The Witch and the Labyrinth Ch 3 (M/f/F, non-human, dubcon, fantasy)

Alara rose on shaky legs, pushing her body forward as her mind swam with what she was discovering about herself. She grabbed her staff and glanced forlornly at the tatters that had been her robes. Hopefully the next chamber was warm.

‘A slut like you should be on display.’ The thought came to her unbidden and sent a shiver down her spine. Shaking her head, she pressed forward. Pushing open the large door into the next chamber, Alara found herself walking into a vast desert. The sun hung high in the sky, but the air was only comfortably warm. The sand was soft and warm as her toes sunk in with each step. A colosseum in the distance was the only landmark, so it became her destination.

As she drew nearer to the looming building, she heard the clash of steel ringing through the air. Something was fighting in the arena, maybe she wouldn’t have to face the guardian this time. She thought of how easily she had been overpowered by the previous two guardians and a pang of disappointment came at the thought of being deprived another round. The labyrinth was changing her.

Reaching the entrance to the great colosseum, Alara hesitated. Staff gripped tight, magic for a shield ready, she stepped inside. Immediately she was struck by the emptiness. The arena was ringed in a stadium of seating, but all stood empty. High opposite the entrance sat a raised platform, lavishly decorated for guests of honor to watch the games, but there was no one.

In the center was the arena itself; covered in the desert’s soft sand, the arena was massive, and in the middle was the source of the ringing sounds of combat. Two beings stood opposite one another, towering in the field as they readied for another clash. On the wall behind them was the glowing arcane seal, the last doorway of the labyrinth.

On the right the guardian had the form of a man. Clad in golden armor that shone like the light of dawn, his skin seemed to flicker the reds and oranges of a bed of hot coals. Short blonde hair danced upon his head despite the lack of breeze. In his hands was a massive bronze sword, glowing white hot, its tip resting in the sand even as his hands tightened on the grip. Alara couldn’t help but think of those strong hands wrapped around her neck, and the thought made her knees weak.

Across from him stood a woman. Matching his towering height, she was his opposite in every way. Her armor gleamed like frost covered silver, the skin beneath shining through like pale moonlight on a chilled night. In one hand was a massive round shield, pocked like the face of the moon, covered in a layer of glistening rime. Her other hand gripped a curved crescent blade, snow dancing lightly in the air of its wake. Long white hair hung in a ponytail, glinting in the sun like freshly fallen snow.

Without warning there was a flash of movement. The fire elemental rushed in, great sword swinging in a high arc, air warping in the path of its heat. The ice elemental twisted with a grace unfit for a being of her size, catching the heavy blow on the edge of her shield and sending it glancing into the sand. The ground shook with the force of the blow and steam hissed as the white hot edge scraped across the super chilled rime. Her crescent sword shot out from behind the shield, but the wide burning blade came up to intercept. The arena rang as the two blades clashed, and as quickly as it started the two were once again spread, facing each other.

Alara watched this repeat a handful of times. The guardians hadn’t noticed her alone in the stands, their attention focused on the other. Again and again one would launch a quick flurry of attacks before backing off. Her speed unable to damage the wall of armor before her. His strength unable to land a solid blow on her swift form. Alara watched the two, perfectly matched, their combat almost seeming a well-rehearsed dance.

Thinking to her time in the woods, Alara had an idea. Making herself comfortable on a seat, She let a hand drift towards her hardening nipple to pinch and pull and set her fantasies in motion. Strong warm hands grasping her throat. Cool powerful thighs trapping her head between them. Her fantasies spiraled as she watched the beautiful fight in front of her. Her hand moved lower, lightly circling her clit as her pleasure rose.

With the pleasure came the power Alara was seeking. The warmth in her pussy was matching by the growing warmth of lust fueled magic coursing through her. Fighting to keep her focus, her hand moved with abandon as the fantasies progressed. A thick hot cock splitting her open. Cold refreshing liquid coating her tongue. As her orgasm overtook her, she focused the swirling power out. A bolt of purple lightning erupted from the tip of her staff, racing towards the flame elemental.

Alara had held for the perfect moment, the bolt flying towards the flame elemental right as it retreated from an attack. As the echoing crack of thunder cleared, Alara was dismayed to find her plan had failed. Faster than her eye could follow, the ice elemental had jumped in front, shield raised high. The bolt of lightning arced harmlessly into the desert sky and both focused their attention solely on her.

Alara barely had time to prepare before her fantasies became all too real. The warm hand of the fire elemental closed around her neck, lifting her clear off the ground as it carried her out of the stands. She tried to put up a fight, but it was to no avail. The fire elemental easily overmatched her in physical strength, and her body was craving more after her trick in the stands.

