Putting the Bare Ass in Embarrassed [25M/F/F] [Embarrassed girls, asses, SexCon, cheating]

When my girlfriend finally agreed to go to SexCon in LA, I was elated. The fact that her best friend Emma was going with us made me shake with anticipation and excitement at the prospect of anything that might happen between us, fueled by all the sex games and exhibits we would be surrounded by for three full days and nights.

Madison and Emma had been best friends since elementary school, so Emma and I had obviously gotten to know each other quite well since I have been dating Madison for three years now.

I’ve only recently developed a crush on Emma when I’d accidentally stumbled across a pair of her dirty panties in her bathroom while Madison and I were over at her house a few weeks ago.

SexCons weren’t exactly something Madison or I would have stumbled onto on our own—Emma, however, had been reading erotic fan fiction for years, and finally let it slip to Madison a while back that there was a SexCon she had planned to go to, and that we should go with her so she didn’t have to try to navigate LA on her own.

At first Madison was intimidated by the idea, but I had slowly and encouragingly talked her into it (without coming off as too desperate.)

I held Madison’s hand as we followed Emma down the jetway to our plane, and I could do nothing but stare at Emma’s big round bottom over which her yoga pants were stretched so tightly they had taken on a see-through quality.

Emma isn’t fat by any means, but she is curvy and womanly in a way that will make her the perfect MILF one day—Since she’s still in her twenties, however, her body is still tight, but that ass…All that ass…

It is an absolute dump truck back there.

In fact, Emma’s ass has become my muse. I have quit looking at porn because I can’t find a naked woman online who I can even imagine is Emma—Either their bodies are too thick or their asses aren’t fat enough. And though Emma’s body is tight all around and her D cups appear to be firm and self-sustained (bolted on, if you will), her ass, it seems is the only part of her with a decent amount of fat. While it’s muscular, I can only imagine that it would clap like a motherfucker if it were fucked from behind.

We took our seats on the plane, and we flew off toward my wildest dreams.

**Day 1:**

We checked into our hotel room (we were actually sharing a room with double beds), and crossed the street to the convention center.

Madison asked again (for the fifteenth time in the past week) what exactly a SexCon was all about. Since she had primarily asked me, Emma fielded the question with gusto.

“People come to get autographs from their favorite porn stars, but you can also watch them perform scenes, and there are even amateur games that anyone can get into.”

“What kind of games?” Madison asked, stopping on the sidewalk. I hadn’t told her this part, though I had read up on it a bit.

“Like sex games,” Emma said as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

“What kind of games?” Madison repeated more forcefully now.

“Like glory holes, and…Have you ever seen those fan contests in porn where guys see who can last the longest inside porn stars?”

“I have not,” Madison said flatly. She glared at me, waiting on a response.

“We’re obviously not playing,” I defended myself.

“Oh, so that’s not why you wanted to come?” Madison asked. If looks could kill, I would be a dead man.

“No!” I said. “I love it when you watch porn with me…not that it happens very often. I thought seeing it live would be super hot.”

Madison walked for the front doors of the convention center, her pert little ass tempting me to run up behind her and slap it (her ass always had this effect on me, but now even more so). Instead, Emma and I exchanged a quick glance, and I shrugged.

The scene inside the convention center was almost more than I can describe. There was so much going on, but I found it nearly impossible to concentrate on any one thing.

People were fucking inside the exhibits while fans took pictures—People (mostly guys) posed with naked women—A small-assed girl with a brown butthole bent over and hiked a football to a very tall and muscular man playing quarterback in a naked football game—And there were even hallways off to the sides of the large main room that led to other large rooms.

Nothing, however, could have prepared me for what we would stumble upon in one of those hallways…

It was the game I had seen in a few Japanese porn videos where five girls put their bare asses through a hole in a board and a guy gets to choose which one he wants to fuck. This game was here!

I would have signed my life away right then and there to play that game.

Without realizing it, I had quit walking. As I stood, staring at the bare asses poking through the board in the lineup, Madison’s voice snapped me out of my daydream.

“Don’t even fucking think about it,” she said, blushing.

I wouldn’t say the rest of the day was uneventful, but nothing quite lived up to what I had seen back there.

