How I lost my virginity to a girl who caught me masturbating in the woods. Chapter 1. Scene of the crime. [M/F 18], [mutual masturbation]

I always loved the outdoors and when I was teenager, my family lived in a very remote area in the US. Our house was on about 20 acres of forested land, on the side of a mountain, and beyond that mountain, was a mix of state, Federal, and private land, spanning off into the distance. I spent a lot of time in the woods around my house exploring. When I was younger, I would go with my brothers and/or my father on day hikes and overnight backpacking trips off into this territory. My siblings were all much older than me and by the time I was 18, I would just go by myself, sometimes just grabbing my backpack after school on a Friday afternoon and telling my parents I would be back on Sunday.

I knew all of the single track, hunting access roads, and even the animal trails back there, so that I could navigate a large area. In this mixed use area, I discovered that there was a large pocket of land, right by my “neighborhood”, that no one seemed to use for anything. In the years that I explored back there, I never encountered any humans back in this area. It was inaccessible on any of the gravel roads or trails and required walking through thick underbrush in places. I accidentally found a really great spot on a little stream back in there and made myself a little camp over time. I made a very primitive cabin back there over time and had dammed up the little stream, so that I had a small, waist deep pool to cool off in the summer.

This is all very wholesome so far, but I was an 18 year old virgin boy and I was very horny. So, while I spent time building the cabin and making fires and just exploring, I also masturbated out there a lot. And, I liked to get completely naked out there and get in my little pool or lay down in a little patch of grass. I could edge myself a long time, because, well, I practiced a lot. So, sometimes, I was just wandering around with a boner, stroking myself occasionally. There was something about just having my boner free in the outside air that was nice.

There was a day, one September, when it was still warm out, I had cooled off in my little pool after a hike and I was laying on a towel where I found a small bit of direct sun on a patch of moss and grass on the forest floor, and I was trying to dry off and warm up. I was totally naked and started playing with my dick. I was completely erect and stroking it, when I heard a footstep.
I looked over and saw a girl, right near my shelter. She was looking right at me in shock. Even worse, I recognized her from my high school. We made eye contact and then she made a nervous sound and scampered off into the woods.

The girl’s name was Crystal, she was also 18 and she had transferred into my high school at the beginning of our senior year, just a couple of weeks prior. I first met Crystal in my homeroom the first day of school and when I saw her, I thought she was the most beautiful girl I had seen in real life. Crystal was in some of my classes and she seemed pretty nice. We had occasionally spoken with each other in school, but it was still early in the school year and she did not know anyone. Crystal had light blond hair and she often wore it in these braids that I liked. She had a really pretty face, lean, athletic body, with small, but noticeable, firm looking tits, long legs and a nice ass. She was about 5’6″ and she was a mystery to me.

I dreaded going into school that Monday and seeing Crystal. She did not really have any friends yet, so I was hoping that maybe she would not have told anyone about what she saw, but that was little comfort, knowing she saw it. I saw her in homeroom and she looked as nervous about it as I did, we gave each other a couple of little glances, then I would put my face in a book. Later, we were in a study hall together that was in the cafeteria and people would spread out to different tables. I usually stayed to myself doing homework, so that I did not have to do it at home. Crystal came over and asked if she could sit with me and I gestured at the chair across from me.

Crystal asked me a question about an assignment from class and then we both worked silently. Finally, I said, “You were there in the forest on Saturday, I saw you,” and I was looking down to avoid eye contact. Crystal said, “Yes, I saw you.” I sighed and said, “What did you see or what do you think you saw?” still looking down. I looked up, I was probably sweating from nerves, and Crystal said, “I saw stuff,” and she had the cutest expression with head cocked, wide eyes and kind of pursing her lips. She was being funny. I said, “oh my god,” under my breath, and she snickered. Then I said, “Where do you live?” Crystal said in a very matter of fact voice with perfect delivery, “Stroking Dick Lane.” I must have turned crimson with embarrassment and I stammered, “I was not…that’s not what I was doing…”

She laughed hysterically and said, “I’m sorry, I could not help it. I live on Valley Road.” I knew where that was, it was not in my neighborhood, but was just down the hill and she would have had to navigate a few miles of forest with no trails to get to my little camp, which impressed me. We were running out of time in study hall. I said, “How do you get to school?” Crystal said, “ugh, the bus, it takes forever.” So, I said, “I live pretty close to you, do you want a ride home with me?”

