Road-trip (Part two) [f24, f25] [toys, anal, First time in chastity]

Part 2

A little more than an hour into the trip Marie decided it was time to have a little fun with Ada.

Ada, who had a buttplug and a vibrator inside her, had already fallen fast asleep. Marie carefully reached down making sure to be making as little noise as possible for the vibrator’s controller. Once she grabbed it and turned it to the lowest setting and waited. Even on the lowest setting it took just seconds for Ada to jolt awake and say “Hey! Cmon I’m trying to get some sleep” in a grainy voice. Marie looked at her and jokingly said “ooh you want to give me attitude don’t you?” And turned up the strength of the vibrations halfway to the max. Ada let out a soft moan as she tightly crossed her legs. “You like that don’t you?” playfully asked Marie. Ada took a deep breath before replying “maybe a little”. Marie looked down at the controller and back up at Ada and asked “do you want me to keep going?” She quickly replied in a soft voice, full of embarrassment “yes please”. Marie let out a little chuckle before saying “well that’s too bad isn’t it” as she turned it down to the lowest setting.

Marie told Ada “since you’re soooo sleepy, I’m going to keep it on the lowest setting for the rest of the car ride to make sure you’re being constantly teased but always far from cuming to keep you nice and awake”. Ada looked at Marie with a grin knowing how much the both of enjoyed her cruelty but Marie feeling as if she hadn’t done enough to punish Ada said, “can you reach back and get that red bag and open it for me please” Ada hesitantly reached back and grabbed the bag, placed it on her lap. She opened it to find a weird metal contraption. She asked “What the hell is this?”. Marie, now the one grinning, said, “I had it custom made to your measurements” Ada snapped back “two things, first off what is this thing and secondly, when did you measure me?!”. Marie waited a second and said “it’s a chastity belt” Ada looked at her dumbfounded instantly recognizing its purpose. With a grin bigger than Ada ever thought possible Marie said “I knew you wouldn’t be able to keep from touching yourself while I wasn’t looking so I got you this”.

Ada had an expression you’d expect from someone who had just been told the sky was green. Marie pulled into a gas station and said “we’re gonna go into the bathrooms so you can do your business and we can get you locked in”. Marie knew that as much as Ada disliked the thought of not being able to touch herself, she was clearly not against the idea partly from her silent lack of complaints but mainly from the wet spot they both saw on her seat when she got out.

Marie pumped gas into the car before following Ada into the bathroom who was still red in the face from the discovery they made about the car seat. Ada had already used the bathroom and was waiting in for Marie in the handicap stall as instructed. Marie walked into the unlocked stall before quietly asking Ada “are you ready?” Ada spoke her first full words since Marie told her about her new “piece of clothing” which were “yeah I think so” Marie locked the door behind her and told Ada “drop the skirt” Ada did so without question. Marie picked up the skirt and switched it with the chastity belt in her bag before placing everything in a corner of the large stall.

Marie whispered to Ada to bend over and once again she complied. Marie got down on her knees behind Ada and tapped on her buttplug with her nail. She started tugging at the plug, taking it out halfway and pushing it back in a few times with every tug forcing a sigh out of Ada. Eventually after what to Ada seemed like an eternity the plug came out with one final moan from her.

Marie lightly spanked Ada and whispered “be quiet, what if someone hears” knowing fully well that both of them would become even more aroused by the thought of someone catching them. Once the plug was out and away Marie wondered out loud “what should we fill your hole with now?” When she came up with her decision she reached into her bag and pulled out some glass anal beads, 10 of them in total the smallest one being a little bigger than a marble and the biggest a whole inch in diameter larger than the plug.

This was a new toy to Ada; she had never used anal beads this large before. Marie held the toy in front of Ada’s face who was still bent over and and chuckled before whispering “don’t worry about them falling out darling, we both know that won’t be possible”. One by one Marie inserted the beads into Ada’s tight but flexible hole until she got to the last one which was a whole 4 inches in diameter. Marie squirted more lube onto the last bead and whispered “are you a good girl?“ Ada nodded yes. Marie asked “are you going to take this last bead like a good little girl” Ada nodded yes again and with that Marie popped the last bead into her ass with one strong push.

Immediately Ada let out a moan loud enough that it was surely heard by the people inside the gas station followed by a quiet, “fuckkkk” luckily no one else had walked into the bathroom.

Ada had gotten up and was leaning against the wall with her hand covering her private regions trying to catch her breath. Marie walked up and hugged her and quietly whispered in her ear ”we’re almost done”. Marie put away the lube, picked up the chastity belt, and walked over to Ada. she put the belt on the floor and told Ada to sit down on the toilet seat. Marie once again got down on her knees to get a good view, this time Ada had already pulled up her skirt.

Marie saw Ada’s pussy flooded with her juices dripping down to her thighs. Marie told Ada “here we go” and slid the belt up her legs before instructing Ada to get up. Marie pulled the belt the rest of the way up and secured it in place. “Does it pinch anywhere?” Asked Marie. Ada replied simply with “uh uh” feeling the cold metal press against her pussy with the slow and gentle vibration in her as well as the large toy in her other hole she felt weighed down and when she tried to walk waddled. Marie put the skirt back on Ada and together they walked out of the bathroom, Ada red as a tomato trying to avoid the stare from the cashier who most certainly knew something was up. Finally they made it to the car and Marie took off into the highway once more.

Thank you for reading! This is one of my first attempts at writing anything like this and would love to hear any thoughts you might have on it
My dms are always open for any suggestions :)