“Tomorrow is the cum competition,” Emma said, studying a flier.

We were at lunch, down the street from the convention hall, but I wasn’t hungry. I drank a beer while Madison and Emma picked at their salads out on the patio. I couldn’t get today’s scene out of my mind.

“What is a cum competition?” Madison asked.

“What do you think it is?” I asked, and Madison frowned at me.

Emma read: “It says prizes will be given for best cock, farthest blast, and biggest load.”

“Oh, you should join!” Madison said, looking at me. I again snapped out of my daydream. “Not!” She said, adding, “Asshole…”

Madison said she didn’t want to go back to the convention center that first day, but told Emma she definitely wanted to see the cum competition tomorrow. “If that’s okay,” she looked at me. She was being sarcastic.

“Fine with me,” I said. I knew it would turn me on to see her lusting over big guys with huge nuts. (Surely only the best would join such a competition.)

After lunch, Emma went back to SexCon, while Madison and I went back to the hotel.

Madison said she had some work to do on her laptop, and I told her I was going down to the hotel bar.

“You better not go back across the street without me,” she said.

I promised her I wouldn’t, and headed down in the elevator to the bar.

**Day 2:**

Madison and I had gone to bed at a reasonably decent time the night before, and we hadn’t seen or heard from Emma since our lunch on the patio.

“Late night last night?” I asked Emma as she approached the breakfast table down in the hotel restaurant where Madison and I were having coffee and toast.

“I was there till about midnight,” she said, “And then figured I’d better get some sleep since the guys will be nutting so early this morning.” It was the day of the cum competition, and I was also excited.

I noticed that Madison blushed as she took a sip of her coffee.

“You know they train for this?” Emma asked with great enthusiasm. “Apparently it’s a huge deal.”

“How do they train?” Madison asked.

“They edge,” Emma said.

“God damn,” I added. It was going to be a good show—I hadn’t known people took it so seriously.

“What do you mean by ‘they edge’?” Madison asked.

“They don’t cum for like a month leading up to this,” Emma said.

“Jesus Christ,” Madison said.

“Is there a prize?” I asked.

“The winner in each category gets to pick a porn star,” Emma said. “Basically, they choose who they want and fuck them as part of a video that will be posted online.”

“Damn,” I said. It was all I could muster.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Madison said, eyeing me. Her mood was better than it had been yesterday, but I could tell she was still having jealousy issues.

“I wouldn’t fuck one of those sluts if I had to,” I said, and I could feel the tension at the table lighten.

Emma giggled and ordered a coffee from the waitress who had just arrived back at our table.

“Excuse me,” Emma called after the waitress as she was walking away. The waitress turned back to us.

“Have you ever seen or heard anything about this cum competition that’s happening across the street today?” Emma asked.

“Emma…” Madison said in a hushed, embarrassed voice.

“Holy shit,” the waitress said, walking back to our table. “Are you all going?”

“Definitely,” Emma said. “We wouldn’t miss it.”

“It’s so fucking hot,” the waitress said in a hushed tone. “If you’re into dudes who are hung like horses filling buckets with jizz, it’s great.”

Now I was the one blushing.

“I’m so jealous,” the waitress said. “I have to work or else I’d go.”

“Do you work in the morning?” Emma asked.

“Unfortunately,” the waitress said.

“We’ll let you know how it goes,” Emma smiled.

“Check out their nuts for me,” the waitress said, turning to go pour Emma a cup of coffee. “They’ve all got some plums on ‘em, let me tell ya.”

The waitress stopped again and turned back to us. “You know what tomorrow is, don’t you?” She asked.

“The last day of the festival,” Madison said.

“The Cream Pie King,” the waitress said. “It’s by far the biggest event; you won’t want to miss that one, for sure.”

“The winner takes home fifty grand,” Emma told us.

The waitress smiled and went after the coffee.

“That’s the one where the guys get to fuck porn stars and see who can last the longest,” Emma said.

“Gross,” Madison said. “They wear condoms, don’t they?”

“No, but that’s the point,” Emma said. “It’s much harder to last without a condom.”

“So dudes just fuck these girls in each other’s cum…” Madison was obviously turned off by that.

