Focused CEO part 2 [Misogyny][Rough]

Disclaimer: There is no misogyny in this part either and it may take a few more parts for the plot to lead into it. The tag is only present as a warning in case someone who opposes misogyny to ever be a part of this story comes across it. Misogyny will only be explored as a kink and not as a belief/way of life.


I wake up feeling a movement against my body, seeing Marie slowly moving my arms off her body so she can get off the bed. I smile and tighten my arms around her, pulling her back to me and kissing the back of her shoulder softly before I say, “you fell asleep on me, you can’t also sneak off now” I say laughing softly.

“I am really sorry for falling asleep on you. And right after…” She says trailing off as she always does

“It’s okay, it was cute” I say then tease her, “so should I take it as you enjoyed it”

She gets hot red and nods, still facing away from me, “it was very good”

“You were great too” I say

she turns her head to peek at me from the edge of her eye, “really?”

“Yeah, I had a lot of fun” I say and kiss her cheek as I see half her face, “turn towards me” I whisper into her ear

She slowly turns around towards me, I move one of my hands to her cheek and kiss her passionately, and she kisses me back with the same passion. As our lips move away, she snuggles in closer to me, placing her face against my chest and resting there. I have another heart-melting moment as she does that, I move my hand from her cheek to the back of her head and caress it gently. I lay cuddling with her in bed for a few minutes before I slowly let go of her and sit up

“Wait for me, I’ll go make us some breakfast” I say and get off the bed.

“No, you don’t have to, you treated me to dinner last night too” she says

I laugh at her words and gently caress your head, stroking her hair back, “it’s just breakfast, don’t get so worked up” I say and lean down to kiss her forehead, “I’ll just make some simple scrambled eggs and toast. Sounds good?”

She looks up at me and nods, “thank you”

“Have you not dated much or do you just feel shy with me?” I ask confused as to why she’s so polite and conservative even after we’ve had sex and told each other that we enjoyed the experience. I grab some pants from my wardrobe and put them on then head to the kitchen and put on an apron so I can cook

“I- I feel comfortable with you” she says, “but I’ve never dated anyone before” 

I turn to her in shock, “never?!” I ask instinctively not even having really rendered the idea of her never having dated before

She nods, “I really have had no social life outside of work so far. Back when I was 18, I slept with a guy I trusted as a friend, I guess I kind of used him, but it was consensual and everything. I did it just so I won’t be a virgin. That’s the last time I had sex so far. I just focused on working ever since”

Just the fact that she has never dated anyone was already surreal to me and a wave of questions rushed through my head, especially, why me then? Why did she go out with me? Why did she have sex with me? Why did she confess to liking me? My emotions were a mix of confusion, confidence, and fear. Will she stay with me? I think just frozen in time then look up at her to see Marie’s eyes staring at me as they nearly fill up in tears, she’s in just as many torn-apart emotions as I’m in, anxiety and embarrassment clearly tapered into every one of her expressions and as I look at her pretty face in so much distress and all my questions just didn’t feel important anymore. I stepped close to her and gently guided her face to my belly, wrapping my arms behind her shoulders so she can feel my warmth and calm down. I hear her sniffle and look down at her, she quickly clears off her tears but doesn’t look up at me and I doubt she knew I was watching her. I feel her breath against my skin slowly getting more steady and comfortable in the passing seconds. She raises her hands close to me but then drops them and holds them in her lap. I move my right hand to the back of her head and gently caress it as I feel she is still not fully comfortable. She presses her face more to my body.

