A Very Henderson Christmas – Sam’s sister dances pt 4 [m/f][b/s][incest]

Presents, wrapped with paper of a myriad colours, were stacked beneath the tree, which was coiled with tinsel and strings of lights that flickered brightly. More tinsel slung across walls and atop picture frames, an explosion of festiveness.

Christmas has arrived in full force to the Henderson household. Sam beamed as he looked upon the decorations his parents had plastered across the living room, giving the whole place a festive and welcome feel.

“I’m home,” he called out.

Mum bustled in from the kitchen, draping a dish cloth over her shoulder. “Sam, you’re back,” she said, enveloping him in a deep hug. Then she stepped back, examining him at arm’s length.

“Look at you. You’re wasting away, clearly not eating enough.”

“I’m fine, mum,” he said with a grin. “It’s not like I’m eating nothing but bread and cheese at Uni.” If anything, Sam had filled out in the months since he’d been away from home, and the beginnings of an actual beard were on his jaw.

Mum glanced down at the cases by his feet. “I suppose that’s washing, is it?”

He shrugged guilty.

“Well, I’ll have to put that in later; your sister has the machine filled right now.”

“Oh. Okay,” he monotoned.

“There’s a jumper on your bed,” Mum continued, not seeing the reaction in her son. “We expect you to wear it.” She gestured to her own green woollen jumper, decorated with an image of Santa’s sleigh being pulled by reindeer across rooftops.

“And don’t forget, your dad and I are out tonight for my work’s party. We’ve got a hotel room, and we’ll probably be back at some point in the morning, so try not to burn the place down while we’re away.”

“I can promise that I won’t be the one responsible if it does,” he replied.

Mum gave him a wry smile, then kissed him on the cheek and headed back towards the kitchen.

Sam hauled his suitcases up the stairs, to his room, and deposited them at the foot of his bed. One door down, he could hear music coming from Emma’s room. He stood in the open doorway to his room, staring at it.

As if summoned, her door opened.

Sam hadn’t seen Emma, his fraternal twin, in months. Not since they’d both gone to different universities. She had shorter hair now, buzzed on one side and dyed bright pink, had heavy dark eyeshadow on, and sported large plug earrings. He swallowed. She wore a thick blue Christmas jumper, with a large white snowman design on the front, and even with it she was still the most beautiful person he’d ever seen.

He stamped the thought down. They’d decided, both of them, that it was a bad idea. As much as they loved and desired each other, they could never have a life together. Never go anywhere as a couple, never – if it came to that – get married. So they had stopped sleeping together, and started seeing other people.

Sam had dated Karen briefly, until about a month after Uni started and she admitted to cheating on him with some random guy. He knew he should have been outraged and heartbroken, but he had never really loved her, and a small part of him had been relieved. Since then, there had been a couple of girls, but nothing serious.

“Hi,” Em said, breaking the silence.

“Hi, yourself,” he replied, voice dry.

“You look good.”

The words hung in the air between them. Then, slowly, Sam smiled. “You do too. The earrings are a bit weird, but I like the hair.”

She touched her lobes self consciously. “Oh, well, you know. Uni’s the time you’re supposed to experiment with who you are.” She grinned. “Speaking of which, it looks like you’re experimenting with sticking a dead rat on your chin.”

“Oh yeah,” he replied, arching an eyebrow, “cause it looks like you’re experimenting with cliches and lack of originality. Congratulations on discovering punk.”

“Funny, cause from what I hear, the band you’re in should maybe start experimenting with learning to play instruments.”

He blinked. “You know about the band?”

They sucked. Sam knew that much.

She looked a little sorry. “Yeah. Karen told me about it, before… you know.”


There was more silence.

“I’m not friends with her anymore,” Em said.

Sam shrugged.

“Look, I gotta…” he began, as she said, “I’m in the middle of…”

They both smiled awkwardly. Sam nodded, then turned and headed back into his room. As he closed the door, he was sure he heard her whisper, “Missed you.”

The jumper was red, and bore a Christmas tree, covered with different coloured lights, on the chest. It was just slightly too big for Sam, pooling at his waist and drooping passed his wrists.

“Don’t you look in the spirit of things?” Dad said, as he came down the stairs.

“Bah, humbug,” Sam replied, with a little jiggle to his head.

