What Can Brown Do For You? [M35/F28] [Delivery driver, surprise, anal, milking]

I was sitting on the couch in my flannel pajama pants and my favorite oversized sweatshirt, enjoying a cup of hot coffee and watching the snow swirl out in the frigid north wind, when I saw Ava (for the first time in so long) walking up to my house with my package.

Her UPS truck idled at the curb and was so snow-covered that I could barely make out the brown paint behind the thick coat of white.

I had gotten in the habit of making regular online purchases nearly a year ago when I’d struck up a conversation with Ava and she’d told me my house was the last on her route. Now, I made sure I ordered something at least once a week (Of course, I wanted to see her every day, but I didn’t want to order so much that it was creepy), and she had gotten in the habit of coming in to warm her bones by my fireplace with a cup of hot coffee on cold days like today.

Ava had been working pregnant toward the end of summer—We’d talked about her coming baby and the time off she would be taking for maternity leave—And once she’d had her baby in late September, she had disappeared and a guy named Chris had taken her route.

I had stopped ordering so many items online since Ava had gone on maternity leave, but still ordered something here and there—To be delivered by UPS, of course—especially late in the fall, to see Ava right when she went back to work.

Every day Chris got out of the brown truck at my curb, my heart sank a little more, and I began to fear Ava might have quit to be a stay-at-home mom.

Then, near the end of November, she came back.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched her walk around the back of the truck with a small box toward my front door.

Ava is a petite Latina, maybe 5’5”, 125 pounds, and her belly had been massive during pregnancy. (She had shocked me one day when she’d actually lifted her brown UPS maternity shirt and showed me her tight, large, brown pregnant belly.) She’d pressed my hand against it with her own hand, and I’d felt the baby kick.

Ever since that day, I’ve had a massive crush on her. I know she’s married, but a guy can dream (and flirt)…

I opened the front door before Ava made it there so she wouldn’t have to spend a second longer than necessary out in the frigid winter air.

“Oh my God!” She said, entering my house and giving me a side hug, her freezing brown winter coat chilling me to the bone, even through my sweatshirt.

“I was worried about you,” I said. “How is everything?”

“Life is good!” Ava said, handing me the small package and staring at it like she’d always done, apparently wondering what was inside. “Baby’s healthy, and I’m glad to be back.”

“What did you name her?” I asked.

“Maria,” Ava smiled her big smile. “She’s so precious.”

“Where is she today?” I asked.

“Home with my mom,” Ava said. “She’s retired and wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“So you have a live in nanny,” I smiled.

“It’s a perfect situation for everyone.”

“Coffee?” I asked, and Ava said yes.

She removed her coat and hat in my foyer and made her way into the living room to sit on the couch by the fire.

I’d caught a glimpse of her before I’d disappeared into the kitchen—Her body seemed to be back in perfect shape, her tight-fitting uniform hugging her thin waist and perfect womanly hips. (She was quite curvy for such a petite figure.)

When I delivered her coffee to the living room, she accepted it with freezing hands and immediately held the steamy mug to her face to warm herself. “This is nice,” she said. “What would I do without you?”

“This is your last stop,” I said. “I’m sure they have coffee back at the office.”

“This is just…nice,” she said.

“I really missed you,” I said. “Chris just wasn’t the same.” I laughed.

Ava laughed. “I missed this, too, but I’ve been so busy I’ve barely had any time to think about anything besides being a mom.”

“Is it as good as you’d hoped?” I asked.

Ava smiled at me—She’d always smiled a lot, but she was smiling constantly today (glowing, you could say)—“Better,” she said. “My baby is the love I never knew I was missing.”

“I’m happy for you,” I said, putting an arm around her. Still holding her steamy mug in both hands, she leaned her head over onto my shoulder to return the hug; however, she left it there longer than expected.

“What have you been up to?” She asked, sipping her coffee.

“Still working from home,” I said. “Our sales have been down recently, so I’ve been under quite a bit of pressure to get them back up.”

“Why are sales down?” She asked.

“Just one of those things,” I said. “Things will get back to normal, but I don’t think corporate understands that we can’t always control market swings.”

“Corporate…” Ava scoffed.

“Tell me about it,” I said.

“We have our own issues at Brown,” Ava said. (She always referred to UPS as Brown, which I found funny.)

“I’m surprised you’re back at work so soon,” I said.

“It’s not that soon,” She said. “I used all my maternity leave.”

“You’re fortunate to have family who are willing to help out.”

“My mom is my angel,” Ava sipped her coffee. “She always has been.”

We warmed ourselves by the fire for a moment in silence, and I was happy to find that the silence, itself, was still warm between us.

“Forgive me for saying so,” I said. “But you don’t look like you were pregnant a couple short months ago.”

“Why forgive you?” She smiled.

“I didn’t want it to come off like I was inspecting you or anything,” I said.

