Holly’s Tales – Part 5


*New car smell…that’s what that is.*

I look over at the steering wheel. I can just make out the big L in the middle, obscured a bit by her arms.

*A Lexus…nice.*

The black leather throughout is offset by a dark reddish wood dashboard and console with a river of pure black coursing throughout. The finish is smooth and polished. My fingers run over the wood on the control panel of the door. Her digital display is the same dark red light as the rest of the controls. I also notice the floor boards have a glowing red tint from lights under the seats.

*Wow, it’s even nicer than it looks from the outside. This is fucking money.*

This is the most luxurious car I’ve ever been in. Even in my wet clothes I feel warm in the soothing heated leather. I look up and I realize that the monitor in the back of the seat in front of me is actually a good sized Samsung TV, nearly as black as the leather surrounding it. I noticed that the AC controls are in the back of the center console meant for the rear passengers, indicating that both sides can control their temperature settings. There’s a darkened video monitor in front of me.

*Fuck me, she’s got money.*

I turn my gaze back out the window. The raindrops wiggle and dance and celebrate their short lives on the thin smooth pane of glass that I’m thankful separates us from the chill.

“Holly.” I turn back to her and she’s handing me a large pair of darkened sunglasses that covers the side of the eyes as well. I don’t hesitate and reach to put them on. They remind me of the kind that I see old folks wearing and I pray I don’t ever need. These are different though. These are entirely light proof. I can see nothing.

“Hi Donovan, yes, I’m on my way.” I hear her say. She’s on her phone.

*Her husband?*

“Yes, thank you.” She goes on, concentrating on her driving on the miserable, slick roads. I can feel us making a tight U-turn, and the tires grip hard, even in the rain. We’re heading north now, under the freeway. “And Donovan? Get enough for three, I’m entertaining a guest tonight…mmhmm, why yes it is the same girl. Yes, she’s that pathetic.”

I can almost feel her looking back at me over her shoulder.

*What? Entertaining? “Enough for three”? Dinner?*

Food was the last thing on my mind, but at the same time my stomach involuntarily growls, and I remember how empty it is. I also realize that my heart has calmed, and my breathing slowed to almost normal.

*You’re along for the ride now idiot…*

The lurching and leaning of the stop and go traffic let me know we’re still on the side roads.

*Rush hour, in the rain? This is going to suck.*

“It’ll be fine. We have two days, and I’m bored.”

*Two days for what?*

“Good. I’m going to want the crosses in red tonight. Also, I’m going to want her showered when we get there.”

*I wonder if she means the large wooden X’s I’d seen in the videos…god a shower sounds nice*

I don’t look up, but if she’s still watching me I’m sure she’s seen my head turn to her direction even though I can’t see her. There’s a pause from her as I assume whomever Donovan is is talking in her ear. We’re still heading north. I know what road we’re still on. There are a few strip malls here and there with mom and pop style shops selling everything from candy to cigarettes, a few hair salons for men and women, even a Jamaican styled hair braiding shop. I know though that the businesses would end soon and after the upcoming train tracks, there would be nicer neighborhoods. Certainly much nicer than anything I had ever lived in, and eventually those homes would turn into things I could only dream of.

“No, set her up in the bedroom right there after her shower. I’ll do the hair after she eats, and then bring her over.”

I can’t remember the last the last time I had had someone do my hair.

*Jackie did…*

A tear slips under the glasses and slides down my cheek.

I feel us cross the train tracks and continue through the rain. With the clouds and heavy rain and the day slipping away, darkness comes earlier than normal. I’m thankful for the solitude, but more thankful for listening to her talk as it helps pass the time and I’m not so focused on the main event. The idea of food is even more inviting, and I can feel my empty stomach complaining again.

“Wonderful, thank you again, Donovan.” Suddenly the radio comes on. I recognize the song. U2, “Where the Streets Have No Name”. I sing along silently as we drive.

*”I wanna reach out and touch the flame…”*

We continue driving and I realize that it’s been nearly forty minutes now. I’ve lost track now of where we are. We’ve made too many turns and twists, some time even at speeds I know were close to 80, even in the rain.

