Brooke’s Last Decision [25f] (part 2) (slavery, fantasy, abduction, TPE)

Hi all, this is part 2 of a series I am writing about a girl who gets far too carried away with her TPE and CNC fantasies. Part one is linked here . . [](

Edit: if you enjoy, please DM me, I would truly appreciate it and enjoy discussing.

CHAPTER 5: I still don’t recognize the danger

The next day, Brooke woke up in her own bed feeling comfortable and well rested. She walked out side to her living room where her adoring fiance, who had apparently returned earlier that morning, was up already cooking her breakfast. Brooke was so excited to see him that she ran all the way across the hall and jumped him grasping his waist with her body and embracing him with a sensual kiss on the lips. He made her feel like this entire nightmare was over. Eagerly Brooke sunj to her knees and told her fiance “I missed you master, please let me welcome you home.” That kind of talk was a little out of place for Brooke, but she was exploring her submissive side and her fiance didn’t mind. Slowly she undid his jeans, pulled his cock out, put it halfway down her throat and started to suck. As Brooke was sucking she imagined again what it would feel like to be “purchased” and “owned” by a man, then she thought of HER website again and just couldn’t control herself.

Brooke out of nowhere told her fiancé “meet me in your office in 30 seconds and rape me in the ass.” Brooke knew why she asked for 30 seconds, she quickly and excitedly ran to the office and switched on her fiancé’s webcam, the one she knew was hacked by the men who wanted to kidnap her. Her fiancé then came into the room and gave Brooke the greatest ass fuck of her life (so far) which Brooke knew would be posted to thousands of her “fans” and “suitors” online. The whole thing excited Brooke to no end.

After they finish, her fiancé tells Brooke something she has been waiting to hear for the last few years.

“Ohh, by the way, I guess I will have to call you Dr. Brookie.”


“Check the refrigerator”

Brooke couldn’t believe her eyes. She had been admitted to a medical school in the area. She was going to be a doctor after all and all of her hard work had paid off (or so she thought).

Elated, Brooke spent the day exploring the nearby city of Chicago with her fiance. He was such a gentleman and took her out for a wonderful night to celebrate. That night she rode his cock vigorously, finally happy and content in her life.

Little did Brooke know, that these were her final hours of freedom in her lifetime.

CHAPTER SIX: it’s over

Later that night Brooke fell asleep in her fiance’s arms. Everything was coming together everything was going her way finally, she could quit her stupid job and focus on medical school, get married before she went. Everything was coming up Brooke. Then she remembered HER website and shuttered. How could she have been so stupid. But at least this will die down in a bit she thought. She was stupid to keep bating that crowd of incels and creeps. Brooke suddenly remembered that she had left the webcam on and got up to go turn it off and throws it away wearing only a t shirt and her Pink panties that she had worn for her fiance (still partially stained by his cum).

Brooke walked over the the office, bent over and took down the webcam. “Well I guess I gave them one final show” she thought to herself. Little did she know that she would be performing for those freaks daily from that point on.

Suddenly Brooke receives a text message from an unknown number. And with that, Brooke’s heart drops. The message simply reads “bitch, your lucks run out, today is your last day of freedom.”

Brooke pauses, stunned. A text reads “look out the window”

Brooke looks out and sees a man in a ski mask holding a shotgun standing by an old plain white van.

A text reads “bitch, if you don’t walk over here right now, I will come in there and blow your boyfriend’s brains out. Bring your phone and nothing else and walk out that door right now.”

Brooke considered her options, but ultimately she knew that her boyfriend couldn’t protect her and would die trying. With tears in her eyes, Brooke walked out the front door.

Chapter 7: a terrible goodbye

Brooke walked towards the van and was greeted by an older man, old enough to be her father who grabbed her by the ear and pulled her into the back of his van without fanfare. A small metal cage with what looked to be an automatic lock was placed in the back. Suddenly Brooke found herself with a large metallic device strapped to her neck.

“Alright cunt this is what’s going to happen, your little fantasy comes true today. You asked for this. You will never be free again, from this moment on Brooke is dead, you are a slave, you serve me, I own every goddam cell in your little body, every breath you take belongs to me.” The man snarled as her groped Brooke’s pussy through her panties.

“After tonight you will never see your family again, however I have decided that they should not have to suffer for your fantasy. Brooke, get your phone out.” Meekly Brooke complies.

“Open Facebook live and read exactly what is written on this page or I will blow your brains out” as the man points a loaded shotgun at her face.

Brooke states at the page in horror. Suddenly she is being recorded on Facebook. She tearfully reads the words.

“Hi everyone, I want you to know that this is the last you will ever see of me as Brooke. A few weeks ago I was horny and I decided to go on the internet and post asking strangers to abduct me. I enjoyed it immensely. I craved the rush of being found and captured, but I took it too far. Now I am being enslaved. . . (Brooke couldn’t finish, the man reminded her of her place) now I am going to be enslaved. This is my choice, please forget about me. Mom and dad and I am so sorry that you wasted your time raising a slut like me, you don’t deserve this. To my fiance, I am so sorry, you deserve better and . . . I hope you move on quickly. . . Iff iff anyone wants to see me , go to www.brooke’ where you can learn all about my life and enslavement and see my pussy live anytime. . .” The man took the video and set it to release st 5 am that morning to all of her friends.

“Good the man said, now I want you to go back into your house, and say goodbye forever to your fiance. You are wearing a bomb on your neck slave, if you are not back in five minutes, you will die. If he tries to stop you from leaving, you will die.”

Brooke pleaded, “no please don’t do that, please just take me, I can’t handle this”

Violently the man pushed Brooke out of the van “5 minutes starting now”

Brooke walked towards the house and entered. For a moment everything felt safe and normal when she entered her home. But then she remembered the bomb strapped to her collar. Brooke called to her fiance who woke up groggy from the bedroom. Tearfully she explained everything to him. He was confused, distraught, of course he wanted to protect her. Brooke just said, “I am so sorry, and ran back to the van, slammed the door while her fiance was chasing after her and just asked the man to drive (worried about her fiance’s safety). The man who was taking her suddenly reached out and clicked her fiance, leaving him passed out on the ground but hopefully okay.

That was the last that Brooke ever saw of him or anyone from her human life. The man growled at Brooke from the driver’s seat. Get your ass in the cage slave. Meekly Brooke squeezed herself into the cage in the back of the van as the van drove off and shut the door.


And with that click it was over. Brooke’s abduction was complete. She had lost her humanity and awaited her new life as she drove off into the sunrise.


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