“Thank you,” she said. “I can handle a compliment.” She looked at me then with a very curious look, almost like she was studying the look on my face, trying to read something in me.

“It’s not all roses,” she said after another short silence.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well…I obviously have to give Maria formula,” she said, “Since I’m not home during the day to breastfeed, and I really don’t want to go through the trouble of pumping.”

“What’s the problem?” I asked, sensing she was about to tell me something about her tits.

“This is embarrassing,” she said. “But we talk about things…Don’t we?”

“Yes,” I said. “You can vent to me.”

“Well…” Ava said, and took another small sip of coffee. “My damn breasts are engorged.” She blushed.

Ava had always had beautiful small tits since I’d known her, not that I’d ever seen her naked or anything. Just seeing them through her shirt, I’d always imagined (and caught her at certain telling angles) that they were cone-shaped. (This was a very huge turn on for me.)

“What do they feel like?” I asked.

“Do you want to feel them?” Ava turned her chest toward me, arched her back, and stuck out her tits.

“No, I mean…” I stuttered. “I mean…”

“I’m kidding,” Ava slapped me on the shoulder and gave me a reproachful look (like I’d been naughty). “I’m kind of kidding.” She took another sip of coffee, during which she averted her eyes from me.

“I meant what does it feel like having…engorged…tits?” I quickly corrected myself. “Breasts.”

Ava laughed (more at me than with me). “You’re silly,” she said. “They’re really achy, like throbbing…all the time.”

My cock began to take shape in my pants, and I leaned forward so she wouldn’t notice. This conversation obviously wasn’t as sexy for her as it was for me. Ava continued to study my face like she had before, and there was something in that look that said she wished she could ask me something (or there was something she simply wanted to know without having to ask).

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she said. “They say the milk will dry up after a while, but I don’t know how long I can handle this.”

“They hurt that bad, huh?” I asked, wanting to talk about her tits for as long as possible, but not knowing enough about engorged ones to add anything new.

“You grew up on a farm, didn’t you?” Ava looked at me, searching.

“West Texas,” I said.

“Did you ever milk a cow?” She blushed hard and looked away.

“I’ve seen people milk cows,” I said, taking a sip of coffee to help me keep my composure.

“It’s got to be the same thing with a human?” She asked.

I couldn’t believe I was hearing her right. “I imagine,” I said.

“Well, I can’t get myself to even touch them, they’re so sore, and I haven’t even asked my husband, because I know he’d think it was super weird.” She rolled her eyes and trained them back on the steaming coffee in her cup.

“Are you asking me to milk your tits?” I’d always heard that sometimes all it takes is a moment of boldness—I’d lived my life by that principle, and it had paid off more than once.

Ava’s head snapped back to me, her mouth slightly agape, my question hanging in the air between us and seemingly sucking the air out of the room. “That’s so weird,” Ava said in a small voice.

I was stunned—My face became hot—and I knew I had to take the opportunity even if I didn’t know what I was doing. “I’d be happy to help you if you need help,” I said.

She smiled—it seemed to me a nervous smile—and she looked away from me into the fire. “It feels so nice sitting here,” she said.

I agreed, and we sat in the stillness again—the heavy-thick stillness—until she finally looked back at me. “Are you serious?” She asked me.

“I am if you are.”

“I don’t know,” she said. “It just seems so weird, but they hurt so bad.”

“Hey, I’ll forget about it the moment you leave,” I said.

“No, you won’t!” Ava laughed.

“You’re right,” I said, and she stood from the couch. “Okay,” she said.

I sat in the same spot in the living room, fidgeting and drinking another cup of coffee while Ava relaxed in a warm bath. I searched the internet for the best technique to milk a human woman. I stuck to the .org articles, because I wasn’t looking for porn—I really needed to know how to help Ava in the least sexual but most efficient way possible. (The act, in itself, would be sexual enough. I was actually really looking forward to masturbating once she’d left my house, but that was a side thought.)

Before long (but after what had felt like a lifetime), Ava appeared back around the corner and stepped back into my living room wearing only a towel. I watched as her bare feet pattered across the hardwood and stopped just in front of me. I looked up at her at the exact moment she let the towel drop to the floor.

Ava stood before me, the picture of erotic sexuality, her nimble feet leading up to smooth brown calf muscles, which led up to thin but muscular quads—It was at this point that I noticed how much bigger Ava’s ass was than the rest of her body. Her hips jutted out suddenly above her skinny quads and came back together in a womanly circle at her thin waist.

Her pubes were at my eye level—Her bush was neatly trimmed, and the small brown lips of her vulva hung ever-so-slightly in the gap between her inner thighs.

I raised my eyes to her sexy belly button, and then, finally, up to her cone-shaped (yet swollen, hard, shiny) tits.

