Road-trip (F/F)

Part 1

Marie woke up with Ada at her side. They lived in a nice apartment on the outskirts of Seattle.

Marie got up and opened the curtains. It was barely light out but they had to get going if they wanted to stick to the schedule planned out for their road-trip down the west coast.

Marie lovingly whispers into Ada’s ear “wake up sunshine” Ada responded with a groan before rolling over to avoid the light now shining in her eyes. Marie proceeded to say a little louder “be a good girl and start getting ready” Even being barely awake Ada began to think of all the things Marie might do to her on their little trip and finally began to get up. In a raspy voice Ada said “yeah yeah, I’m up just give me a sec” when Ada sat up to look around she saw a steaming mug of coffee on the table and Marie holding a small box. Marie said “this will be your outfit for today, go get ready while I load the bags into the car” Ada quickly took the box to the bathroom and after a short shower. When she finished she looked in the mirror. She was a dirty blond 5’4 and on the flatter side. She opened the box and saw a white skirt with red polka dots a white crop top that with the skirt was a bit on the revealing side and to no one’s surprise a lack of any panties.

Also in the box was a small bottle of lube and a medium size metal buttplug that accounted for the surprising weight of the small box. Ada took the lube and squirted a drop onto the cold plug. she bent over and started to insert it. The plug slid in with relative ease, this was far from the biggest thing she’s put up there but the feeling of the cold plug popping in made her let out a small moan. Ada took one more look in the mirror before heading out to the kitchen where she saw Marie waiting for her.

“looks like we’re ready to go” said Ada, feeling refreshed. Marie looked up at Ada and said “almost, there’s one thing I forgot about” Marie stood up and from her pocket took out a small remote controlled vibrator and told Ada to sit down. Ada said “so it’s gonna be that type of trip isn’t it” Marie silently nodded and got down on one knee to get a better view of where the vibrator was going. Marie told Ada “pull up your skirt” Ada hesitated but did as she was told. Marie spread Ada’s legs with her hands before giving the edges of Ada’s cunt one long lick. Ada sat silent with anticipation looking down as she felt Marie’s soft breath on her thighs. ”Are you ready?” Asked Marie Ada responded with a quiet, barely audible “yeah”. The next noice to come out of her mouth, a gentle moan, was a little less quiet. Together with Marie holding Ada’s hand and Ada holding in a buttplug and a vibrator they walked to the car and got on the road.

Thank you for reading! This was my first attempt at writing anything of this type and would love to hear any thoughts anyone might have about it :)



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