“You’re just in time. We’re about to play some board games. Come sit down.” Dad gestured to the dining room table. It had been covered with a green Christmas cloth, a small plastic tree in the middle. Mum and Emma were already sitting around it, his sister dealing out some cards to each place setting and not looking in his direction.

They spent the next couple of hours playing games to the sounds of a rotating ensemble of holiday songs; card games, board games, even breaking out the Jenga tower, which came to a tense back and forth. In the end, Sam lost, though neither of their parents would believe his accusation that Emma had bumped the table.

“So, Sam, how are classes?” Mum asked, as she broke out the Trivial Pursuit.

“Long,” he replied. “The workload is a lot.”

“Make sure you’re not getting too bogged down with that,” she said. “You need to make sure you’re having some fun as well.”

“I am. We’ve got the band, playing a few gigs.”

“Anyone special in your life?” asked Dad.

“Huh?” Sam started. “Oh, no, no. Not at the moment.”

“Well, University is a wonderful place. It’s where I met your mother. You need to find yourself a nice girl. What about you, Emma?”

It was his sister’s turn to start. “What?” she exclaimed, colour draining from her face.

“How is what’s his name? Pete?”

“Oh.” She shrugged. “We broke up. He wasn’t right for me.” There was a touch of pink to her cheeks.

“Is that cause he had a brain and the ability to string two sentences together?” Sam found himself saying, without even realising the words were coming.

“Unlike the usual women you attract,” she snapped back, “who look like they hit every branch of the ugly tree as they fell out of it.”

“Oh, joy,” said Mum, over whatever Sam’s next words were going to be, and looking at Dad. “Some things never change.”

Sam and Em stared at each other. Then, a small smile crossed his lips, followed closely by one on hers. He couldn’t help it. Just being in the same room as her brought it all flooding back to him.

With the games finished, Mum and Dad headed upstairs, to shower and get ready for their party. Sam and Em remained in the dining room, on opposite sides of the table, and played a few rounds of snap as the sun began to set outside the bay windows.

“You want a drink?” Sam asked, pushing himself to his feet.

“Uh, yeah, sure,” she replied, tucking the longest strands of her hair behind her ear.

He reached the kitchen, then collapsed against the fridge. Just being near his sister had brought back all of the old memories and feelings, strong emotions that distracted his thoughts and focussed them only on how much he had needed his sister by his side these last few months.

He should go up to his room, fire up some games and stream, but he knew in his heart of hearts that as long as Emma stayed down in the dining room, he would too.

He returned with two open bottles, placing one down before Em.

“Thanks,” she said, taking a swig. “Hmmm, it tastes so much better when you’re not the one paying for it.”

Sam barked a laugh. “Tell me about it. You never realise how much you appreciate living at home until you’re buying and cooking all your own food.”

“You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone,” she agreed.

They exchanged sheepish looks, then Em turned away and tucked her hair behind her ear again.

“Well, how do we look?”

Mum and Dad stood in the hallway, dressed now and ready to go out. Mum wore an elegant black dress, while Dad wore a suit and tie ensemble.

“Well, you certainly scrub up well,” Em said.

“Thank you,” Mum said with a playful curtsey. “Now, remember, any problems call me on my mobile.”

“But make sure they’re actual emergencies,” Dad said. “You’re both grownups now.”

“So I should call you if the police come to arrest Em for indecent actions?” Sam asked.

“But not because Sammy forgot how to wipe after using the toilet?” Em said quickly.

“I take it back,” Dad said with a shake of his head. “You’re both the same as you ever were.”

Their parents said their goodbyes, then left. Sam and Em remained in the dining room. Silence stretched in the space between the two of them.

Eventually, Sam spoke. “It shouldn’t be this awkward to be in the same room,” he said.

She shrugged. “You’re right. We used to be left alone together all the time.”

He gave her a smirk. “That ended well tho.”

She laughed pleasantly. And just like that, it seemed the weird energy in the room had dispersed for the moment.

“It is good to see you, Sammy.”

He nodded. “You too, Em.” It really was, but it made his heart ache as well. Not that he’d say that part out loud.

They retreated to the living room, where at Em’s insistence they put on the channel running non-stop Holiday related rom-coms. To the best of Sam’s ability to tell, they all seemed to revolve around a woman returning home and reuniting with the true love of her life over the Christmas period. Em sat with her legs under her on the sofa, half leaning against Sam like they had done for many years. He became acutely aware of how close she was to him. She smelled the same as always, and that aroma sparked memories within him. He tried to concentrate on the rotating cast of identical character types on screen, so that his cock wouldn’t stir just from the proximity of his twin sister.

