i love showing my dick pics but not without consent

As the caption suggests, I love showing my cock to people who genuinely want to see it. I post sometimes on various dick subreddits but majority of the times that results in unwanted traffic and occasional shaming, which believe me nobody likes. So I am formally asking here if anybody wants to see my cock?? I am not thrusting you guys with unsolicited dick pics, I am asking if anyone’s interested to or are intrigued by this post, then do DM me.. I am straight so I do prefer women but guys are welcome too if they just wanna see dick and nothing else.. Thanks for reading my post and if you get offended or irritated by it then I genuinely apologize. It’s just people always complain about getting unsolicited dick pics so I wanna do it right..

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zwf40z/i_love_showing_my_dick_pics_but_not_without