The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 6, Part 1 – Nicole [Maledom] [Male supremacy] [Humiliation] [Threesome] [Public disgrace] [Dubcon] [Uncomfortable territory] [Plot heavy]


In the all-pervading darkness, I pulled the blanket closer to me and took in the warmth of the two bodies surrounding mine. It must be my dad and brother.

Dreams and memories betrayed you!

You are in a women’s re-educational institution!

I inhaled through my nose. Pain is the house. One you can choose to exit. I don’t carry problems on my shoulders. I learned to examine them.

I haven’t solved the situation where I’m in bed with Peter and Carl, and my anus burns excrucia-tingly. God, which one of them did this to me?

It all started a few hours earlier. I spent the day in the infirmary. When the nurses healed my cut spots, and I absorbed the shock because I still didn’t know nearly everything, Peter took me to the cinema hall. He pitied me and was bitter about himself. Everyone was said to be talking too loudly or quietly, and he was almost as isolated as the Paladins.

The unharmed Heirs were meeting in the Holy Submission lounge. Thus Peter and I were told by the warden, coming in the middle of the movie. Carl wanted us to comfort him. I had no idea if it would be as bad as watching Metropolis.

My paramour kept to the side and was absent-mindedly absorbing the actions of the shouting cre-am of society.

“Dad told me about the questionnaire where they asked him if he remembered where he was when he heard about the shooting of Kennedy,” Shawn Cruz said. “This pal wasn’t president, but that’s what it must have looked like to people around the body in the limousine. ”

My jaw dropped.

Someone died, namely Enzo Romano, one of the four Paladins. Worse, no one called it an accident. Carl made that much clear to me.

“I liked him the best,” said Peter to Carl. “All the normal people did.”

“I just liked them if they weren’t White,” Carl replied. Thanks to one memory, I turned my face away, but he was talking to Peter, not me.

“I pity him, he had a pretty face, but now I’ve lost the pulls, the switches, and the screen of my surroundings. I came here for sex, not politics! Listen to that!”

“We’re each teaching one woman here,” Shawn Cruz began with an idea. “Therefore, we are not only guests but also members of the teaching staff, and in fact, we were the actual hosts of the Paladins. The Tower allowed one of them to die and three to be wounded. Did we fail, or did the leadership that had already let the insurgent group take hostages and set conditions?”

The Heirs rather scoffed at him, but others got serious.

Carl spoke again. “Most people don’t move on to Lovemaking until after the meeting, but I have you here, a free man. Could I talk to you today? You found out something about Nicole and needed my experience immediately.”

Peter nodded at a steady pace for too long. “Then the three of us will chat.”

Carl wasn’t much of a talker, but in his room, he wanted to treat Peter decently and offered him a beer. Peter made no secret that he likes to take a slug here, but he stayed tame in front of me. He was also making sure I don´t want some. I gratefully settled for a simple juice. My fiancé was awkwardly asking if Carl and I were getting along. It must have been strange for Peter when Carl knew me as intimately as possible and was with me many times more than he was. A while ago, I would have died of shame like most women. However, although the guys may not have known it, they needed to be reassured that I belonged to both of them, and Peter, as a future husband, should have been informed of what I had learned here. I got up and started dancing. I kept my clothes on, but with those bows and movements of the ass, you couldn’t tell. Carl blew me an air kiss, and Pe-ter joined me. Without a sophisticated dance technique, he wanted to ensure that there was no place left on me that wouldn’t be touched today by his hand heated by lust. He soon wondered in what else I had improved.

I don’t know what he tore off me and what Carl did. I did know they were united by the desire to lay me on my back and fall into their passions. Carl threw the blanket over my head, and he and Peter worked on everything below my neck. There’s no point in pretending. An imprisoned woman excites men, and an imprisoned woman symbolically deprived of her identity is the secret fantasy of almost every straight man.

The two of them regained their hardness and vigor. When they stuck inside me, I could distinguish their cocks, but they both forgot their inhibitions and gave new meaning to the poking. I felt like a flower from which the birds drank nectar, although they directed the precious liquid inwards.

