Kylie and the Roommate Ch. 01

*Author Note: This story (and the chapters that follow) contain heavy elements of cheating. I realize that this is not an enjoyable fantasy for everyone, so please skip this story if that sort of thing bothers you.*

Chapter 1



“Dude, the shower is acting up again. I can never get it started”, Jason texted me.

This shower was always giving us problems. My girlfriend, Kylie, and I had lived in this apartment for several years. It was a two bedroom place right in the middle of the city exactly where you want to be. It was an old building. They were in the process of renovating it, trying to add more amenities to keep up with some of the new buildings that had popped up recently. The apartments themselves still needed work though.

My girlfriend lost her job as a nurse a few months back and we were having trouble keeping up with the rent now. We made the tough choice to find a roommate to take the spare bedroom in order to keep us afloat. It hadn’t been easy on either of us, but Kylie was taking it the hardest.

Jason moved in about a month ago. He was an easy going guy and nice enough. He was a massage therapist and worked out of a few locations in the city, so being central was important to him. He also had a few super rich clients that he made house calls to as well.

He told me that massage therapy was fun, but that he was also studying to become a physical therapist. He was a big sports guy and I think he mentioned he was a former athlete. He spent a lot of time in the new gym in the building. That wasn’t really my scene. I wasn’t fat or anything, just out of shape. Kylie didn’t seem to care.

Jason and I were getting along fine though. It was nice having a guy around to kick back and have a beer with at the end of the day. Kylie didn’t see it that way though. She said I always overdid it with the drinking, but I had calmed down a lot in recent years.

She also complained that she felt like we had no privacy anymore. She barely hung out with us in the common area. She used the excuse that she was doing interview prep, but I knew it was more than that.

I had left for work a few hours ago but she was probably just getting up now.

“Kylie is home, she knows how to get it working. Let me text her.”, I responded to Jason.



My phone buzzed, “Honey, can you help Jason with the shower?”

Ugh. I was still lying naked in bed. Can he never get the shower working on his own? How many times had Daniel shown him? It’s like Jason was there just to annoy me sometimes. A constant reminder of my recent career failures.

“Daniel, I’m barely even awake. He really can’t figure this out on his own? I thought he was smart!”, I texted back.

When I was working I was usually up and out by 6am, but I was starting to get used to waking up later now. Looking for a job was almost more exhausting than having one though. Between studying at the library, meeting with recruiters, and doing actual interviews, I was out of the house most of the day. Not having a set schedule and the emotional toll of getting nowhere made it so much harder to get up though.

“I know honey, but just help him out for a second. You know how tricky that shower can be”, Daniel responded.

Out of spite I took an extra minute getting up. I looked through my closet to find appropriate clothes, which I wasn’t happy about. I found a pair of short shorts and a baggy t-shirt. I grumpily threw them on and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and heard Jason say to enter.

“Sorry about this Kylie, I don’t know why I can’t get it to work”, Jason said as I opened the door.

Jason was standing there in just his towel, facing the shower looking frustrated. As annoying as he was, I couldn’t help but notice his muscular body. I knew he worked out a bunch at the gym downstairs, it was actually one of the reasons I had stopped going. I didn’t need yet another place where Jason was around. I avoided him whenever I could by staying in my room, but I hated that my apartment suddenly felt like it wasn’t my own. All I could think about was the things I could no longer do. Like getting up to go to the bathroom at night without putting on clothes or just walking around in just my underwear like I used to. It felt like Jason was everywhere.

But seeing him like this for the first time would make any girl blush and I was no exception. He wasn’t overly bulky like a bodybuilder, but was lean and had definition. He had slightly bigger arms than Daniel. His stomach was flat and I could see he had one of those Vs disappearing down into his towel. As I looked him up and down I felt what had now become a familiar feeling. An aching that had been building for way too long.

You see, while having someone in my space was definitely annoying and changed how I lived in my own apartment, my biggest issue with Jason was actually much more frustrating. Since he had moved in I hadn’t been able to have an orgasm. And I couldn’t remember the last time I had gone this long without one. Daniel and I usually had an active sex life, but even when we didn’t I always found time to take care of myself. But now I just couldn’t get comfortable. I like to lose myself in an orgasm, moaning and screaming, but knowing that Jason was in the house just made that impossible.

Jason looked over at me, standing in the doorway and I quickly snapped out of my thoughts so he wouldn’t notice me staring.

“It’s fine, it took me a few weeks to figure it out too. Wish someone would just come by and fix it already. It’s getting annoying”, I said. There was definitely an edge to my voice, probably more than I had actually meant.

