How women make men horny

We were in Tuscany and had just played some naughty games and then settled into a sidewalk cafe. You know it: a small town with a church, a piazza and a cafe. My wife wore a short red dress. Once again she had forgotten her panties. We took a seat at a small table and my wife lounged towards the sun. So that her legs get a nice tan, she pulled the hem of her sexy little red dress up a little too far, allowing a handsome Italian to look at her freshly shaved twat, only to cover it chastely the next moment,

The game goes on like this for a while. Legs together, legs apart, cunt visible, cunt covered. Just wonderful how she drove this young man insane. I pretended to be ignorant and bored. Our Latin lover now had a decent hard-on, which he squeezed unobtrusively. A clear signal to my wife to show her cunt again when he took his hand off his cock.

But suddenly he got up and went towards the toilet. After a minute I followed him and heard him jerking off vigorously in the cabin.

This was not without consequences. That made me really horny and I now had a boner, too.
Hardly back at the table, the wanked off Italian came back.

My wife said goodbye to him with a mischievous look and we went to the car.
Out of the dump, into the next dirt road in the Woods. I stopped the car, and then I was in a damn hurry to relieve myself too.

As a candaulist, this little game made me horny as hell. My wife sat in the passenger seat, spread her legs and began to rub her cunt frantically. I knelt in front of her and jerked my cock. It didn’t take long and I squirted my juice all over her fingers and cunt. This turned my wife on so much that she wanked to orgasm in record time and came moaning as she felt my hot cum on her bare cunt.

It was a beautiful afternoon in Tuscany.

(It’s my own translation of the German original. If you have proposals for better wording, please feel free to contact me).


1 comment

  1. Perfect wording. I am Italian too. I could picture myself in the scene as well. Thanks for sharing

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