At night, I wanted to go to the toilet, but it is not a simple task to get out from under a pair of heavy male bodies. I didn’t grasp Peter was awake, and he found it funny when he grabbed my hand and sang: “You don’t want to spend eternity next to our crotches?”

My urine would cool him down unless he is that kind of a specialist.

“Food is served to the room. And our odalisque doesn’t have to leave the lying position!” Carl re-spectfully handed me a dog dish after dawn. “Everyone yells and screams at the staff. People are presumed guilty, except they are clueless about where the bomber got her things from.”

“There won’t even be classes?” I asked.

“Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, everything will be back to normal,” Carl downplayed it. “Pe-ople like you are expected to wallow in their rooms. If they go out, only with us.”

“This will strengthen our party!” said Peter, standing about a meter away, who, like me, had not yet dressed. He and Carl high-fived. Someone knocked, and Heir went to open the door.

Peter didn’t mind I was eating and jumped up to me. He rubbed his dick against my thigh. “Maybe we liked it more than you,” he mused. “but how we were suddenly able to subdue you gave me complete freedom and happiness. Weren´t you hurt in the process?” I enjoyed it, but I wasn´t willing to admit it. “Too bad he didn’t think to talk White into it.”

“He must have been afraid of him too!” Peter said. He probably didn’t want me to object again, so bent down and pressed his lips to mine. At first, the kiss felt like reassurance that everything was fine, but soon he was tasting me fiercely and holding my cheek, so it was clear that he wasn’t going to stop. So at least I got something out of it. I went even further with my tongue. We were like two frolicking teenagers, and that is the best conduct of lovers!

The returning Carl watched us and waited until we were done. “Our people want to meet now. Mystery, how anyone can want to work here?”

“I guess we’ll go with you. We won’t run into any clowns anywhere else here,” laughed Peter.

“Why not?” I will not go against the current. The guys finished their breakfast, and I took an after pill.

Carl gave me a dress in a spider web design. Even though gentlemanly fingers occasionally replaced the spider, I walked proudly among them.

Countless Heirs must have gathered in the lounge for a long time. Groups of people were playing cards here, and someone brought them roulette. Kaur and Irene were also offering them chips there. God forbid they were playing for anything important. This is a stupid temptation of fortune, and it’s like karma. You never know if the circumstances under which you were born are just a coin-cidence or if there is some order behind it. Lady Luck cannot be trusted 100%.

Cruz played with no one but conversed alternately with two or three men, holding the implacable gaze and bearing of a Confederate general. He took notice only as the persons with much higher authority arrived. A spokeswoman in a wheelchair with both legs in casts, Master Malcolm and Ge-orgianna. Heirs grew quiet, like when a performance begins in a theater.

“Principal Mayson has accepted your proposal and will easily allow your group basic weapons. We will give you the names of the supervisors to whom you will report.”

“Great. Terrific!” Cruz celebrated.

“Excuse me, but what happened?” Carl walked over to the speakers. “I left early yesterday, so… Something important must have been going on here.”

One attendant was showing amusement with a stupid laugh. It was Bellinda.

“You can say that. We’re going to hunt down the killer. Our group needs to repay the parents of all of us and not just leave it up to the wardens. Be more active, lad. You don’t leave meetings as you please.”

“But…” Carl panted. “People like me will get in your way.”

Cruz stared at him. Anyway, I got that many Heirs aren’t that excited. They just kept it to themselves.

“We have long acted passive about the politics that gave us our opportunities and pleasures. A cage for someone. A stable for us. After all, we are the descendants of the leading Brave hunters. Who can’t hunt won’t conquer.”

This time all the male Heirs were nodding, and the female ones were pressing toward them.

“I’m an engineer…” grumbled Carl.

“Who was recruited to war. A knight has fallen. We all will replace him.”

Malcolm took a word. “Our lounge will serve as your temporary headquarters. Me and Lady Geor-gianna will cover your material security.” His assistant nodded. I’ve never seen her less excited, but looking at the individual Heirs, she looked pensive.

Peter and I didn’t even bother. We were looking forward to this meeting being over and watched Carl. Cruz was watching him even more. His gray eyes did not ease up, and even enhanced the im-age of an uncompromising soldier. Carl took a step backward and shook my hand.