I walked over to the shower and turned the knobs to the right position. I felt Jason lean over me trying to see exactly what I was doing. I could feel my face get a little hot knowing some jacked half naked guy was almost pressed up against me in our bathroom. That aching grew stronger.

“Uhh, yea so you just put the knobs like this and the water will start coming out into the bath. Then pull the pin to switch to the shower. But you need to pull it off to the side a bit in order for it to stay on”, I said, trying to be nicer. I pulled the pin and the water started pouring from the shower head. I quickly stood up to avoid getting wet, which caused me to brush up against Jason slightly. He took a small step back to give us some room.

Our eyes met and he smiled. “You have the magic touch, Kylie”, he said.

I hid a smile of my own and rolled my eyes. “Just don’t use up all the hot water like you always do.”

I returned to my room, closed the door and plopped on the bed. This aching was becoming unbearable. My clit was begging to be touched so I gave in and let my hand make its way into my shorts. I felt the heat coming off of me and applied a little pressure with my fingers. I could feel the weeks of sexual frustration just waiting to be released.

I started thinking about all the places Daniel and I had fucked in this apartment. Hearing the shower running from the other room, I remembered how much we loved to get dirty in there. As I thought more about the shower, I couldn’t help but think about the man who was in there right now.

I knew I shouldn’t be thinking about our roommate that way, but they were only thoughts, right? And it wasn’t my fault he was in just his towel. Daniel was the one who sent me in there, I didn’t even want to go. Was I not supposed to look at Jason when I entered? Who knew he had such a muscular body… now under the hot water, lathered up with soap. I imagined the soap traveling down his body, down his flat stomach, all the way to… I shook my head hard, bringing me back to my bedroom.

I could feel myself becoming wet and gave a heavy sigh. No point in riling myself up if there wasn’t going to be any release. I got up and got dressed for the day.



When I got home that evening, Kylie was sitting at the table sulking. I could tell things had not gone well with the recruiter. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer.

“You ok sweetie?”, I called from the kitchen.

She looked up at me as I entered the common area, where our table was. She noted the beer. “Just one,” she said sternly.

“I know, it’s a school night,” I said with a wink.

Kylie rolled her eyes.

“I just feel so helpless, Daniel,” she said. “The recruiter has some jobs, but they are all entry level positions which would be a big step backwards. I’ve worked hard and am a good nurse, it’s not my fault the hospital closed down!” There was distress in her voice.

“Honey, don’t worry about it. Something great will turn up. And now that Jason is living here you don’t need to rush it.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. I hate having him here,” Kylie said.

“Is he really that bad? I actually think he’s a pretty good roommate. Always pays on time, not too loud…”

Kylie sighed. “No, you’re right. He’s not that bad. I’m just frustrated… in more ways than one”.

I knew what she meant. We hadn’t had sex since he moved in. Kylie had a habit of getting really loud when she was excited. We had even had neighbors call us once or twice to ask us to keep it down. I found it funny, but she was embarrassed by it.

Jason only made this worse for her. One time I had gone down on her and it sounded like she was finally getting comfortable, but as soon as the first moan escaped her lips she got self conscious that Jason could hear and told me to stop. Since then neither of us had pushed it.

Speaking of Jason. I looked around the apartment and saw his room was dark. “Is Jason not here?” I said with a slight smirk.

It took a second for Kylie to understand. He was usually home before me so this was one of the first times since he moved in that we had the place to ourselves. Kylie’s eyes lit up with realization and she was on my lips in a second. Our tongues intertwined and I could feel the urgency behind her kiss.

I turned her around and hiked up her skirt. She gave a little gasp in mock shock as I got down on my knees behind her. She was wearing a pretty white g-string, which I pulled to the side so I could stick my tongue into her already wet pussy. Her scent was intoxicating and I loved to eat her out when she was like this. My tongue started going back and forth over the folds, I was enjoying every second.

She was already getting loud, not holding back, which made my cock twitch with excitement. I unbuttoned my pants to free myself. A few strokes with my hand and I felt like I was already ready to bust. It had been too long for me as well. I stood up and got the tip of my dick lined up with her slit and felt her wetness on my head.

“Please fuck me baby! I need this so bad Daniel!”. Her words only made things worse for me. I needed to stall. I moved my dick back and forth at her entrance teasing her. Kylie moaned loudly. I slowly allowed my head to enter and felt the warmth of her pussy. But I pulled back immediately. It just felt too good.

