A reluctant girl, her sentient hands, and her needy pussy

On this dark September night, only one thing can be heard in Rebecca’s room. The sounds of her soft breaths, as she sleeps the night away. Rebecca is a focused woman, too entrenched in her goals and ambition to worry about parties, relationships, and especially, sex. She’s had it a few times, mostly with a boyfriend she had in college, while she enjoyed it enough, her motivation to achieve far outweighs her desire to seek out sex. Furthermore, masturbation has never been a priority either. The few times she’s done it were as foreplay, or to begrudgingly finish herself off after a bad lay. To say the least, Rebecca has never explored her body, and has never cared to. While most of her is fast asleep, one part isn’t: her hands. Rebecca’s hands are special, they have something of a consciousness, but they’ve never fully utilized it until now. They’ve communicated with Rebecca’s pussy, in a way we couldn’t comprehend, and they know something about it. Rebecca’s pussy is desperate. Left hand and right hand were wide awake at Rebecca’s sides, as she sleeps on her back. Left hand meandered on over to right hand, and nuzzled him, right hand knew why his partner did this: it’s time. They hovered over to Rebecca’s panties, which were covering the hands’ new friend. Puss begged for the hands to free her, and the hands obliged. Right hand gripped the top of the panties and left hand the bottom. Pulling in opposite directions, they tore her panties in two. Rebecca’s eyes began to slowly open, and the hands began to exact their plan. Left hand positioned himself at Rebecca’s clit, and right hand dove into Puss. He jammed and thrusted, as left hand rubbed vigorously. Rebecca was confused, as she was suddenly masturbating for some reason, but soon enough she decided to go with it. The hands kept at it, going faster. Puss thanked them audibly, not with words, but instead with wet noises. Rebecca started to moan, her hands were giving her something she didn’t know she needed. Right hand curled his fingers and jammed harder, Puss thanked him louder for this. Suddenly a burst of liquid drenched right hand, Rebecca’s thighs, her blanket, and the torn remnant of her panties. She let out a scream of pure bliss. The hands stopped and interlocked, while a seemingly normal idle motion for the hands of a once again sleeping girl, the hands were sharing their own intimate moment.

Weeks passed since that mysterious and wet night. Rebecca forgot all about it soon enough, not caring about masturbation and sex one bit. Puss kept sending signals in desperation, creaming Rebecca’s panties, tingling, among others, yet nothing seemed to stop Rebecca’s neglect of her pussy’s desire. Right hand and Puss began a routine, Puss would beckon right hand over and he would rub Rebecca’s clit. Puss thanked right hand for this by leaking cream all over him and Rebecca’s panties. Puss wanted more, but she knew that if the two of them woke Rebecca up then she would simply roll over and trap right hand under her chest. Puss grew angry with Rebecca for all the neglect and frustration it caused; Puss decided that she needed revenge. She spoke with Mr. and Mrs. Kidney about storing some extra piss outside the bladder. They happily obliged, as they would get to fool around with it until Puss could enact her plan. The time came soon enough on a lazy afternoon when Rebecca was winding down and watching some tv. While at first engrossed in her true crime documentary, Rebecca was tired from a king morning and drifted to sleep. Puss decided now was the time. She beckoned right hand and they began playing as they dus most nights. Left hand got in position to help rip Rebecca’s panties. After Puss got creamy enough, she told the Kidneys that she needed the piss. They delivered it and right hand got into position. On Puss’ mark, the hands tore Rebecca’s panties off. Puss gushed piss all over Rebecca’s couch and floor. The jolt woke Rebecca suddenly to her most intense orgasm ever. The hands dove in like they had weeks ago, and Rebecca finally indulged. She masturbated hard, squirting and cumming numerous times. After she finished and cleaned up her mess, Rebecca took a shower and went to bed. That night as Rebecca slept, Puss and right hand played again, and couldn’t stop gushing about the plan’s success, both literally and figuratively.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zny87s/a_reluctant_girl_her_sentient_hands_and_her_needy