“Man, is your hooker still here? You didn’t realize we had…”

Peter often stayed behind. But as soon as Cruz said the word “hooker”, he walked ahead of us. People were confused. Only some of them probably knew he was even in the room. Anyway, Mal-colm walked towards him as well, and Peter stopped.

“He also has a competitor here!” said Bellinda.

“Yes, the one who makes an idiot of himself everywhere,” Cruz testified. “Worthless female, vying for two men, but neither can be called that.” He gave me a nasty look. “Miss has it simple. She’s already deciding which of them is weaker, so she can control him afterward.”

“Peter runs our business!” I yelled. “And Carl has the best brain in all of MIT! They will always guide me.”

“Well, you must know them,” Cruz said. “But, let’s face it. Neither one deserves children. Neither one is a hunter, and one of them just admitted it. If you choose one of them, it will be out of your selfishness.”

“I’ll catch anything if it will be for fuck,” Carl declared.

“Then you can serve us for the ceremony.” Cruz turned to the Heirs. “Assembly, this man didn’t feel like one of us, and suddenly he claims to the contrary under one circumstance. It might be ap-propriate for him to confirm his place when he takes on this-” He measured Peter for a moment. “Soft-touch. Don’t you want to see the two of them battle it out like two gentlemen for the right to our popular cunt?”

Bellinda started clapping. She was joined by Deborah and suddenly all the Heirs regardless of gender. I saw them making the same faces and spluttering as far as you encourage someone to drink a glass of in one draught.

They were able to change quickly, and not for the better. Heirs rushed at us three with hungry ex-pressions like a tribe of cannibals. Malcolm and Georgianna rolled the spokeswoman´s wheelchair in a retreat-like movement. Youngsters pushed Carl and Peter forward, crushing my wrists with animalistic eagerness. Horde who was listening to political speeches about conquest and the search for killers was kidnapping us for dubious entertainment. Cruz took two bags from the lounge, which he did not open until we were at the fountain in the center of the park crossroads. He handed the rifles to Carl and Peter. “You have one hour. When it’s over, you’ll return with all the caught animals. Whoever has the most has the right to claim the brazen beauty the Paladin rejected.”

“I can’t shoot at all,” Peter protested.

“Try it,” Cruz said mockingly.

For God’s sake, how do I stop this bullying? Unless…

“No one can claim me like this!” I shouted. “I am… A fragile woman and a Buddhist. Under no cir-cumstances will I accept an application from a man who would gain the right to me by force, let alone by killing the animals.”

“It’s just as Sir said here,” Bellinda grinned. “You think about yourself. Not about who is suited for fathering your children.”

“Lady!” Peter snapped. “I’m not going to punch you in the face, but if you peep against her one more time, I’ll replace your dad and—”

“At least you see who wants to defend me,” I said. “Not honor of his own, but of his other.”

Carl occasionally looked at me, patently wondering if I wanted to insult him. As I know him, it could-n’t take up much of his troubled mind. Fortunately, he did not aim his rifle at us and was wary in front of his comrades.

“I guess we are clear on who desires Nicole,” he spoke. “Also, on whom she desires. You have nothing to deprive me of, chaps. My grandpa taught me how to shoot, but Miss Conrad is twice the hunter than I am. After all, her surname sounds almost like a condor.”

He walked over to Bellinda and handed her the rifle. “I am not going to chase people with you. And no guy should beat a girl. I am not going even whip her or cane her. Sorry, not my thing. If anyone can deal with Nicole, let it be you.” Bellinda snorted disdainfully. She put the rifle on the ground as quickly as she pulled her dress over her head.

She wore nothing underneath.

In that nature spot, her curves must have aroused men by many times of energy from which I ins-tinctively felt a tiny fraction. I had already experienced her in action with Cindy, and I could still feel her radiating will to dominate men and women. She was spirit-like, goddess-like.

She walked over to Peter and ran her finger from his ear to his nose.

“I would like a fascinating man, chosen by an impressive girl, but when I look at him, he is overcome by embarrassment. He would never be able to make me tremble with satisfaction.”

She bent back for the dress. And this time Peter behaved differently than Carl. He jabbed his rifle into her thigh from behind and ordered her sternly: “Leave it on the ground and straddle your legs!”