However, I had never heard Madison say anything so vulgar in the three years we’d been together.

“The girls rotate out,” Emma said. “The guys have to preregister for this months in advance and take tests to make sure they’re all clean.”

“This is insane,” Madison said. She stared off into the distance at nothing in particular and sipped her coffee in silence.

Madison and I hadn’t had sex in the past week leading up to this, and I had restrained myself from jacking off because I knew it would make this whole experience that much better, but the sexual tension was killing me now.

We approached the large area cordoned off at the rear of the convention hall’s big main room, and we could see the guys in the competition beginning to undress.

I snuck a glimpse at Madison and saw that she was already beginning to blush; her eyes darted from one guy to the next, and I suddenly wished we’d skipped the undressing party. (There was something extremely sensual about it that went beyond pure animalistic desire.)

Emma, Madison, and I sidled up to the rope at the edge of the competition floor, and watched as dude after dude (they were all muscular and well built) pulled down their pants and peeled off their shirts.

Emma cat-called at the guy directly in front of us (not ten feet away), a very muscular guy not short of 6’5”, and he turned and flashed a million dollar smile at Madison, who put her hands to her blushing cheeks. She smiled back at him.

Emma slapped Madison on the shoulder playfully and called her a bitch, as the big guy turned back around, pulled his underwear down to his ankles, bending over and flashing us with his pink butthole and nuts the size of golf balls. His cock hung between his legs, semi-erect already, like a big banana.

“Which competition are you in?” Emma called after the guy, and after he got his boxer briefs off around his ankles, he turned back to face us while his cock rose in real time.

Hard as it was to pull my eyes from this guy’s impressive package, I studied Madison’s face as she obviously studied his cock and balls. I was speechless—I was somewhat turned on, but I was also equal parts embarrassed and humiliated. Madison treated the situation as if I weren’t there at all, though I was sure this wasn’t her intent—She was caught up in the moment.

“I entered for biggest load,” the stallion of a man said. “I’m the reigning champ.”

The contest officials brought out clear plastic solo cups, and I noticed for the first time that there were fleshlights attached to padded mounting stations just above the cups. There was also a clipboard attached to a post near where the man’s head would eventually be, but I was unsure of its purpose.

“We’re allowed inspiration,” the stallion said, tugging at his hard cock and seemingly reading my mind. “Some guys use pictures,” he said, “But not me.”

“What do you use?” Emma asked, giddy now with excitement.

The stallion again flashed his million dollar grin. “I blow hardest when I can really smell a woman,” he said. “If you know what I mean.”

We waited for his explanation.

The stallion turned and took a soft tissue from a box near his mounting station. He returned to us and handed it to Madison.

She and I were both breathing very hard now. I tried to still my heartbeat while I watched my girlfriend’s chest rise and fall in quick gasps. In fact, I was too busy monitoring her breathing to notice that she’d accepted the tissue from the man.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I asked her, and she looked at the stallion for an explanation.

“Would you mind giving that a good swipe up your butt crack?” He asked with a grin.

“She’s my girlfriend!” I nearly shouted at him, but his gaze never left Madison and even she had barely even turned to glance at me before going to work unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I asked her, and she only gave me a sheepish grin (I could see her hands were shaking) before sticking the tissue down the back of her panties, spreading her legs apart just a bit, and giving her ass a good wipe with it.

I was stunned.

The stallion smiled big now as he took the tissue from her—She quickly zipped up and rebuttoned her jeans—He sniffed the tissue and his impressive dong instantly reared its head in a full salute.

“Thanks, babe,” he said. “You want to give it a stroke for good luck?”

“I can’t,” Madison said, sounding quite disappointed, and then looked at me like it was my fault.

“Thanks again,” said the stallion, holding the tissue in the air. “This one’s for you, baby,” he told my girlfriend.

He made his way back up to the mounting station and clipped the tissue to the board above it while the others clipped their own photos, panties, and various other objects to their own boards.

The stallion poured lube from the warm bowl next to his station down into his fleshlight, dipped his entire cock in the bowl, then did something I could have never expected.

He got down on all fours, his ass facing us again at close distance, and slid a small toy into his anus.

