First blowjob wasn’t from a girl

First Blowjob wasn’t from a woman

19m here

I work in the produce section at a store, weekdays are slow and there isn’t much to do. Leaving me and my co workers tons of time to talk and mess around. One day me and this guy I work with (26) are talking about our Ex’s and past sexual experiences, I mention that I’ve had sex but never had a blowjob

His eyes lit up with pitty and excitement, telling me all about how great blowjobs are to get and give. This made me alittle hard which surprised me but when you’ve had as little sexual experience as me that can happen. I told him I didn’t believe him but he reassured me that he’s been on the giving and receiving end of a lot of blowjobs and that he prefers to give them, he then simply offered to be my first.

I thought he was joking but he looked at me and said he was dead serious. “We could do it in the back cooler”. At my job the back cooler is where we keep all the Fruits and veggies, its a place where only produce workers go and the door to get in is a sliding door that takes like 10 seconds to open, it was just me and him so it felt safe. The only problem is that I’m straight but I didn’t seem to care as much as I thought I would have

He walked over to the cooler and said I could come in whenever I was ready and went in. I stood on the outside with a hard dick and a beating chest. Once I went in, I saw my co worker sitting on the floor by the apples looking down at his phone. It was here when I realized I was about to get my dick sucked

Without saying anything he quickly got on his knees and pulled down my sweat pants. My dick was already hard, he gave a smile like he was proud that he was able to get me hard. It was freezing cold in the cooler but once my cock hit his warm tongue and lips I felt a warm shiver run through my body. That feeling alone could’ve been enough to make me go right there. He slid his tongue across my cock and stuck it in his mouth, took it out, spit on it and then put it back in. He did this a few times. I had never felt anything like that. I palmed the back of his head grabbing his hair slowly forcing my cock further in his mouth hitting the back of his throat, that made him gag a little and he took a second break but he didn’t back down, he took one hand to grab the metal shelf with the apples and his other hand to grab my ass and started fast pace bobbing his head on my cock. Slurping, gagging and spitting all over. I had no idea the inside of a mouth felt this wet and warm. His nose started running adding to the slobbery mess, that kind of grossed me out but it was hot at the same time idk how to explain it. All this took place in about a 45 second span because I didn’t last very long. Once he could tell that I was cumming he took his hand off the shelf and started stroking. I could feel my cum hitting the roof of his mouth but he didn’t stop going he just slowed down and continued slurping and gagging. The only cum he didn’t swallow were the drops dripping from his lips and hands. My legs were shaking uncontrollably, i almost fell over but his hand on my ass kept me balanced. When it was over we left the cooler and went back to work like nothing happened

YES – this is a repost

sharing this story again bc I haven’t had a blowjob in a while and now I’m craving one lmao


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