“Will you stay with me?” She asks very nervously as her breath again gets shorter

I think I even feel her cheeks getting wet again and it almost feels like I’m fighting my own brain as it wants to freeze in surprise at the fact that Marie asked me out first, especially surprised since I was just thinking about if she’ll stay with me but I get my body to snap out of it, not wanting to keep her nervous for looking and knowing exactly what I want to tell her, “yes” I say hurriedly, “yes, I absolutely will stay with you Marie, I like you a lot” I say

She finally raises her head to look at me, resting her chin on my belly, “so.. so- so you’re my boyfriend now?” She asks

I smile wide seeing that she looks happy, not stuttering out of being overcome with shyness or embarrassment. “Yes, my baby” I say, taking a step back then meaning down and kissing her lips. Marie caresses my face while we kiss then smiles wide. “How about some pancakes for breakfast instead, more hearty and sweet” I ask as I keep my face close to her’

“Pancakes sound great” she says

I smile and use my free hand to gently caress one of her boobs, “I don’t think I’ll be able to concentrate on cooking with you sitting like this though” I say jokingly and laugh.

Her face instantly goes red and she looks down at my hand on her, “I will put on my clothes” she says looking back up at me

I shake my head, “you can stay like this if you want to. I was just flirting with you”

“I’m sorry I didn’t understand earlier, I’m not used to it” she says being honest

“You’ll get used to it, I’ll keep flirting with you” I say

She smiles and nods then gasps as I gently hold her nipple between my thumb and index to feel it before I take my hand back then head to the kitchen and start cooking. I make a few pancakes and then serve them to her at the dining counter

“Your breakfast is ready, would you like maple syrup or chocolate spread with your pancakes?” I say

“You should eat first” she says

“You need to head home and change before work right? Or are you planning to head to work in your boyfriend’s hoodie?” I ask turning towards her and winking

“Ah-” she lets out a little voice of surprise then blushes and giggles, “yeah I forgot I have to change too” she says and comes over to the counter to start eating, “you are a really good cook”

“Come stay with me then, I can cook more for you” I reply as I start cooking my pancakes

She chokes on her food and coughs hearing me say that. I head around the counter with a glass of water and stroke down her back, handing her the water.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, I was just trying to flirt more” I say figuring she was taken aback as I suggested that she moves in after she’s only spent a night with me.

“No, it’s okay, I liked it. I was just surprised” she says as she takes a sip and stabilizes

I nod but immediately have to rush back around the counters as I can smell that the pancakes are cooked and quickly take them off the gas before they burn. I serve the pancakes for myself then return beside her, get seated, and start eating.

“You should come to my place tonight” she suggests finishing her food and moving her plate to the side as she just sits looking at me

“That sounds good, I can come with you after work” I say excitedly already

“Come home with me?” She asks to confirm that I’ll be riding in her car with her as she does, probably since she isn’t

“Yeah, we can meet at the intersection near our office and head over to your place together from there?” I suggest as it wouldn’t be good for people at work to know

“Okay” she says simply.

I quickly finish my food, not wanting to keep her waiting. I put on a tee while she puts her dress back on and I follow her to the car to see her off. We kiss and greet each other before she leaves. I head back to my apartment and change into work clothes then head to the office. Me and Marie exchange a smile but I stay at my desk the rest of the time, extra committed to not approach her during work as it would accomplish nothing but make me a worse employee. Plus, I didn’t want to come off as too clingy already and disturb her work, which I know I very well can be.

After work, we meet at the intersection and I get in her car, I kiss her as I get in then she starts to drive.

“The drive is actually quite long, my house is outside the main city” she says, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier”

“That’s alright, but how did you reach the office in time then?” I ask confused

“I just had to buy some clothes, how are they?” She asks as she’s in a baby pink formal blouse over some navy blue pants. The top flowing from her boobs to her belly so gently and the baby pink color suits her skin and also the platinum necklace she is wearing very well. The pants however didn’t seem to hug her legs when I saw her earlier in the office but now that she’s seated right next to me, with her soft thighs squished flat, it shows them quite well.