When my eyes finally made it up to her face, Ava was smiling. “Is it what you imagined?” She asked.

“More,” I said.

“I hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable that I’m completely naked,” she said.

“The opposite,” I said.

“Good.” Ava turned away from me to show me her big ass—I couldn’t get over how big it was compared to the rest of her skinny body. “Because there is something else I’d like your help with if you’re up to it.”

“What?” I stammered. (I was up all right.)

“My gynecologist said I’m still not supposed to be having sex.” She left her big ass in front of me for inspection, but turned her head to look over a shoulder at me. “The problem is,” she said, and then stopped.

“Yes?” I asked. “Just say it.”

“I haven’t had an orgasm in so long!” She moaned. “I know I could cum with a cock in my ass, but my husband won’t do it.”

I gulped. “Your husband won’t fuck you in the ass?”

“I don’t exactly want to be fucked in the ass,” she said, turning back around to face me. “I just need a cock to fill it while I…play with myself.”

“I’ll do that for you,” I said immediately.

“Will you?” She asked, excitedly. “You’d be my hero!”

“Can I see it?” I asked.

“My ass?”

“Can I see what I’m committing to?” I smiled.

“If you don’t want to do it, I’ll grab a toy and do it myself,” she said.

“I’m kidding,” I said. “But you did say you needed my help with your…breasts.”

“I do,” Ava said after a moment.

“You can’t do that with a toy,” I said.

“I could buy a pump,” she said. “But I’d rather you do it with your big hands.”

“Now?” I asked, and noticed that a bit of milk was already running from her brown nipples.

“This needs to happen now,” Ava said. “You milk me, and then I’ll milk you—If you know what I mean.” She smiled.

“Deal,” I said, but there was one hang-up. “I really don’t know if I’m going to be able to cum in your ass though without doing at least a little fucking…”

“You idiot,” she said. “Just trust me.”

I spread a soft, fluffy blanket out on the living room floor in front of the fireplace, and Ava proceeded to get down on her hands and knees in the middle of it, her tits pointing downward.

I went to the kitchen for a couple of warm wet rags, and when I made it back into the living room I was greeted by the sight—I was seeing it now for the first time—Ava’s big, round bottom sticking up in the air, wagging it slowly, taunting me, back and forth.

I approached her and knelt down behind her. Her butthole was big and brown, the absolute perfect target between her smooth brown cheeks. Her crack was a darker shade of brown than her cheeks, but her big butthole was darkest of all. My cock rose.

“I’m ready,” Ava said, her head now resting on the soft blanket and her tits hovering just above it. “Let’s get this over with.” (I had almost forgotten.)

I knelt beside her and held the warm wet cloths against her tits. She moaned, and I took in the moment—Even though they were behind rags, this was (obviously) the first time I had touched them—In fact, it was the first time I’d touched any woman’s tits in a very long time. “That feels good,” she said.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“Please,” she said, her voice now muffled by the blanket which she had buried her face in.

I stood above her and straddled her as if I were about to ride a horse. “Come up on your hands,” I told her. “So I can get to your tits better.”

“Do I have to?” She asked.

“Of course not,” I said. I reached down under her and took her hard, swollen softballs in both of my hands, and I felt her tense. They were so full it felt like they were about to burst. “You okay?” I asked.

“Just get it over with,” she said, her face still buried in the blanket.

I hadn’t grabbed anything to milk her into—In fact, I quite liked the thought of just milking her out onto the blanket, and so that’s what I’d decided to do.

Her softballs still in my hands, I milked them gently but firmly from their bases downward toward the cone-shaped nipples—I massaged them more than I squeezed them—and I heard Ava moan (In pain? In pleasure? Both?). I peeked down underneath as I continued to milk her hard bazookas and stood in awe as I watched the milk spray in huge blasts onto the blanket.

One of Ava’s hands suddenly disappeared back between her legs as I milked her, and I had no idea what she was doing, but she began to moan louder and louder the longer I squeezed.

Suddenly, she began to squeal with pleasure, and I figured I had gotten enough out of her to take the load off—Her tits were far softer now, not rock-hard and swollen like they had been. “Oh, God,” Ava moaned, and I continued to milk her because I figured what I was doing was working.

“I just came,” she said, rolling over and collapsing onto her back, an arm thrown over her face in exhaustion.

“You came from milking?” I asked.

“It felt soo good,” she whined. “I might have played with my clit a little.” She smiled, her arm still laying over her eyes.

I looked down at the blanket and saw two huge circular puddles that met in the middle and became one—It resembled a pair of unhumanly large knockers. “Are you in a hurry to get back?” I asked.

“No,” Ava said. “I’m ahead of schedule today.”

I sat down on the blanket beside her, away from the milk puddles, and relaxed in the warmth of the fire. After a while, Ava asked, “Are you ready for your next chore?”

“I wouldn’t exactly call it that,” I said.