I waited another second, trying to calm myself down, and popped the tip in one more time. She tried to push her hips back, but I moved with her. With eyes closed, she cried out “Fuck me Daniel”. That was my cue and I slowly started to move forward.

But then just at that moment, we both heard keys jiggling the lock on the apartment door. Kylie let out a frustrated groan and pulled down her skirt and ran to the bathroom. I quickly pulled my pants up and was just finishing with the buckle when Jason walked in. He saw me standing there and immediately knew what he had interrupted.

“Shit bro, I’m sorry. Let me just drop my table off and I’ll go take a walk,” Jason said, barely looking at me.

Well this was embarrassing. No point trying to play it off.

“Nah it’s ok man, Kylie went into the shower already. You want a beer?” I responded. I needed to distract myself.

We drank a few and talked about work. He was just getting back from one of those private clients that he massaged at their home.

“How was the place?” I asked.

“Unreal man. It was a penthouse downtown. Elevator opens right up into their living room,” he said.

“That’s awesome.” I imagined what it would be like to live in one of those.

“Yea must be some old rich guy who married young. The girl was a smoke show,” he said. A little smirk on his face.

“Lucky dog,” I said with a wink.

I heard Kylie get out of the shower and excused myself to go check on her.

“Hey,” I said from the doorway. “You alright?”

“Let’s not even talk about it. I took a cold shower but it barely helped. I swear if I think about it I might just scream.” Kylie said as she brushed her hair in the mirror, barely making eye contact with me.

“I’m sorry honey. I’m sure we’ll get into a routine soon and find some time for us”.

“Does he really need to be here, Daniel? There’s no other way we could figure things out financially?” she asked.

“Not really Kylie. I just don’t make enough and we need that second income to afford this place. I think you just need to give him a chance. Make him feel comfortable since I’m sure it’s awkward for him too.” I responded.

“But he makes me feel uncomfortable in my own apartment! I feel like I can’t do what I want anymore!” she whined.

“It’s all in your head sweetie. This is still your apartment. It will take some getting used to, but if you try I’m sure it will feel like home again soon.”

“It’s not in my head, Daniel,” she said, anger in her voice.

“I didn’t mean–”, I started, but she interrupted me.

“Whatever. Tomorrow I’m putting all my energy into finding a job. Then maybe things can go back to how they were and I’ll get my apartment back,” she exclaimed.

I sighed.

“Ok sweetie, I’ll go prepare dinner,” I said and quietly left the room



I awoke late the next morning. I tossed and turned all night after the events from the previous evening. I had been so close to getting the release I needed. But no, Daniel just had to take his time, teasing me. He should have known that Jason would have been returning at any moment. Ugh. I was so mad thinking about it.

Daniel had already left for the day, as usual. I got up and started picking out my clothes. I found a real sexy red thong that I slipped on. Even just the feeling the cotton pressing against me, sent electricity through my body. I stared at myself in the mirror and pinched my exposed nipples. I had a pretty big chest, nothing huge, but definitely more than a handful. I turned around to admire my ass in my thong. I loved going to the gym, though I hadn’t been in a few weeks because of Jason. I worked hard to keep my bubble butt and I knew guys noticed it. I really needed to get back in there. Maybe that would help take the edge off.

I heard Jason enter the bathroom and heard the water start. I was still replaying last night in my head, when a thought hit me. While the shower is running, Jason probably won’t be able to hear very well. If I tried my hardest to keep it down, maybe I could get myself off. I was grasping at straws, but I was desperate. If I make it quick, I could finish before he even gets out. Maybe I could finally get some relief!

I quickly laid down on the bed and started making my way down to my crotch. I had barely touched my clit over my panties and was already stifling a moan. My other hand groped my breast and played with my nipple. I’m going to enjoy this, I thought to myself, as a soft moan escaped my lips. I slowly reached down the front of my panties, past my bald pubic region. I circled my clit a few times and could feel myself getting wet. My excitement was already through the roof.

I continued to make my way further down, spreading my lips and feeling the wetness. I circled my entrance just as Daniel had done the night before. I did like a little bit of teasing.

But just as I was about to slip my finger into my hole, I heard Jason curse. “This fucking thing! Why can’t I ever get this working?”

I clenched my jaw. Are you kidding me? Not again. Not this time.

I needed this guy to get in the shower so I could finally climax. I jumped out of bed quickly, grabbing a towel to cover myself up. I stomped down the hallway and burst into the bathroom without even knocking.