*Is she rich? Why does she live so far away from the gym? What if she’s going to kill me?*

That though sobers me up a bit and suddenly my mind feels like it’s in a taffy pulling machine, my thoughts are ranging from food, to what she’s going to do to me on the cross, to the possibility that they could kill me.

*Shut up you idiot, even if she did Amy was videotaping it. The gym would have video inside and in the parking lot. Remember the sign inside?*

The gym did have a sign inside up on the walls in various locations reading, 24/7 CAMERA RECORDING, I remember. Besides, I can only imagine what is going to happen to my already lacking social life once Amy posts her video somewhere. I don’t have Facebook. She’ll probably post it on Tik Tok too. This means I’ll have no idea how bad it is.

*Not exactly the time to worry about that now is it?*

I take a deep breath and sigh, but Mistress Kim makes it easier to push those thoughts away as I realize we’re turning right, and then we stop.

“Glasses.” I hear her say.

I take them off and hand them to her. I rub my eyes and let them focus. She starts driving into a large double metal gate that has swung inward. The rain makes it hard to see anything other than what the headlights are illuminating. Outwards from the gates is a large white, wooden fence I guess to be about twelve feet tall. I can see a couple of cameras mounted near the top of each side of the gate briefly, but other than the glow from a control panel on the left as we drive through, the entrance here is darkened. Only the headlights from the Lexus show the way. We are entering what looks like a forest of oak trees, obviously well maintained. I can see light fixtures along the sides of the roadway, but they are not turned on. The road immediately turns right for a short distance, then turns around and goes the opposite way and then turns around back again until we turn left and I can dimly see the a house in front of me, and then massive structure on the right.

I’ve never seen a house this big and been this close. The lack of light and heavy rain obscure most of the features, and I can’t quite make out the lawn on both sides of the car as we drive up to the monstrosities.

We enter a large paved square with a fountain in the middle, currently doing nothing in the downpour. I can tell there’s a statue in the middle, but I can’t quite make it out. Connected to the paved square on the right are three huge driveways that lead into the large structure on the right of the entrance. Each one ends in equally large white painted doors that appear to slide up. The doors are big enough to accommodate small airplanes it appears, but there’s no runway, at least on this side. The upper section is mostly windows, but there isn’t any way to see anything inside.

*Car garage? But it’s as big as fucking Walmart…*

The house is mostly two stories, but the grand entry way in the front has windows that stretch higher to a point high above the rest of the house. If there was any light inside, I imagine the windows would look spectacularly gorgeous. To the left the house stretches a long ways, with many windows adorning the outside, and I can count no less than five large window structures along the roof giving the appearance of a spacious attic over the second floor. It’s too dark and rainy to make out much detail beyond that, as there is still very little lighting. To the right of the large entryway there are several spacious windows that might look into the great room but I can’t see anything through the murk. Past the windows the walls turn to a mix of brick and siding until there’s a corner and a pathway between the house and the garage that is covered by a walkway I assume connects the two structures. I believe two large moving trucks could fit through there. We are heading to that covered entryway where the only outside light is turned on next to a door that enters into the house to the right.

*I wonder why they have no lights on tonight in this storm? Wait, is that Donovan?*

As we get closer to where I know we’re going to stop, my heart decides to pick up the pace again as I see a large man exit the door under the light. He is stopped at the bottom of three large stairs to lead up to the door. Oddly enough, as we approach the lighted covering, Mistress Kim turns off the lights on the Lexus. I can’t see what is behind the house, but I can tell this leads further back.

*This place is fucking huge. Why the fuck does she drive so far for such a small gym? I bet she’s got a huge one here anyways…and why are you showing off your house if you didn’t want me to see where you lived?*

I doubt I would ever understand any of this for quite some time.