Even when he left the comfort and warmth of the sofa, to grab more beers and snacks, he returned to the same spot where Emma curled herself against him. Like a glutton for punishment, he thought.

“So how is everything else at Uni?” he asked, looking for anything to break the weird vibe in the air.

“Oh, you know,” she said. “Probably about the same as yours. Found a nice group of friends tho, so that’s making it easier.”

“And they’re the ones who convinced you to do the hair and all that?”

“I needed a bit of a makeover. Fresh start and all that.” She grinned. “What about you and the facial hair?”

He laughed. “In truth, I was so busy some days I didn’t get a chance to shave. Then someone told me it looked good, and I’ve been riding that high ever since.”

She giggled. “You boys and latching on to the slightest compliment anyone gives you.”

“Well, you know,” he mused, “we get so few that if someone does compliment us on something, we tend to fall in love with them.”

Em grinned, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. Their eyes locked for a long moment, and her grin faded to a mask. Static charged the room, making Sam tremble.

“Why did you and that guy break up?” he asked, searching for something else to talk about.

She made a rough dismissive gesture with her hand. “He decided he didn’t like other people seeing me as a ‘sex object’ – his words – with my TikTok. Gave me an ultimatum; it or him.”

“Bet that totally went the way he expected.”

She snorted a laugh. “Yeah. He was nice enough and all, but we didn’t know each other well enough for him to be making that sort of demand.”

Em lapsed into a moment of silence. “It’s kinda weird talking to you about guys I dated.”

“Why, cause I’m your brother?”

She shook her head. “No, cause… well, it was never officially a thing, but you’re kind of my ex.”

Sam nodded. “I guess I never really thought about it that way, but you’re right. But I’m still your brother too, you can talk to me about that stuff if you want.”

She gave a small smile. “Thank you. But what about you? I know about the shitshow that was Karen, but anyone else since?”

He shrugged. “A couple of Uni flings, but they didn’t last.” They weren’t you, he very distinctly did not say.

“Honestly, I’d have figured you’d have girls throwing themselves at you,” Em said. “Especially since you’re in a band.” There was just the mildest hint of teasing in the last.

“Not as many for the bass players,” he admitted with a chuckle. “But I’m surprised for you too; you’re still incredibly sexy, if you don’t mind me saying.”

She blushed. His twin sister actually blushed and looked away. “Yeah, well,” she managed after a moment, tucking her hair back again, “I had a couple of dates, but they weren’t what I was looking for.”

“Well, there’s still time left; I have no doubt the perfect guy is out there for you, just waiting for the right moment.”

“You too. Perfect guy, just waiting for you.”

He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Really? A gay joke? That’s beneath you, Em.”

She screwed up her face. “Yeah, I know, as soon as I said it I regretted it. I’m out of practice on our banter.”

He chuckled. “Me too. Nobody can keep me on my toes like you could.”

They met eyes once more, staring at each other for a long moment. Sam felt the charge in the air, the sensation like the whole world was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

It can’t. It shouldn’t.

He coughed, rose, and took a half step away from the sofa. His hands trembled, and he shoved them into his pockets. He looked back to Emma, and blinked in confusion at her expression.

She had gone pale, eyes looking up. Sam followed her gaze, and saw the reason. Above his head, on the ceiling, hung mistletoe.

No doubt left for mum and dad to stumble into and ambush each other beneath, he thought.

Emma began to move away, but he caught her by the wrist. With a tug from his arm, she staggered to her feet and into him. He wrapped an arm around her waist, palm on her back, while her palms rested on his chest. She looked up at him, her eyes shimmering in the flicking tree lights.

What are you doing, Sam? he asked himself. But he knew the answer.

“Sam, we…” she began, but he stopped her.

“I missed you,” he admitted. “Every day, a thousand times a day.” His heart hammered in his chest. “And I know what we said, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. How I’m always going to feel about you.”

Her eyes flickered down to his lips. Hers were parted. She trembled. “Sammy,” she breathed.

He moved closer, finding her soft mouth with his. She let out a quiet sigh as she melted against him, returning the gentle, meaningful kiss. It felt so right, his lips against his sister’s. Sam let out a low moan of pleasure. He couldn’t help the stirring in his crotch from their closeness.