“You’re working like a pool boy today,” she said. With that, she rolled back over onto her stomach, hopped up onto her hands and knees, and stuck her ass back up in the air as high as she could. “Come get your reward, Daddy,” she said, looking at me.

I stripped my clothes off as quickly as I could, but it still wasn’t fast enough. My cock was growing harder by the second and I feared I might cum before I even got out of my underwear. I pulled them down around my ankles and threw them aside.

Ava had watched, her head turned toward me, while I’d taken off my underwear, and her eyes became large when she saw my hard cock hanging slightly from its own weight. She crawled over to me, raised up on her knees, and took me in both hands.

She stroked me gently like that for a while.

“Is this the plan of yours?” I asked. “To get me so close to nutting that when I put it in you, I’ll cum immediately?”

“Not exactly,” she said. “But I do want you to be nice and worked up when you put it in me.”

“I think I’m there,” I said.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Ava asked, pumping me slower, more gently now, but still with both of her soft, warm hands.

“Please do,” I said.

“I’ve never had a guy in my ass,” she smiled. “I’ve always wanted it, but I was either too shy to ask, or the guy I was with wasn’t into it.”

“That’s hard to believe,” I said.

“Of course, I like to shove a toy up there every now and then.”

“Whew!” It was all I could muster.

Ava leaned forward and took the tip of my cock in her mouth and licked around on the underside of my knob for a while. Finally, she began to stroke me with her warm mouth, rotating between sucking on my bulbous knob and working me like I was fucking a wet pussy. All the while, she fondled my balls with her long fingernails.

She was hitting all my sweet spots.

“I’m ready,” she said, getting down on all fours, presenting it to me again. “Mount up, baby.”

“I have a confession to make,” I said.

Ava looked at me.

“I’ve never had my cock in a girl’s ass either.”

Ava smiled. It was the same smile I had seen for so long—The same smile that had initially attracted me to her, and the same smile that had caused me to become infatuated with her from the beginning. “Come and ride it, then,” she said.

I hopped up behind her, both of us butt ass naked (a scene I couldn’t have predicted would happen in a million years), and grabbed the tip of my cock to squeeze the great amount of precum onto Ava’s big brown soft spot.

“Are you really using precum as lube?” She asked.

“There’s more than enough,” I said.

“That’s fucking hot,” she moaned.

I pressed the tip of my cock against her butthole and found that it was quite soft, indeed. I teased Ava by pressing against her harder until my slobbery knob threatened to enter her, and suddenly she thrust her hips back against me and sucked me in. “Ahh!” I moaned.

“How do you like that?” She asked.

I moaned again, softer now.

“Shove it in,” she said, and I slid my girth slowly but smoothly into her until the base of my shaft rested in her stretched, brown opening.

She reached back between her legs and grabbed my balls, tickled them, tugged at them, ran a finger back and forth over the soft trail of my taint. She swiped her finger quickly over my anus, and I flinched.

“You like that?” She asked.

“Love it,” I said, and she continued to massage it with a finger while using her other hand to tickle and tug at my nuts.

“Don’t thrust,” she said, obviously sensing that I had begun to try and pull out just a bit, only so I could cram it back in.

I shoved my cock into her as deep as it would go, and held it there.

“You’re so deep…” Ava said. “What a dream come true.”

I moaned again in response.

She continued to work my butthole and balls until I became tingly with the approaching orgasm. “I don’t think I’m going to last much longer,” I said.

Ava quit playing with my butthole, and moved that finger to her own clit where she began to rub small circles. With her other hand, she continued to tease and massage my taint and balls. (Every now and then, she would kiss my butthole with a fingertip.)

“Ahhh,” I moaned, and Ava warned me again not to thrust.

“Wait for it,” she said.

“Wait for what?”

“Oh, fuck!” Ava squealed, and her ass began to wink and pull at my buried cock, squeezing, convulsing, spasming on me, massaging my cock like she had with her soft hands, as she came on me again and again.

“I’m going to cum,” I moaned.

“Shoot it in me!” Ava squealed.

Her butthole continued to suck at me, and I sprayed my quivering orgasm deep into her big ass. She tugged at my nuts while I rode her out like a bull blind with lust.

The last of our spasms waned together, and I leaned forward onto her back once we’d finished to rest.

“Holy fuck,” I melted against her, warm stomach against warm backside.

“I came twice,” Ava whined, panting.

I pulled my cock out of her, and she yelped a bit as her butthole let go of me, winking one last time as it stretched over my fat knob, and a surprise last spurt of cum blasted her in the crack.

Looking down to examine her one last time, I smiled when I realized that her sexy butthole resembled her UPS truck outside at my curb: Coated with a nice thick layer of white, with a little brown peeking through.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ztf0pe/what_can_brown_do_for_you_m35f28_delivery_driver


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