“He’s milking his prostate,” Emma observed, and before long, there was a long thick string of precum drooling from his large bulbous head.

As soon as the head official gave the signal, the stallion removed the toy from his anus and took his place among the others at the tight silicone lips of his artificial pussy.

“Gentlemen, this is not a race,” the official said. “Take your time and best of luck.”

The stallion shook out his arms and legs, trying to relax.

“Gentlemen,” said the official. “Mount your stations.”

The stallion stepped forward and buried his cock all the way into the silicone sheath.

Madison gasped, and Emma stared, her mouth agape, gripped onto the velvet rope.

The stallion leaned forward, his cock gripped in the fleshlight, and I know we all noticed his throbbing cock head pushed through the end of the opening and hanging just over the rim of the clear solo cup. He put his nose to the tissue, and we saw him jerk—He only pumped a couple of times before he began to ejaculate.

We stared as his butthole winked, his taint twitched, convulsed, time after time, and he blasted desperately into the cup, his face basically buried in my girlfriend’s ass crack.

His bursts were more like eruptions than my own rapid spurts. Whereas I would have shot a few quick rounds into my cup, the stallion’s milky load erupted in a shaking orgasm that lasted nearly thirty seconds in all. Each eruption sprayed for a couple of seconds and clearly raised the semen level in the cup closer toward its brim.

I grabbed Madison’s hand away from her crotch, as we watched this guy finally drain the few remaining heaves from his massive balls.

His cup was full to the brim. One more eruption and it would have spilled over onto the floor.

I had forgotten about the others in the contest, but they hadn’t come close.

“I’m in love,” Emma said and looked at Madison who was visibly shaking. “Look at all that spunk!” Emma said, nudging Madison. “That was for you!!” She whined.

The stallion dismounted the pussy, removed the tissue from the clipboard, folded it into a square, and put it into the pocket of his nearby pants, giving Madison a wink.

“I’m leaving,” I said, and I left before Madison or Emma could respond. I strongly felt I should stay back and supervise my girlfriend around this man, but after jizzing that much, he likely had no more to give. Also, I had to go explore on my own now, feeling free, in a way.

I explored the floor, groping titties, posing for pictures with the hot porn stars, and even went down on one of them for ten minutes or so. After giving her a shaking orgasm (I couldn’t allow myself to believe she had faked it), I found myself standing in front of the board with the five circles cut out, watching as five new female bottoms poked through.

That is where Madison and Emma found me.

“I know you wouldn’t cheat,” Madison said.

“I didn’t think you would either,” I popped off.

“I didn’t cheat,” Madison demanded. “If you remember, he asked me to touch his cock and I said no.”

“He basically drained his balls in your ass,” I said, and Madison shivered. “Maybe I’ll drain my balls in one of these,” I said, indicating the five protruding bottoms in the standing board in front of us.”

“Why don’t you go touch some titties or something,” Emma offered. “That would make things even.”

“Already did,” I said.

We stood in silence for a moment, and then Madison put her body against mine and put her arms around me. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t know what came over me.”

“I do,” Emma laughed, and I shot her a wicked look. “Jeez, sorry,” she said.

Madison stood on her tippy toes and gave me a kiss, then pulled away, enraged. “Why the fuck do you smell like pussy?” She asked.

I had nothing to say for myself, and Madison stormed away. Emma looked back at me (was that a grin on her face?) before following her friend out onto the convention floor.

I didn’t know where they were going, but I didn’t care, either. If I caught her cheating, I would come back to this very spot and fulfill one of my greatest fantasies.

Instead, I ended up at the hotel bar and drank into the evening, until Madison and Emma entered the hotel and walked past me without saying a word.

I beat them to the elevators, and decided, in my current drunken state, that I didn’t care what Madison had been up to all afternoon, and that I was willing to call it even. “I’m sorry,” I told her, entering the elevator with them. “Whatever you did today is okay, but I don’t want to hear about it.”

The devious smile on Emma’s face told me that was probably wise.

Madison took my hand, and the three of us made our way up to our room without another word between us.

**Day 3:**

The next morning, breakfast was quiet. We all sat at the table together, sipping coffee, but Emma was the only one eating. While she tore into a southwestern omelet, Madison and I clearly had less to talk about today than ever.