And there was Jason just standing there completely naked, looking at the shower. I had obviously caught him by surprise and to be honest I had shocked myself as well. I don’t know why I didn’t knock. I guess all I could think about was getting back to bed.

Jason just stared at me for a second, as I stared back at his half erect penis. Must have been the remnants of morning wood. But I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Even in this state he was already as big as Daniel. I could feel my pussy instantly flood, biology taking over, sending the signals to make sure I was plenty lubricated if that thing was going to come near me. I had to pinch my legs together ever so slightly and the friction sent a shiver down my body.

Jason moved first and grabbed his boxers from the floor to hold in front of his pole.

“Jeeze, Kylie is everything alright??”, he said, looking concerned.

I snapped out of my trance and apologized. “Sorry! I-I just heard you from the other room and figured you were having issues with the shower again so I came to help”. I must have turned a dark shade of red as the reality of the situation was starting to set in. “I should have knocked though! I’m so sorry I’ll leave!”.

I motioned to turn around, but Jason interrupted, “No wait, actually I really could use your help. I was trying not to bother you, but really I just can’t figure this thing out. I’ve been standing here for 5 minutes. I can’t believe I still can’t get it”.

I paused in the doorway and turned back around. He was still holding his boxers covering his semi erect organ. I took a deep breath, calming myself. “Ok let me give it a shot” I said as I walked over to the shower.

I leaned over and started to adjust the knobs and pulled the pin at just the right angle. The water shot out of the shower head, but this time I wasn’t fast enough to get out of the way. The water hit me and in a shock I slipped forward. I yelped as I fell. I could feel my towel loosen as I landed on both my hands. The towel dropped to the floor.

I was frozen for a second. My tits hanging out and my ass barely covered by my skimpy thong. I realized that Jason must be looking and was sure he could see the clear wet mark on my red panties. Thinking of him looking at me in such a vulnerable position, I couldn’t move from the embarrassment.

I finally dared to peek over my shoulder to see how bad it was. Apparently in all the commotion Jason had dropped the boxers he had used to cover himself. My eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to his exposed region. His half chub was quickly becoming a full one. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My embarrassment started to fade as another feeling rose up.

I could see his eyes going up my body. Starting at my legs and stopping right at my ass. My mind started racing, unable to control the dirty thoughts that were coming into my head. I bet he could see the outline of my tight pussy through my panties. Maybe a little slip of my asshole was showing from behind my thong. I involuntarily arched my back, sticking my ass out. I bit my lip, watching Jason’s cock grow even bigger. The wet spot on my thong, getting bigger as well.

I stayed like that for a second more and then stood up and turned around. My nipples were hard, as I unsuccessfully tried to cover my breasts with one hand. Jason’s eyes moved up my body looking to get a glimpse of my round tits. I saw his stiff cock twitch ever so slightly.

The bathroom was small so there was barely a foot between us. Jason stood there frozen. With one hand on my breasts, I bent down to grab my towel with my other. I noticed the boxers Jason had dropped and I picked those up too.

“I think you dropped these. Though I’m not sure they’ll be enough to cover you now” I said, handing them to Jason’s with a smirk.

Jason finally snapped out of it and took his boxers back. He looked down and noticed his massive erection and quickly moved to cover up. “I’m so sorry Kylie! I-I don’t even know what to say”, he said, as he looked at the ceiling trying hard not to look at my body anymore.

I couldn’t help but smile.

There was another few seconds of silence. “Looks like I’ll be needing a cold shower this morning”, he said, trying to cut the tension.

“Well then I guess that makes us even since it was your fault I had to take one last night” I said jokingly. I walked past him to the door, a little bit of confidence in my step. As I got to the doorway, I turned around and caught him staring at my ass once more. I had to admit it felt good to see the uncontrollable reaction my body had on him.

Jason, still in shock, mumbled another apology and turned around to get in the shower, not realizing that he was giving me a nice view of his muscular ass as he climbed in.

I walked back down the hall, head spinning. I couldn’t get the image out of my mind of that long hard cock. I had been living with that thing for the past few weeks without even realizing it. My body was going crazy and I felt like I could explode. When I got back to my room I planned to go to town on myself and finally get that release, not caring if Jason could hear me or not.

But when I got back I had a message from the recruiter saying she wanted to meet right away. This brought me back to reality and I felt a pang of guilt. Did I cross a line with Jason? Would Daniel be mad? Really nothing had happened though. There was no touching and the whole thing was really just an accident. Sure maybe we both stared a little too long, but that could be our little secret.


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