Crystal grinned in an impish way and said, “Will you keep your pants on?” I said, “shhhh” and I looked around nervously. I said, “I wasn’t…it’s not what you think…I was just…” Crystal giggled and said, “I would love a ride home, thank you.”

We met in the parking lot after school and I saw that a lot of the guys looked impressed that Crystal was getting into my truck with me. It was about a 30 minute drive home. I said to Crystal, “So, how did you end up at my little camp on Saturday?” Crystal said, “I love the outdoors, my family used to live about 5 hours North of here, in an even more remote area, before I transferred, and I’ve spent my whole life hiking, hunting, and fishing.” I said, “So, you were just out there alone?” Crystal said, “What’s that supposed to mean, you were out there alone.” I said, “Sorry, I’ve just never met a cool girl like you and you dress like a girly girl at school.” Crystal blushed a bit at that and said, “What does girly girl mean?” I said, “You’re stylish, um…you’re hot. Most of the hot girls at school wouldn’t go out in the woods alone like that.” Crystal blushed some more. Crystal said, “I have a topographical map of the area and I saw a peak and I wanted to hike to the top to see if there was a view.” I said, “Yes, there is a very nice summit up there with big boulders. You went the hard way.” Crystal said, “yep, it looked easy on the map, it wasn’t steep, but damn that forest is thick. And it got really hard (emphasis on hard) near your camp,” and she was giggling a little, then said, “sorry.”

I said, “Look, on Saturday, when you saw me, I was just laying there, and I had an itch, I was not…it was not what it might have looked like.” Crystal giggled and blushed, she said, “It’s okay everyone does it,” and she looked out the passenger window to avoid looking at me. I said, “Does what? I was just…scratching.” Crystal said, “masturbate…everyone masturbates.” I guess she was not buying my cover story, but I was turned on at the implication she also masturbated. We got to her house, which was a cool looking lodge type of house. Like a fancy log cabin. I said, “Can I pick you up and drive you to school in the morning?” Crystal said, “Thank you, that would be nice.” I was really embarrassed by the masturbating incident, but I was actually enjoying that Crystal was making fun of me, her sense of humor combined with her good looks was turning me on.

On the drive to school the next morning, Crystal said, “So, can you take me up to that peak this weekend? Show me the good way to get up there? I guess I need to bone up on my navigation skills,” and she snickered at her use of the word bone. I sighed and said, “I am just going to ignore that joke. I’d love to, it’s a really nice view, I don’t get tired of it. It’s fantastic at sunset, but we would have to hike down in the dark. Is that okay?” Crystal said, “That sounds like a date,” and grinned at me. I said, “Well, I mean…it’s no big deal…if you do not want..” Crystal laughed at me and said, “I want it to be a date.” I said, “Awesome, it’s a date.”

Crystal wanted me to pick her up at her house and meet her parents like a real date. I got to her cool house and knocked on the door. Crystal answered already dressed in her hiking clothes. She brought me into this big lodge style room, with leather couches and a massive fireplace. Her mom and dad were sitting there, they both looked athletic and outdoorsy.

Her dad said, “You must be Dave,” and stood up to shake my hand. Crystal said, “Watch out dad, I bet he has firm grip,” and she looked right at me with a smile, barely containing a laugh. I shook my head at her. I could not believe she was making these jokes in front of her parents even though they would have no way of knowing what she meant. I said, “Yes sir, nice to meet you and I said evening ma’am over to her mom.” He said, “You can call me James and Crystal’s mom is Kara. So, you guys are hiking up to the peak for sunset and then back down in the dark?” I said, “Yes sir, James, I’ve lived here most of my life and I know it like the back of my hand, it will be safe.” Crystal sort of muttered, “and he knows his hand real well,” snickering quietly. Her mom and dad looked at her and she said, “it’s nothing, I did not mean to interrupt.” I gave her an annoyed look.