Last night, when I had been drunk, I had told her I didn’t care what she and Emma had been up to yesterday—I had only wanted to make up so we could have a good last day at the convention (and so I would be allowed into the hotel room last night).

Today, my thoughts were quite different. As we sat at the table, all I could think about was Emma’s evil little grin last night when I’d said I didn’t care what they had gotten up to after I had left.

That grin made me nervous.

Had my girlfriend cheated on me?

Had I actually cheated on her?

As we entered the convention hall for the Cream Pie King contest, the day’s opening event, I felt a new-found sense of freedom. I loved my girlfriend, but I was pretty sure she had been naughtier than I had so far. Today, I would go out on a limb. I would be naughty, and I couldn’t wait to see what (or who) was presented to me.

As we approached the ropes which cordoned off the area where the contest would take place, we were surprised by the stallion from yesterday who snuck up behind us and tapped Madison on the shoulder. He was dressed casually today, wearing black joggers with Jordan high tops and a black hoodie with the hood up. “I don’t think I’ve adequately thanked you for yesterday,” he said.

Madison smiled at him, and Emma watched Madison.

I didn’t know what to do.

The stallion turned his attention on Emma. “What do you think of today’s competition?” He asked.

“I think it’s amazing,” Emma said. “So much sex in one place—It’s great!”

The stallion grinned. “I’m the reigning champ here, also,” he said.

“But…” Emma started, and the stallion cut her off. “After that load yesterday, I won’t need to cum for a while,” he said. “Which is why I’m the Cream Pie King.” (I swear his fucking tooth sparkled as he stood there grinning at the girls.) Neither of them knew what to say.

“Wish me luck,” he said, and climbed over the rope.

We watched as the female porn stars trotted out, butt ass naked, waving to the crowd that was beginning to form. Each assumed a missionary-style posture on the small tables, legs splayed, ready for some action. What beautiful pussies.

The stallion literally walked around sniffing pussies while the others hung around by themselves and went through their own pre-contest routines. Mostly, they were just trying to bring their cocks to life with so much pressure on them to do so.

The stallion finally patted the pussy of a blonde MILF, then whispered something in her ear. The woman laughed.

“Lucky ass,” Emma said, but Madison didn’t say a word.

The contest began—The first round started while a big digital stopwatch counted on the wall. Each dude would fuck until he came, then get out of line while an official recorded his time on a clipboard.

All of the contestants lasted over five minutes, but some lasted closer to fifteen. I wondered how they did it.

Finally, our stallion stepped up to the blonde MILF and buried his banana of a cock into her snatch. We watched as he buried it, inch by inch, sliding slowly down into her stretched pussy until his golf ball nuts rested on her butthole. He began to pump slowly.

Emma’s and Madison’s mouths were both agape, and I decided I didn’t need to see any more of this.

“Where are you going?” Madison asked, only briefly turning to see me walking away before nearly breaking her neck to turn back to the action. She did this a couple of times while I spoke to her.

“I’m going to explore,” I said.

“Don’t be stupid,” she said, obviously still more interested in the stallion’s performance than she was in me.

“I won’t do anything you wouldn’t do,” I said.

Now she did look at me. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” She asked.

“You tell me,” I said.

“I didn’t do anything yesterday if that’s what you’re insinuating.”

Emma’s devious grin on the elevator last night flooded my mind.

“Come find me later,” I said and didn’t look back. (Well…when I did finally look back, Madison was again glued to the action and the stallion was still humping away.)

By now, I haven’t ejaculated in over a week, and I’ve been surrounded by sex, erotica, and a strange submissive pleasure for the past three days. And a good deal of frustration and anger. I now needed to nut more than ever.

I made my rounds again, feeling titties, watching the porn shows that took place behind the booths, and considered going into the restroom to rub one out. It was getting to the point where I couldn’t stand it anymore.

Suddenly, I was pulled into a booth by a chatty porn star—She probably hadn’t been getting as much attention these past few days as the others—and she bent over and begged me to give her an asshole massage. “You can use your cock if you want,” she said, “Free of charge!”