After a long moment of tasting each other, they pulled back, panting slightly from the rising tension. Em’s eyes remained closed for a beat longer, before fluttering half open. She smirked lazily.

“Well, I certainly missed that,” she admitted, a touch breathless. Her fingers trailed down his chest, before she cupped his groin. “This too.”

“He missed you as well,” he said, matching her playful tone.

She stroked gently at the fabric of his sweatpants, then leaned up on tiptoes to kiss him again, her other hand on the back of his head.

“The beard will take some getting used to,” she admitted as she broke away again, her fingers tracing the hairs.

“You don’t like it?” he asked. His breath was shallow as his cock strained against its restraints.

“Take some getting used to,” she repeated. Her palm continued to rub his groin.

The tension was rising deep within Sam. Quick as a flash, he grabbed his sister by the buttocks, hoisting her up off her feet. Em gave a squeak of surprise, which was quickly cut off as he pushed her against the closest wall and kissed her forcefully. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck as she pulled him flush against her and returned the heavy, passionate, kiss.

With some effort, she pulled her mouth from his, then rested her lips against his ear. She panted from her desire and need. “Take me upstairs, Sammy,” she said, her breath haggard. “Now.”

Walking upstairs and into his room while carrying and kissing his sister was easier said than done, but Sam managed it. He closed the door behind him with his hip, then crossed the floor and lay Emma down on his bed.

Sam picked up his phone, connecting it to the speaker on his desk, and scrolled through to the playlist he’d made when they had been sleeping together regularly. He hadn’t played it in months, but within the first bars of the first song, the memory of her skin against his skin rolled over him.

He turned back to her. She looked up at him, biting her bottom lip. Her position had pulled up the hem of her jumper, revealing a tantalising strip of pale, toned, skin.

Sam climbed onto the bed, positioning himself between his twin’s legs. He lowered his face, kissing softly against that visible bit of her tummy. Her muscles bunched in response. His fingers curled carefully around fabric, and eased the jumper up as he slowly kissed his way towards her belly button. Em quivered as his mouth trailed higher still. He glanced up, to see her watching his movements intently, the knuckle of one finger in her mouth.

“I know it’s early, but I think it’s time to open my present,” he said.

Em snorted a laugh. “Dork.”

The jumper slid up her ribs, then up more. His sister shifted her back, arching her spine to let the material slip up towards her armpits. Em lifted her arms, and Sam pulled the item off her fully. He looked down, eyes taking in her slender frame, the silky skin, the plain sports bra that covered her beautiful breasts.

He tossed the jumper aside, then leaned forward and kissed her again. She moaned into his mouth, then he felt hands on the back of his own horrible jumper. She tugged it up, taking the fabric of his T-shirt with it, and he broke the kiss long enough for her to remove them fully.

Em pushed him back, so he was kneeling between her thighs. She ran fingertips across his chest and down his stomach. “How did you get ever hotter?” she mused.

“Look who’s talking,” he said with a delighted grin, drinking in her figure again.

She beamed, then grabbed him by the back of the head and hauled him down for another deep kiss. Sam’s fingers trailed across her waist and ribs, up and down casually. The tips brushed against the fabric of her bra, then continued their lazy trails. Em’s hands explored his back, his shoulders.

His fingers eased under the fabric of her bra, skimming up and feeling the breasts he’d dreamed about for months. Em gasped and arched her spine as he squeezed the shape. He continued to kiss her heavily as he peeled up the bottom of her bra, revealing her breasts fully. Then he broke his lips from hers, kissing down her chin, her jaw, mouthing at her throat. Lips found the swell of her breasts, and he placed long, luxurious kisses against the soft pertness of them.

Sam cupped one breast, pushing it up towards his eager mouth, lips surrounding the nipple. He sucked in his cheeks, pulling the flesh into him, before releasing. He did it again, and again, and again, each one longer than the one before, until the nipple on his sister’s boob stood hard. Then he flicked his tongue against it, and planted another long kiss.

As he did this, Sam’s other hand squeezed and caressed Emma’s other breast, the pad of his thumb rolling across the nipple of that one. Em whimpered and squirmed at the attention. Her skin tasted delicious, washing a wave of heavy nostalgia over him. His cock was rock hard within his sweatpants, almost painfully so, and his entire body felt on the precipice of something.