My eyes stay on her thighs, really liking how they look and I move my hand onto her thigh that’s close to me, gently squeezing it, “you-” I say before I notice her looking down at my hand, “you should keep your eyes on the road” I say

“Oh, yeah, sorry, I just…sorry” she says

I smile, “it’s okay. Your clothes look great on you, the colors go very well with your necklace and skin tone” I say but notice something while speaking, “you, you seem to have my smell still on you” I say obviously very happy by the fact

She blushes as she hears my words, “I- I, I…” she stammers trying to say something probably flirtatious then gives up

“Relax, you can take the time you need, I’m always here to hear what you want to say, relax” I affirm her caressing her thigh gently

“I- I just wanted to say that I’m your girlfriend, of course, I should smell of you” she says

I smile at her and nod

She glances at me but still looks sad, “you seem to always be so comfortable, and I can speak well, but when it’s with you, I stumble on the most simple things”

“Don’t be sad about it, I actually find it cute, and you’ll be able to say all that you want me to without stumbling very soon” I reaffirm her

She nods and parks the car, I look at her confused as I had expected a large apartment, but we stop at a two storey modern villa, not a very large one by size, but still very expensive for sure.

“This is your house?” I ask in shock

“Yeah, this is my house” she says nonchalantly

I laugh softly and nod at her, “it looks amazing”

She smiles, “really? I’m excited to show you the inside then”

We get out of the car and she leads us in, the first floor is structured to have a completely open interior with an open dining area to the left of the entrance with a view to the front of the house as there are no walls to either side adjacent to the dining area, instead just being surrounded by floor to ceiling windows. The dining area takes up half the length of the house and is separated from the kitchen by a half-wall countertop, the kitchen then stretching the other half of the house’s length. To the right side of the entrance is the living area, a large portion of it being free space with a sofa set near the center and a large TV about a foot ahead of the sofa set. A wall then separates the living room from the stairs that head upstairs.

I look around in awe as I look at the whole place, always having seen such houses online but being in one was surreal. “Wow” is the only thing I can let out. I guess given how humble Marie always is, I forgot for a bit that she’s the CEO of one of the most successful startups. I look back at her as she’s just smiling at me.

“Do you like it?” She asks

“It’s amazing!” I say

“Okay, then do you mind waiting for me here, I will head up, and be back in like 10 minutes?” She asks hesitantly

“Sure… can I not come upstairs?” I ask confused as sitting here by myself would feel weird

“I- just need to do something, it’s important, then you can come up” she says, her expressions a weird mix of excitement and sadness which I can’t seem to decipher

“Sure” I agree reluctantly then sit down on my couch and scroll through my phone while I wait for Marie.

Just around 10 minutes, as promised, Marie comes downstairs and straight to me with a large gleaming smile on her face full of sheer excitement. I look at her confused as I have no context of why she’s so happy but before I can even ask she speaks up.

“We can do it now” she says

“What…” I think for a second then understand, “now?!” I ask at how sudden that was.

Marie nods and I immediately break out laughing hard at her way of saying it and how sudden it was.

“Did I? I actually meant…sex” she says confused and worried given how I’m laughing

I collect myself realizing how weird it must be for her given that she’s never been in a situation like this before, “I’m sorry, I know, I was just surprised by how you said it” I say getting up and heading to her then lift her up in my arms, “you were prepping for sex?” I ask her

She nods, “I prepped my… pussy for you” she says

“Let’s head up so I can enjoy it then” I say and carry her upstairs.