Thrown unceremoniously to the soft sand of the arena floor, Alara watched as the golden armor burned off the fire elemental’s body like flash paper. A bright flash of heat and the elemental stood naked in the glowing sun. Following suit, the armor of the ice elemental cracked and shattered into a cloud of crystals sparkling in the air before fading.

Their bodies were perfect, living statues carved in perfect detail. Between the fire elemental’s legs hung his large dick, coming to attention as he stared at Alara’s naked body, wet and waiting. The ice elemental was feminine perfection. Alara traced her body, from her perky breasts and hard nipples, across her toned abs, and down to a hairless pussy between thick thighs.

The fire elemental said something as he approached, his voice low and popping like dry wood in a campfire. His hand grabbed her roughly, lifting her and throwing her back face down in the sand. The ice elemental laughed, a sound like cracking frost. Alara felt strong hands pull her hips up as the weight of the fire elemental settled behind her. She knew what was coming and her body screamed for it. Fighting her desires, she made a grab for her staff.

‘Give up. You know what you are. You want this.’ The thoughts swirled in her mind. The moment’s hesitation was all it took. Cool fingers wrapped around her wrist, dragging it behind her. Her other hand was yanked into place and icy bonds like cold steel sprang into existence. A hand grabbed a rough hold of her hair and pulled her out of the sand, bringing her in front of a set of pale lips, glistening in anticipation. There was almost a ceremony in being taken. The elemental behind her plunged into her in one stroke. As Alara opened her mouth to scream her head was yanked into the pussy in front of her, muffling her.

The throbbing dick that speared her was almost unbearably hot, filling her more than she thought possible. The heat ignited an inferno in her as the pleasure of being taken fought the humiliation at being overpowered so easily. As her scream faded, the fingers tangled in her hair tightened their grip expectantly. Alara hesitantly extended her tongue and ran it across the slit in front of her. The elemental shuddered and sighed, their grip never loosening.

She slowly continued, barely finding her rhythm before the elemental behind her started thrusting. Pulling his massive dick out nearly completely before slamming in deep. Each thrust buried Alara’s face into the soaked pussy in front of her. A warm hand came forward to grope her tit roughly. Fingers pinched and tugged, the pain melting into her building pleasure. Each pounding thrust drove home the feelings that had been ignited.

‘This is what you are’

‘You deserve to be a toy.’

‘You want to be used.’

As her control broke, Alara accepted her truth. She redoubled her efforts, tongue moving in slow licks across the pussy in front of her. Tasting its sweet juice before circling around the engorged clit, taking it in her mouth and sucking lightly. At the same time Alara slammed her hips back to meet each powerful thrust. Burying the thick cock as deeply as she could, toes curling in the sand as it plunged in.

Time became blurry as Alara focused on her role. She was here for their pleasure, she was a toy for others. Each grunt and moan of pleasure from her masters fanned the flames of her own pleasure. She was lost in her desire to serve. Her first orgasm crashed through, and as her body was shaking she fought to keep her mouth working.

The pounding continued, picking up pace as the elemental dug his hands into her hips, pulling her back into him as he thrust. As her first orgasm faded she was driven immediately towards another. The relentless thrusting giving her no break. The hand in her hair gripped tighter, mashing her mouth into the soaking wet pussy before her with reckless need. Grinding on her mouth, Alara could only extend her tongue and go where she was directed.

Cold thighs wrapped around her head and pulled her crushingly close as the ice elemental screamed out her own orgasm into the sky. Alara kept going, licking with abandon as the elemental rode out the waves of pleasure. As the legs relaxed their grip on her head, the hands on her hips tightened and pulled her back so he could bury himself as deeply as possible. With a roar like an inferno, the fire elemental unloaded his own orgasm into her stretched pussy. The throbbing dick emptied what felt like liquid fire into her as Alara’s largest orgasm ripped through her.

Alara collapsed on the ground as her orgasm faded, the satisfaction of being used settling in heavily. The bonds of ice faded, and without warning the fire elemental gripped her and tossed her towards the door. To be used then discarded so casually sent a shudder through her body as she rose to all fours. Finding her staff she rose to shaky legs.

Disregarding the juices of the ice elemental drying on her face and the cum of the fire elemental dripping out of her and down her legs, she pushed forwards towards the door. She had made it.

She opened the door out of the labyrinth and found herself stepping into a plush study. Sat in a chair was the Archmage himself. He looked up at her with a wicked grin.

“I’ve been waiting for you, my pet. Are you ready to embrace what you are?”


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