“Sammy,” Em moaned, her fingers easing into his shorter hair. After long moments of him sucking and toying with her fantastic chest, she sat up slightly, letting him pull the sports bra fully up and over her head and arms. She shuffled back higher up the bed, leaning against the small collection of pillows he had against the headboard. She gave him a coy smile, eyes shimmering with desire.

“You really do like titties, don’t you?” she said, playfully. Her fingers brushed against his own nipple.

“I like your titties,” he replied. “There’s been no others that match me the way that yours do.”

She grinned in delight, grabbed him by the back of the head and hauled him up the bed to kiss him again. Soft sounds of their lips mingled with whimpers and mutters, filling his bedroom. Sam’s heart hammered in his chest. Em parted her legs, squeezing her thighs against his hips, connecting their covered crotches.

He couldn’t help himself. He bucked his hips, rubbing himself against her. She broke the kiss to let a soft moan slip from her plump lips. He rubbed himself back and forth against her crotch, earning whimpers of need from his sister with each one. Her teeth closed on his earlobe, digging in.

Fingers dipped down, trailing tips along her waist, then probing beneath the waistband of her sweatpants. Sam shifted himself to one side, giving himself better access to her. He found the waist of her underwear, and teased his fingers along the edge of it.

Emma quivered in anticipation.

His mouth followed the path towards her core; down her neck and worrying the pulse point, before sliding kisses down and down. Over pert breasts, giving them both enough attention, then across her dancing stomach muscles, until his lips lay just above her sweatpants.

Sam moved again, lying himself flat between her legs. She raised her hips up as he began to roll his twin’s sweatpants and panties down. Over the firm curve of her incredible ass, down her creamy slender thighs, and then off.

He looked up, eyes meeting the tightly shaved flower of her pussy. She was wet there, glistening in the light of his room. He could smell her arousal, thick and familiar and exhilarating to his nose.

Sam met Em’s eyes. She stared at him intently, even as her entire body trembled. Still keeping contact, he pressed his lips to the inside of her thigh. She tensed, then relaxed a second later. He kissed the other, gaining the same reaction.

“Sammy,” she moaned. “Please.”

He kissed higher. She took longer to relax this time, and another “Please” spilled from plump lips.

Higher. Closer to what they both wanted. Higher still. Higher and closer again. Emma did not relax, her frame standing on that fine line of expectation and pure need.

Finally, his lips closed around her pussy. She let out a shuddering gasp of delight. She gave another when his tongue ran the length of her slit. His lips made a soft seal atop it, and he gave her sex a long, passionate, kiss.

“Hmmm,” he rumbled, as her juices mingled in his mouth. “Tastes just like I remember it.”

“Oh god,” she moaned, squirming beneath him.

Sam kissed, licked, and sucked on her pussy, falling back into the familiar patterns he knew drove his sister crazy. She responded quickly, writhing more and more. Her fingers curled into his hair, holding on tight, whimpers slipping unbidden from her parted lips. He pressed a finger against her slick entrance, coating the tip in Em’s juices.

She gasped and arched her spine as he pulsed his digit into her. He licked the clump of nerves of her clit, while his finger made small curls against the inner walls of her sex.

Em’s hips rocked against his face, the grip tightening. Sam grinned at the response to his ministrations. Making his twin sister come unglued was one of his favourite things to do. Knowing that her pleasure was caused directly by his actions made his cock throb painfully, demanding attention. He ignored it, focusing on the burning hot slit of Emma’s core, on making her writhe and mutter his name.

A second finger joined the first, curling back and forth inside her. She moaned, her body rigid. She was thick on his tongue, a delightful taste that spurred his mouth on to make more. He glanced up at her sexy, slender, frame. Em’s head was thrown back, showing her long neck and jaw. Her hands gripped now at her breasts, squeezing and pulling on nipples, adding to the onslaught of sensations that cascaded across her body.

“Sam,” she moaned. “Oh, Sam, Sam, Sam.”

He grinned against her petals, then nipped at them with teeth before licking again. Her hips bucked furiously against his face, rubbing herself against him desperately.

“Please,” she whimpered. “I need it. Baby, I need it.”

He had missed this so much. I’m a fool, he thought. How could I give this up?

His free hand rubbed at her clit, joining the fingers delved deep inside her and his unrelenting mouth in pushing his sister towards her breaking point. He knew that moment in Em well, had been the one to bring her to it so many times in the months they had regularly stolen intimate moments together.