I thought of Madison’s tight little ass, and I considered hunting her down and taking her back to the hotel room for a roll in the hay. This is what I needed to do. (It had been a couple of hours now since I’d left the girls at the contest, and I knew they’d probably been finished for some time now. I definitely didn’t need them walking up on me. (Had I been alone, I definitely would have indulged the woman.)

“Fuck you, then!” She hollered at me as I walked away. I hadn’t known where I was heading at the time (at least not consciously), but my legs took me there anyway. In the distance (I was getting closer by the second), I saw the makeshift wall with the five round holes, and prayed I wouldn’t do anything stupid. My face became hot, my hands (my whole body) began to shake with anticipation, and my cock bulged in my pants.

And then I saw her.

It was Emma.

She shimmied out of her jeans, and I saw from a distance that she wore a skimpy pink thong. Madison was nowhere to be seen. I figured she had gone to the bathroom, or back to the hotel room to get more work done, and Emma had slipped away—Madison would have never let her go through with this.

I broke into a trot.

I had wanted to see Emma’s bare ass for so long that I couldn’t possibly miss this opportunity.

I was twenty yards away when she pulled down her thong and revealed her bare pink crack to the world.

I slipped up to the line just as she was disappearing behind it—I really didn’t want her to see me here.

I stood in shocked disbelief, going dizzy, as Emma’s fat ass pushed through Hole #5. She was the final participant—Five bare asses all in a line—but I barely saw any of the others.

I didn’t think—I began to strip naked.

I pushed my way through the line, removing items of clothing as I went and letting them fall where they may. If I could just have this, I wouldn’t need clothes ever again.

People jeered at me, complaining, causing something of an uproar—A couple even tried to grab me—but there was no way I was going to be held back.

When I arrived at the rope, I pleaded with the ticket taker that I was in love with this woman (even though that wasn’t exactly true), and that I couldn’t handle another man having her (this part was very true).

He took pity on me, but he also took all the money I had left in my wallet.

When he let me through, I was the fifth and final man at the wall. Miraculously, Emma hadn’t been taken (probably because she’d been last to enter). I fell to my knees at her rear, wearing nothing but the one sock I hadn’t managed to get off.

An official handed me a condom, then walked down the line handing them out to all the others, and we began to put them on.

I couldn’t do it. This was my dream, and I wouldn’t have it crushed.

Before I tore into the small square package, I decided to put it in my mouth instead (to hide the evidence). I heard a deep laugh beside me, and turned to see a big muscular black guy smiling and nodding his approval. He put his condom wrapper in his mouth also. “Let’s get it, boy,” he said. I smiled.

I leaned forward and really took in Emma’s bare bottom for the first time. It had the perfect amount of fat (of bounce), and she had a nice deep crack that was actually pink. She must have leaned forward at that point (either that or she’d spread her ass from behind the wall), because her crack suddenly opened even more, revealing a butthole she had obviously used a toy in a time or two, and a pretty pink slit below that already ran with her shiny female lubricant.

I leaned in and sniffed her ass, and thought I might pass out from euphoria—or simply climax right then and there (wouldn’t that be a shame!). I decided that neither she nor Madison had likely showered so far this trip—There was something animalistic in us all that had been begged out by that convention.

I took another whiff of that big booty, and I didn’t wait for the signal. I hopped up behind the bottom that I knew was Emma’s and mounted it.

I worked my hands in through a small gap at the top of the hole in the wall, and grabbed her by the waist.

The official told us all to begin, and I assumed the others were now joining me—but not like this!

I had a firm hold on Emma’s hips as I buried my cock deep in her pussy and humped on her like it would be the last sex of my life. Her ass cheeks clapped just like I had always imagined they would, but her dirty pink crack made the experience so much nastier and better than I ever could have imagined. I could still smell her bottom as my bare stomach slapped against it, and I fucked her even harder.

The women behind the wall yelped and moaned, and the guys on my side clapped those asses and moaned our own guttural grunts.

“Fuck yeah, baby,” the big black guy next to me said. He was up on his pert little white ass, fucking the ever loving shit out of it, and I could hear his nuts slapping her wet pussy. There aren’t many things that could have taken my attention from Emma in that moment, but the way the black guy’s massive cock was taking the insides of this girl’s pussy with it every time he pulled out—It gripped him so tight!—mesmerized me. And she was obviously loving it. He stuck his thumb in her butthole, and she took it. That made me crazy!