The second floor is much more bland, just a hallway as soon as you enter with one room to one side and two to the other, Marie points at one of the doors and I take us in. The room instantly smells great as I enter it. The blinds were all lowered and the whole room was very clean, with anything and everything that’s unnecessary packed away tidily. I take her to the bed and get her seated then slowly guide her to lay back as I lean over her and kiss her cheeks then lips, kissing her deeply while my hand feels her upperbody from over the blouse first. As my hands move down her body, I untuck her blouse, pulling it up and above her belly then slowly going straight down to kiss her belly. Her thighs are already squeezed tightly together as my lips are just at her belly. I slowly pull the bra down teasingly knowing that she’s turned on from seeing her body react to my movement, as her nipples come out of the bra, she whimpers softly. I look up at her and give her a smile, she wraps her arms around me invitingly, one behind my shoulders and the other on the back of my head. I slowly lean down and lick her nipples as my arms reach around her back and undo her bra, taking it off completely. My hands then immediately go and grab the waistband of her pants, my subconscious more eager to see this beautiful woman naked then I had realized. I look up at her to make sure I’m not going too fast, three is a look of concern and anxiety in her eyes but she nods and I undo the buckle of her pants, peeling them down her ass while I kiss her pelvis, trying to slow myself again and make her feel comfortable before she shows me herself fully. I get up from on top of her to take her pants fully off then get back on, I grab on to her panties and take them off slowly, enjoying every second of watching her pussy come into my view.

I take a moment to feel the soft skin and Marie bucks her hips up and then quickly lets them back down. I can’t tell for sure if she was shocked or aroused although I can feel the wetness all over her labia and especially as I reach her opening. I look up at her and it’s only personified by her expressions, hints of relief but still very anxious.

“It’s very pretty and so soft to touch” I say being more descriptive than I would normally be but hoping that’s what she needs

Her expression quickly becomes further relaxed and I lower my eyes back down, my free hand spreading her thighs apart and the fingers of my other hand spreading her outer labia and letting me look at her pink pussy and all the mess Marie has made from being turned on which puts a large smile on my face. I lower my face slowly and give her pussy a long lick, she instantly bucks her hips on to my tongue and lets out a loud moan, louder than any all last night.

Marie covers her mouth with one hand as I look up at her.

“You liked that?” I ask

“It felt very different… I liked it, I surely very much did. I just… I’m sorry for being so loud” she says taking her hand off her mouth slowly

I smile at her, “you don’t have to apologize, I obviously want you to enjoy, after all, be as loud as you feel like” I say and get my head back down, grabbing her thighs with both my hands and spreading her wide open as I start licking her, quickly getting more aggressive as she keeps moaning out loud.

“Stop. I’m- I’m going to cum” she says

“Why do I need to stop then?” I say raising my head and smirking at her then continue licking her, less aggressively now so I don’t force it on to her if she truly doesn’t like it.

“I will orgasm if you keep going” she says in a tense voice, clearly holding back

“Then go ahead and orgasm, you don’t have to hold back, we’ll take a break if you need one” I tell her licking her faster again, now knowing her reason

“Are you sure?” She asks in quivering voice

I nod, not taking my tongue off her pussy and she immediately starts having a shaking orgasm while I keep licking, slowing down only as her orgasm starts to die down before stopping completely and then smiling at her. I stand up and take a step back as I figure she’d need a second to recollect herself but she quickly sits up and grabs my hand.

“Fuck me” she says

I’m surprised but smile, “you’re naughtier than I believed”

“I want to keep feeling you” she says more lustfully than I’ve ever seen her

I grab my pants’ waistband to take them off but as I see her still looking so needily at me, I move my hand to her cheek and gently caress it, “take off my pants Marie” I say authoritatively

That seems to have shocked her as her eyes widen with her cheeks soon reddening as she moves her hands to the waistband of my pants and gets them down, then pulling my pants down my thighs before letting them drop, “may I take off your boxers?” She asks looking at the outline of my dick through my boxers while she asks that.

“Yes” I answer simply, honestly too impatient myself but also loving the feeling of authority and not wanting to speak more than necessary to keep it going.

She quickly takes off my boxers, not wasting a second, and her hands quickly caress my dick as she keeps looking at it, “it looks so good”

“Lay down and spread your legs for it then” I order

She’s shocked again as this order is more degrading but quickly obliges and spreads her legs wide open, holding her thighs with her hands trying to keep them as wide as possible

I lean over her and get my dick close to her pussy, she lifts her head to look at it, still so lustfully. “Are you ready?” I ask her getting back to being more caring as I know she hasn’t done this in a very long time

She nods quickly.

