Being Neigborly Part 4[MF]

When I woke, the clock on my night stand read 12:30. I looked around and realized I was still by the window. I got up and turned on the light and saw the mess I had made by the window. Cum all over my curtains, lotion splattered all over the floor and jeans, jeans that I was still wearing and my cock sticking out from the zipper, which was not at all that comfortable. I unbuttoned them and let them drop and grabbed a rag. I cleaned as best as I could and regrettably there was still little dark spots that I assumed were just going to be stains, but I was fairly confident I could play it off as stains from spilt food or something. I picked up my phone from the ground and saw that I had a million missed texts from Nolan, my best friend. Oops totally forgot we were supposed to go out that night. Oh well he’d get over it and really the show I got from Emily was well worth it.

I took a peek out the window the next morning and felt a little disappointed when all I saw was an empty room, but there was something on the window that I wasn’t there or I hadn’t noticed the night before. It was a set lips in the shape of a kiss, in what I could only assume was pink lipstick. The doorbell rang, and I got changed into some fresh clothes and hurried downstairs, hoping it was Emily coming over for another swim in the pool. I was sorely disappointed when the face I was welcomed to as the front door opened was, Nolan.

“Jesus, dude. What the fuck happened to you last night?” Nolan said and stepped into the house without even waiting for me to ask.

“Yeah, sorry we had dinner next door and I had a couple glasses of wine. Ended up passing out early.” Which was not lying at all. All true events just not all that happened.

“You mean at the Smiths? My God that Emily is a fucking smokeshow. Though Jason seems like a huge douche.” Yup that was Nolan, just say whatever came to mind. Which is what I liked about him, especially since he always got in trouble for saying what I generally thought about a person or event. He prattled on for a few more minutes about what he would do if Emily ever gave him the chance, though I knew the only time he ever shut up was when he talked to a woman he thought was hot, which was like every woman he laid eyes on.

I told him I still had to wash up and brush teeth so I left him in the kitchen and let him ransack the place. As soon as I was done, I flicked him in the back of his neck and we both headed out to the skate park.

It went like that for the next few days. Days spent at the skate park, some other friend’s house, or some mischief or another. Come home by dinner, shower really quick, then sit by my window waiting for Emily to show up. I never had to wait longer than a few minutes before she showed up. One night she had on a simply seductive set of white lingerie, complete with thigh high stockings, garter belts and crotchless panties. That night she had a huge wand looking thing that was plugged in and a huge vibrating head, I’m pretty sure it’s called a hitachi. She laid it on the bed and sat right on top. That was a quick night.

Another night she had on a black satin teddy and body pillow. The way she ground her hips against that pillow was magnificent. It was like a variety show of self-pleasure. Though the methods and toys varied, few things always remained the same, she always faced my window, always looking in my direction, as though she was making sure I was watching before she started. And she always ended each night with a kiss against her window in that same shade of pink.

Then Friday night came rolling around and was all ready, except this time when I peeked, the curtains were closed, and the entire house looked as though it were empty. I waited around for an hour or so with nothing. By that time, Nolan was texting me that he was going to come over and wake me up if I didn’t answer him soon. Apparently, there was some house party going on tonight and since our block party was postpone until Sunday afternoon, since my parents were leaving on their trip on Monday, we were going to crash that. Really, I don’t know why he was so anxious to get there, it was only eight o’clock, guess he didn’t learn his lesson the last ten times we were the only ones that early to a party.

As parties went, it was much the same as before we all left for college. The same people we hung out with in high school but with new experiences to share with everyone. Though none of it really interested me, not with my mind on the Emily’s disappearance from our new nightly routine. I stayed for a few beers but decided to head home. Nolan didn’t seem to care as he was engrossed with whatever story his high school crush was telling. When I got home I went straight to my room and looked out the window, but to my dismay the curtains were still closed. So I just lay down on my bed and closed my eyes.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than normal which got me a faux shocked faces followed by comments that it was still before noon jokes. I ignored them and tried to sit down for breakfast but before I could, my dad asked me to grab him the paper. I think I said something about killing trees and it being on the internet before I headed outside. And there to ruin my weekend more, was Jason walking out in some douchey looking pin striped pajama. I felt my lip curl in a look of disdain, which made me pause to think why I had had that reaction. I mean I never really met the guy, let a lone had a conversation with him, but I just knew deep down that I didn’t like him. Then I put two and two together, he must be the reason Emily hadn’t been around last night. Yup, I knew I didn’t like the bastard. And yes I know it was dumb, he was her husband after all, but what can I say, I’m a dumb selfish teenager.