She tried to straighten up even faster, but he stuck the barrel almost up her ass.

“Are you deaf? Straddle!”

She slowly followed Peter’s instructions. Her pussy exposed itsef delicately and spread. Bellinda’s legs were now so far apart, and she bent so much that the biggest pride of the male body in the world could fit in her, and I believe there would be a few of those around me, but Bellinda did not belong to them. Many Heirs started to move to the other side and stared at Bellinda, who was only wearing shoes and whose face hid, while she introduced her sex to everyone. Pussy could not show shame, but the toes clenched.

Peter approached her ass, stroking her pussy with the handle of his rifle in one stretched mo-vement, plowing the soft skin around. Bellinda made grunting noises. They began as an insurmoun-table resistance, but an uncertain pleasure crept into them.

“Just shove it in her!” Peter has already found fans.

My fiance didn’t let them beg for long and plunged the handle into Bellinda’s body.

He ignored the resistance of the muscles and continued so fearlessly that he probably wouldn’t have minded if the Heiress tore. He expertly strained the tender flesh, where women were most sensitive. It wasn’t nice of me, but I thought she could be grateful to Peter that he didn’t try something with the other ending. Lady was singing sounds, some of which were probably requests for a break. She swall-owed the cries of satisfaction. When Peter had tormented her insides enough, he ordered her to walk in circles in the fountain.

At that time, it provided material for long videos.

Peter took her dress. “I guess you didn’t like it very much, so it needs washing!”

He threw it into the fountain and rinsed it thoroughly. Bellinda tried to run to the Heirs, but a couple of boys caught her. Two took her by the hands, two by the legs. And two by the breasts. They ma-de her relax in the fountain for a while longer. Some began to argue whether she would pee in it.

Peter amateurishly shot into the sky several times.

Then one of the Heirs called for greater awareness. “Fellows, we have a sacred mission to undertake.”

The Heirs accepted Bellinda back, and the people fled. Some returned to the Tower. Others trotted among the trees.

Such was the dawn of the day, a breath of changes. They concerned the Heirs, maturing into the image of their parents. They also concerned me. My shyness about Carl was disappearing for good. But about her…

Bellinda was holding back behind the men, red with shame, the wet dress thrown over her arm, sauntering like the spoil of the war. I had to count on the fact that she promoted from someone who liked to pick on me to an obstinate foe.

Peter will not protect me from her because he is leaving. The Paladins were gone, it was announ-ced by noon, and he could not rely on anyone else’s hospitality. We looked out for Peter’s helicopter from the same spot where he landed, but none of us were looking forward to it leaving us. He looked at me, stretching out his mullets, preserving the last moments that he sees me as a single lady, that is, a single odalisque. Carl measured the steps to be as close to him as possible, and at the same time, unlike Peter, he did not look at me.

I knew that nothing in life is permanent, but it sucked. My distress was comforted by the promise that I would rush to him at the end of the school year and be married if Bellinda did not repay me for today. Peter should scare me, but he impressed me. I wanted to get down on my knees in front of him like he did when he asked me to marry him.

He sighed and kissed me. Briefly, however. When the pleasure was over, he pulled his face away and spoke so softly that I should have been able to read his lips at a greater distance. “I’d stay with you, and you should know what a sacrifice that would be. I liked it here for half a day. Then I was sick of it.”

“I’m glad about that.”

“Decent people suffer here, and the bad, like everywhere else, thrive on suffering. It’s hell painted over as paradise.”

Did he want me to say something else? I had to raise a reproach. “Make our marriage different.”

“I felt like a coward, but I couldn’t do anything even though I still wanted to. Luckily, I chatted with a teacher, and we figured out how to use White’s email.” He showed me his hand and took a mo-ment to peel off the transparent label. “Good information that will hopefully reach good people.”

Now he grew in my eyes. I crouched down to perceive him as taller than he was. “You deserve a little reward.“ I smiled at him and turned. I pretended to look around, but most of all, I wanted to hike my purple skirt. I presented the lower half of my bottom and the long slit. “I don’t call for a rifle.”

Not sure if Carl inferred how I said goodbye, but let’s say that Peter gave me a more astonishing flight than the one ahead of him, during which he could blissfully reminisce.