As we pull up I can see the man’s features a little more clearly. He’s a large man; I would have put him around six and a half feet tall at least, and well over two hundred and fifty pounds. He doesn’t sport the body builder look in his face with the harsh angles, and his physique, covered by black jeans with a long sleeve black shirt tucked in and belted, doesn’t seem to be as massive. Still, he is intimidating. There’s no hint of a belly and his chest is somewhat broad and I can see muscles bunching under his sleeves. His reddish beard isn’t long, but it’s healthy trimmed. I think I can see a little gray peppered in with the cinnamon as we drive up and stop, but now his face is obscured by the roof of the Lexus. He’s holding something large; something purple and folded from what I can see briefly. She stops the car and puts it in park and turns to me.

“Holly.” There’s a slightly more serious demeanor in her tone. I’ve heard this tone many times when people were sick of my shit.

I turn and stare at her, making it obvious she has my full attention. My eyes are on hers, my heart pumping in anticipated fear of what is going to happen.

“That is Mister Donovan. You will refer to him only as Mister Donovan. Clear?” She waits.

“Yes, Mistress Kim.” Saying her name so casually jars me. Her name rolls off my tongue and it feels nice. I feel somehow closer now to her in a strange, morbid way. My brain immediately recalls her gentle touch when I tossed my cookies in front of the world.

“Mister Donovan is under my employ. What he does with you is at my command. When he gives you a command who do you think is actually giving you the command?” Her eyebrows are raised and her eyes stare at me awaiting my acknowledgement that she assumes, and rightly so, is coming.

“You are, Mistress Kim.” I’m sure she can see the heavy rise and fall of my shoulders as my breathing increases. She looks me up and down for a moment.

She commands me, “Step out of the car, close the door and stand there.”

I open my door and step outside. I close the door and immediately miss the warmth inside. Despite the heat the seat infused into my body, the wind outside catches my wet clothes and only seconds pass before the cold starts to creep back in. My moist shorts and t-shirt are no contest for this icy onslaught. I can feel sprinkles as the wind pushes some rain drops off their course.

She then exits the vehicle herself, closes the door, opens the passenger door on her side and takes out my bag and hers…

*My phone…*

and then walks over begins speaking to Mr. Donovan. I can’t hear their conversation.

I feel a brief moment of panic as I suddenly realize my predicament. I willingly came here alone, and now with no cell phone to reach out to anyone, and no one knows where I am.

*Fuck it, you’re here and she’s done nothing scary yet. Yet…*

She and Mr. Donovan are now heading around the front of the car to me. He is carrying what appears to be a lush, purple full-length bathrobe. I shiver remembering how warm the car is. They come to a stop about four feet in front of me. We’re almost as close as we were talking at the gym again. She’s got a stern look about her. She’s in command and exuding power and I don’t know what it is that just changed. Her hands are nestled behind her back, and her legs are spread apart slightly. The wind is whipping her hair and between glimpses of her partially shaved head I am suddenly reminded of a female Viking, the only thing missing is her helmet, sword, and a flash of lightning.

*Oh fuck…oh fuck…*

“Strip your clothes off Holly.” She stands there waiting. Next to her is Mister Donovan, a purple robe over his shoulder, holding out a large paper grocery sack.

*Wait, what? Here? With him?*

I momentarily glance at him. It’s a mistake. I barely have time to register that she’s moving when I feel it.


White fire lights up my right leg along the outer back thigh. I wince in pain.

*What the FUCK?!*

I look down grabbing my right leg where a six inch long skinny red welt has appeared.


My left leg this time.

“SHIT!” I squeal involuntarily. I look at her and see that she’s holding what looks like a long, thin red cane about three feet long. She’s holding it by a woven purple and black leather grip about six or seven inches long until the red of the cane disappears into it, wound tightly by the leather straps.

Her arms are now crossed looking at me, waiting for my reaction.

*Oh fuck this is real…this is fucking real…*

I cross my arms and grab the bottom of my wet shirt. I pull it up and over my head and place it in the bag that Mister Donovan is holding. My bra remains, but as wet as it is it leaves nothing to the imagination now. I squat down and undo the laces on both of my shoes. I stand up and step out of them, putting me closer to her. I’m not looking up at Mister Donovan at all. He hasn’t budged; he’s just standing there with the robe I assume I’ll put on and the empty paper bag. The promised warmth encourages me.