Of course that night, Emily was not to be seen again. My mood dampened, I just blew off Nolan and made it an early night. The next day I helped my parents prep stuff for their bon voyage block party, lugging their whole closet from their room and prepping ingredients for my mom’s latest compliment-fishing dish. Ok I know they were going on a three-week trip so that meant lots of clothes and my mom’s food was out of this world, but the last two days did not have me in a great mood, so sue me.

My mopey attitude that afternoon had been misinterpreted by everyone. They either thought I was sad to be by myself at home for so long, as if I hadn’t just spent four months without, them or bummed that I wasn’t going with them, which led to a very awkward conversation about my parents being human with very human needs, I almost threw up before running away screaming “la la la” with my fingers stuck in my ears. What can I say, I’m very mature for my age. But my day brightened exponentially when Emily strolled out of her house in a blue flowery sundress. The dark shade of blue was in perfect contrast to her smooth pale skin, which just seemed to twinkle in the afternoon sun. Her dark wavy hair flowed with the summer breeze as she walked around greeting all of our neighbors.

The only thing wrong with the view of her was that asshole trailing behind her. Jason walked around with an expression on his face with what I can only describe as him smelling shit, must be smelling himself, hah take that. He put on a fake smile every time they chatted with someone, but that expression quickly returned as soon as he thought no one was looking.

“Bro, how I wish there was a giant gust of wind right about now.” Nolan said from behind me, in a not so soft voice.

“That mouth of yours is gonna get us both in trouble, if you don’t learn some volume control.” I said never taking my eyes off Emily.

I kept my distance from Emily and Jason the rest of the afternoon, not trusting myself to say something rude to Jason, or insinuating to Emily, but I kept an eye on them throughout. By the time the sun had gone down, I had a little too much to drink, and was thanking my parents for having the foresight to call themselves a cab to take them to the airport the next morning. Nolan was yammering in my ear about his conversation with Jamie, his crush, at the party on Friday when Emily approached us both. And to my great pleasure, Jason was nowhere to be seen.

“Hey boys. Have you tried the brownies I made yet?” She said as she extended her hands filled with two small plates.

“Not yet. Thank you.” Nolan said reaching out and stuffing the whole thing in his mouth. I raised my eyebrows at him and took mine from Emily. “Dis, is weally gud.” Nolan said mouth still full of brownie.

I took a small bite and nodded my head in assent. She gave me a beaming smile of gratification. She stayed for a bit more exchanging some small talk before she walked off. To my great dismay it was the last I saw of her that night.

I vaguely remember being woken up the next morning by my parents. I gave them both a groggy hug and we said our goodbyes before I laid back down on the couch. I must’ve only closed my eyes for a few minutes before the doorbell rang. I got up a little upset, thinking it was Nolan, so when I opened the door I was not exactly welcoming. “It’s too early, go away.” I bellowed out as I opened the door.

“Wow, rude much.” A voice that was definitely not Nolan’s. I rubbed my eyes to clear some of the fog in them and when I opened them it was like déjà vu. There stood Emily with the same oversized shirt I had seen her in the week before.

“Oh I’m sorry. I thought you were Nolan. Um, the gate’s open. Let me wash up and I’ll meet you back there.” I said and hurried away. I pushed through my pounding head and ran upstairs and jumped in the bathroom to throw some water on my face and brush my teeth. When I finished I zoomed to my room taking off my clothes as I did getting ready to change into my board shorts.

But before I could get through the door, I stopped dead in my tracks to see Emily sitting cross-legged on my bed. Her eyebrows were raised as she noticed me walking with my stripped clothes in my hand. She made a small noise that sounded like a purr and raised a finger to her lips. I hastily threw my hands over my now exposed cock and started to shuffle to my closet.

“Nuh uh. You’re going the wrong way. Come here and have a seat next to me.” She said as she patted a spot on my bed.

“I, uh, just need to put on my clothes real quick.” I said but she just shook her head in response.

“No that won’t be necessary. Just throw those clothes to the side and come sit next to me. There’s something I wanted to talk to you about before you so rudely slammed the door in my face.”

I whispered a soft sorry as I walked to her letting the clothes in my hands fall and sat on the far side of the bed. “Oh that’s not what I said to do is it? Now come here.”

I scooted myself closer and as I did thoughts of hopeful possibilities popped through my head, causing my cock to rise. As soon as I realized what was happening I tried to switch trains of thought but seeing her lick her lips blew, see what I did there, all thoughts away.

“Oh good, you’re taking initiative.” She said turning toward me brushing her knee against mine, causing my cock to twitch. “First things Thomas, did you miss me these last two days?”

I didn’t know how to answer so I did what I do best, I played dumb. “I j-just saw you yesterday.”

“Thomas, there’s no need to play dumb. It’s just the two of us in here and we both know what’s been going on this last week. In fact, the stains on the curtains there is all the proof I need.”