James said, “Show me exactly on this map, how you are getting up there, so I know where to find you, if you guys get in trouble.” They had a huge topographical map of the area on a wall. I said, “Yes, my dad also knows where we are going and he knows the route very well,” and I showed him where I was going to park my truck and traced my finger along the route.” I said, “There is a rock scramble here, but it is not bad.” He said, “Go get your pack and show me what you packed.” I said, “What?” He said, “I’m not sending my daughter on some night hike with a kid I don’t know, unless you look like you know what you are doing. I know she does.”

I went to get my pack from the truck and he was satisfied with the contents that I was prepared for any emergency. James said, “Looks good, but this is bear and cougar country, are you carrying a firearm?” I said, “No, I thought that might be disconcerting for a first date.” He said, “I find it disconcerting you were going to take my daughter on a hike at dusk in this region without one. She can bring one of mine and protect you.” Crystal said to me, “Yes, I was sure you’d be packing something…”, snickering.

Her mom said, “Alright, have fun kids. When should we send out a search party,” and laughed. I said, “Is it okay, if I get her home by 2AM? We will be back well before then, but you shouldn’t be concerned until then.” Her mom said, “Okay.”

We had great weather for our hike up and we sat on a big boulder watching the sunset. I reached into my pack and said, “I have some nice sausage in here…” and Crystal burst out laughing and said, “put it away,” while covering her eyes. I said, “Are you ever going to let me live that down?” She said, “mmmm, probably not, if I am being honest.” I spread out the sausage, cheese, crackers and some sparkling water. Crystal said, “This is classy as fuck, seriously, I think it’s sweet you thought of this.” I said, “Well, you said it was a date.” She said, “It’s the best date I’ve ever been on,” and she smiled at me. I said, “Me too.” We looked at each other nervously and then kissed. I had kissed a couple of girls, but this was my first real kiss, the best one.

We walked back down to my truck in the dark. I told Crystal I had take a pee break and I wandered off into the woods. She shouted to me, “If you shake it more than twice…” I said, “very funny, very funny.” When we got to my truck, she said, “I had a great time, can you show me some more of the area tomorrow?” I said, “Sure.” I got her home by 11:00pm, much to her parents’ relief. Crystal asked her parents if she could go hiking again with me the next day and they said yes.

I picked her up the next morning and I said, “What do you want to see?” Crystal said, “I don’t know, anything you think is cool. Hey, show me your camp and that area, I had to get out of there quickly last time,” and she grinned at me. I just shook my head in embarrassment. It was late September and we had one last gasp of summer that day, it was quite hot out. We got very sweaty fighting our way through the undergrowth to my little camp, but we kissed every time we stopped for a break. I showed her my little hand made cabin, my firepit, my hammock and the little pool I had made by damming the creek.

Crystal said, “This is cozy, do you sleep out here a lot?” I said, “Yes, sometimes I spend the whole weekend out here. My parents figure it is better than going out partying or something, so they do not mind.” Crystal said, “So…I guess you really never see anyone out here, because when I saw you…” I said, “I have never seen a single soul within a wide radius of this camp, until you came along. I have not even found any trash or signs of human life out here. If you go West a little, there is a small unmarked trail, where I have very rarely seen people, but it is a bitch to get here from there. And, if you go even farther West, there is a rough logging road. I have very rarely seen guys on dirt bikes out there. This spot is surprisingly isolated, so I have felt comfortable here to…do private things.” She giggled at that.