*Fuck it…*

I take a deep breath and hook my thumbs into my shorts, making sure to include my soaked panties. I pull them down and step out, putting the wadded up duo on my shoes. I pick up the bundle and put them in the bag. I can feel the wind everywhere. I’m not shaved; it’s been a few months. I don’t have a heavy bush fortunately, but right now I’m wishing I had. The dampness on my pubic hair and moisture from my vagina exaggerates the cold when the wind hits. I shiver for a moment, but reach behind me and unsnap the single hook of my small bra. My little nipples are now rock hard and almost hurting from the cold and wind. I take it off, place it in the bag and step back, with my hands folded in front my bush. I look up at her. I shiver again in the cold.

She smiles, but reaches out with the cane and separates my hands. I put them on my legs and hold on, clinging to any warmth I can. I don’t care what they see now. Mister Donovan folds up the top of the bag, and then reaches into his pocket and removes what appear to be handcuffs.

*Oh shit, ok…handcuffs*

“Hands out together, Holly.”

I put them out straight, next to each other. Mister Donovan steps forward and secures them around my wrists. Not too tight, but they’re not coming off. They’re heavy, cold.

These are real for sure.

Next, he takes off the purple robe and secures it around my body. He is wearing a cologne which smells nice. He is far gentler than I expect him to be. Even with my hands cuffed, he covers me up entirely and secures the belt around me and makes sure there are no gaps where wind can burgle me. He steps back. It’s a little too big for my short frame, and the bottom touches the pavement. I don’t mind, as it covers me up entirely. The fabric is thick, lush and soft. I’ve never worn anything remotely as nice as this. My body shivers again as it recognizes the warmth and I relax.

I look up and see that he is now handing her what appears to be a leash and a purple dog collar. I don’t wonder what it’s for. She steps up to me and puts the collar on. It’s a simple collar, about an inch wide, with a large metal ring where the black leash hooks on. It isn’t uncomfortable but it serves its purpose. She steps back holding the leash. I realize now that she has established complete control of me. “Volleyball” is the only thing that I can cling to for hope if things get bad.

*Stop it. Relax. But yeah, you’re literally her plaything now…think about the girls in the videos. They like it…right?*

Before I have time to ponder my situation any further, she turns to her right and says to Mister Donovan, “Take her in the master and shower her. Set her up to eat, give her thirty minutes. After that put her in the chair and I’ll take it from there. I’ll shower in the dungeon and finish my setup and be in after that.”

She looks at me and gives me a playful, albeit somewhat sinister grin and hands the leash to off to his waiting hand. Before she leaves, she reaches out and uses a single nail from her right hand to move some errant hairs out of my face.

“You’re not the only one with fantasies, Holly.” She says to me. “I’m going to be enjoying myself very much as well.”

Her fingernail snakes down my cheek a little hard. I can tell her nails can scrape off skin if she wanted to. She turns and heads to a windowless door off to my right that leads into the garage building. She doesn’t look back, and I watch the door close.

I look back up at Mister Donovan who smiles as he steps forward and puts a black eyeless, leather mask on my head. The mask covers my nose and eyes enough that I can’t tell if my eyes are even open or closed. He isn’t rough about it. His cologne is heavy, but again pleasant as I can feel him close to me. Oddly enough I find his presence comforting.

*At least I get to take a shower soon, and eat…*

The darkness is actually welcome, and I relax, allowing myself a respite from the anxiety of it all. I feel his large hand on the back of my neck as he urges me forward gently. I can feel him lead me around the front of the car and then we stop. I remember the steps. I step up each one, allowing him to guide me. With each step the two welts on my legs rub against the robe and remind me of why I’m here. I hear the door open, and he guides me inside where even the tile under my feet is warm to the touch. I can smell something pleasant.