I slowly push into her, letting out a soft groan of pleasure as the head of my dick feels her warmth and tightness and my eyes watch her wet pussy spread open as it takes me in

“Are you fine?” I ask her, but at the same time she asks me, “do you like it?”

I’m stuck surprised as I see her face, clearly wincing at the discomfort of the new-like feeling but still managing to ask that.

“Yeah I’m fine, you can keep going” she says

“You feel great” I say, “but stop me if you ever feel uncomfortable”

“I’m fine as long as you feel good” she says as she moves one of her hands to my chest and feels it, grabbing my shirt into a fist

“I’m serious” I say but push further into her anyways, turned on by her words even though I know I shouldn’t

She squirms around a little and lets out whimpers and small moans, seeming to be in pain but quickly says, “keep going”

I don’t push any further but start to thrust back and forth

A few thrusts in, her body seems to be getting used to it as her facial expressions and her body relax, starting to moan soon after, she looks down at my dick then back up at me, her hand moves up from my chest to my face, “push it all into me” she says, her lustful self coming back.

Reassured, I push the rest of my dick into her slowly as I keep thrusting.

She winces but quickly relaxes and continues moaning, “you feel good” she says

“You feel great” I reply as I feel my dick already ready to burst, but I try to hold back as I want her to cum too, just as I think so, it hits me that I forgot to wear a condom because I was so excited, “are you on birth control?” I ask her worried

She shakes her head no but doesn’t seem too concerned by the fact, “I’m gonna cum again” she moans, “I want you to cum too”

My dick throbs more just from the thought of cumming in her, but I control myself, “you can cum first, I’ll have to pull out”

She cums immediately again, as if she has no real control over her orgasms anyways

Just as soon as I hear her moans get louder and her pussy contracting, I quickly pull out of her knowing my orgasm will become inevitable if I feel her insides squeeze any further around my dick and cum on her pelvis and belly. We both breath heavily as we look at each other, I was tired from holding back my orgasm especially with how good her pussy felt and she was tired from having the new sensations and multiple orgasms. Her eyes again almost closed shut as she seems to be so sleepy. I lean down and kiss her forehead.

“get some sleep” I say.

She seems too tired to sleep, but her hand grabs my shirt and gently tugs on it, wanting me to lay down beside her. I grab a box of tissues from the side quickly and then lay beside her. She looked at me then at the mess on herself, clearly fighting her sleep, she points at the tissues and I hand them to her. She then cleans herself up quickly and throws aside the tissues before turning to me and snuggling up to me, falling asleep immediately after. I wrap my arms around her and sleep with her.

The next morning as I wake up, I see Marie’s back to me, still sitting naked but sniffling, clearly crying. I sit up and ask, “what’s the matter?”

She hangs her head, “I can’t do it, I can’t be your boss and girlfriend at the same time. I’m so sorry-”

I cut her off and wrap my arm around your belly, pulling her closer to me, “then write me a letter of recommendation, as professionally and critically as you can”

“You’ll leave the company?!” She asks shocked

“You’ve given the company your whole life, it’s your baby, and you love it more than anything. And I know it’s not what a boss wants to hear from an employee, but just forget about what I say now when you go back to the office. Bellezza was and is my dream workplace, and I absolutely adore you as a boss. But I like you even more as my girlfriend, and I want you more than Bellezza” I explain

She nods and snuggles closer to me, “your girlfriend did like hearing that and your boss forgot it ever happened. Bring your resignation letter to my desk today and I’ll give you your letter of recommendation. And, I’m very sorry again” she says

“I’m sure I’ll get a good job, at least a well-paying one, with a letter of recommendation from the prodigal CEO, Marie” I say and kiss her cheek, “now can my girlfriend cook me some breakfast today, I got some grieving to do”

To be continued…