A low rumble began to build in Emma. Her body rocked and writhed uncontrollably.

“Cum, Em,” he said, his voice muffled by the hot wetness of her snatch. “Cum for me.”

“Mhm,” was all she managed. Whines, moans, gasps, and unintelligent mutterings fell from her mouth, building deeper and deeper with each passing second.

Her body went rigid as she climaxed, and a low cry of his name was torn from her lungs. Sam continued to kiss, finger, and rub her sodden pussy as his twin orgasmed, riding her through the moment, elongating it as much as he could.

She began to shake, thrashing from the explosion of bliss that had burst like a dam within her. After a moment, she began to settle down, panting hard and twitching every time he licked her wet slit again.

Hands found the side of his face, and Sam felt himself being drawn up her shaking frame. She kissed him, sloppy and grateful. Her hands explored all over him, desperate and uncontrolled. Sweat glistening on her soft pale skin.

Finally, she came down from that peak. She stroked his hair, his beard, peppering soft kisses on his lips. He grinned.

“Christ, Sammy,” she panted. “I haven’t cum like that in ages. I guess it’s true; you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.”

He grinned wider, pleased to hear he could still make his twin’s toes curl like that. “I love watching you do that. It’s the hottest thing imaginable.”

“Hotter than my sexy dances?” She batted her eyelashes playfully at him.

“Yeah, but not by much,” he replied. Okay. So maybe, a few times while they’d been apart, he’d fired up her TikTok, and stroked himself to completion watching her. I am only human, afterall.

She rolled her hips, rubbing her slick entrance against the fabric of his groin. “Hmmm, it seems like I’ve been ignoring someone,” she said, her voice low and husky, arching her eyebrows meaningfully. She kissed him again. “That was very, very, rude of me.”

Em pushed him away, slapping his ass and giggling. “Well, come on then,” she purred. “You know what comes next.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said.

Sam rose, crossing his room and plucking up his wallet from his desk. After digging inside, he retrieved the condom packet he kept for emergencies. Some small part of him wondered if he’d brought that with him because he knew this would happen with him and Em.

Probably, he thought.

He turned back, to find his naked sister standing before him. She still panted slightly, but had a wide grin on her beautiful face. Without a word, she plucked the condom from his fingers. As she opened the packet, she lowered herself to her knees. She tugged down his sweatpants and boxers, letting him step out of them. His shaft stood proud, at attention, glistening with his arousal.

Em pressed a long kiss to the tip of his cock. It stirred and twitched in response, and he let out a soft sigh at the contact. Her tongue slid up him, from the base to the wide head, smearing saliva and the seeping pre-cum up his length, before her lips surrounded his tip and she gave a gentle suckle.

“Emma,” he moaned, his thighs quivering. His fingers slid into her pink hair.

Em popped off him with a theatrical sound, then smacked her lips. “Hmmm. Tastes just like I remember it,” she echoed.

Sam pushed her to it again, sliding into her warm, plump lips, across her tongue, delving into her willing mouth. The inside of her cheeks pulled the thin skin of his shaft taut, and he moaned again.

“Your mouth feels so good, Em. God, I’ve missed being inside it.”

As he pushed his hips back and forth into her, Em made soft wet sounds of enjoyment, even as she unrolled the condom in her hands. When that was done, she slipped from his shaft once more.

“Nicer in my mouth than candy cane,” she purred.

Sam chuckled. “Dork.”

They locked eyes again, and she kept that contact as she pressed another languid kiss against the tip. Then she began to slowly roll the latex sheath over his raging hardness.

Em rose up into her tiptoes to kiss him again, and her fingers curled gently around his manhood. His breathing staggered around the kiss, tension rising within him. After a moment, she led him by the cock back to the bed. She lay on her back, legs spread once more.

Sam clambered onto the bed to join her, his presence hovering above hers, using his arms to support him. He reached down and kissed her again, and she purred pleasantly into his mouth. Her fingers circled around his shaft, holding him gently, then carefully guided him towards her entrance.

Her body stiffened as the wide head of his cock eased passed the threshold. She held him tight, shifting her hips to get a better angle. Then, carefully, he began to push his hips. His manhood slid inch by inch into her. She opened to accept him, the muscles of her core pulling the latex and skin, sending pulses of pleasure into Sam’s groin. She moaned as he filled her, breaking the kiss and rolling her head back, her jaw locked and her eyes closed.