I licked my own thumb and rubbed circles around Emma’s sweet butthole before beginning to rub it gently.

I heard her moan behind the wall, and she thrust her ass farther back against me—As far through the hole in the wall as she could stick it.

I slowly slid my entire thumb into her ass.

She bucked on me like nobody’s business, and I decided—rather, my body decided for me—that it was time to ejaculate this load I’d been carrying around in my balls for way too long.

I began to stroke more slowly now, but with more passion as I gyrated my hips and really got up into her.

Emma yelped, and then her pussy locked onto me—locked me in with its grips of orgasmic convulsion—and I sprayed my own warm nut as deeply into her as I could.

When I’d finished, I left my cock in her, giving us both a chance to relax—And what the hell, I wasn’t ready to leave yet.

The black guy was destroying the little white ass by now, and I could see that he was about to blow also.

I thought of Madison for the first time since I saw Emma naked. I had better get the fuck out of there. Besides, I didn’t exactly want Emma knowing I had fucked her, either. (I knew she wasn’t good at keeping secrets.)

I pulled out, and my cum came rolling out with my cock.

I was turned on all over again as I watched it slide out of Emma’s soaked pussy, but then her ass disappeared through the hole forever.

I stood and was handed a wet towel to wipe down with, but just about that time, Emma came out from around the wall and saw me there.

Her face instantly turned a deep red, and she gasped. She looked off to her right to look back behind the wall, and for some reason I walked up to her to have a look for myself.

I found Madison on her hands and knees getting railed by the black dude whose nuts continued to slap her pussy. She looked up at me and squealed.

She must have tightened up, because the black guy on the other side of the wall nearly shouted, “Oh fuck!”

Emma buried her face in her hands and thrust her little ass back into the hole as far as it would go. The black guy moaned and slapped for what felt like a good minute and a half after that.

All the while I stood dumbfounded—I had forgotten about Emma until I felt a warm finger slide up into the crack of my ass and gently penetrate my anus. I flew forward.

Emma laughed behind me and said, “It’s really not that big of a deal.”

I didn’t know which part she was talking about—This was a moment of great confusion.

Emma grabbed me by the cock while Madison continued to yelp in pleasure on the floor. “You should fuck me in the ass sometime,” she said, that old devious grin returning to her face.

I turned back to look at Madison, who now fell forward in exhaustion onto the carpet. White spunk was everywhere—It ran from her pussy onto the floor, it ran down the insides of her thighs, and it was also all over her butt cheeks.

Why hadn’t that guy entered the cum competition?

“That bitch sprayed all over me,” I heard the black guy laugh on the other side of the wall.

Emma’s legs were still shaking in orgasm as she continued to play with her pussy, face down on the floor in front of me.

I didn’t know how any of us could come back from this and remain friends.

Then I remembered that Emma wanted me to fuck her in the ass. I turned back to her. I looked down at her pussy and saw that my own jizz still running down the insides of her thighs. “You naughty boys were supposed to wear condoms,” she smiled at me.

I looked back at Madison, who was getting to her feet, blushing terribly yet serene and satisfied, but she was unable to make eye contact with me.

“Who would have ever thought?” Emma said.

Madison walked past me, and Emma followed her, looking back at me with a grin as they walked away with their clothes.

“Jesus Christ,” the black guy said, blocking my path as I walked back around the wall to follow the girls. “That bitch was fucking insane!”

I got around him and saw that the girls had stopped to wipe themselves down and put their clothes back on.

I knew I should walk over to them, but I also didn’t want to.

It wasn’t my own embarrassment that stopped me—I could see that Madison was so embarrassed that she would never face me.

Emma was blushing too, and neither of them spoke to the other as they dressed.

They pulled their jeans back up over their hips, buttoned up and zipped them.

That was that, whatever it was.

Life would never be the same.

If Madison and I were broken up, I would definitely be fucking Emma’s ass on the plane ride home.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zo8ky4/putting_the_bare_ass_in_embarrassed_25mff


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