Relaxing Massage Has Much More in Store [F34] [M25]

After a brutal week at work Rara knew she had to do something nice for herself. She deserved it after working this hard, and she truly did need something to help her de-stress, and unwind that Friday afternoon. She booked a massage on her phone before she left work, and counted down until the end of the day. At five o’ clock sharp, she gathered her things quickly, and made her way to the mall, parked in the parking garage, and made her way into the massage therapy center on the second level. “Have a seat right over there. Damien will be out for you shortly.” Said the cute, teenage receptionist behind the front desk. Rara sat in one of the soft, modern lounge chairs and let her mind relax and wander, listening to the dreamy New-Age music playing over the stereo. The smells of lavender, and other essential oils had already had an effect in relaxing her. Anything would, really after the week she’d had.

She was startled out of her temporary Zen state by the receptionist piping in again cheerfully, “Oh here’s Damien! Are you ready for Rara now?” Rara got her first look at the man who would be her massage practitioner that afternoon, and for a second, she felt like blinking just so she was sure. He stood about six feet tall, with short, but wavy dark blonde hair, and piercing greenish-blue eyes. He wore scrub pants, and a well-fitting white t-shirt with the center’s logo on the left breast. Rara could make out his toned chest under his shirt, and noticed his arms, toned, tan, masculine.

“Ready when you are.” Damien said with a smile, and as he made eye contact, Rara felt a momentary flutter of excitement, but just as quickly made sure to tell herself not to get carried away.

“He’s a professional, and you’re here to relax.” She told herself matter-of-factly. And it was true, all she’d been able to think about all day was that forty five minutes on the table, in the dim light during which she’d be able to (at least for a time) let everything go. But she still found herself smiling a more than she meant to when she responded to Damien’s question. “Yep, sure am.”

“Right this way, then.” He motioned down the hall which was lined on either side by doorways closed with silky curtains. “Last one on the left. After you.”

Rara made her way down the hallway, and when she arrived at the last door, Damien reached in front of her and pulled the curtain aside. “I’ll give you a minute to get situated.” He said kindly. “You can put your clothes on one of the shelves, then lay down on the table face down, and cover yourself with this.” He handed her a warm towel that smelled like lavender and was so soft she didn’t even want to put it down. “I’ll be back in five.”

Rara closed the curtain behind Damien, and began to undress. It felt great to get out of the shoes she’d been wearing all day at work, and even better when (once she’d removed her shirt) to unhook her tight little black bra and let her small firm breasts feel the warm air of the spa. Her nipples pricked as the gently breeze from the fan in the corner washed across her now bare chest. Finally, she slid the matching black thong down, and dropped it to the floor, stepping out of it and turning to sit on the table. She sat there for a few second, now totally nude, before turning to lay on her stomach. She folded the towel in half, and with one hand, draped it across the mound of her tight ass. Just then a gentle knock came from the other side of the curtain. “All set in there?” Damien asked, in the same calming-gentle, yet still undeniably masculine voice.

Face down on the table, Rara mumbled a simple “Mhmm.” And heard Damien enter the small room and begin to move some jars around on the table next to her.

“Just a nice rub-down all over to start with.” He said, as she heard him rubbing oil between his palms. His hands felt better than she’d even hoped, as they moved gently, first from her lower back up to her shoulders, and then starting where the towel finished, down her thighs and calves, where they found her feet and massaged them gently. Rara felt her stress begin to recede, and didn’t even respond when Damien said something about the next step.

She didn’t want to be bothered. She just wanted to enjoy this time for herself. The heels of Damien’s palms began to press more firmly along her spine, starting from the small of her back and working their way up to her shoulders, where they began to methodically knead into the tense, tight muscles just below her neck. As Damien moved around to the other side of the table, she glanced quickly upwards as he passed, and was almost positive she noticed a bulge in his scrubs that hadn’t been there when they’d entered the room.

“Don’t be silly.” She told herself dismissively. All she wanted was to relax, and she began to do so even more deeply. Damien was now working on her thighs. His oiled hands around each one at a time, moving up to where the towel covered her, and squeezing firmly, pressing his thumbs into her flesh as he glided back down to her calf.

I was as he drew closer to reach across to the other leg, that she felt his now definitely obvious hardness press gently against her hip. Not sure at first how to react, she felt a mixture of confusion and shock quickly come over her. “Excuse me, Damien” she said in a business-like tone, but as she moved to prop herself up on her elbows and turn to face him, the palm of one of his strong muscular hands pressed gently, but firmly down between her shoulder blades. Not knowing why, against everything she’d been telling herself, she allowed herself to be returned to her previous position, her breasts once again on the crisp white paper of the table, Damien’s hand still applying enough pressure that she felt both an air of control, but also reassurance.