“Sammy,” she managed through it all.

“Emma,” he moaned, resting his face against her shoulder. “I love you.”

“I love you,” she replied.

His cock slid into place within her to the hilt. He was finally home.

Em rolled her hips, rubbing herself against him. He throbbed inside her, held close and warm. He kissed her for a long moment, letting her reacquaint herself with his cock inside her. Then, slowly, his hips began to work.

She moaned in time with his movements, her own hips rocking. She felt so good, pulling at the skin of his shaft with each thrust of his hardness. He grunted with each drive, losing himself in the slowly building pace and the sensation of his twin around him.

And increase the pace did, as he drove himself deeper and deeper, harder and harder, into Emma’s warm core.

“Fuck,” she moaned, resting her face against his shoulder. “You feel so good inside me, Sammy. Feel so right.”

To hear his own thoughts echoed by his sister’s words brought a grin to Sam’s lips. “There’s never been another as right for me as you.”

He kissed her shoulder, kissed her neck. His hands roamed her sides, her hips, closed and groped at her jiggling breasts. She hiked her legs up higher, crossing her ankles behind his ass. Her fingers dug into the skin of his back, nails slicing flesh as she moaned and groaned in delicious delight from his fucking.

“Emma,” he grunted as he pistoned within her. He angled himself up on his forearms, so his crotch rubbed itself against her clit, adding to the sensations in her groin that his twin was experiencing. “Emma, baby.”

His breath came ragged, stuttering. Tightness was forming within his very centre, spreading out across his body in waves. A building moment brought about by the wonderful feeling of Emma’s hot, wet pussy wrapped around his throbbing cock.

“Oh god, Sammy,” she moaned. “Don’t stop. Don’t you dare fucking stop.”

Sam couldn’t have stopped for any reason in the world.

He wrapped his arms around the back of her neck, holding her flush to him as his shaft drove hard into her depths. Em threw her head back, and lost herself to the deep moans and sputterings of his name. The tightness in him was building, and building, each time he filled her completely.

“Cum, Em,” he stuttered into her ear. “You need to cum so I can.” He nipped at the chunky tunnel ring in her lobe.

“Mhm. I need it. Baby I need it. So close baby. So close. Oh god, Sammy, it’s coming. It’s coming. Sammy, I’m gonna…”

The rest of her words were cut off by a cry ripped from her lungs. She clamped against him, holding him so tight as her second orgasm shattered through her.

The tightness in Sam snapped, pushed over the edge by his twin’s orgasm, and he slammed himself deep, held himself there as he climaxed too. His cock spasmed, spunking hard into the latex sheath. He twitched his whole body, a few small thrusts, as his shaft spurted more, filling the tip of the condom within Emma’s gushing pussy.

After the fog had cleared, he collapsed down atop her. Emma panted raggedly, felt like a limp ragdoll beneath him. His shaft twitched in her, still held by her warm insides. Carefully, he pushed himself up, breathing hard, then placed a long kiss on her lips.

“Better than I remember,” she said, eyes shimmering with her post-orgasm haze. She bit her bottom lip.

He kissed her again. “There will never be anyone better.”

She grinned. After a moment, Sam pulled his soft cock from within her, rolling over onto his back. He slipped the filled condom from his slick cock, tossing it knotted into the trash, before collapsing onto his back besides Emma. Perspiration dewed both of their naked frames. She rolled onto her side to face him, propped her head up with one arm. The other lazily traced fingertips across his chest.

“I can’t believe we did it again,” she said, shaking her head but smiling contentedly.

“Me neither,” he admitted. “But I won’t ever regret it.”

Emma nodded. “Same,” she said. Then she leant over and kissed him again. It was a kiss filled with warmth, and love, and a connection between the two siblings that nobody else could ever understand or come between. After a great deal of time, she eventually pulled back, and let out a satisfied sigh.

“You know,” she said, stroking his face, “I’m still not sold on the beard.”

“Well,” he said, with a devilish grin, “maybe you need to feel my mouth on your body a few more times before you make your mind up?”

She laughed delightedly. “It is only fair,“ she agreed, as she leaned back over to kiss him again. Sam leaned into it, content in the knowledge that no matter what came, he would love his sister until the day he died.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ztm8sr/a_very_henderson_christmas_sams_sister_dances_pt