quite reach my swelling red button. The touching stops.

*No…no…please don’t stop…*

“I wonder,” she whispers in my ear, “what further surprises you hold for me.

My mouth and nose are suddenly covered by her hand as she smears my own excitement all over my face. I try to turn away but her grip on my hair is too strong. She wipes her hand up and down, pushing her fingers deep in my mouth, past the bit. I nearly gag.

The smell of my own scent is heavy in my head. Suddenly she tosses my head forward like tossing away a piece of trash. My head hits the padded bar. I feel her wet hand using my hair as a towel to wipe her fingers clean.

I hear laugh, “Stupid girl…now, where was I?”

***thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack***

The cane drums on the back of my legs, alternating between them. My face grimaces as I am pulled back into the scene. I groan. She works the cane up each leg, bringing me bright stinging lines of pain. I grip the restraints and tighten up, but immediately relaxed and focused on the quickly spreading warmth.








“nnnnnnnnnnnmmmmMMMMM!!!!” My scream is stifled by the bit in my mouth.

I writhe and twist as the thin rod ignites my ass cheeks equally, the bright painful flashes of light in my head sparking one after another, spreading out like colorful constellations before my eyes. The white hot hues cooling into reds and yellows into blues and greens and I start to relax. I feel the beat of the trance music as I focus on my stinging flesh and the visions in my head. The spreading heat moves throughout my pelvis, a slow pressure building up between my legs.


I feel the force of the blow of the rose adorned paddle lift my heels off their perch, but the leather restraints against my calves hold tight, keeping me fast. The searing pain overwhelms me for a moment and my entire world explodes in a blinding white light. For a moment my hands grip the rods of the restraints holding my arms up and every muscle tightens…and then relaxes as I slump and allow the cross to bear my weight. The white explosion of light in my head is fading into an endless dark galaxy of distant stars. The music echoes in the background. I don’t know if my eyes are open or closed now. My head hangs in defeat against the padded bar as my body surrenders.

*What is this feeling? Everything is…detached…oh god that warmth…my clit…*

Light streaks of gentle pain appear on my upper and middle back, over and over. Thin white lines form a new shape. The pain is sharper, more brightly colored. The licks are swift and whippy, without the bluntness of the cane.


I hear a momentary whoosh of something thin and long behind me.


A long searing line arcs across my back but my body barely moves. I feel the hot line distinctly. I feel the heat and see the white line that quickly moves off into the distance, expanding and fading into nothingness. The pain feels…

*…good…so good…*




Three more lines across my back light up three more thin streaks of white stars in my head as I shift my focus from one to the other, the searing pain now a welcome pleasure. More lines appear as she begins to hit harder and more often. The fireworks exploding in my head and on my back are all I want to feel. My body is motionless except for the occasional involuntary wince. Each blow sends waves of pleasure through my body. The shape of each painful strike is replaced by another in my mind’s eye, and the galaxy of stars I float through begins to fill with the distant memory each lash leaves on my body.

Time no longer means anything. The music is barely perceptible now as I float through my shape shifting galaxy of pleasure inducing pain. Cane strikes begin again on my ass and legs as she moves up and down changing her choice of toys as she went. Whip stings across my back; across my legs. My mind is losing focus on the pain as the waves of pleasure mount up between my legs. Each caressing sting channels directly to the building pressure. When she moves her strikes to the inside of my thighs, the smacks reverberate through to my clit and I feel the pressure growing.

*Yes…god yes…*

My hips begin to move again, but not in response to intolerable pain. Smaller hits build up warmth, followed by a heavy handed blow that sends my head burrowing into the bar that is holding it up. Sometimes she uses two toys at once, sending me reeling from conflicting sources of pain. The stings are blending, and I lose track of where they are landing.


The rose paddle hits and I am unable to maintain focus on anything. My mind drifts to her. She’s in front of me at the gym. We’re alone. She reaches for me and takes my head in her hands nad pulls me closer. She’s kissing me. I can’t stop her. My hands are bound behind me as she thrusts her tongue in my mouth. Her hands move down to my breasts. She lifts my shirt and rips my bra in half. She’s sliding her hands down my shorts. I feel her fingers at the top of my panties.

*Wait…what’s happening…wait…*

My body begins lose control. The pressure between my legs is growing. Her blows keep coming, and the increasing pleasure is building beyond my own previous attempts to pleasure myself.

*I can’t…wait…what’s hap…oh god…oh God…OH…FUUUUUUUU…*

“MMMMMMmmmmmMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!” I’m screaming as hard as I can but the muscles in my body are seizing up and pulling against the restraints as waves of pleasure from my clit release. The contractions almost hurt but the pleasure is too much. With each jolt of primal, sexual pleasure I moan through the bit in my mouth. The waves come and come and my body is wracked with spasms of pleasure. I feel a warm gush on my legs as I lose control of everything and release, peeing in spurts with each body wracking twitch. I don’t care. The pleasure ensnares me.

I no longer exist physically. I am floating in a cocoon of warmth and ecstasy. The outside world no longer matters to me. The pain she has inflicted is now a muted myriad of shifting stings and tingles; so many that I am unable to focus on any single welt. I quiver a few times as I hang there, oblivious. The whippings have stopped. The music still pumps in the background as I drift in my sensory deprived state of euphoria.

A few minutes pass and I feel her hand on the back of my head. I feel the blindfold slide up and off my head. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the glow of the red light. She’s standing right in front of me but I can barely make out her features as she is looking at my pupils back and forth. I make an effort to speak but barely a moan passes my lips. Her hands reach up behind my head and undo the strap holding the bit in my mouth. I open and allow to her remove it. My mouth hangs open still as I hang there in muted silence with my mind and body detached and floating blissfully. A warm towel covers my face momentarily as she wipes my mouth and chin clean of my drooling. She removes it, and I open my eyes and am able to focus on her.

Even in the darkened red glow, I can see she is smiling. She clears the hair out of my face and wipes my forehead with the towel. Her hand gently caresses my cheek.

“Well now,” she says warmly, “I’d say that changes a few things, wouldn’t you?”

My eyes speak for me.

*Yes…I’ll do anything for you…*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1040gws/hollys_tales_part_8