The hand that was still on her left leg began to make its way up her thigh, but this time, it didn’t stop when he reached the towel. Instead, it continued upwards under the soft cotton, and over her tight little cheeks. Still of two minds about what was now obviously starting to take place, Rara told herself she needed to make a decision one way or the other, and to her surprise, despite her initial feelings of startled unease, she stayed where she was, as Damien’s hand moved down her ass, his fingers finding their way slowly, but confidently between her legs so that just the edge of his index finger brushed against one of her lasered-smooth lips.

As his touches intensified, she started to feel his erection throb against where it was still pressed against her hip, and again out of the corner of her eye, she glanced down; this time she could see the distinct outline of what looked like a perfect, hard, circumcised cock, its head visible beneath the thin fabric of his scrubs.

With one hand on her lower back, Damien gently moved the towel off of her, exposing her firm, rounded cheeks to his every whim, Rara then felt a drop of the warm oil land just above her ass, and drip between her cheeks, over her small, tight asshole, and between the smooth lips of her vagina. Damien’s hand followed, his thumb tracing the oil’s path, his fingers caressing her vulva and applying firm, flat pressure, while the pad of his thumb nestled against her ass. As his hand began to move against lips that were now beginning to mix their own wetness with the massage oil, his thumb started to press a little more firmly against the tight, puckered hole of her ass.

Before she knew was she was doing, Rara had reached out the hand closest to him, and after groping in space for a few moments, had found her fingers running themselves along the length of Damien’s large, hard cock. As his hands moved faster, she grabbed the bulge from outside his pants and felt the blood pulse beneath her fingers as it rushed to his already throbbing penis.

Slowly, gently at first, one of Damien’s fingers found its way inside the opening of her pussy, and began moving in and out, his thumb beginning to do the same to her tight little ass. Rara felt a warm, pulsating arousal begin to emanate from the deepest parts of her. Damien had two fingers inside her now, when suddenly the thumb on her ass was replaced by his tongue. As his fingers worked inside her now soaking entrance, his tongue made gentle circles around her asshole. Rara squeezed Damien’s cock harder through his pants, and before she’d still even fully taken mental stock of what was happening she felt herself reaching a powerful orgasm. Her pussy tightened around Damien’s fingers, and felt that wave of passionate arousal burst from her center, her warm juices soaking his fingers and dripping down his wrist.

As her climax ebbed, and she felt herself release the grip she’d had on his fingers, Damien gently took his fingers out of her taught, wet entrance, and as he moved behind her on the table, Rara heard the sound of his pants being removed and thrown in the corner of the room. She felt the table move as Damien climbed agilely up so that he was on his knees straddling her legs. He leaned forward and whispered gently in Rara’s ear, his breath warm against her neck, “Do you want me inside now?”

“Please.” Was all she could gasp out, as she reached behind her and dug her nails into his buttock in a firm grip, pulling him closer. Damien pulled her by her legs so that as she reached him the length of his manhood pressed between her cheeks, and as he rocked gently forward and back, she felt the shaft of him slide against her asshole, his balls coming to rest against her clit. He then took himself in his hand, and began to tease between the lips of her pussy with its pulsating head, before slowly, but firmly entering her with all of his length. Rara let out a soft moan as Damien’s manhood filled her like she couldn’t remember anyone doing before. After a few long slow strokes, he took each of the cheeks of her ass in his hands, and gripping firmly, opened her as he began to fuck her more intensely.

Rara’s next orgasm wasn’t long to follow. She felt the inside of herself clench around the thick, firm cock which was now crashing into her so hard that the table began to make squeaking sounds, its feet shuffling back and forth across the wood floor. Her silky liquids ran down his shaft, and over his balls, as her hands clenched the paper on the table into fists. She shoved her face hard into the table to keep from screaming with the pleasure that he was fucking into her every fiber. Savoring the intense release that she felt as her climax overtook her once more.

As she released again, Damien pumped several more times, deeply in and out, then, removing himself from her, she heard him begin to quickly stroke himself before several thick, warm, silvery ropes of his cum slung themselves across her ass lower back. He exhaled deeply, and she felt him leave the table. As she lay there, she felt the warmth of his seed drip between her cheeks, over her asshole, and down between her lips, but moments later, Damien returned with a warm washcloth, and gently cleaned himself from between her legs and on her back. Leaning down, his lips brushed her ear as he whispered, “I’ll give you some time to get dressed. Please come back any time.”

Rara dressed, and trying not to blush too profusely, paid the girl at the front desk before making her way on shaky legs back out to her car. She sat for at least five minutes in a state of relief, relaxation, exhaustion and disbelief before driving home. She hadn’t been on the couch for more than ten minutes before she drifted into the most beautiful restful sleep, during which she dreamed of Damien’s touch. She wanted to go back tomorrow. But she told herself she’d make herself wait until she deserved another reward for her hard work. Now that she knew exactly what kind of reward it was, next week would seem even longer.