Crystal said, “Well, I am really hot and sweaty and that little pool looks inviting. I want to get in,” and she sat down to untie her boots. I followed her example and took of my boots and socks. She stood up and dipped a toe in and said, “that is refreshing,” and she stripped off her shirt down to a little grey sports bra. I took off my tshirt and she blushed a little as she unzipped her hiking pants and took them off, so she was in her bra and some grey panties, and she waded into the pool. I took off my pants and waded in wearing my boxers, already pitching a tent from seeing her in her underwear. The stream was refreshing, but it was spring fed and quite cold, so we got out quickly to head to a little patch of sunlight with a towel to lay on.

As she went up the bank of the creek, I was in awe of the view of her ass, as her panties were creeping up her butt crack exposing a lot of her ass cheeks, and they were clinging to her, since they were soaking wet. Her ass was magnificent. We got to that little patch of sunlight and stood facing each other, she was staring at my obvious boner under my boxer briefs that were clinging to me. She moved toward me and we hugged and kissed standing there, i loved the feeling of the wet, bare skin on her back. My boner was pressed into her. We laid down on my big beach towel, next to each other and continued kissing. The sun and the heat were warming us up and drying us off, she looked down at my boner and said, “Can you show me what you were doing?”, and she was looking at me nervously, biting her lower lip.

I was terrified, but turned on, and I pulled down my boxers, releasing my boner. She giggled as it twitched up and down. I said, “don’t laugh.” She said, “I’m not making fun, I’ve just never seen one, well except yours, the other day, I like it. So, what were you doing, show me” I grabbed my dick and started stroking it slowly, my boxers were in the way, so I just took them all the way off and she smiled at that, then I continued stroking it. I said, “What do you do?” Crystal said, “What?” I said, “You said everyone masturbates, how do you?” She said, “oh my god this is crazy,” and then she put a hand down into her panties and started touching herself while looking at my dick.

I said, “I can’t really see what you are doing.” She said, “yikes,” in a high pitched, cute, nervous way, hesitated and then pulled off her panties. She had a nice little strip of bush and she went back to touching herself. I saw her put her middle finger deep inside herself, wetting it, and then rub her clit. I said, “holy shit,” and she giggled. Crystal said, “Can I touch it or will your hand get jealous?”, as she continued playing with herself. I said, “yes.” She reached over and started stroking it and she said, “like that?” I said, “mmm hhmmm, that feels really good.”

Crystal nervously said, “you can touch me.” I tried to copy what she had done, first I put my middle finger up in her wet vagina. I had never done that before and I could not believe how silky, wet and soft it was. I finger fucked her a bit. Then, I tried to rub her clit, like she had done. I said, “Does that feel okay?” Crystal was red faced and breathing heavy, she said, “yes, just like that.” We laid there touching each other for a long time, and even though it felt amazing to have a girl, a very hot girl touching my dick, I forced myself to last a long time, because it felt soooo good. I had never seen a girl orgasm before, not even in a movie, but I was pretty sure, I was witnessing one now. Her head rolled back a little, her legs spasmed, and she was making little whimpering noises. Then I shot cum all over my stomach as she continued stroking me and she said, “oh my god,” and she looked at my dick and then my face and kissed me.

I used my tshirt to wipe up the cum and then we laid there kissing for awhile. I was starting to get hard again, but we needed to get going to make it to her parents’ house for dinner. We both were sort of sheepish putting our clothes back on and glancing at each other’s bodies as we did. I had to walk back with no shirt, since I had a big cum stain on my tshirt. We paused at one point to hug and kiss and I said, “Crystal, I’m really sweaty, you might not want to,” but she said, “I’m sweaty too and I like these muscles, feeling my chest and arms.” When she was not looking, I sniffed my fingers, savoring the scent of her pussy.

When we got to my truck, I said, “I’ve never done anything like that before.” She laughed and said, “Neither have I. That was fun, I get why you want to play with it all the time,” and she gave me a naughty smile and kissed me. I said, “It’s not all the time, you just saw that one time,” and she stopped my excuses with more kissing.



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