*Vanilla…a candle.*

I hear the door close behind me, and feel his warm, firm hand gently urge me forward, leading me through the house. If a million candles had been lit along my path, I would not have glimpsed a single flicker. The sound of the patter of my feet along a warm tiled floor suggests we’re in a hallway. My feet are more accustomed to hard tile, dirty linoleum, or flea ridden carpets. There are no turns, and shortly the warmed tile changes to something smooth and slightly textured.

*Wood floor?*

The sound abruptly changes and my footsteps are loud and distinct and reverberating throughout a large space. We’re in the large room beyond the massive glass windowed entryway. Oddly, the sound is uncomfortably familiar, like walking in a void. As we continue our walk, I also realize that we haven’t made a single turn. Mister Donovan isn’t guiding me around any furniture. I walk on no rugs. I realize why it’s so uncomfortable.

*This room is empty. There’s no furniture or rugs or anything. Odd…*

The only sounds in my ears are that of my bare feet slapping loudly against the wood floor as we move on. His shoes are soft and barely perceptible in his strides. If he were walking any further away from me, I wouldn’t have heard him at all. His hand is gentle on the back of my neck, but firm. He’s guiding me with purpose but not pushing me and I’m thankful for that. Soft pressure guides me to the left a little more, and in a few more steps I can feel soft carpet under my feet. Not too thick as to call it shag, but I liked the way the carpet strands feel between my toes. Mister Donovan guides me around a turn to the right, and we walk on about ten more steps until he comes to a door. I’m squishing my toes in the carpet when I hear the door open, and he guides me in. The sound of water bouncing off a tile floor in the distance sounds like a small waterfall in a massive cavern.

I am stopped while he closes the door, and I can hear the lock behind me. His hand returns to my neck and with a firm push leads me towards the sound of the running water. Something brushes up against right leg. With the thick robe I can’t tell what it is exactly, but I imagine it’s the corner of a bed comforter that I just made contact with. We walk around something else, and in listening closer to the sound of the water in here, I realize that this room is furnished.

The sound of the waterfall has grown loud, and Mister Donovan directs me into what must be the master bath. I imagine the size must be impressive, as the echo of the water hitting the tile bounces around all over.

*I bet it looks amazing…fucking mask…*

The second we enter I breathe in warm and invigorating steam, and I can smell something pleasant in the air, almost minty.


The tiles below my feet are warmed, like the hallway earlier, except they are much larger in here. However, even in here the air is warmed. Just as I start feeling a little warm in the robe, I can feel my escort’s hands around my midsection. My hands are still cuffed under the robe. He works the belt free, opens up the front and removes it from my body. There is no cold, only moisture rich warmth in here. The fact that I am naked in front of him surprisingly causes me no alarm.

*What are you going to do if he does anything? Run?*

I don’t want to run at this point even if I could. She’s the one in charge here anyways, not him.

The thought of her triggers my imagination and I’m once again tied up in front of Mistress Kim, only this time instead of a whip or a belt, she’s holding that insidious red cane. The utter blackness in my vision behind the mask makes it easier to picture her. This time the lighting is dim; a dark red that illuminates only us, and I can see nothing beyond. Her cane reaches out to strike me…and I suddenly feel the welts on my legs. I gently rub my hands over the one on my right. I don’t recoil from the sting of touching the redness. I do the opposite in fact. I embrace it. With each sting, I picture her face and feel a sudden arousal.

My fantasy is quickly ruined by Mister Donovan, who puts his hand back on my neck and walks me about ten feet closer to the source of the water. The tile under my feet suddenly changes from very large and wide to very tiny and small. I can feel the splash of the water against feet. It’s hot but inviting. I can feel the goose bumps my body responds with. Being short, most things are above me and I can hear the nozzle of the shower head just above me but a few feet away. I am stopped, and my hands brought up over my head.


He has hooked the chain that binds my hands together to something, and I am no longer able to bring my hands down. His foot pushes against the inside of my left foot and I slide my leg out almost three feet from my right when he pats me on the shoulder to keep it there. Next, I feel his hands gathering up my hair together. He doesn’t pull hard as I can feel him put it into a pony tail.

*Nothing to hide now is there? Stop…stop worrying…relax…*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/101wpnu/hollys_tales_part_5

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