“No, that that’s, um, I dropped food there one night.”

“Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. Fine, I’ll play for a little longer.” She said and reached over me toward my night stand and picked my phone. “Why don’t you go and unlock your phone and let me see what’s on your camera roll.”

Fuck I was caught…maybe. “Uh you know Nolan is probably going to be here any minute and he has a tendency to just barge into the house. I’d hate to have him come here and get the wrong idea and he does have a big mouth.”

“Oh no, he won’t be coming by any time soon. I laced his brownie with a little something. I have a feeling he’ll be on the toilet most of the day. Laxatives, never not a funny prank. Well unless you’re the one getting pranked.” She said with a little chuckle.

“Oh.” Even I had to laugh a little at that. “But what about Jason.”

“What about him? He’ll be at work all day. It’s Monday, honey. Now quit stalling and unlock your phone.” She said and pushed my phone into my bare chest.

I was out of options, so I just started blurting out apologies and how I’m not really like that. She laid a finger on my lips to stop me from talking. “I know you’ve been watching me. I know you’ve been taking videos too, but your apologies are not why I want you to unlock your phone. Thomas, you’re not that sneaky, I saw your curtains moving and you placing your phone on the window sill.”

“Come on Thomas, I already knew you had seen me that day before you came over with your parents for dinner. I all but told you that I did. And I encouraged you to watch me when I told you that stupid story about the legend of the pink butterfly. I had hoped that it would be obvious without me outright telling you. And I was hoping that you would return the favor by showing me your reactions to my little nightly shows. You don’t know how disappointed I was when a whole week of shows bore no response. So I ask you again, did you miss me the last two nights?”

I nodded in response. “Thomas, I need to hear you say it.”

“Yes missed you.”

“Good. Now show me how much you missed me.” She said and I leaned in for a kiss but was pushed back with a stiff arm to my chest.

“That’s not what I meant. But give me a good show and it may not be out of the question. Now if you would.” She said pulling the phone from my chest and placing it in my hand.

I unlocked the phone and handed it back. She pushed a few buttons and held it out in front of me. The last video I had took started playing. The video started with a zoomed in Emily in a dimly lit room. She was on her knees atop her bed completely nude. A book or something that look like it lay between her legs and attached to the top was a tan life-like looking dildo. She began to play with the tip of the dildo sliding it back and forth between her lips.

For a moment I forgot that Emily was right there beside me and my hand started to rub the tip of my erect cock. A finger flashed in front of the screen and paused the video. I looked up to Emily and was about to apologize, but then her free hand pulled the hand that was rubbing my cock and turned it so it was facing palm up. Her head bent low and I could feel her hair brush against my forearm then a warm wet feeling dropped in the middle of my palm and began to spread. Her head bobbed back up and turned my hand over placing it back where it was before.

“Lubing up is always best and I’m sure this will feel much better than lotion. If you need any more just say the word.” She said with a smile and pressed play on the phone. “Proceed.”

I did as I was told. I mimicked the motions of the screen Emily. Slowly playing with my tip then sliding my enclosed fist down part way, estimating how far the dildo was inside of her. Slowly making my way down until my hand hit into my pelvis. On it went like that, slow and steady then quickening in pace, and just like the first night I had seen it, I had to control my breathing or else finish too quickly. Then as the pace of her bouncing and my hand stroking myself was hitting its max speed, the video Emily stopped at the very tip of the dildo and there hand hung on my cock knowing what came next.

But I didn’t know what was coming next, because the next thing I knew, Emily’s hand wrapped around mine and pushed down at the same time video Emily sat down taking all of the dildo. Then I felt more of her wet warmth spread on top of my hand and cock as I saw strands of saliva pour from her lips. I gritted my teeth as I held back the flood. Then I was no longer in rhythm with the video as Emily took control of my strokes.

It was too much to hold back, her strokes were at a furious pace. I held my breath but it did me no good. A moment later, my body let out a ferocious shiver and my breath let out, with a primal grunt of ecstasy and bliss. I felt strands of hot cum splatter my chest and stomach. I fell back into my bed, devoid of any energy, but felt my hand still wrapped around my cock slowly stroking. Her hand squeezed harder when she reached the base of my cock and applied more pressure as it slid up. I tilted my head up to see globs of cum push through the hole on the top of my cock. Only then did she let my hand go. Her finger tip slid across the top of my tip and I had an involuntary spasm.

I watched as her finger traveled from the tip of my cock all the way to her lips and slid between them. Her eyes closed and her cheeks sunk in to suck on her finger. She let out a moan of pleasure. When her eyes opened again she turned to me and said “What a mess you’ve made. But not to worry, I’m here to help you clean up.”



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